Exemple #1
        private CheckersMove IsMoveValidCore(CheckersPiece piece, Point[] path)
            // Failsafe .. be sure piece is valid
            if (piece == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("piece");
            if (!pieces.Contains(piece))
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument 'piece' must be a piece in play to the current game.");
            // Be sure piece can be moved
            if (!CanMovePiece(piece))
                throw new ArgumentException("Checkers piece cannot be moved on this turn.", "piece");
            CheckersMove move = CheckersMove.FromPath(this, piece, path);

            if (!move.Moved)
                return(null);         // No movement
            if (move.MustMove)
                return(null);       // A move must yet be made
            // Success
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>Returns whether or not a move is valid.</summary>
 /// <param name="move">The CheckersMove object to check.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the move is valid.</returns>
 public bool IsValidMove(CheckersPiece piece, Point[] path)
     if (!isPlaying)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation requires game to be playing.");
     return(IsMoveValidCore(piece, path) != null);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>Moves a Checkers piece on the board.</summary>
        /// <param name="piece">The checkers piece to move.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The the location for the piece to be moved to, and the path taken to get there.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the piece was moved successfully.</returns>
        public bool MovePiece(CheckersPiece piece, Point[] path)
            if (isReadOnly)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Game is read only.");
            if (!isPlaying)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation requires game to be playing.");
            // Check for valid move
            CheckersMove move = IsMoveValidCore(piece, path);

            // Remove jumped pieces
            foreach (CheckersPiece jumped in move.Jumped)
                if (board[jumped.Location.X, jumped.Location.Y] == jumped)
                    board[jumped.Location.X, jumped.Location.Y] = null;
            // Move the piece on board
            board[piece.Location.X, piece.Location.Y]             = null;
            board[move.CurrentLocation.X, move.CurrentLocation.Y] = piece;
            // King a pawn if reached other end of board
            if (move.Kinged)
            // Remember last move
            lastMove = move;
            // Update player's turn
            int prevTurn = turn;

            if (++turn > PlayerCount)
                turn = 1;
            // Check for win by removal of opponent's pieces or by no turns available this turn
            if ((EnumPlayerPieces(prevTurn).Length == 0) || (EnumMovablePieces().Length == 0))
            if (TurnChanged != null)
                TurnChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>Creates a Checkers move object from a given path.</summary>
        /// <param name="game">The Checkers game to create the movement to.</param>
        /// <param name="piece">The Checkers piece which will be moving.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The path to move along.</param>
        /// <returns>The new Checkers move object.</returns>
        internal static CheckersMove FromPath(CheckersGame game, CheckersPiece piece, Point[] path)
            CheckersMove move = new CheckersMove(game, piece, true);

            foreach (Point p in path)
                if (move.Move(p) == false)
Exemple #5
 // Will be create indirectly from a CheckersGame object via BeginMove
 internal CheckersMove(CheckersGame game, CheckersPiece piece, bool makeReadOnlyCopy)
     this.game       = game;
     this.piece      = piece;
     initialGame     = (((makeReadOnlyCopy) && (!game.IsReadOnly)) ? (CheckersGame.MakeReadOnly(game)) : (game));
     initialPiece    = initialGame.Pieces[Array.IndexOf(game.Pieces, piece)];
     board           = (CheckersPiece[, ])game.Board.Clone();
     currentLocation = piece.Location;
     jumped          = new ArrayList();
     path            = new ArrayList();
     cannotMove      = false;
     kinged          = false;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>Begins the checkers game.</summary>
        public void Play()
            if (isReadOnly)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Game is read only.");
            if (isPlaying)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Game has already started.");
            isPlaying = true;

            for (int y = BoardSize.Height - 1; y >= 5; y--)
                for (int x = 0; x < BoardSize.Width; x++)
                    if ((x % 2) == (y % 2))
                    CheckersPiece piece = new CheckersPiece(this, 1, CheckersRank.Pawn, new Point(x, y), true);
                    board[x, y] = piece;
            for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < BoardSize.Width; x++)
                    if ((x % 2) == (y % 2))
                    CheckersPiece piece = new CheckersPiece(this, 2, CheckersRank.Pawn, new Point(x, y), true);
                    board[x, y] = piece;

