public AttributeConstant(Class attributeClass, Method attributeCtor) { this.attributeClass = attributeClass; this.attributeCtor = attributeCtor; this.ctorArguments = new List<ConstantValue> (); this.propertyValues = new List<PropertyValue> (); }
public AttributeInstance(Expression attributeExpr, AttributeArgument arguments, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { this.attributeExpr = attributeExpr; this.arguments = arguments; this.attributeClass = null; }
public AttributeArgument(Expression value, string name, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { SetName(name); this.value = value; = null; this.attributeClass = null; }
public EventDefinition(MemberFlags flags, Expression eventType, string name, AstNode accessors, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { SetName(name); this.flags = flags; this.eventType = eventType; this.eventVariable = null; this.accessors = accessors; this.delegateType = null; }
internal static new void PreloadMember(ChelaModule module, ModuleReader reader, MemberHeader header) { // Create the temporal structure and register it. Class clazz = new Class(module); module.RegisterMember(clazz); // Read the name. = module.GetString(header.memberName); clazz.flags = (MemberFlags)header.memberFlags; // Skip the class elements. reader.Skip(header.memberSize); }
public ChelaModule() { = ""; this.fileName = ""; this.workDir = ""; this.globalNamespace = new Namespace(this); this.memberTable = new List<ScopeMember> (); this.registeredMembers = new Dictionary<ScopeMember, uint> (); this.memberNameTable = new Dictionary<string, ScopeMember> (); this.registeredStrings = new Dictionary<string, uint> (); this.stringTable = new List<string> (); this.referencedModules = new List<ChelaModule> (); this.nativeLibraries = new List<string> (); this.typeMap = new Dictionary<IChelaType, IChelaType> (); this.associatedClass = new Dictionary<IChelaType, Structure> (); this.associatedPrimitive = new Dictionary<Structure, IChelaType> (); this.resources = new List<ResourceData> (); this.genericInstances = new List<ScopeMember>(); this.attributeClass = null; this.arrayClass = null; this.valueTypeClass = null; this.enumClass = null; this.typeClass = null; this.delegateClass = null; this.moduleType = ModuleType.Library; this.runtimeModule = null; this.debugBuild = false; this.mainName = null; this.mainFunction = null; this.placeHolderId = 0; this.writingModule = false; // Type tables. this.registeredTypes = new Dictionary<IChelaType, uint> (0, new ReferenceEqualityComparer<IChelaType> ()); this.typeTable = new List<object> (); this.anonymousTypeMap = new Dictionary<IChelaType, uint> (0, new ReferenceEqualityComparer<IChelaType> ()); this.anonymousTypes = new List<object> (); }
public void RegisterTypeClass(Class typeClass) { this.typeClass = typeClass; }
public void SetDelegateType(Class delegateType) { this.delegateType = delegateType; }
public void RegisterValueTypeClass(Class valueTypeClass) { this.valueTypeClass = valueTypeClass; }
public void SetAttributeClass(Class attributeClass) { this.attributeClass = attributeClass; }
public void RegisterArrayClass(Class clazz) { arrayClass = clazz; }
public override AstNode Visit(DelegateDefinition node) { // Parse the generic signature. GenericSignature genericSign = node.GetGenericSignature(); GenericPrototype genProto = GenericPrototype.Empty; PseudoScope protoScope = null; if(genericSign != null) { // Visit the generic signature. genericSign.Accept(this); // Connect the generic prototype. genProto = genericSign.GetPrototype(); // Create the placeholders scope. protoScope = new PseudoScope(currentScope, genProto); node.SetGenericScope(protoScope); } // Prevent redefinition. ScopeMember old = currentContainer.FindType(node.GetName(), GenericPrototype.Empty); if(old != null) Error(node, "trying to redefine a delegate."); // Create the structure MemberFlags flags = node.GetFlags(); // TODO: Check the flags. Class building = new