Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a new instance of the request with the given description.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="desc">The description.</param>
        /// <param name="gameToken">The Game to log in to.</param>
        public LogInUsingEmailRequest(LogInUsingEmailRequestDesc desc, string gameToken)
            ReleaseAssert.IsNotNull(desc, "A description object cannot be null.");

            ReleaseAssert.IsNotNull(desc.Email, "Email cannot be null.");
            ReleaseAssert.IsNotNull(desc.Password, "Password cannot be null.");

            ReleaseAssert.IsNotNull(gameToken, "Game Token cannot be null.");

            Email       = desc.Email;
            Password    = desc.Password;
            DeviceModel = desc.DeviceModel;
            if (desc.DeviceType == null)
                DeviceType = DeviceTypeDefaultProvider.GetDefault();
                DeviceType = desc.DeviceType;
            if (desc.Platform == null)
                Platform = PlatformDefaultProvider.GetDefault();
                Platform = desc.Platform;
            AppVersion = desc.AppVersion;
            GameToken  = gameToken;
            Date       = DateTime.Now;

            Url = "https://connect.chilliconnect.com/1.0/player/login/email";
            HttpRequestMethod = HttpRequestMethod.Post;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a new instance of the request with the given description.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="desc">The description.</param>
        /// <param name="gameToken">The Game to log in to.</param>
        public LogInUsingEmailRequest(LogInUsingEmailRequestDesc desc, string gameToken)
            ReleaseAssert.IsNotNull(desc, "A description object cannot be null.");

            ReleaseAssert.IsNotNull(desc.Email, "Email cannot be null.");
            ReleaseAssert.IsNotNull(desc.Password, "Password cannot be null.");

            ReleaseAssert.IsNotNull(gameToken, "Game Token cannot be null.");

            Email       = desc.Email;
            Password    = desc.Password;
            DeviceModel = desc.DeviceModel;
            DeviceType  = desc.DeviceType;
            Platform    = desc.Platform;
            GameToken   = gameToken;

            Url = "https://connect.chilliconnect.com/1.0/player/login/email";
            HttpRequestMethod = HttpRequestMethod.Post;