            // Set player's turn
            turn     = firstMove;
            lastMove = null;
            if (GameStarted != null)
                GameStarted(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>Returns whether or not the checkers piece can be moved this turn.</summary>
 /// <param name="piece">The checkers piece to test.</param>
 /// <returns>True when piece can be moved.</returns>
 public bool CanMovePiece(CheckersPiece piece)
     if ((!isPlaying) && (winner == 0))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation requires game to be playing.");
     if (piece == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("piece");
     if (!pieces.Contains(piece))
         throw new ArgumentException("Argument 'piece' must be a piece in play to the current game.");
     return(piece.Player == turn);
Exemple #8
        private ArrayList EnumJumpMovesCore(CheckersPiece piece, Point fromLocation, out ArrayList jumped)
            ArrayList moves = new ArrayList();

            jumped = new ArrayList();
            // Append jumps (not of same team)
            if ((piece.Direction == CheckersDirection.Up) || (piece.Rank == CheckersRank.King))
                if (game.InBounds(fromLocation.X - 1, fromLocation.Y - 1) && (board[fromLocation.X - 1, fromLocation.Y - 1] != null) && (board[fromLocation.X - 1, fromLocation.Y - 1].Player != piece.Player))
                    if (InBounds(fromLocation.X - 2, fromLocation.Y - 2) && (board[fromLocation.X - 2, fromLocation.Y - 2] == null))
                        moves.Add(new Point(fromLocation.X - 2, fromLocation.Y - 2));
                        jumped.Add(board[fromLocation.X - 1, fromLocation.Y - 1]);
                if (InBounds(fromLocation.X + 1, fromLocation.Y - 1) && (board[fromLocation.X + 1, fromLocation.Y - 1] != null) && (board[fromLocation.X + 1, fromLocation.Y - 1].Player != piece.Player))
                    if (InBounds(fromLocation.X + 2, fromLocation.Y - 2) && (board[fromLocation.X + 2, fromLocation.Y - 2] == null))
                        moves.Add(new Point(fromLocation.X + 2, fromLocation.Y - 2));
                        jumped.Add(board[fromLocation.X + 1, fromLocation.Y - 1]);
            if ((piece.Direction == CheckersDirection.Down) || (piece.Rank == CheckersRank.King))
                if (InBounds(fromLocation.X - 1, fromLocation.Y + 1) && (board[fromLocation.X - 1, fromLocation.Y + 1] != null) && (board[fromLocation.X - 1, fromLocation.Y + 1].Player != piece.Player))
                    if (InBounds(fromLocation.X - 2, fromLocation.Y + 2) && (board[fromLocation.X - 2, fromLocation.Y + 2] == null))
                        moves.Add(new Point(fromLocation.X - 2, fromLocation.Y + 2));
                        jumped.Add(board[fromLocation.X - 1, fromLocation.Y + 1]);
                if (InBounds(fromLocation.X + 1, fromLocation.Y + 1) && (board[fromLocation.X + 1, fromLocation.Y + 1] != null) && (board[fromLocation.X + 1, fromLocation.Y + 1].Player != piece.Player))
                    if (InBounds(fromLocation.X + 2, fromLocation.Y + 2) && (board[fromLocation.X + 2, fromLocation.Y + 2] == null))
                        moves.Add(new Point(fromLocation.X + 2, fromLocation.Y + 2));
                        jumped.Add(board[fromLocation.X + 1, fromLocation.Y + 1]);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>Creates a duplicate Checkers piece object from an identical (possibly cloned) game.</summary>
        /// <returns>The new Checkers piece object.</returns>
        public CheckersPiece Clone(CheckersGame game)
            CheckersPiece clonedPiece = game.PieceAt(Location);

            // Make sure piece exists
            if (clonedPiece == null)
            // Make sure piece is equivalent
            if ((clonedPiece.Player != Player) || (clonedPiece.InPlay != InPlay) || (clonedPiece.Rank != Rank))
            // Return cloned piece
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>Creates a Checkers game from supplied game parameters.</summary>
        /// <param name="optionalJumping">The Optional Jumping rule.</param>
        /// <param name="board">The Checkers board that makes up the game.</param>
        /// <param name="turn">Whose turn it is.</param>
        /// <param name="winner">The winner, or 0 if none yet.</param>
        /// <returns>The Checkers game.</returns>
        public static CheckersGame Create(bool optionalJumping, CheckersPiece[,] board, int turn, int winner)
            if ((board.GetLength(0) != BoardSize.Width) || (board.GetLength(1) != BoardSize.Height))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board's dimensions must be " + BoardSize.Width + "x" + BoardSize.Height);
            CheckersGame game = new CheckersGame(optionalJumping);

