Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the Game object as XML String
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>XML containing the Game object state XML</returns>
        public XmlNode XmlSerialize(XmlDocument xmlDoc)
            XmlElement xmlNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Side");

            // Serialize and append to the side object
            xmlNode.InnerXml = XMLHelper.XmlSerialize(typeof(SideType), m_side);

            // Return this as String
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the Game object as XML String
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>XML containing the Game object state XML</returns>
        public XmlNode XmlSerialize(XmlDocument xmlDoc)
            XmlElement xmlGame = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Game");

            // Append game state attributes
            xmlGame.AppendChild(XMLHelper.CreateNodeWithValue(xmlDoc, "DoNullMovePruning", DoNullMovePruning.ToString()));
            xmlGame.AppendChild(XMLHelper.CreateNodeWithValue(xmlDoc, "DoPrincipleVariation", DoPrincipleVariation.ToString()));
            xmlGame.AppendChild(XMLHelper.CreateNodeWithValue(xmlDoc, "DoQuiescentSearch", DoQuiescentSearch.ToString()));

            // Append the Game turn info
            xmlGame.AppendChild(XMLHelper.CreateNodeWithValue(xmlDoc, "GameTurn", GameTurn.ToString()));

            // Append the Board State

            // Append the Player Info
            xmlGame.AppendChild(XMLHelper.CreateNodeWithXmlValue(xmlDoc, "WhitePlayer", XMLHelper.XmlSerialize(typeof(Player), m_WhitePlayer)));
            xmlGame.AppendChild(XMLHelper.CreateNodeWithXmlValue(xmlDoc, "BlackPlayer", XMLHelper.XmlSerialize(typeof(Player), m_BlackPlayer)));

            object[] moves = m_MovesHistory.ToArray();

            // Store all the moves from the move history
            string xml = "";

            for (int i = moves.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Move move = (Move)moves[i];
                xml += XMLHelper.XmlSerialize(typeof(Move), move);
            xmlGame.AppendChild(XMLHelper.CreateNodeWithXmlValue(xmlDoc, "MovesHistory", xml));

            // Create the Checksome to avoid user temporing of the file
            string checksum = GetChecksum(xmlGame.InnerXml);

            (xmlGame as XmlElement).SetAttribute("Checksum", checksum);
            (xmlGame as XmlElement).SetAttribute("Version", "1.2");

            // Return this as String
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the Game object as XML String
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>XML containing the Game object state XML</returns>
        public XmlNode XmlSerialize(XmlDocument xmlDoc)
            XmlElement xmlNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Cells");

            string xml = "";

            // Serialize and append every cell of this board
            for (int row = 1; row <= 8; row++)
                for (int col = 1; col <= 8; col++)
                    Cell cell = this[row, col];

                    xml += XMLHelper.XmlSerialize(typeof(Cell), cell);

            xmlNode.InnerXml = xml;

            // Return this as String