public Value Evaluate(Environment environment)
            var value = expression.Evaluate(environment);

   = info;
            if (value.IsList() || value.IsSet())
                var   list   = value.AsList().GetValue();
                Value result = ValueNull.NULL;
                for (var i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                    if (i < list.Count)
                        environment.Put(identifiers[i], list[i]);
                        if (list[i].IsFunc() && typeof(FuncLambda) == value.GetType())
                        result = list[i];
                        environment.Put(identifiers[i], ValueNull.NULL);
                        result = ValueNull.NULL;
            throw new ControlErrorException(new ValueString("ERROR"), "Destructuring def expected list or set but got " + value.Type(), pos);
 public Interpreter(bool secure = true, bool legacy = true)
     baseEnvironment = Environment.GetBaseEnvironment(secure, legacy);
     environment     = baseEnvironment.NewEnv();
     baseEnvironment.Put("stdout", new ValueOutput(new StringWriter()));
     baseEnvironment.Put("stdin", new ValueInput(new StringReader("")));
     if (!secure)
         baseEnvironment.Put("run", new FuncRun(this));
Exemple #3
 private static void BindNativeFunc(Environment env, FuncBase func, string alias)
     if (env.GetBase().Get("checkerlang_secure_mode", SourcePos.Unknown).AsBoolean().GetValue() && !func.IsSecure())
     env.Put(func.GetName(), func);
     if (alias != null)
         env.Put(alias, func);
Exemple #4
        private void Verify(string expected, string script, string variable, object value)
            var env = new Environment();

            env.Put(variable, value);
            var result = new Interpreter().Interpret(script, "{test}", env);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result.ToString());
Exemple #5
        public Value Evaluate(Environment environment)
            var value = expression.Evaluate(environment);

   = info;
            environment.Put(identifier, value);
            if (value.IsFunc() && typeof(FuncLambda) == value.GetType())
        public Value Evaluate(Environment environment)
            var result = new ValueObject();

            foreach (var member in members)
                NodeDef def = (NodeDef)member;
                result.AddItem(def.GetIdentifier(), def.Evaluate(environment));
            environment.Put(identifier, result);
        public Value Evaluate(Environment environment)
            var modules = environment.GetModules();
            // resolve module file, identifier and name
            string spec;

            if (modulespec is NodeIdentifier)
                spec = ((NodeIdentifier)this.modulespec).GetValue();
                if (environment.IsDefined(spec))
                    var val = environment.Get(spec, this.pos);
                    if (!(val.IsObject() && val.AsObject().isModule))
                        if (!val.IsString())
                            throw new ControlErrorException(new ValueString("ERROR"), "Expected string or identifier modulespec but got " + val.Type(), pos);
                        spec = val.AsString().GetValue();
                var specval = this.modulespec.Evaluate(environment);
                if (!specval.IsString())
                    throw new ControlErrorException(new ValueString("ERROR"), "Expected string or identifier modulespec but got " + specval.Type(), pos);
                spec = specval.AsString().GetValue();
            var modulefile = spec;

            if (!modulefile.EndsWith(".ckl"))
                modulefile += ".ckl";
            string moduleidentifier;
            var    modulename =;
            var    parts      = spec.Split('/');
            var    name       = parts[parts.Length - 1];

            if (name.EndsWith(".ckl"))
                name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 4);
            moduleidentifier = name;
            if (modulename == null)
                modulename = name;
            environment.PushModuleStack(moduleidentifier, pos);

            // lookup or read module
            Environment moduleEnv = null;

            if (modules.ContainsKey(moduleidentifier))
                moduleEnv = modules[moduleidentifier];
                moduleEnv = environment.GetBase().NewEnv();
                var  modulesrc = ModuleLoader.LoadModule(modulefile, environment, pos);
                Node node      = null;
                try {
                    node = Parser.Parse(modulesrc, modulefile);
                } catch (Exception) {
                    throw new ControlErrorException(new ValueString("ERROR"), "Cannot parse module " + moduleidentifier, pos);
                modules[moduleidentifier] = moduleEnv;