            game.board  = new CheckersPiece[BoardSize.Width, BoardSize.Height];
            game.pieces = new CheckersPieceCollection();
            for (int y = 0; y < BoardSize.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < BoardSize.Width; x++)
                    CheckersPiece piece = board[x, y];
                    if (piece == null)
                    if (piece.Owner != null)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board contains a Checkers piece that belongs to another Checkers game.");
                    if (!piece.InPlay)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board contains a Checkers piece that is not in play.");
                    if ((piece.Location.X != x) || (piece.Location.Y != y))
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board contains a Checkers piece that does not match up with it's board location.");
                    if ((piece.Player != 1) || (piece.Player != 2))
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board contains a Checkers piece that is not associated with a valid player.");
                    game.pieces.Add(new CheckersPiece(game, piece.Player, piece.Rank, piece.Location, piece.InPlay));
            game.isPlaying = true;
            game.turn      = turn;
            game.winner    = winner;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>Begins a move by creating a CheckersMove object to assist in generating a valid movement.</summary>
 /// <param name="piece">The Checkers piece to be moved.</param>
 /// <returns>The CheckersMove object.</returns>
 public CheckersMove BeginMove(CheckersPiece piece)
     if ((!isPlaying) && (winner == 0))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation requires game to be playing.");
     // Failsafe .. be sure piece is valid
     if (piece == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("piece");
     if (!pieces.Contains(piece))
         throw new ArgumentException("Argument 'piece' must be a piece in play to the current game.");
     // Be sure piece can be moved
     if (!CanMovePiece(piece))
         throw new ArgumentException("Checkers piece cannot be moved on this turn.", "piece");
     return(new CheckersMove(this, piece, true));
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>Creates a duplicate Checkers game object.</summary>
        /// <returns>The new Checkers move object.</returns>
        public CheckersGame Clone()
            CheckersGame game = new CheckersGame(optionalJumping);

            game.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;
            game.isPlaying  = isPlaying;
            game.firstMove  = firstMove;
            game.turn       = turn;
            game.winner     = winner;
            game.pieces     = new CheckersPieceCollection();
            game.board      = new CheckersPiece[BoardSize.Width, BoardSize.Height];
            foreach (CheckersPiece piece in pieces)
                CheckersPiece newPiece = new CheckersPiece(game, piece.Player, piece.Rank, piece.Location, piece.InPlay);
                game.board[newPiece.Location.X, newPiece.Location.Y] = newPiece;
            int lastMovePieceIndex = ((lastMove != null) ? (pieces.IndexOf(lastMove.Piece)) : (-1));

            game.lastMove = ((lastMovePieceIndex != -1) ? (CheckersMove.FromPath(game, game.pieces[lastMovePieceIndex], lastMove.Path)) : (null));
 private CheckersMove IsMoveValidCore(CheckersPiece piece, Point[] path)
     // Failsafe .. be sure piece is valid
     if(piece == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("piece");
         throw new ArgumentException("Argument 'piece' must be a piece in play to the current game.");
     // Be sure piece can be moved
         throw new ArgumentException("Checkers piece cannot be moved on this turn.", "piece");
     CheckersMove move = CheckersMove.FromPath(this, piece, path);
         return null;         // No movement
         return null;       // A move must yet be made
     // Success
     return move;
        /// <summary>Begins the checkers game.</summary>
        public void Play()
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Game is read only.");
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Game has already started.");
            isPlaying = true;

            for(int y = BoardSize.Height - 1; y >= 5; y--)
                for(int x = 0; x < BoardSize.Width; x++)
                    if((x % 2) == (y % 2))
                    CheckersPiece piece = new CheckersPiece(this, 1, CheckersRank.Pawn, new Point(x, y), true);
                    board[x, y] = piece;
            for(int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                for(int x = 0; x < BoardSize.Width; x++)
                    if((x % 2) == (y % 2))
                    CheckersPiece piece = new CheckersPiece(this, 2, CheckersRank.Pawn, new Point(x, y), true);
                    board[x, y] = piece;

