Exemple #1
        }                                // Istance of a figure

        //payload for chooser response
        public Payload(bool error, string action, Figure f, coord pos)
            this.startPos = pos;
            this.action   = action;
            this.error    = error;
            this.figure   = f;
Exemple #2
 //payload for chooser response
 public Payload(bool error, string action, Figure f, coord pos)
     this.startPos = pos;
       this.action = action;
       this.error = error;
       this.figure = f;
Exemple #3
        // Method that move figures in search of possible move
        private bool isDraw(Player player, coord start)
            coord end = new coord();

            if (this.getFieldFigureColor(start) == player.ToString())
                for (end.x = 0; end.x < this.size.x; end.x++)
                    for (end.y = 0; end.y < this.size.y; end.y++)
                        //move eache figure to each field
                        if ((doEnPassant(player, start, end, true)) || (checkMove(player, start, end) && !isCheck(player, start, end)))
                            //Found possible move
            if (start.x < this.size.x - 1)
                return(isDraw(player, new coord(start.x + 1, start.y)));
            else if (start.y < this.size.y - 1)
                return(isDraw(player, new coord(0, start.y + 1)));
Exemple #4
        // Method for En Passant
        private bool doEnPassant(Player player, coord start, coord end, bool tryOnly)
            int direction;

            if (player.ToString() == "white")
                direction = 1;
                direction = -1;
            if (this.getFieldFigureName(start) == "Pawn" &&
                this.fields [start.x, start.y].color == player.ToString() &&
                (start.x + 1 == end.x || start.x - 1 == end.x) &&
                start.y + direction == end.y &&
                this.getFieldFigureName(end.x, start.y) == "Pawn" &&
                ((Pawn)this.fields [end.x, start.y]).justMoved &&
                (this.getFieldFigureName(end.x, end.y) == "Empty"))
                if (!tryOnly)
                    //do actual move
                    this.removedFigures.Add(this.fields [end.x, end.y - direction]);
                    this.fields [end.x, end.y - direction] = new Empty();
                    this.fields [end.x, end.y]             = this.fields [start.x, start.y];
                    this.fields [start.x, start.y]         = new Empty();
Exemple #5
        // Method that check if the player is in checkmate
        private bool isCheckMate(Player player, coord start)
            bool res = true;

            for (int x = 0; x < this.size.x && res; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < this.size.y && res; y++)
                    coord end = new coord(x, y);
                    if (checkMove(player, start, end))
                        res = isCheck(player, start, end);
                        //if res == false means that there is a possible move
            if (res)
                if (start.x < this.size.x - 1)
                    res = isCheckMate(player, new coord(start.x + 1, start.y));
                else if (start.y < this.size.y - 1)
                    res = isCheckMate(player, new coord(0, start.y + 1));
Exemple #6
 //payload for move command
 public Payload(bool error, string action, coord start, coord end)
     this.startPos = start;
     this.endPos   = end;
     this.action   = action;
     this.error    = error;
Exemple #7
 //payload for move command
 public Payload(bool error, string action, coord start, coord end)
     this.startPos = start;
       this.endPos = end;
       this.action = action;
       this.error = error;
Exemple #8
 /* Method for the movement of the bishop*/
 public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
     if (Math.Abs (start.x - end.x) == Math.Abs (start.y - end.y)) {
       coord tmp = start;
       while (!tmp.Equals (end)) {                                           // Until tmp isn't equal to end coordinates:
       if (board.getFieldFigureName (tmp) != "Empty" && !tmp.Equals(start))  // If there is an object along trajectory
       return false;                                                     // movement isn't permitted
     if (tmp.x > end.x && tmp.y > end.y) {                               // If temp.x and temp.y are major than their end
       tmp.x--;                                                          //Decrement both
     if (tmp.x > end.x && tmp.y < end.y) {                               // or temp.x is major and temp.x is minor
       tmp.x--;                                                          // decrement x
       tmp.y++;                                                          // increment y
     if (tmp.x < end.x && tmp.y > end.y) {                               // or temp.x is minor and temp.y is major
       tmp.x++;                                                          // increment x
       tmp.y--;                                                          // decrement y
     if (tmp.x < end.x && tmp.y < end.y) {                               // or temp.x is minor and temp.y is minor
       tmp.x++;                                                          // Increment both
       return true;                                                          // movement is allowed if there isn't an object along trajectory
       return false;                                                             // If the movement isn't diagonal it isn't permitted
Exemple #9
        // Method that describe what happen when a tile is clicked
        private void onTileClicked(object obj, ButtonPressEventArgs args)
            if (((Gdk.EventButton)args.Event).Type == Gdk.EventType.ButtonPress) {
            TileWidget tile = (TileWidget)obj;
            //Console.WriteLine (tile.position.x + ", " + tile.position.y + " " + tile.color + " " + tile.figure);
            if (!this.clicked) {
              this.clickedPosition = new coord (tile.position.x, tile.position.y);