            // bind module or contents of module
            if (unqualified)
                foreach (var symbol in moduleEnv.GetLocalSymbols())
                    if (symbol.StartsWith("_"))
                        continue;                         // skip private module symbols
                    environment.Put(symbol, moduleEnv.Get(symbol, pos));
            else if (symbols != null)
                foreach (var symbol in moduleEnv.GetLocalSymbols())
                    if (symbol.StartsWith("_"))
                        continue;                         // skip private module symbols
                    if (!symbols.ContainsKey(symbol))
                    environment.Put(symbols[symbol], moduleEnv.Get(symbol, pos));
                var obj = new ValueObject {
                    isModule = true
                foreach (var symbol in moduleEnv.GetLocalSymbols())
                    if (symbol.StartsWith("_"))
                        continue;                         // skip private module symbols
                    var val = moduleEnv.Get(symbol, pos);
                    if (val.IsObject() && val.AsObject().isModule)
                        continue;                                            // do not re-export modules!
                    obj.AddItem(symbol, val);
                environment.Put(modulename, obj);
 public void SetStandardOutput(TextWriter stdout)
     baseEnvironment.Put("stdout", new ValueOutput(stdout));
Exemple #9
        public static void Bind(Environment env, string nativeName, string nativeAlias, SourcePos pos)
            switch (nativeName)
            case "acos": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncAcos(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "add": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncAdd(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "append": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncAppend(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "asin": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncAsin(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "atan": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncAtan(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "atan2": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncAtan2(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "bind_native": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncBindNative(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "body": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncBody(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "boolean": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncBoolean(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "ceiling": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncCeiling(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "close": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncClose(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "compare": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncCompare(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "contains": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncContains(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "cos": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncCos(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "date": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncDate(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "decimal": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncDecimal(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "delete_at": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncDeleteAt(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "div": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncDiv(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "ends_with": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncEndsWith(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "equals": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncEquals(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "escape_pattern": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncEscapePattern(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "eval": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncEval(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "execute": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncExecute(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "exp": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncExp(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "file_copy": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFileCopy(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "file_delete": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFileDelete(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "file_exists": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFileExists(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "file_info": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFileInfo(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "file_input": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFileInput(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "file_move": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFileMove(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "file_output": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFileOutput(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "find": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFind(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "find_last": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFindLast(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "floor": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFloor(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "format_date": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncFormatDate(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "get_env": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncGetEnv(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "get_output_string": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncGetOutputString(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "greater": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncGreater(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "greater_equals": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncGreaterEquals(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "identity": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncIdentity(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "if_empty": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncIfEmpty(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "if_null": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncIfNull(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "if_null_or_empty": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncIfNullOrEmpty(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "info": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncInfo(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "insert_at": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncInsertAt(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "int": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncInt(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "is_empty": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncIsEmpty(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "is_not_empty": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncIsNotEmpty(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "is_not_null": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncIsNotNull(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "is_null": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncIsNull(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "length": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncLength(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "less": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncLess(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "less_equals": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncLessEquals(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "list": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncList(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "list_dir": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncListDir(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "log": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncLog(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "lower": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncLower(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "ls": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncLs(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "make_dir": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncMakeDir(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "map": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncMap(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "matches": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncMatches(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "mod": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncMod(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "mul": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncMul(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "not_equals": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncNotEquals(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "object": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncObject(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "parse": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncParse(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "parse_date": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncParseDate(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "parse_json": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncParseJson(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "pattern": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncPattern(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "pow": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncPow(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "print": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncPrint(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "println": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncPrintln(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "process_lines": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncProcessLines(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "put": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncPut(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "random": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncRandom(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "range": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncRange(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "read": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncRead(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "read_all": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncReadall(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "readln": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncReadln(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "remove": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncRemove(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "replace": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncReplace(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "round": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncRound(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "s": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncS(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "set": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSet(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "set_seed": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSetSeed(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "sin": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSin(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "sorted": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSorted(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "split": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSplit(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "split2": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSplit2(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "sqrt": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSqrt(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "str_input": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncStrInput(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "starts_with": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncStartsWith(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "str_output": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncStrOutput(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "string": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncString(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "sub": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSub(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "sublist": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSublist(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "substr": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSubstr(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "sum": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncSum(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "tan": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncTan(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "timestamp": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncTimestamp(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "trim": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncTrim(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "type": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncType(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "upper": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncUpper(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "zip": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncZip(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "zip_map": BindNativeFunc(env, new FuncZipMap(), nativeAlias); break;

            case "E": env.Put("E", new ValueDecimal((decimal)Math.E).WithInfo("E\n\nThe mathematical constant E (Eulers number)")); break;

            case "PI": env.Put("PI", new ValueDecimal((decimal)Math.PI).WithInfo("PI\n\nThe mathematical constant PI")); break;

            case "PS": env.Put("PS", new ValueString(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()).WithInfo("PS\n\nThe OS path separator (posix: /, windows: \\).")); break;

            case "LS": env.Put("LS", new ValueString(System.Environment.NewLine).WithInfo("PS\n\nThe OS line separator (posix: \\n, windows: \\r\\n).")); break;

            case "FS": env.Put("FS", new ValueString(Path.PathSeparator.ToString()).WithInfo("FS\n\nThe OS field separator (posix: :, windows: ;).")); break;

            case "OS_NAME": env.Put("OS_NAME", new ValueString(GetOsName()).WithInfo("OS_NAME\n\nThe name of the operating system, one of Windows, Linux, macOS")); break;

            case "OS_VERSION": env.Put("OS_VERSION", new ValueString(GetOsVersion()).WithInfo("OS_VERSION\n\nThe version of the operating system.")); break;