            // Set player's turn
            turn = firstMove;
            lastMove = null;
            if(GameStarted != null)
                GameStarted(this, EventArgs.Empty);
 /// <summary>Moves a Checkers piece on the board.</summary>
 /// <param name="piece">The checkers piece to move.</param>
 /// <param name="path">The the location for the piece to be moved to, and the path taken to get there.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the piece was moved successfully.</returns>
 public bool MovePiece(CheckersPiece piece, Point[] path)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Game is read only.");
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation requires game to be playing.");
     // Check for valid move
     CheckersMove move = IsMoveValidCore(piece, path);
     // Remove jumped pieces
     foreach(CheckersPiece jumped in move.Jumped)
         if(board[jumped.Location.X, jumped.Location.Y] == jumped)
             board[jumped.Location.X, jumped.Location.Y] = null;
     // Move the piece on board
     board[piece.Location.X, piece.Location.Y] = null;
     board[move.CurrentLocation.X, move.CurrentLocation.Y] = piece;
     // King a pawn if reached other end of board
     // Remember last move
     lastMove = move;
     // Update player's turn
     int prevTurn = turn;
     if(++turn > PlayerCount)
         turn = 1;
     // Check for win by removal of opponent's pieces or by no turns available this turn
     if((EnumPlayerPieces(prevTurn).Length == 0) || (EnumMovablePieces().Length == 0))
         if(TurnChanged != null)
             TurnChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     return true;
 /// <summary>Returns whether or not a move is valid.</summary>
 /// <param name="move">The CheckersMove object to check.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the move is valid.</returns>
 public bool IsValidMove(CheckersPiece piece, Point[] path)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation requires game to be playing.");
     return (IsMoveValidCore(piece, path) != null);
 /// <summary>Creates a duplicate Checkers game object.</summary>
 /// <returns>The new Checkers move object.</returns>
 public CheckersGame Clone()
     CheckersGame game = new CheckersGame(optionalJumping);
     game.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;
     game.isPlaying = isPlaying;
     game.firstMove = firstMove;
     game.turn = turn;
     game.winner = winner;
     game.pieces = new CheckersPieceCollection();
     game.board = new CheckersPiece[BoardSize.Width, BoardSize.Height];
     foreach(CheckersPiece piece in pieces)
         CheckersPiece newPiece = new CheckersPiece(game, piece.Player, piece.Rank, piece.Location, piece.InPlay);
         game.board[newPiece.Location.X, newPiece.Location.Y] = newPiece;
     int lastMovePieceIndex = ((lastMove != null) ? (pieces.IndexOf(lastMove.Piece)) : (-1));
     game.lastMove = ((lastMovePieceIndex != -1) ? (CheckersMove.FromPath(game, game.pieces[lastMovePieceIndex], lastMove.Path)) : (null));
     return game;
 public void Remove(CheckersPiece item)
 public bool Contains(CheckersPiece item)
 /// <summary>Creates a Checkers game from supplied game parameters.</summary>
 /// <param name="optionalJumping">The Optional Jumping rule.</param>
 /// <param name="board">The Checkers board that makes up the game.</param>
 /// <param name="turn">Whose turn it is.</param>
 /// <param name="winner">The winner, or 0 if none yet.</param>
 /// <returns>The Checkers game.</returns>
 public static CheckersGame Create(bool optionalJumping, CheckersPiece[,] board, int turn, int winner)
     if((board.GetLength(0) != BoardSize.Width) || (board.GetLength(1) != BoardSize.Height))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board's dimensions must be " + BoardSize.Width + "x" + BoardSize.Height);
     CheckersGame game = new CheckersGame(optionalJumping);
     game.board = new CheckersPiece[BoardSize.Width, BoardSize.Height];
     game.pieces = new CheckersPieceCollection();
     for(int y = 0; y < BoardSize.Height; y++)
         for(int x = 0; x < BoardSize.Width; x++)
             CheckersPiece piece = board[x, y];
             if(piece == null)
             if(piece.Owner != null)
                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board contains a Checkers piece that belongs to another Checkers game.");
                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board contains a Checkers piece that is not in play.");
             if((piece.Location.X != x) || (piece.Location.Y != y))
                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board contains a Checkers piece that does not match up with it's board location.");
             if((piece.Player != 1) || (piece.Player != 2))
                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("board", board, "Board contains a Checkers piece that is not associated with a valid player.");
             game.pieces.Add(new CheckersPiece(game, piece.Player, piece.Rank, piece.Location, piece.InPlay));
     game.isPlaying = true;
     game.turn = turn;
     game.winner = winner;
     return game;
 public void Insert(int index, CheckersPiece item)
     InnerList.Insert(index, item);
 public int Add(CheckersPiece item)
 public int Add(CheckersPiece item)
     return InnerList.Add(item);
 public void AddRange(CheckersPiece[] items)
     foreach(CheckersPiece item in items)
 public int IndexOf(CheckersPiece item)
     return InnerList.IndexOf(item);
 public void Remove(CheckersPiece item)
 public int IndexOf(CheckersPiece item)
 public void CopyTo(CheckersPiece[] array, int index)
     InnerList.CopyTo(array, index);
 /// <summary>Begins a move by creating a CheckersMove object to assist in generating a valid movement.</summary>
 /// <param name="piece">The Checkers piece to be moved.</param>
 /// <returns>The CheckersMove object.</returns>
 public CheckersMove BeginMove(CheckersPiece piece)
     if((!isPlaying) && (winner == 0))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation requires game to be playing.");
     // Failsafe .. be sure piece is valid
     if(piece == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("piece");
         throw new ArgumentException("Argument 'piece' must be a piece in play to the current game.");
     // Be sure piece can be moved
         throw new ArgumentException("Checkers piece cannot be moved on this turn.", "piece");
     return new CheckersMove(this, piece, true);
 public void Insert(int index, CheckersPiece item)
     InnerList.Insert(index, item);
 /// <summary>Returns whether or not the checkers piece can be moved this turn.</summary>
 /// <param name="piece">The checkers piece to test.</param>
 /// <returns>True when piece can be moved.</returns>
 public bool CanMovePiece(CheckersPiece piece)
     if((!isPlaying) && (winner == 0))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation requires game to be playing.");
     if(piece == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("piece");
         throw new ArgumentException("Argument 'piece' must be a piece in play to the current game.");
     return (piece.Player == turn);
 public bool Contains(CheckersPiece item)
     return InnerList.Contains(item);
 /// <summary>Creates a Checkers game from supplied game parameters.</summary>
 /// <param name="optionalJumping">The Optional Jumping rule.</param>
 /// <param name="board">The Checkers board that makes up the game.</param>
 /// <param name="turn">Whose turn it is.</param>
 /// <returns>The Checkers game.</returns>
 public static CheckersGame Create(bool optionalJumping, CheckersPiece[,] board, int turn)
     return Create(optionalJumping, board, turn, 0);
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for a message from the opponent.
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckForClientMessage()
            if (inCheckForClientMessage)
            inCheckForClientMessage = true;
            if (remotePlayer == null)