Class(node.GetName(), flags, currentContainer); building.SetGenericPrototype(genProto); building.Position = node.GetPosition(); node.SetStructure(building); // Add into the current scope. if(currentContainer.IsNamespace()) { Namespace space = (Namespace)currentContainer; space.AddType(building); } else if(currentContainer.IsStructure() || currentContainer.IsInterface() || currentContainer.IsClass()) { Structure parent = (Structure)currentContainer; parent.AddType(building); } else { Error(node, "unexpected place for a delegate."); } // Register the compute binding delegate. if(building.GetFullName() == "Chela.Compute.ComputeBinding") currentModule.RegisterComputeBindingDelegate(building); return node; }
private void DefineGeneratorBody(FunctionDefinition node) { // Get entry function. Function entryFunction = node.GetFunction(); // Rebase his locals. entryFunction.RebaseLocals(); // Create the generator class. Scope spaceScope = entryFunction.GetParentScope(); Class generatorClass = new Class(GenSym(), MemberFlags.Internal, spaceScope); node.GeneratorClass = generatorClass; // Use the same generic prototype as the entry point function. generatorClass.SetGenericPrototype(entryFunction.GetGenericPrototype()); // Add the generator class to the same scope as the function. if(spaceScope.IsClass() || spaceScope.IsStructure()) { Structure parentClass = (Structure)spaceScope; parentClass.AddType(generatorClass); } else if(spaceScope.IsNamespace()) { Namespace parentSpace = (Namespace)spaceScope; parentSpace.AddMember(generatorClass); } else { Error(node, "Cannot create generator class in {0}", spaceScope.GetFullName()); } // Add the enumerable interface. Structure enumerableIface = null; if(node.IsEnumerable) { enumerableIface = currentModule.GetEnumerableIface(); if(node.IsGenericIterator) { enumerableIface = currentModule.GetEnumerableGIface(); GenericInstance gargs = new GenericInstance(enumerableIface.GetGenericPrototype(), new IChelaType[]{node.YieldType}); enumerableIface = (Structure)enumerableIface.InstanceGeneric(gargs, currentModule); } generatorClass.AddInterface(enumerableIface); } // Add the enumerator interface. Structure enumeratorIface = currentModule.GetEnumeratorIface(); if(node.IsGenericIterator) { enumeratorIface = currentModule.GetEnumeratorGIface(); GenericInstance gargs = new GenericInstance(enumeratorIface.GetGenericPrototype(), new IChelaType[]{node.YieldType}); enumeratorIface = (Structure)enumeratorIface.InstanceGeneric(gargs, currentModule); } generatorClass.AddInterface(enumeratorIface); // Create the yielded field. FieldVariable yieldedValue = new FieldVariable("yielded", MemberFlags.Private, node.YieldType, generatorClass); generatorClass.AddField(yieldedValue); node.YieldedValue = yieldedValue; // Create the generator state variable. FieldVariable generatorState = new FieldVariable("state", MemberFlags.Private, ChelaType.GetIntType(), generatorClass); generatorClass.AddField(generatorState); node.GeneratorState = generatorState; // Encapsulate the locals in fields. foreach(LocalVariable local in entryFunction.GetLocals()) { if(!local.IsPseudoLocal) continue; // Variables containing arguments must be public. MemberFlags access = MemberFlags.Private; if(local.ArgumentIndex >= 0) access = MemberFlags.Public; // Create the field to hold the state. FieldVariable localField = new FieldVariable(GenSym(), access, local.GetVariableType(), generatorClass); generatorClass.AddField(localField); local.ActualVariable = localField; } // Create an instance of the generator class. Structure generatorClassInstance = generatorClass.GetClassInstance(); if(generatorClass.GetGenericPrototype().GetPlaceHolderCount() != 0) { // Create an instance using the same placeholders. GenericPrototype proto = generatorClass.GetGenericPrototype(); int numargs = proto.GetPlaceHolderCount(); IChelaType[] protoInstance = new IChelaType[numargs]; for(int i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) protoInstance[i] = proto.GetPlaceHolder(i); // Instance