              if (this.callback (this.clickedPosition, this.clickedPosition)) {
            this.clicked = true;
            Fixed f = (Fixed)(tile.Child);
            Image circle = tile.loadCircle (this.tileSize);
            f.Add (circle);
            f.ShowAll ();
            } else {
              //remove the ring whenn the user clicks agen on the same tile
              if (this.callback (this.clickedPosition, tile.position) &&
              this.clickedPosition.Equals (tile.position)) {
            Fixed f = (Fixed)(tile.Child);
            if (f.Children.Length > 1)
              f.Remove (f.Children [1]);
              this.clicked = false;
Exemple #10
        // Method that describe what happen when a tile is clicked
        private void onTileClicked(object obj, ButtonPressEventArgs args)
            if (((Gdk.EventButton)args.Event).Type == Gdk.EventType.ButtonPress)
                TileWidget tile = (TileWidget)obj;
                //Console.WriteLine (tile.position.x + ", " + tile.position.y + " " + tile.color + " " + tile.figure);
                if (!this.clicked)
                    this.clickedPosition = new coord(tile.position.x, tile.position.y);

                    if (this.callback(this.clickedPosition, this.clickedPosition))
                        this.clicked = true;
                        Fixed f      = (Fixed)(tile.Child);
                        Image circle = tile.loadCircle(this.tileSize);
                    //remove the ring whenn the user clicks agen on the same tile
                    if (this.callback(this.clickedPosition, tile.position) &&
                        Fixed f = (Fixed)(tile.Child);
                        if (f.Children.Length > 1)
                            f.Remove(f.Children [1]);
                    this.clicked = false;
Exemple #11
        private coord tileSize;        // Size of a tile

        // Constructor
        public GridWidget(Game game, Cb callback, int scale) : base((uint)game.getSize().x, (uint)game.getSize().y, true)
            this.callback = callback;
            this.clicked  = false;
            this.game     = game;
            this.tileSize = new coord(10 * scale, 10 * scale);
Exemple #12
        /* Method for the movement of pawn */
        public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
            int direction;        /* Int value for direction of movement */

              /* If the color is white we have an increment of y(positive direction) else a decrement */
              if (this.color == "white") {
            direction = 1;
              } else {
            direction = -1;
              if (!this.hasMoved &&
              start.x == end.x &&
              start.y + (2 * direction) == end.y &&
              board.getFieldFigureName (start.x, start.y + direction) == "Empty" &&
              board.getFieldFigureName (start.x, start.y + (2 * direction)) == "Empty")
            return true;
              if (start.x == end.x &&
              start.y + direction == end.y &&
              board.getFieldFigureName (start.x, start.y + direction) == "Empty")
            return true;
              if ((start.x + 1 == end.x || start.x - 1 == end.x) &&
              start.y + direction == end.y &&
              board.getFieldFigureName (end) != "Empty") {
            return true;

              return false;                   /* If the value of x and y are not corresponding to the rule the movement isn't allowed  */
Exemple #13
        /* Method for the movement of knight */
        public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
            coord rule = new coord (1, 2);
              int x = rule.x;                     // x is setted to 1
              int y = rule.y;                     // y is setted to 2