                NetworkStream ns = new NetworkStream(remotePlayer.Socket, false);
                BinaryReader  br = new BinaryReader(ns);
                BinaryWriter  bw = new BinaryWriter(ns);
                while (ns.DataAvailable)
                    switch ((ClientMessage)br.ReadByte())
                    case ClientMessage.Closed:
                        throw new IOException();

                    case ClientMessage.ChatMessage:
                        AppendMessage(lblNameP2.Text, br.ReadString());
                        if (settings.FlashWindowOnGameEvents)

                    case ClientMessage.AbortGame:
                        AppendMessage("", "Game has been aborted by opponent");

                    case ClientMessage.MakeMove:
                        if (CheckersUI.Game.Turn != 2)
                            AppendMessage("", "Opponent took turn out of place; game aborted");
                        // Get move
                        Point         location = RotateOpponentPiece(br);
                        CheckersPiece piece    = CheckersUI.Game.PieceAt(location);
                        int           count    = br.ReadInt32();
                        Point[]       path     = new Point[count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            path[i] = RotateOpponentPiece(br);
                        // Move the piece an break if successful
                        if (piece != null)
                            if (CheckersUI.MovePiece(piece, path, true, true))
                                if (settings.FlashWindowOnTurn)
                        AppendMessage("", "Opponent made a bad move; game aborted");
            catch (IOException)
                AppendMessage("", "Connection closed");
                remotePlayer = null;
            catch (SocketException ex)
                AppendMessage("", "Disconnected from opponent: " + ex.Message);
                remotePlayer = null;
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                AppendMessage("", "Disconnected from opponent: " + ex.Message);
                remotePlayer = null;
            inCheckForClientMessage = false;