/*i am phisically ashamed by this method, as it is botched as shit, with about 200 too many if statements but it returns a list of
         boards that can legaly happen as a result of the current state. it is horrific but im lazy and cba to fix it. it works*/
        public void initialize()
            int count = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    board_images[count] = new PictureBox();
                    board_images[count].Tag = ( Convert.ToString(x)+Convert.ToString(y) );
                    board[x, y] = new square();
                    board[x, y].num_index = count;
                    board[x, y].xcoord = x;
                    board[x, y].ycoord = y;
            /*board[4, 4].square_state = "white";
            board[4, 4].is_king = true;
            board[0, 0].square_state = "black";
            board[0, 0].is_king = true;
            board[3,3 ].square_state = "black";*/

            for (int x = 0; x < 7; x = x + 2)
                board[x, 0].square_state = "white";

                board[x, 2].square_state = "white";

                board[x, 6].square_state = "black";

                board[x + 1, 1].square_state = "white";

                board[x + 1, 5].square_state = "black";

                board[x + 1, 7].square_state = "black";


            count = 0;
            for (int y = 600; y > 0; y = y - 85)

                for (int x = 30; x < 700; x = x + 85)

                    board_images[count].Size = new Size(85, 85);
                    board_images[count].Location = new Point(x, y);
                    board_images[count].Click += new EventHandler(square_click);
                    board_images[count].MouseEnter += new EventHandler(mouse_over);
                    board_images[count].MouseLeave += new EventHandler(mouse_off);

        public List<square[, ]> possible_moves( square[,] bd, string turn, bool take, int numval, bool is_human )
            int x;
             int y;
             square[,] reset = new_board();
             set_board_equal_to(bd, reset);
             square[,] this_move = new_board();
             set_board_equal_to(bd, this_move);
             List<square[,]> valuelist = new List<square[,]>();
             List<square[,]> compulsory_list = new List<square[,]>();
             bool can_take = false;
             bool must_take = false;
             if (take == true)
                 must_take = true;

             for (int yco = 0; yco <8; yco++)
                 for (int xco = 0; xco <8; xco++)

                     x = this_move[xco, yco].xcoord;
                     y = this_move[xco, yco].ycoord;
                     bool[] free = new bool[4];
                     can_take = false;
                     bool[] compulsory = new bool[4];

                     #region find possible coords
                     if (numval == -1 || this_move[x, y].num_index == numval)

                         if (this_move[xco, yco].square_state != "non")
                             if (bd[x, y].square_state == "white" && turn =="white")
                                     if (bd[x - 1, y + 1].square_state == "non")
                                         free[0] = true;
                                     else if (bd[x - 1, y + 1].square_state == "black" && bd[x - 2, y + 2].square_state == "non")
                                         free[0] = true;
                                         can_take = true;
                                         compulsory[0] = true;
                                         free[0] = false;

                                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                     free[0] = false;
                                     if (bd[x + 1, y + 1].square_state == "non")
                                         free[1] = true;
                                     else if (bd[x + 1, y + 1].square_state == "black" && bd[x + 2, y + 2].square_state == "non")
                                         free[1] = true;
                                         can_take = true;
                                         compulsory[1] = true;
                                         free[1] = false;
                                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                     free[1] = false;
                             if (bd[x, y].square_state == "black" && turn == "black")
                                     if (bd[x - 1, y - 1].square_state == "non")
                                         free[2] = true;
                                     else if (bd[x - 1, y - 1].square_state == "white" && bd[x - 2, y - 2].square_state == "non")
                                         free[2] = true;
                                         can_take = true;
                                         compulsory[2] = true;
                                         free[2] = false;
                                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                     free[2] = false;
                                     if (bd[x + 1, y - 1].square_state == "non")
                                         free[3] = true;
                                     else if (bd[x + 1, y - 1].square_state == "white" && bd[x + 2, y - 2].square_state == "non")
                                         free[3] = true;
                                         can_take = true;
                                         compulsory[3] = true;
                                         free[3] = false;
                                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                     free[3] = false;
                             if (bd[x, y].square_state == "white" && bd[x, y].is_king == true && turn == "white")
                                     if (bd[x - 1, y - 1].square_state == "non")
                                         free[2] = true;
                                     else if (bd[x - 1, y - 1].square_state == "black" && bd[x - 2, y - 2].square_state == "non")
                                         free[2] = true;
                                         can_take = true;
                                         compulsory[2] = true;
                                         free[2] = false;
                                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                     free[2] = false;
                                     if (bd[x + 1, y - 1].square_state == "non")
                                         free[3] = true;
                                     else if (bd[x + 1, y - 1].square_state == "black" && bd[x + 2, y - 2].square_state == "non")
                                         free[3] = true;
                                         can_take = true;
                                         compulsory[3] = true;
                                         free[3] = false;
                                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                     free[3] = false;
                             if (bd[x, y].square_state == "black" && bd[x, y].is_king == true && turn == "black")
                                     if (bd[x - 1, y + 1].square_state == "non")
                                         free[0] = true;
                                     else if (bd[x - 1, y + 1].square_state == "white" && bd[x - 2, y + 2].square_state == "non")
                                         free[0] = true;
                                         can_take = true;
                                         compulsory[0] = true;
                                         free[0] = false;
                                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                     free[0] = false;
                                     if (bd[x + 1, y + 1].square_state == "non")
                                         free[1] = true;
                                     else if (bd[x + 1, y + 1].square_state == "white" && bd[x + 2, y + 2].square_state == "non")
                                         free[1] = true;
                                         can_take = true;
                                         compulsory[1] = true;
                                         free[1] = false;
                                 catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                     free[1] = false;