              for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            if (i == 1) {                     // When i is equal to 1
              x = rule.y;                     // x is setted to 2
              y = rule.x;                     // and y is setted to 1
            if (start.x + x == end.x) {       // If the movement on x is equal to starting position plus x
              if (start.y + y == end.y) {     // and the movement on y is equal to starting position plus y
            return true;                  // movement is permitted
            if (start.x - x == end.x) {       // If the movement on x is equal to starting position minus x
              if (start.y - y == end.y) {     // and the movement on y is equal to starting position minus y
            return true;                  // movement is permitted
            if (start.x - x == end.x) {       // If the movement on x is equal to starting position minus x
              if (start.y + y == end.y) {     // and the movement on y is equal to starting position plus y
            return true;                  // movement is permitted
            if (start.x + x == end.x) {       // If the movement on x is equal to starting position plus x
              if (start.y - y == end.y) {     // and the movement on y is equal to starting position minus y
            return true;                  // movement is permitted
              return false;                       // Other movement aren't permitted
Exemple #14
        }                                 // Instance of a figure

        // constructor
        public TileWidget(string colorBg, string figure, string color, coord size)
            string imgName;

            if (color != "" && figure != "" && figure.ToLower() != "empty")
                if (figure.ToLower() != "knight")
                    imgName = color.ToLower() [0].ToString() + figure.ToUpper() [0].ToString();
                    imgName = color.ToLower() [0].ToString() + "N";
                Image img = loadSvg(imgName, size);
                Fixed f   = new Fixed();
            if (colorBg != "")
                Gdk.Color col = new Gdk.Color();
                Gdk.Color.Parse(colorBg, ref col);
                this.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, col);
            this.figure = figure;
            this.color  = color;
Exemple #15
        // Method for loading of the circle that inscribe the figure when it is clicked
        public Gtk.Image loadCircle(coord size)
            string basePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).Substring(5);

            Gdk.Pixbuf display = new Gdk.Pixbuf(basePath + @"/img/circle.svg", size.x, size.y);
            return(new Gtk.Image(display));
Exemple #16
        private coord tileSize; // Size of a tile

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor
        public GridWidget(Game game, Cb callback, int scale)
            : base((uint)game.getSize ().x, (uint)game.getSize ().y, true)
            this.callback = callback;
              this.clicked = false;
              this.game = game;
              this.tileSize = new coord (10 * scale, 10 * scale);
Exemple #17
        private coord tileSize; // Size of tile

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor
        public SidebarWidget(List<Figure> removedFigures, string color, int scale)
            this.removedFigures = removedFigures;
              this.color = color;                       // Color of the sidebar's admitted figures

              updateSidebar ();

              this.WidthRequest = 5 * scale;
              this.tileSize = new coord (5 * scale, 5 * scale);
Exemple #18
 /* Method for the movement of king */
 public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
     for (int x = (start.x == 0) ? 0 : start.x - 1; x <= start.x + 1; x++) {   /* If the movement on x is between -1 and 1(included) */
     for (int y = (start.y == 0) ? 0 : start.y - 1; y <= start.y + 1; y++) { /* if the movement on y is between -1 and 1(included) */
       if (end.Equals (new coord (x, y)))                                    /* and the end coordinates are updated */
     return true;                                                        /* this method return a true value */
       return false;                                                             /* If the value of x and y are not corresponding to the rule the movement isn't allowed  */
        private coord tileSize;               // Size of tile

        // Constructor
        public SidebarWidget(List <Figure> removedFigures, string color, int scale)
            this.removedFigures = removedFigures;
            this.color          = color;        // Color of the sidebar's admitted figures


            this.WidthRequest = 5 * scale;
            this.tileSize     = new coord(5 * scale, 5 * scale);
Exemple #20
        // Method for the movement of rock
        public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
            //  int x = this.rule.x;
            // int y = this.rule.y;

