#pragma warning disable 0672 protected override void OnFillVBO(List <UIVertex> vbo) { vbo.Clear(); if (mPopulated == false) { return; } CanvasChartMesh mesh = new CanvasChartMesh(vbo); FillChartMesh(mesh); }
#pragma warning restore 0672 #if (!UNITY_5_2_0) && (!UNITY_5_2_1) protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh) { vh.Clear(); if (mPopulated == false) { return; } CanvasChartMesh mesh = new CanvasChartMesh(vh); FillChartMesh(mesh); }
public override void InternalGenerateChart() { if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy == false) { return; } base.InternalGenerateChart(); if (FitToContainer) { RectTransform trans = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); widthRatio = trans.rect.width; heightRatio = trans.rect.height; } ClearChart(); if (Data == null) { return; } GenerateAxis(true); double minX = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMinValue(0, false); double minY = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMinValue(1, false); double maxX = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMaxValue(0, false); double maxY = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMaxValue(1, false); double xScroll = GetScrollOffset(0); double yScroll = GetScrollOffset(1); double xSize = maxX - minX; double ySize = maxY - minY; double xOut = minX + xScroll + xSize; double yOut = minY + yScroll + ySize; DoubleVector3 min = new DoubleVector3(xScroll + minX, yScroll + minY); DoubleVector3 max = new DoubleVector3(xOut, yOut); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, widthRatio, heightRatio); int index = 0; int total = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).TotalCategories + 1; bool edit = false; ClearBillboard(); mActiveTexts.Clear(); GameObject mask = CreateRectMask(viewRect); foreach (GraphData.CategoryData data in ((IInternalGraphData)Data).Categories) { mClipped.Clear(); DoubleVector3[] points = data.getPoints().ToArray(); Rect uv; int refrenceIndex = ClipPoints(points, mClipped, out uv); TransformPoints(mClipped, mTransformed, viewRect, min, max); if (points.Length == 0 && ChartCommon.IsInEditMode) { edit = true; int tmpIndex = total - 1 - index; float y1 = (((float)tmpIndex) / (float)total); float y2 = (((float)tmpIndex + 1) / (float)total); DoubleVector3 pos1 = ChartCommon.interpolateInRect(viewRect, new DoubleVector3(0f, y1, -1f)).ToDoubleVector3(); DoubleVector3 pos2 = ChartCommon.interpolateInRect(viewRect, new DoubleVector3(0.5f, y2, -1f)).ToDoubleVector3(); DoubleVector3 pos3 = ChartCommon.interpolateInRect(viewRect, new DoubleVector3(1f, y1, -1f)).ToDoubleVector3(); points = new DoubleVector3[] { pos1, pos2, pos3 }; mTransformed.AddRange(points.Select(x => (Vector4)x.ToVector3())); index++; } List <CanvasLines.LineSegement> list = new List <CanvasLines.LineSegement>(); list.Add(new CanvasLines.LineSegement(mTransformed)); CategoryObject categoryObj = new CategoryObject(); if (data.FillMaterial != null) { CanvasLines fill = CreateDataObject(data, mask); fill.material = data.FillMaterial; fill.SetRefrenceIndex(refrenceIndex); fill.SetLines(list); fill.SetViewRect(viewRect, uv); fill.MakeFillRender(viewRect, data.StetchFill); categoryObj.mFill = fill; } if (data.LineMaterial != null) { CanvasLines lines = CreateDataObject(data, mask); float tiling = 1f; if (data.LineTiling.EnableTiling == true && data.LineTiling.TileFactor > 0f) { float length = 0f; for (int i = 1; i < mTransformed.Count; i++) { length += (mTransformed[i - 1] - mTransformed[i]).magnitude; } tiling = length / data.LineTiling.TileFactor; } if (tiling <= 0.0001f) { tiling = 1f; } lines.SetViewRect(viewRect, uv); lines.Thickness = (float)data.LineThickness; lines.Tiling = tiling; lines.SetRefrenceIndex(refrenceIndex); lines.material = data.LineMaterial; lines.SetHoverPrefab(data.LineHoverPrefab); lines.SetLines(list); categoryObj.mLines = lines; } //if (data.PointMaterial != null) //{ CanvasLines dots = CreateDataObject(data, mask); categoryObj.mDots = dots; dots.material = data.PointMaterial; dots.SetLines(list); Rect pickRect = viewRect; float halfSize = (float)data.PointSize * 0.5f; pickRect.xMin -= halfSize; pickRect.yMin -= halfSize; pickRect.xMax += halfSize; pickRect.yMax += halfSize; dots.SetViewRect(pickRect, uv); dots.SetRefrenceIndex(refrenceIndex); dots.SetHoverPrefab(data.PointHoverPrefab); if (data.PointMaterial != null) { dots.MakePointRender((float)data.PointSize); } else { dots.MakePointRender(0f); } if (mItemLabels != null && mItemLabels.isActiveAndEnabled) { CanvasChartMesh m = new CanvasChartMesh(true); m.RecycleText = true; categoryObj.mItemLabels = m; Rect textRect = viewRect; textRect.xMin -= 1f; textRect.yMin -= 1f; textRect.xMax += 1f; textRect.yMax += 1f; for (int i = 0; i < mTransformed.Count; i++) { if (mTransformed[i].w == 0f) { continue; } DoubleVector2 pointValue = new DoubleVector2(mTransformed[i]); if (textRect.Contains(pointValue.ToVector2()) == false) { continue; } if (edit == false) { pointValue = Data.GetPoint(data.Name, i + refrenceIndex).ToDoubleVector2(); } string xFormat = StringFromAxisFormat(pointValue.x, mHorizontalAxis, mItemLabels.FractionDigits, true); string yFormat = StringFromAxisFormat(pointValue.y, mVerticalAxis, mItemLabels.FractionDigits, false); Vector3 labelPos = ((Vector3)mTransformed[i]) + new Vector3(mItemLabels.Location.Breadth, mItemLabels.Seperation, mItemLabels.Location.Depth); if (mItemLabels.Alignment == ChartLabelAlignment.Base) { labelPos.y -= mTransformed[i].y; } FormatItem(mRealtimeStringBuilder, xFormat, yFormat); string formatted = mRealtimeStringBuilder.ToString(); string toSet = mItemLabels.TextFormat.Format(formatted, data.Name, ""); BillboardText billboard = m.AddText(this, mItemLabels.TextPrefab, transform, mItemLabels.FontSize, mItemLabels.FontSharpness, toSet, labelPos.x, labelPos.y, labelPos.z, 0f, null); // BillboardText billboard = ChartCommon.CreateBillboardText(null,mItemLabels.TextPrefab, transform, toSet, labelPos.x, labelPos.y, labelPos.z, 0f, null, hideHierarchy, mItemLabels.FontSize, mItemLabels.FontSharpness); TextController.AddText(billboard); AddBillboardText(data.Name, i + refrenceIndex, billboard); } } string catName = data.Name; dots.Hover += (idx, t, d, pos) => { Dots_Hover(catName, idx, pos); }; dots.Click += (idx, t, d, pos) => { Dots_Click(catName, idx, pos); }; dots.Leave += () => { Dots_Leave(catName); }; mCategoryObjects[catName] = categoryObj; } }
public override void GenerateRealtime() { if (SupressRealtimeGeneration) { return; } base.GenerateRealtime(); double minX = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMinValue(0, false); double minY = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMinValue(1, false); double maxX = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMaxValue(0, false); double maxY = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMaxValue(1, false); double xScroll = GetScrollOffset(0); double yScroll = GetScrollOffset(1); double xSize = maxX - minX; double ySize = maxY - minY; double xOut = minX + xScroll + xSize; double yOut = minY + yScroll + ySize; DoubleVector3 min = new DoubleVector3(xScroll + minX, yScroll + minY); DoubleVector3 max = new DoubleVector3(xOut, yOut); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, widthRatio, heightRatio); Transform parentT = transform; if (mFixPosition != null) { parentT = mFixPosition.transform; } ClearBillboardCategories(); foreach (GraphData.CategoryData data in ((IInternalGraphData)Data).Categories) { CategoryObject obj = null; if (mCategoryObjects.TryGetValue(data.Name, out obj) == false) { continue; } mClipped.Clear(); mTmpData.Clear(); mTmpData.AddRange(data.getPoints()); Rect uv;// = new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); int refrenceIndex = ClipPoints(mTmpData, mClipped, out uv); //mClipped.AddRange(mTmpData); TransformPoints(mClipped, mTransformed, viewRect, min, max); mTmpToRemove.Clear(); int range = refrenceIndex + mClipped.Count; foreach (int key in obj.mCahced.Keys) { if (key < refrenceIndex || key > range) { mTmpToRemove.Add(key); } } for (int i = 0; i < mTmpToRemove.Count; i++) { obj.mCahced.Remove(mTmpToRemove[i]); } obj.mCahced.Remove(mTmpData.Count - 1); // never store the last point cache , it might be intepolating by the realtime feature if (mTmpData.Count == 0) { continue; } if (mItemLabels != null && mItemLabels.isActiveAndEnabled && obj.mItemLabels != null) { Rect textRect = viewRect; textRect.xMin -= 1f; textRect.yMin -= 1f; textRect.xMax += 1f; textRect.yMax += 1f; CanvasChartMesh m = obj.mItemLabels; m.