                     #region set new board
                     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                         if (compulsory[i] == true)
                             if (i == 0)

                                 this_move[x-2, y+2].square_state = this_move[x, y].square_state;
                                 this_move[x-2, y+2].is_king = this_move[x, y].is_king;
                                 this_move[x, y].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x, y].is_king = false;
                                 this_move[x-1, y+1].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x-1, y+1].is_king = false;

                                 if (y == 5 && this_move[x-2, y+2].is_king == false)
                                     this_move[x-2, y+2].is_king = true;

                                 square[,] boardtoadd = new_board();
                                 set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);
                                 if (possible_moves(boardtoadd, turn, true, this_move[x-2, y+2].num_index, false).Count != 0 && is_human == false)
                                     foreach (square[,] nextboard in possible_moves(boardtoadd, turn, true, this_move[x-2, y+2].num_index, false))
                                     set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);

                                 must_take = true;
                                 set_board_equal_to(reset, this_move);

                             if (i == 1)
                                 this_move[x+2, y+2].square_state = this_move[x, y].square_state;
                                 this_move[x+2, y+2].is_king = this_move[x, y].is_king;
                                 this_move[x, y].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x, y].is_king = false;
                                 this_move[x+1, y+1].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x+1, y+1].is_king = false;

                                 if (y == 5 && this_move[x+2, y+2].is_king == false)
                                     this_move[x+2, y+2].is_king = true;
                                 square[,] boardtoadd = new_board();
                                 set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);
                                 if (possible_moves(boardtoadd, turn, true, this_move[x+2, y+2].num_index, false).Count != 0 && is_human == false)
                                     foreach (square[,] nextboard in possible_moves(boardtoadd, turn, true, this_move[x+2, y+2].num_index, false))
                                     set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);

                                 must_take = true;
                                 set_board_equal_to(reset, this_move);

                             if (i == 2)
                                 this_move[x-2, y-2].square_state = this_move[x, y].square_state;
                                 this_move[x-2, y-2].is_king = this_move[x, y].is_king;
                                 this_move[x, y].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x, y].is_king = false;
                                 this_move[x-1, y-1].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x-1, y-1].is_king = false;

                                 if (y == 2 && this_move[x-2, y-2].is_king == false)
                                     this_move[x-2, y-2].is_king = true;
                                 square[,] boardtoadd = new_board();
                                 set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);
                                 if (possible_moves(boardtoadd, turn, true, this_move[x-2, y-2].num_index, false).Count != 0 && is_human == false)
                                     foreach (square[,] nextboard in possible_moves(boardtoadd, turn, true, this_move[x-2, y-2].num_index, false))
                                     set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);

                                 must_take = true;
                                 set_board_equal_to(reset, this_move);

                             if (i == 3)
                                 this_move[x+2, y-2].square_state = this_move[x, y].square_state;
                                 this_move[x+2, y-2].is_king = this_move[x, y].is_king;
                                 this_move[x, y].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x, y].is_king = false;
                                 this_move[x+1, y-1].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x+1, y-1].is_king = false;