            if (start.x == end.x)                                      // Check for the vertical movement
                if (start.y < end.y)                                   // If the end position is major than the starting position
                    for (int i = start.y + 1; i < end.y; i++)          // Check for an object in this trajectory
                        if (board.getFieldFigureName(start.x, i) != "Empty")
                            return(false);                             // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
                else                                                  // If the end position is minor than the starting position
                    for (int i = start.y - 1; i > end.y; i--)         // Check for an object in this trajectory
                        if (board.getFieldFigureName(start.x, i) != "Empty")
                            return(false);                            // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
                return(true);                                         // If there aren't object movement is permitted
            else if (start.y == end.y)                                // Check for the horizontal movement
                if (start.x < end.x)                                  // If the end position is major than the starting position
                    for (int i = start.x + 1; i < end.x; i++)         // Check for an object in this trajectory
                        if (board.getFieldFigureName(i, start.y) != "Empty")
                            return(false);                             // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
                else                                                  // If the end position is minor than the starting position
                    for (int i = start.x - 1; i > end.x; i--)         // Check for an object in this trajectory
                        if (board.getFieldFigureName(i, start.y) != "Empty")
                            return(false);                            // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
                return(true);                                         // If there aren't object along trajectory movement is permitted
            return(false);                                            // If the movement isn't vertical or horizontal it isn't permitted
Exemple #21
        //returns true if the move is possible
        //retruns false if the move is not possible
        private bool checkMove(Player player, coord start, coord end)
            if ((this.fields [start.x, start.y].GetType().Name == "Empty") ||
                (this.fields [start.x, start.y].color != player.ToString()) ||
                (this.fields [end.x, end.y].color == player.ToString()))

            return(this.fields [start.x, start.y].move(this, start, end));
Exemple #22
 // Method for the opening of popup
 public void open(Player player, coord position)
     close ();
       foreach (Figure fig in this.figures) {
     TileWidget tile = new TileWidget ("", fig.name (), player.ToString (), this.tileSize);
     tile.position = position;
     fig.color = player.ToString ();
     box.PackStart (tile);
     tile.ButtonPressEvent += onTileClicked;
       this.ShowAll ();
Exemple #23
 // Method that load images of figures
 public Gtk.Image loadSvg(string file, coord size)
     Gdk.Pixbuf display;
       string basePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetName ().CodeBase).Substring (5);
       try {
     display = new Gdk.Pixbuf (basePath + @"/img/cburnett/" + file + ".svg", size.x, size.y);
       } catch (GLib.GException e) {
     Console.WriteLine (e);
     display = null;
       return (new Gtk.Image (display));
Exemple #24
 // Method for the opening of popup
 public void open(Player player, coord position)
     foreach (Figure fig in this.figures)
         TileWidget tile = new TileWidget("", fig.name(), player.ToString(), this.tileSize);
         tile.position = position;
         fig.color     = player.ToString();
         tile.ButtonPressEvent += onTileClicked;
Exemple #25
        // Method that load images of figures
        public Gtk.Image loadSvg(string file, coord size)
            Gdk.Pixbuf display;
            string     basePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).Substring(5);

            try {
                display = new Gdk.Pixbuf(basePath + @"/img/cburnett/" + file + ".svg", size.x, size.y);
            } catch (GLib.GException e) {
                display = null;
            return(new Gtk.Image(display));
Exemple #26
        // constructor
        public Popup(Window parent, Figure[] f, Action <Figure, coord> callback, int scale) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
            this.TransientFor = parent;
            this.Decorated = false;

            this.tileSize = new coord(10 * scale, 10 * scale);
            this.callback = callback;
            this.Title    = "choose";
            this.figures  = f;
            this.box      = new HBox();
Exemple #27
 // Method for handling the click
 public bool clickHandler(coord start, coord end)
     Message msg;
       if (start.Equals (end)) {
     msg = this.game.call(new Payload (false, "checkSelection", start));
       } else {
     msg = this.game.call(new Payload(false, "move", start, end));
     if (msg.action == "chooser") {
       this.chooser.open (msg.player, end);
     updateGui (msg);
       return !msg.error;
Exemple #28
        // constructor
        public Popup(Window parent, Figure[] f, Action<Figure, coord> callback, int scale)
            : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
            this.TransientFor = parent;
              this.SetPosition (Gtk.WindowPosition.CenterOnParent);
              this.Decorated = false;