the generic class. GenericInstance instance = new GenericInstance(proto, protoInstance); generatorClassInstance = (Structure)generatorClassInstance.InstanceGeneric(instance, currentModule); } node.GeneratorClassInstance = generatorClassInstance; // Create the trivial constructor. Function ctor = CreateTrivialConstructor(generatorClass, generatorClassInstance); if(generatorClass.IsGeneric()) ctor = FindFirstConstructor(generatorClassInstance); // Create a local to hold the created closure. LexicalScope topScope = (LexicalScope)node.GetScope(); LocalVariable closureLocal = new LocalVariable("closure", topScope, ReferenceType.Create(generatorClassInstance)); // Create the entry point content. BasicBlock entryBlock = CreateBasicBlock(); entryBlock.SetName("entry"); builder.SetBlock(entryBlock); // Create the closure and store it in his local. builder.CreateNewObject(generatorClassInstance, ctor, 0); builder.CreateStoreLocal(closureLocal); // Load the closure. builder.CreateLoadLocal(closureLocal); // Store the arguments into the closure. FunctionPrototype prototype = node.GetPrototype(); AstNode argument = prototype.GetArguments(); byte index = 0; while(argument != null) { FunctionArgument argNode = (FunctionArgument) argument; // TODO: Forbid ref, out, stream arguments here. // Store the argument in the closure. LocalVariable argVar = argNode.GetVariable(); if(argVar != null) { // Load the closure builder.CreateDup1(); // Load the argument. builder.CreateLoadArg(index); // Store it into the field. builder.CreateStoreField((FieldVariable)argVar.ActualVariable); } // Process the next argument. argument = argument.GetNext(); index++; } // Encapsulate the argument variables. foreach(ArgumentVariable argVar in node.ArgumentVariables) { if(!argVar.IsPseudoArgument) continue; // Create the argument field. FieldVariable argField = new FieldVariable(GenSym(), MemberFlags.Public, argVar.GetVariableType(), generatorClass); generatorClass.AddField(argField); argVar.ActualVariable = argField; // Store the self field. if(!currentFunction.IsStatic() && argVar.GetArgumentIndex() == 0) node.GeneratorSelf = argField; // Load the closure. builder.CreateDup1(); // Load the argument. builder.CreateLoadArg((byte)argVar.GetArgumentIndex()); // Store it into the closure. builder.CreateStoreField(argField); } // Return the generator. builder.CreateRet(); // Notify the yields about their states. int stateIndex = 2; foreach(ReturnStatement yieldStmtn in node.Yields) { yieldStmtn.YieldState = stateIndex; stateIndex += 2; } // Implement IEnumerator. if(node.IsEnumerable) { // Create the object GetEnumerator method. CreateGenerator_GetEnumerator(node, currentModule.GetEnumeratorIface(), false); // Create the generic GetEnumerator method if(node.IsGenericIterator) CreateGenerator_GetEnumerator(node, enumeratorIface, true); } // Create the Current property. CreateGenerator_Current(node, false); if(node.IsGenericIterator) CreateGenerator_Current(node, true); // Create the Reset method. CreateGenerator_Reset(node); // Create the MoveNext method. Function moveNext = CreateGenerator_MoveNext(node); // Create the Dispose method. CreateGenerator_Dispose(node, moveNext); // Fix the inheritance. generatorClass.FixInheritance(); }
public void RegisterUniformHolderClass(Class uniformHolderClass) { this.uniformHolderClass = uniformHolderClass; }