                                 if (y == 2 && this_move[x+2, y-2].is_king == false)
                                     this_move[x+2, y-2].is_king = true;
                                 square[,] boardtoadd = new_board();
                                 set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);

                                 if (possible_moves(boardtoadd, turn, true, this_move[x+2, y-2].num_index, false).Count != 0 && is_human == false)
                                     foreach (square[,] nextboard in possible_moves(boardtoadd, turn, true, this_move[x+2, y-2].num_index, false))
                                     set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);

                                 must_take = true;
                                 set_board_equal_to(reset, this_move);

                         else if (free[i] == true && can_take == false && must_take == false)
                             if (i == 0)

                                 this_move[x-1, y+1].square_state = this_move[x, y].square_state;
                                 this_move[x-1, y+1].is_king = this_move[x, y].is_king;
                                 this_move[x, y].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x, y].is_king = false;

                                 if (y == 6 && this_move[x-1, y+1].is_king == false)
                                     this_move[x-1, y+1].is_king = true;
                                 square[,] boardtoadd = new_board();
                                 set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);


                                 set_board_equal_to(reset, this_move);
                             if (i == 1)
                                 this_move[x+1, y+1].square_state = this_move[x, y].square_state;
                                 this_move[x+1, y+1].is_king = this_move[x, y].is_king;
                                 this_move[x, y].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x, y].is_king = false;

                                 if (y == 6 && this_move[x+1, y+1].is_king == false)
                                     this_move[x+1, y+1].is_king = true;
                                 square[,] boardtoadd = new_board();
                                 set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);

                                 set_board_equal_to(reset, this_move);

                             if (i == 2)
                                 this_move[x-1, y-1].square_state = this_move[x, y].square_state;
                                 this_move[x-1, y-1].is_king = this_move[x, y].is_king;
                                 this_move[x, y].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x, y].is_king = false;

                                 if (y == 1 && this_move[x-1, y-1].is_king == false)
                                     this_move[x-1, y-1].is_king = true;
                                 square[,] boardtoadd = new_board();
                                 set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);

                                 set_board_equal_to(reset, this_move);
                             if (i == 3)
                                 this_move[x +1, y - 1].square_state = this_move[x, y].square_state;
                                 this_move[x +1, y - 1].is_king = this_move[x, y].is_king;
                                 this_move[x, y].square_state = "non";
                                 this_move[x, y].is_king = false;

                                 if (y == 1 && this_move[x+1, y-1].is_king == false)
                                     this_move[x+1, y-1].is_king = true;
                                 square[,] boardtoadd = new_board();
                                 set_board_equal_to(this_move, boardtoadd);

                                 set_board_equal_to(reset, this_move);




             if (must_take == false)
                 return valuelist;

                 return compulsory_list;
 public square[,] new_board()
     square[,] returnboard = new square[8, 8];
      int count = 0;
      for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
          for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
              returnboard[x, y] = new square();
              returnboard[x, y].xcoord = x;
              returnboard[x, y].ycoord = y;
              returnboard[x, y].num_index = count;
      return returnboard;
 public bool is_over_quiery( square[,] bd  )
     if (possible_moves(bd, "white", false, -1, true).Count == 0 || possible_moves(bd, "black", false, -1, true).Count == 0)
         return true;
         return false;
        public void training_match(square[,] bd)
               This section is the section where the computer will "hopefully" play against itslef.
            string turn = "black";
            bool isbaby = true; //if is baby is true, the computer will use the mutated generation of the board values
            string not_turn = " ";
            List<square[,]>  possible_list = possible_moves(bd,"white",false,-1,false);
            Queue<square[,]> repeated = new Queue<square[,]>();
            //while (possible_list.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i <2; i++ )//these can be commented and uncommented to run the sim as far as you like, or with the while loop, untill the end
                isbaby = !isbaby;
                if (turn == "white")
                    turn = "black";
                    not_turn = "white";