              this.tileSize = new coord (10 * scale, 10 * scale);
              this.callback = callback;
              this.Title = "choose";
              this.figures = f;
              this.box = new HBox ();
              this.Add (this.box);
Exemple #29
 /* Method for the movement of king */
 public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
     for (int x = (start.x == 0) ? 0 : start.x - 1; x <= start.x + 1; x++)     /* If the movement on x is between -1 and 1(included) */
         for (int y = (start.y == 0) ? 0 : start.y - 1; y <= start.y + 1; y++) /* if the movement on y is between -1 and 1(included) */
             if (end.Equals(new coord(x, y)))                                  /* and the end coordinates are updated */
                 return(true);                                                 /* this method return a true value */
     return(false);                                                      /* If the value of x and y are not corresponding to the rule the movement isn't allowed  */
Exemple #30
        //check if the king will be in check after this move and don't allow it if it is
        private bool isCheck(Player player, coord start, coord end)
            coord  king       = new coord();
            bool   noKing     = true;
            Figure removedObj = new Figure();
            bool   res        = false;

            //move the figure to the new position if the new positon is not the same as the old
            if (!start.Equals(end))
                removedObj = this.fields [end.x, end.y];
                this.fields [end.x, end.y]     = this.fields [start.x, start.y];
                this.fields [start.x, start.y] = new Empty();
            //search for the king on the board
            for (int x = 0; x < this.size.x; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < this.size.y; y++)
                    if (this.fields [x, y].color == player.ToString() && getFieldFigureName(new coord(x, y)) == "King")
                        king   = new coord(x, y);
                        noKing = false;
            //if a king was found, try to move all figures to the position of the king,if that is possibile it means that the king is in check
            if (!noKing)
                for (int x = 0; x < this.size.x && !res; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < this.size.y && !res; y++)
                        //if a move is posiblie means the king is checked
                        if (checkMove(player.next(), new coord(x, y), king))
                            res = true;
            //revert the move so that the state of the board is the same as at the start of this function
            if (!start.Equals(end))
                this.fields [start.x, start.y] = this.fields [end.x, end.y];
                this.fields [end.x, end.y]     = removedObj;
Exemple #31
        // Method for switching figures on the board
        public Message switchFigures(Figure figure, coord position)
            Player  player = new Player(getFieldFigureColor(position));
            Message result = new Message(false, "", "", player);

            this.fields [position.x, position.y] = figure;
            if (isCheck(player.next()))
                result.msg = "check";
                if (isCheckMate(player.next(), new coord(0, 0)))
                    result.msg = "checkmate";
Exemple #32
        /* Method for the movement of knight */
        public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
            coord rule = new coord(1, 2);
            int   x    = rule.x;          // x is setted to 1
            int   y    = rule.y;          // y is setted to 2

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (i == 1)                   // When i is equal to 1
                    x = rule.y;               // x is setted to 2
                    y = rule.x;               // and y is setted to 1
                if (start.x + x == end.x)     // If the movement on x is equal to starting position plus x
                    if (start.y + y == end.y) // and the movement on y is equal to starting position plus y
                        return(true);         // movement is permitted
                if (start.x - x == end.x)     // If the movement on x is equal to starting position minus x
                    if (start.y - y == end.y) // and the movement on y is equal to starting position minus y
                        return(true);         // movement is permitted
                if (start.x - x == end.x)     // If the movement on x is equal to starting position minus x
                    if (start.y + y == end.y) // and the movement on y is equal to starting position plus y
                        return(true);         // movement is permitted
                if (start.x + x == end.x)     // If the movement on x is equal to starting position plus x
                    if (start.y - y == end.y) // and the movement on y is equal to starting position minus y
                        return(true);         // movement is permitted
            return(false);                // Other movement aren't permitted
Exemple #33
        // Method for handling the click
        public bool clickHandler(coord start, coord end)
            Message msg;

            if (start.Equals(end))
                msg = this.game.call(new Payload(false, "checkSelection", start));
                msg = this.game.call(new Payload(false, "move", start, end));
                if (msg.action == "chooser")
                    this.chooser.open(msg.player, end);
Exemple #34
        // Constructor method
        public Board()
            removedFigures = new List <Figure> ();
            int lineNumber = 1; // is 1 because the last line dosen't have a \n
            int lineLength = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < layout.Length; i++)
                if (layout [i] == '\n')
            }// End for
            lineLength /= lineNumber;

