private void custView_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { DataRow r = t.Rows[custView.SelectedIndex]; this.NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry(); this.NavigationService.Navigate(CashCheck.Get("" + r[1] + "", 1)); }
public static CashCheck Get(string custId, Boolean customer) { CashCheck cc = Get(CheckUtil.GetID(), 0); cc.cid = custId; cc.customerID.Text = custId; return(cc); }
public static void _scanCheck(CashCheck cc) { try { scanner.axRanger1.StartFeeding(0, 0); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.StackTrace); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } }
public static CashCheck Get(string txId, int load) { if (cc == null) { cc = new CashCheck(); cc.InitializeComponent(); } cc.Background = Brushes.White; cc.Clear(); cc.txnId = txId; cc.txID.Text = txId; if (load > 0) { cc.loadTxn(); } return(cc); }
public static void initScanner(CashCheck cc) { if (scanner == null) { scanner = new CheckHelper(cc); try { //scanner.axRanger1. scanner.axRanger1.StartUp(); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.StackTrace); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } } }
public static void scanCheck(CashCheck cc) { _scanCheck(cc); }
public void ExecutedF9Command(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { navigate(CashCheck.Get()); }
private void DashboardClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { navigate(CashCheck.Get()); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to cash the check?", "Cash Check?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); this.NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry(); this.NavigationService.Navigate(CashCheck.Get(customerCB.Text, true)); }
private void savecustomer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string _id = customerCB.Text; string _fn = firstName.Text; string _ln = lastName.Text; string _street1 = street1.Text; string _street2 = street2.Text; string _city = city.Text; string _state = state.Text; string _zip = zip.Text; string _phone = phone.Text; Object _dob = null; if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(dob.Text))) { try{ _dob = DateTime.Parse(dob.Text).ToString(); } catch (Exception ee) { } } string _ssn = ssn.Text; string _height = height.Text; string _weight = weight.Text; Hashtable t = new Hashtable(); t["city"] = "'" + _city + "'"; t["state"] = "'" + _state + "'"; t["zip"] = "'" + _zip + "'"; t["phone"] = "'" + _phone + "'"; t["street1"] = "'" + _street1 + "'"; t["street2"] = "'" + _street2 + "'"; t["fname"] = "'" + _fn + "'"; t["lname"] = "'" + _ln + "'"; t["id"] = "'" + _id + "'"; t["ssn"] = "'" + _ssn + "'"; t["dob"] = "'" + _dob + "'"; t["height"] = "'" + _height + "'"; t["weight"] = "'" + _weight + "'"; t["status"] = "1"; ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.Add("'" + _city + "'"); l.Add("'" + _state + "'"); l.Add("'" + _phone + "'"); l.Add("'" + _street1 + "'"); l.Add("'" + _street2 + "'"); l.Add("'" + _fn + "'"); l.Add("'" + _ln + "'"); l.Add("'" + _zip + "'"); l.Add("'" + _id + "'"); l.Add("'" + _ssn + "'"); l.Add("'" + _dob + "'"); l.Add("'" + _height + "'"); l.Add("'" + _weight + "'"); l.Add("null"); l.Add("null"); l.Add(1); if (_id == null || _id.Trim().Length != 11) { MessageBox.Show("Customer ID must be 11 characters"); return; } string str = DB.getInstance().getUpdateString(t, table, " where id='" + _id + "'"); int ret = DB.getInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(str); if (ret == 0) { str = DB.getInstance().getInsertString(l, table); ret = DB.getInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(str); if (ret == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter required fields (first name, last name, company, street1, city, state) "); return; } } w.custID = customerCB.Text; w.isCheck = false; //; w.ShowDialog(); mn.ShowDialog(); mn.Close(); if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(mn._tempImageName))) { BitmapImage img1 = new BitmapImage(); img1.BeginInit(); img1.UriSource = new Uri(mn._tempImageName); img1.EndInit(); JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = Helper.GetImage(img1); MemoryStream bas = new MemoryStream(); encoder.Save(bas); string qry = "update customers set license=@license where id='" + _id + "'"; DB.getInstance().UpdateImage(qry, bas.GetBuffer(), "@license"); bas.Close(); } MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to cash the check?", "Cash Check?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); this.NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry(); if (res == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { this.NavigationService.Navigate(CashCheck.Get(_id, true)); } else { this.NavigationService.Navigate(new CustomerFrame(false)); } }