                    turn = "white";
                    not_turn = "black";
                int bestval = 0;
                int count = 0;
                int bestposition = 0;
                square[,] this_state = new_board();
                set_board_equal_to(board, this_state);
                if (repeated.Contains(this_state))
                    label2.Text = turn;
                foreach (square[,] pos in possible_list)//looks at all the boards that stem from this position
                        int this_min = min.minimax_iterative(pos, 7, false, turn, -9999, 9999);//runs minimax on each
                        if (turn == "black")
                            if (this_min < bestval)
                                bestposition = count;//if a value is superior, set the position to that value
                                bestval = this_min;
                            if (this_min > bestval)
                                bestposition = count;//if a value is superior, set the position to that value
                                bestval = this_min;


                board = possible_list[bestposition];//chaneg the master board to that possible root

                possible_list = possible_moves(board, not_turn, false, -1, false);//sets up the possible moves list for the next game state
            label2.Text = turn;
 public void set_board_equal_to( square[,] original, square[,] copy )
     for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
         for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
             copy[x, y].is_king = original[x, y].is_king;
             copy[x, y].num_index = original[x, y].num_index;
             copy[x, y].square_state = original[x, y].square_state;
             copy[x, y].xcoord = original[x, y].xcoord;
             copy[x, y].ycoord = original[x, y].ycoord;
        public int minimax_training( square[,] current_minimax, int depth, bool maxiplayer, string turn, int alpha, int beta, bool is_baby)
            int a = alpha;
            int b = beta;
            if (depth == 0 || func.is_over_quiery(current_minimax) == true)
                int retval;
               retval = board_value_variable(current_minimax,is_baby);//gets either the new or old gen board values
                return retval;

            if (turn=="white")
                turn_colour = "black";
                turn_colour = "white";


            if (maxiplayer == true)
                int bestval = -9999;

                foreach (square[,] pos in func.possible_moves(current_minimax, turn, false, -1, false))

                    int max = minimax_training(pos, depth-1, !maxiplayer, turn_colour, a, b,!is_baby);

                    bestval = Math.Max(bestval, max) + ( depth *10 );
                    a = Math.Max(bestval, alpha);
                    if (beta <= a)
                return bestval;
                int bestval = 9999;
                foreach (square[,] pos in func.possible_moves(current_minimax, turn, false, -1, false))
                    int min = minimax_training(pos, depth-1, !maxiplayer, turn_colour, a, b,!is_baby);

                    bestval = Math.Min(bestval, min) - ( depth *10 );
                    b = Math.Min(bestval, beta);
                    if (b <= alpha)
                return bestval;
        public int minimax_run(square[,] current_minimax,int depth, bool maxiplayer, string turn ,int alpha, int beta)
            int a = alpha;
            int b = beta;
            if (depth == 0 || func.is_over_quiery(current_minimax) == true) //termial node shit
                int retval = board_value(current_minimax);
                return retval;

            if (turn=="white")
                 turn_colour = "black";
                 turn_colour = "white";

            if (maxiplayer == true)
                int bestval = -9999;

                foreach (square[,] pos in func.possible_moves(current_minimax, turn, false, -1, false))//looks at all possible moves

                    int max = minimax_run(pos, depth-1, !maxiplayer, turn_colour, a, b);   //runs minimax on it, returning the value

                    bestval = Math.Max(bestval, max) + (depth *10);//stores that. the depth *10 hopefully stops it suiciding
                    a = Math.Max(bestval, alpha);//this is alpha beta. i cant f*****g explain it by comments. google it
                    if (beta <= a)

                return bestval;
                int bestval = 9999;
                foreach (square[,] pos in func.possible_moves(current_minimax, turn, false, -1, false))
                    int min = minimax_run(pos, depth-1, !maxiplayer, turn_colour, a, b);

                    bestval = Math.Min(bestval, min) - ( depth *10 );
                    b = Math.Min(bestval, beta);
                    if (b <= alpha)

                return bestval;
        public int minimax_iterative( square[,] current_minimax, int depth, bool maxiplayer, string turn, int alpha, int beta )
            int a = alpha;
            int b = beta;
            var this_depth = new Dictionary<int,square[,]>();

            if (depth == 0 || func.is_over_quiery(current_minimax) == true)
                int retval = board_value(current_minimax);
                return retval;

            if (turn=="white")
                turn_colour = "black";
                turn_colour = "white";