            //create array with the right size
            this.fields = new Figure[lineLength, lineNumber];
            //save size
            this.size = new coord(lineLength, lineNumber);

            //fill up the array with the right figures
            int c = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < lineNumber; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < lineLength; x++)
                    if (layout [c] == '\n')
                    this.fields [x, y] = figureLookup(layout [c]);
                } // End second for
            }     // End first for
            this.chooseableFigures = createChooseableFigures();
        }         // End board class
Exemple #35
        // Method for the movement of rock
        public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
            //  int x = this.rule.x;
              // int y = this.rule.y;

              if (start.x == end.x) {                                          // Check for the vertical movement
            if (start.y < end.y) {                                         // If the end position is major than the starting position
              for (int i = start.y + 1; i < end.y; i++) {                  // Check for an object in this trajectory
            if (board.getFieldFigureName (start.x, i) != "Empty") {
              return false;                                            // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
            } else {                                                      // If the end position is minor than the starting position
              for (int i = start.y - 1; i > end.y; i--) {                 // Check for an object in this trajectory
            if (board.getFieldFigureName (start.x, i) != "Empty") {
              return false;                                           // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
            return true;                                                  // If there aren't object movement is permitted

              } else if (start.y == end.y) {                                  // Check for the horizontal movement
            if (start.x < end.x) {                                        // If the end position is major than the starting position
              for (int i = start.x + 1; i < end.x; i++) {                 // Check for an object in this trajectory
            if (board.getFieldFigureName (i, start.y) != "Empty") {
              return false;                                            // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
            } else {                                                      // If the end position is minor than the starting position
              for (int i = start.x - 1; i > end.x; i--) {                 // Check for an object in this trajectory
            if (board.getFieldFigureName (i, start.y) != "Empty") {
              return false;                                           // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
            return true;                                                  // If there aren't object along trajectory movement is permitted
              return false;                                                   // If the movement isn't vertical or horizontal it isn't permitted
Exemple #36
 /* Method for the movement of the bishop*/
 public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
     if (Math.Abs(start.x - end.x) == Math.Abs(start.y - end.y))
         coord tmp = start;
         while (!tmp.Equals(end))                                                // Until tmp isn't equal to end coordinates:
             if (board.getFieldFigureName(tmp) != "Empty" && !tmp.Equals(start)) // If there is an object along trajectory
                 return(false);                                                  // movement isn't permitted
             if (tmp.x > end.x && tmp.y > end.y)                                 // If temp.x and temp.y are major than their end
                 tmp.x--;                                                        //Decrement both
             if (tmp.x > end.x && tmp.y < end.y)                         // or temp.x is major and temp.x is minor
                 tmp.x--;                                                // decrement x
                 tmp.y++;                                                // increment y
             if (tmp.x < end.x && tmp.y > end.y)                         // or temp.x is minor and temp.y is major
                 tmp.x++;                                                // increment x
                 tmp.y--;                                                // decrement y
             if (tmp.x < end.x && tmp.y < end.y)                         // or temp.x is minor and temp.y is minor
                 tmp.x++;                                                // Increment both
         return(true);                                                   // movement is allowed if there isn't an object along trajectory
     return(false);                                                      // If the movement isn't diagonal it isn't permitted
Exemple #37
 // constructor
 public TileWidget(string colorBg, string figure, string color, coord size)
     string imgName;
       if (color != "" && figure != "" && figure.ToLower () != "empty") {
     if (figure.ToLower () != "knight") {
       imgName = color.ToLower () [0].ToString () + figure.ToUpper () [0].ToString ();
     } else {
       imgName = color.ToLower () [0].ToString () + "N";
     Image img = loadSvg (imgName, size);
     Fixed f = new Fixed ();
     f.Add (img);
     f.ShowAll ();
     this.Add (f);
     this.Show ();
       if (colorBg != "") {
     Gdk.Color col = new Gdk.Color ();
     Gdk.Color.Parse (colorBg, ref col);
     this.ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, col);
       this.figure = figure;
       this.color = color;
Exemple #38
        /* Method for the movement of pawn */
        public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
            int direction;  /* Int value for direction of movement */

