public EmailMessage(string uid, Chilkat.Email msg) { _toAddr = msg.GetTo(0); _fromAddr = msg.From.ToString(); _bcc = ""; for (int i = 0; i <= msg.NumCC - 1; i++) { _bcc += msg.GetCC(i) + " "; } _subject = msg.Subject; _receiveDate = msg.EmailDate; _filename = null; _message = msg.GetPlainTextBody(); _UID = msg.Uidl; _emailMessage = msg; }
public void fetchMessage(SmtpConfig smtpAcct) { string Username; string Password; string Host; int Port; string Email; bool SSL; bool TSL; long authenticationType; Chilkat.MailMan mailman = new Chilkat.MailMan(); bool success = mailman.UnlockComponent("BARTMNMAILQ_3K24X6hk7C2J"); if (!success) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize email component"); return; } if (smtpAcct != null) { Username = smtpAcct.in_userName; Password = smtpAcct.in_password; Host = smtpAcct.in_server; Port = smtpAcct.in_port; Email = smtpAcct.emailAddress; SSL = smtpAcct.in_SSL; TSL = smtpAcct.in_TSL; authenticationType = smtpAcct.in_authentication; } else { GlobalShared.Log.Log((int)LogClass.logType.Warning, "No POP configuration found", false); return; } mailman.MailHost = Host; //TCP port for connection mailman.MailPort = (ushort)Port; //Username to login to the POP3 server mailman.PopUsername = Username; //Password to login to the POP3 server mailman.PopPassword = Password; // SSL Interaction type if (TSL) { mailman.StartTLS = true; } else if (SSL) { mailman.PopSsl = true; } try { _emailMessage = mailman.FetchEmail(_UID); _message = _emailMessage.GetPlainTextBody(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { } finally { mailman = null; } }