            foreach (square[,] pos in func.possible_moves(current_minimax, turn, false, -1, false))
                    int value = board_value(pos);
                bool placed = false;
                while (placed == false){
                        placed = true;
                        this_depth.Add(value, pos);
                        placed = false;
                    var ordered_depth = this_depth.Keys.ToList();

            if (maxiplayer == true)
                int bestval = -9999;

                foreach (int val in ordered_depth)
                    int max = minimax_iterative(this_depth[val], depth-1, !maxiplayer, turn_colour, a, b);

                    bestval = Math.Max(bestval, max) + ( depth *10 );
                    a = Math.Max(bestval, alpha);
                    if (beta <= a)

                return bestval;

                int bestval = 9999;
                foreach (int val in ordered_depth)
                    int min = minimax_run(this_depth[val], depth-1, !maxiplayer, turn_colour, a, b);

                    bestval = Math.Min(bestval, min) - ( depth *10 );
                    b = Math.Min(bestval, beta);
                    if (b <= alpha)
                return bestval;
        public int board_value_variable(square[,] bd, bool is_baby )
            int[] needed_values;
            if (is_baby == true)
                needed_values = next_gen_values;
                needed_values = current_values;
            int score = 0;
            foreach (square sq in bd)
                int x = sq.xcoord;
                int y = sq.ycoord;
                if (sq.square_state =="black")
                    score -= needed_values[0];//per piece
                    if (sq.is_king== true)
                        score -= needed_values[1];//per king
                    if (x == 0 || x == 7 || y == 7)
                        score -= needed_values[2];//protected at the sides
                    if (sq.is_king != true)
                        score -= ( ( 7-y )* needed_values[3] );


                        if (bd[x+1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                            score -= needed_values[4];//protected by friendly
                                if (bd[x-1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                                    score -= needed_values[5];
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        if (bd[x-1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                            score -= needed_values[4];
                                if (bd[x+1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                                    score -= needed_values[5];
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        if (bd[x+1, y+1].square_state == "black" && bd[x-1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                            score -= needed_values[4];
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)

                else if (sq.square_state == "white")
                    score += needed_values[0];
                    if (sq.is_king== true)
                        score += needed_values[1];
                    if (x == 0 || x == 7 || y == 0)
                        score += needed_values[2];
                    if (sq.is_king != true)

                        score += ( y*needed_values[3] );

                        if (bd[x+1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                            score += needed_values[4];
                                if (bd[x-1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                                    score += needed_values[5];
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        if (bd[x-1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                            score += needed_values[4];
                                if (bd[x+1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                                    score += needed_values[5];
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        if (bd[x+1, y-1].square_state == "white" && bd[x-1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                            score += needed_values[4];
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
            return score;
        public int board_value( square[,] bd )
            //looks at each piece on the board and values it. values are reversed for black
            int score = 0;
            foreach (square sq in bd)
                int x = sq.xcoord;
                int y = sq.ycoord;
                if (sq.square_state =="black")
                    score -= 30;//per piece
                    if (sq.is_king== true)
                        score -= 10;//per king
                    if (x == 0 || x == 7 || y == 7)
                        score -= 2;//protected at the sides
                    if (sq.is_king != true)
                        score -= ( ( 7-y )*2 );


                    if (bd[x+1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                        score -= 2;//protected by friendly
                            if (bd[x-1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                                score += 10;
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    if (bd[x-1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                        score -= 2;
                            if (bd[x+1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                                score += 10;
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    if (bd[x+1, y+1].square_state == "black" && bd[x-1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                        score -= 2;
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException){}

                else if (sq.square_state == "white")
                    score += 30;
                    if (sq.is_king== true)
                        score += 10;
                    if (x == 0 || x == 7 || y == 0)
                        score += 2;
                    if (sq.is_king != true)

                        score += ( y*2 );

                        if (bd[x+1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                            score += 2;
                                if (bd[x-1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                                    score -= 10;
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        if (bd[x-1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                            score += 2;
                                if (bd[x+1, y+1].square_state == "black")
                                    score -= 10;
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        if (bd[x+1, y-1].square_state == "white" && bd[x-1, y-1].square_state == "white")
                            score += 2;
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException){}
            return score;
 public bool is_over_quiery( square[,] bd, string cur_turn )
     if (possible_moves(bd, cur_turn, false, -1, true).Count == 0)//kinda self explanitory
         return true;
         return false;