            /* If the color is white we have an increment of y(positive direction) else a decrement */
            if (this.color == "white")
                direction = 1;
                direction = -1;
            if (!this.hasMoved &&
                start.x == end.x &&
                start.y + (2 * direction) == end.y &&
                board.getFieldFigureName(start.x, start.y + direction) == "Empty" &&
                board.getFieldFigureName(start.x, start.y + (2 * direction)) == "Empty")
            if (start.x == end.x &&
                start.y + direction == end.y &&
                board.getFieldFigureName(start.x, start.y + direction) == "Empty")
            if ((start.x + 1 == end.x || start.x - 1 == end.x) &&
                start.y + direction == end.y &&
                board.getFieldFigureName(end) != "Empty")

            return(false);            /* If the value of x and y are not corresponding to the rule the movement isn't allowed  */
Exemple #39
 // Method for handling the chooser
 public void handleChooser(Figure figure, coord position)
     updateGui(this.game.call(new Payload(false, "switchFigures", figure, position)));
Exemple #40
 // Method for loading of the circle that inscribe the figure when it is clicked
 public Gtk.Image loadCircle(coord size)
     string basePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetName ().CodeBase).Substring (5);
       Gdk.Pixbuf display = new Gdk.Pixbuf (basePath + @"/img/circle.svg", size.x, size.y);
       return (new Gtk.Image (display));
Exemple #41
        /* Method for the movement of the queen */
        public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
            // Diagonal movement
              if (Math.Abs (start.x - end.x) == Math.Abs (start.y - end.y)) {
            coord tmp = start;
            while (!tmp.Equals (end)) {                                              // Until tmp isn't equal to end coordinates:
              if (board.getFieldFigureName (tmp) != "Empty" && !tmp.Equals(start))   // If there is an object along trajectory
            return false;                                                        // movement isn't permitted
              if (tmp.x > end.x && tmp.y > end.y) {                                  // If temp.x and temp.y are major than their end
            tmp.x--;                                                             //Decrement both
              if (tmp.x > end.x && tmp.y < end.y) {                                 // or temp.x is major and temp.x is minor
            tmp.x--;                                                            // decrement x
            tmp.y++;                                                            // increment y
              if (tmp.x < end.x && tmp.y > end.y) {                                 // or temp.x is minor and temp.y is major
            tmp.x++;                                                             // increment x
            tmp.y--;                                                             // decrement y
              if (tmp.x < end.x && tmp.y < end.y) {                                  // or temp.x is minor and temp.y is minor
            tmp.x++;                                                             // Increment both
            return true;                                                             // movement is allowed if there isn't an object along trajectory

              // Vertical and horizontal movement
              if (start.x == end.x) {                                                    // Check for the vertical movement
            if (start.y < end.y) {                                                   // If the end position is major than the starting position
              for (int i = start.y + 1; i < end.y; i++) {                           // Check for an object in this trajectory
            if (board.getFieldFigureName (start.x, i) != "Empty") {
              return false;                                                     // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
            } else {                                                               // If the end position is minor than the starting position
              for (int i = start.y - 1; i > end.y; i--) {                           // Check for an object in this trajectory
            if (board.getFieldFigureName (start.x, i) != "Empty") {
              return false;                                                    // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
            return true;                                                            // If there aren't object movement is permitted