public override AstNode Visit(ClassDefinition node) { // Check the partial flag. bool isPartial = (node.GetFlags() & MemberFlags.ImplFlagMask) == MemberFlags.Partial; // Add the parent static flag. if(currentContainer.IsStatic()) { MemberFlags oldInstance = node.GetFlags() & MemberFlags.InstanceMask; if(oldInstance == MemberFlags.Static || oldInstance == MemberFlags.Instanced) { MemberFlags flags = node.GetFlags() & ~MemberFlags.InstanceMask; node.SetFlags(flags | MemberFlags.Static); } else Error(node, "static class member cannot be {0}.", oldInstance.ToString().ToLower()); } // Static classes are automatically sealed. if((node.GetFlags() & MemberFlags.InstanceMask) == MemberFlags.Static) { MemberFlags flags = node.GetFlags() & ~MemberFlags.InheritanceMask; node.SetFlags(flags | MemberFlags.Sealed); } // Parse the generic signature. GenericSignature genericSign = node.GetGenericSignature(); GenericPrototype genProto = GenericPrototype.Empty; PseudoScope protoScope = null; if(genericSign != null) { // Visit the generic signature. genericSign.Accept(this); // Connect the generic prototype. genProto = genericSign.GetPrototype(); // Create the placeholders scope. protoScope = new PseudoScope(currentScope, genProto); node.SetGenericScope(protoScope); } // Prevent redefinition. ScopeMember old = currentContainer.FindType(node.GetName(), genProto); if(old != null && (!isPartial || !old.IsClass())) Error(node, "trying to redefine a class."); // Create the structure Class clazz = (Class)old; if(clazz != null) { if(!clazz.IsPartial()) Error(node, "incompatible partial class definitions."); } else { clazz = new Class(node.GetName(), node.GetFlags(), currentContainer); clazz.Position = node.GetPosition(); clazz.SetGenericPrototype(genProto); } node.SetStructure(clazz); // Use the prototype scope. if(protoScope != null) PushScope(protoScope); // Register type maps. string fullName = clazz.GetFullName(); IChelaType alias; if(typeMaps.TryGetValue(fullName, out alias)) currentModule.RegisterTypeMap(alias, clazz); // Register type association. IChelaType assoc; if(assocClasses.TryGetValue(fullName, out assoc)) currentModule.RegisterAssociatedClass(assoc, clazz); // Array base class is special. if(fullName == "Chela.Lang.Array") currentModule.RegisterArrayClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Lang.Attribute") currentModule.RegisterAttributeClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Lang.ValueType") currentModule.RegisterValueTypeClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Lang.Enum") currentModule.RegisterEnumClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Lang.Type") currentModule.RegisterTypeClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Lang.Delegate") currentModule.RegisterDelegateClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Compute.StreamHolder") currentModule.RegisterStreamHolderClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Compute.StreamHolder1D") currentModule.RegisterStreamHolder1DClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Compute.StreamHolder2D") currentModule.RegisterStreamHolder2DClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Compute.StreamHolder3D") currentModule.RegisterStreamHolder3DClass(clazz); else if(fullName == "Chela.Compute.UniformHolder") currentModule.RegisterUniformHolderClass(clazz); // Add into the current scope. if(currentContainer.IsNamespace()) { Namespace space = (Namespace)currentContainer; if(old == null) space.AddType(clazz); } else if(currentContainer.IsStructure() || currentContainer.IsInterface() || currentContainer.IsClass()) { Structure parent = (Structure)currentContainer; if(old == null) parent.AddType(clazz); } else { Error(node, "unexpected place for a class."); } // Push the class unsafe. if(clazz.IsUnsafe()) PushUnsafe(); // Update the scope. PushScope(clazz); // Visit the building children. VisitList(node.GetChildren()); // Restore the scope. PopScope(); // Restore the scope. if(protoScope != null) PopScope(); // Pop the class unsafe. if(clazz.IsUnsafe()) PopUnsafe(); return node; }
public void RegisterStreamHolder2DClass(Class streamHolder2DClass) { this.streamHolder2DClass = streamHolder2DClass; }
public void RegisterEnumClass(Class enumClass) { this.enumClass = enumClass; }
public void RegisterDelegateClass(Class delegateClass) { this.delegateClass = delegateClass; }
public void RegisterComputeBindingDelegate(Class binding) { this.computeBindingDelegate = binding; }
public void RegisterAttributeClass(Class attributeClass) { this.attributeClass = attributeClass; }