            case "OS_ARCH": env.Put("OS_ARCH", new ValueString(GetOsArch()).WithInfo("OS_ARCH\n\nThe architecture of the operating system, one of x86, amd64.")); break;

                throw new ControlErrorException(new ValueString("ERROR"), "Unknown native " + nativeName, pos);
Exemple #10
        public Value Evaluate(Environment environment)
            var list = expression.Evaluate(environment);

            if (list.IsInput())
                var    input  = list.AsInput();
                Value  result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                string line   = null;
                    line = input.ReadLine();
                    while (line != null)
                        var value = new ValueString(line);
                        if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                            environment.Put(identifiers[0], value);
                            var vals = value.AsList().GetValue();
                            for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                                environment.Put(identifiers[i], vals[i]);
                        result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                        if (result.IsBreak())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                        if (result.IsContinue())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                            // continue

                        if (result.IsReturn())
                        line = input.ReadLine();
                    if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                        for (var i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                catch (IOException)
                    throw new ControlErrorException(new ValueString("ERROR"), "Cannot read from input", pos);
            if (list.IsList())
                Value result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                foreach (var value in list.AsList().GetValue())
                    if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                        environment.Put(identifiers[0], value);
                        var vals = value.AsList().GetValue();
                        for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                            environment.Put(identifiers[i], vals[i]);
                    result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                    if (result.IsBreak())
                        result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                    if (result.IsContinue())
                        result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                        // continue

                    if (result.IsReturn())
                if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                    for (var i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
            if (list.IsSet())
                Value result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                foreach (var value in list.AsSet().GetValue())
                    if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                        environment.Put(identifiers[0], value);
                        var vals = value.AsList().GetValue();
                        for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                            environment.Put(identifiers[i], vals[i]);
                    result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                    if (result.IsBreak())
                        result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                    if (result.IsContinue())
                        result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                        // continue

                    if (result.IsReturn())
                if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                    for (var i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
            if (list.IsMap())
                Value result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                if (what == "keys")
                    foreach (var val in list.AsMap().GetValue().Keys.ToList())
                        if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                            environment.Put(identifiers[0], val);
                            var vals = val.AsList().GetValue();
                            for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                                environment.Put(identifiers[i], vals[i]);
                        result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                        if (result.IsBreak())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                        if (result.IsContinue())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                            // continue

                        if (result.IsReturn())
                else if (what == "values")
                    foreach (var val in list.AsMap().GetValue().Values.ToList())
                        if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                            environment.Put(identifiers[0], val);
                            var vals = val.AsList().GetValue();
                            for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                                environment.Put(identifiers[i], vals[i]);
                        result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                        if (result.IsBreak())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                        if (result.IsContinue())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                            // continue

                        if (result.IsReturn())
                else if (what == "entries")
                    foreach (var entry in list.AsMap().GetValue().ToList())
                        ValueList val = new ValueList();
                        if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                            environment.Put(identifiers[0], val);
                            var vals = val.AsList().GetValue();
                            for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                                environment.Put(identifiers[i], vals[i]);
                        result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                        if (result.IsBreak())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                        if (result.IsContinue())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                            // continue

                        if (result.IsReturn())
                if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                    for (var i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
            if (list.IsObject())
                Value result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                if (what == "keys")
                    foreach (var key in list.AsObject().value.Keys.ToList())
                        Value val = new ValueString(key);
                        environment.Put(identifiers[0], val);
                        result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                        if (result.IsBreak())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                        if (result.IsContinue())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                            // continue

                        if (result.IsReturn())
                else if (what == "values")
                    foreach (var val in list.AsObject().value.Values.ToList())
                        if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                            environment.Put(identifiers[0], val);
                            var vals = val.AsList().GetValue();
                            for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                                environment.Put(identifiers[i], vals[i]);
                        result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                        if (result.IsBreak())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                        if (result.IsContinue())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                            // continue

                        if (result.IsReturn())
                else if (what == "entries")
                    foreach (var entry in list.AsObject().value.ToList())
                        var val = new ValueList();
                        val.AddItem(new ValueString(entry.Key));
                        if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                            environment.Put(identifiers[0], val);
                            var vals = val.AsList().GetValue();
                            for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                                environment.Put(identifiers[i], vals[i]);
                        result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                        if (result.IsBreak())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                        if (result.IsContinue())
                            result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                            // continue

                        if (result.IsReturn())
                if (identifiers.Count == 1)
                    for (var i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
            if (list.IsString())
                var   str    = list.AsString().GetValue();
                Value result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                foreach (var value in str)
                    environment.Put(identifiers[0], new ValueString(value.ToString()));
                    result = block.Evaluate(environment);
                    if (result.IsBreak())
                        result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;

                    if (result.IsContinue())
                        result = ValueBoolean.TRUE;
                        // continue

                    if (result.IsReturn())
            throw new ControlErrorException(new ValueString("ERROR"), "Cannot iterate over " + list, pos);