              } else if (start.y == end.y) {                                            // Check for the horizontal movement
            if (start.x < end.x) {                                                  // If the end position is major than the starting position
              for (int i = start.x + 1; i < end.x; i++) {                           // Check for an object in this trajectory
            if (board.getFieldFigureName (i, start.y) != "Empty") {
              return false;                                                     // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
            } else {                                                               // If the end position is minor than the starting position
              for (int i = start.x - 1; i > end.x; i--) {                          // Check for an object in this trajectory
            if (board.getFieldFigureName (i, start.y) != "Empty") {
              return false;                                                    // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
            return true;                                                           // If there aren't object along trajectory movement is permitted
              return false;                                                            // Any other case different from movements horizontal,diagonal or vertical aren't permitted
Exemple #42
 /* Method for the movement of the figure on the board */
 public virtual bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
     return true;
Exemple #43
 // Method that get the color of the figure
 public string getFieldFigureColor(coord c)
Exemple #44
 // Method for handling the chooser
 public void handleChooser(Figure figure, coord position)
     updateGui (this.game.call (new Payload (false, "switchFigures", figure, position)));
Exemple #45
 // Method that get the fields x and y from a coord object
 public Figure getField(coord c)
     return(this.fields [c.x, c.y]);
Exemple #46
 // Method for adding a figure to game
 private void addFigure(Widget w, coord pos)
     this.Attach(w, (uint)pos.x, (uint)pos.x + 1, (uint)pos.y, (uint)pos.y + 1);
Exemple #47
 // Method for adding a figure to game
 private void addFigure(Widget w, coord pos)
     this.Attach (w, (uint)pos.x, (uint)pos.x + 1, (uint)pos.y, (uint)pos.y + 1);
Exemple #48
        /* Method for the movement of the queen */
        public override bool move(Board board, coord start, coord end)
            // Diagonal movement
            if (Math.Abs(start.x - end.x) == Math.Abs(start.y - end.y))
                coord tmp = start;
                while (!tmp.Equals(end))                                                // Until tmp isn't equal to end coordinates:
                    if (board.getFieldFigureName(tmp) != "Empty" && !tmp.Equals(start)) // If there is an object along trajectory
                        return(false);                                                  // movement isn't permitted
                    if (tmp.x > end.x && tmp.y > end.y)                                 // If temp.x and temp.y are major than their end
                        tmp.x--;                                                        //Decrement both
                    if (tmp.x > end.x && tmp.y < end.y)                         // or temp.x is major and temp.x is minor
                        tmp.x--;                                                // decrement x
                        tmp.y++;                                                // increment y
                    if (tmp.x < end.x && tmp.y > end.y)                         // or temp.x is minor and temp.y is major
                        tmp.x++;                                                // increment x
                        tmp.y--;                                                // decrement y
                    if (tmp.x < end.x && tmp.y < end.y)                         // or temp.x is minor and temp.y is minor
                        tmp.x++;                                                // Increment both
                return(true);                                                    // movement is allowed if there isn't an object along trajectory

            // Vertical and horizontal movement
            if (start.x == end.x)                                               // Check for the vertical movement
                if (start.y < end.y)                                            // If the end position is major than the starting position
                    for (int i = start.y + 1; i < end.y; i++)                   // Check for an object in this trajectory
                        if (board.getFieldFigureName(start.x, i) != "Empty")
                            return(false);                                      // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
                else                                                           // If the end position is minor than the starting position
                    for (int i = start.y - 1; i > end.y; i--)                  // Check for an object in this trajectory
                        if (board.getFieldFigureName(start.x, i) != "Empty")
                            return(false);                                     // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
                return(true);                                                   // If there aren't object movement is permitted
            else if (start.y == end.y)                                          // Check for the horizontal movement
                if (start.x < end.x)                                            // If the end position is major than the starting position
                    for (int i = start.x + 1; i < end.x; i++)                   // Check for an object in this trajectory
                        if (board.getFieldFigureName(i, start.y) != "Empty")
                            return(false);                                      // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
                else                                                           // If the end position is minor than the starting position
                    for (int i = start.x - 1; i > end.x; i--)                  // Check for an object in this trajectory
                        if (board.getFieldFigureName(i, start.y) != "Empty")
                            return(false);                                     // If there is one (not empty) movement isn't allowed
                return(true);                                                  // If there aren't object along trajectory movement is permitted
            return(false);                                                     // Any other case different from movements horizontal,diagonal or vertical aren't permitted
Exemple #49
 /* Method for the movement of the figure on the board */
 public virtual bool move (Board board, coord start, coord end)
   return true;
Exemple #50
 // Method for getting the color of the figure
 public string getFieldFigureColor(coord coord)