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < mTransformed.Count; i++) { if (mTransformed[i].w == 0.0) { continue; } Vector3 labelPos = ((Vector3)mTransformed[i]) + new Vector3(mItemLabels.Location.Breadth, mItemLabels.Seperation, mItemLabels.Location.Depth); if (mItemLabels.Alignment == ChartLabelAlignment.Base) { labelPos.y -= (float)mTransformed[i].y; } if (textRect.Contains((Vector2)(mTransformed[i])) == false) { continue; } string toSet = null; int pointIndex = i + refrenceIndex; if (obj.mCahced.TryGetValue(pointIndex, out toSet) == false) { DoubleVector3 pointValue = mTmpData[i + refrenceIndex]; string xFormat = StringFromAxisFormat(pointValue.x, mHorizontalAxis, mItemLabels.FractionDigits, true); string yFormat = StringFromAxisFormat(pointValue.y, mVerticalAxis, mItemLabels.FractionDigits, false); FormatItem(mRealtimeStringBuilder, xFormat, yFormat); string formatted = mRealtimeStringBuilder.ToString(); mItemLabels.TextFormat.Format(mRealtimeStringBuilder, formatted, data.Name, ""); toSet = mRealtimeStringBuilder.ToString(); obj.mCahced[pointIndex] = toSet; } BillboardText billboard = m.AddText(this, mItemLabels.TextPrefab, parentT, mItemLabels.FontSize, mItemLabels.FontSharpness, toSet, labelPos.x, labelPos.y, labelPos.z, 0f, null); AddBillboardText(data.Name, i + refrenceIndex, billboard); } m.DestoryRecycled(); if (m.TextObjects != null) { foreach (BillboardText text in m.TextObjects) { ((IInternalUse)this).InternalTextController.AddText(text); } } } if (obj.mDots != null) { Rect pickRect = viewRect; float halfSize = (float)(data.PointSize * 0.5f); pickRect.xMin -= halfSize; pickRect.yMin -= halfSize; pickRect.xMax += halfSize; pickRect.yMax += halfSize; obj.mDots.SetViewRect(pickRect, uv); obj.mDots.ModifyLines(mTransformed); obj.mDots.SetRefrenceIndex(refrenceIndex); } if (obj.mLines != null) { float tiling = 1f; if (data.LineTiling.EnableTiling == true && data.LineTiling.TileFactor > 0f) { float length = 0f; for (int i = 1; i < mTransformed.Count; i++) { length += (mTransformed[i - 1] - mTransformed[i]).magnitude; } tiling = length / data.LineTiling.TileFactor; } if (tiling <= 0.0001f) { tiling = 1f; } obj.mLines.Tiling = tiling; obj.mLines.SetViewRect(viewRect, uv); obj.mLines.ModifyLines(mTransformed); obj.mLines.SetRefrenceIndex(refrenceIndex); } if (obj.mFill != null) { obj.mFill.SetViewRect(viewRect, uv); obj.mFill.ModifyLines(mTransformed); obj.mFill.SetRefrenceIndex(refrenceIndex); } } }
void GenerateItemLabels(bool realTime, CategoryObject categoryObj, CandleChartData.CategoryData data, Rect viewRect, int refrenceIndex, bool edit) { if (mItemLabels != null && mItemLabels.isActiveAndEnabled) { CanvasChartMesh m = null; if (realTime) { m = categoryObj.mItemLabels; if (m == null) { return; } m.Clear(); } else { m = new CanvasChartMesh(true); m.RecycleText = true; categoryObj.mItemLabels = m; } Rect textRect = viewRect; textRect.xMin -= 1f; textRect.yMin -= 1f; textRect.xMax += 1f; textRect.yMax += 1f; for (int i = 0; i < mTransformed.Count; i++) { Vector2 pointValue = mTransformed[i].MidPoint.ToVector2(); if (textRect.Contains(pointValue) == false) { continue; } CandleChartData.CandleValue candleVal = mTransformed[i]; int candleIndex = i + refrenceIndex; if (edit == false) { candleVal = data.Data[i + refrenceIndex]; } Vector3 labelPos = ((Vector3)pointValue) + new Vector3(mItemLabels.Location.Breadth, mItemLabels.Seperation, mItemLabels.Location.Depth); if (mItemLabels.Alignment == ChartLabelAlignment.Base) { labelPos.y -= (float)mTransformed[i].MidPoint.y; } string toSet; if (realTime == false || categoryObj.mCahced.TryGetValue(candleIndex, out toSet) == false) { string Open = StringFromAxisFormat(new DoubleVector3(candleVal.Start, candleVal.Open, 0.0), mVerticalAxis, false); string Close = StringFromAxisFormat(new DoubleVector3(candleVal.Start, candleVal.Close, 0.0), mVerticalAxis, false); string High = StringFromAxisFormat(new DoubleVector3(candleVal.Start, candleVal.High, 0.0), mVerticalAxis, false); string Low = StringFromAxisFormat(new DoubleVector3(candleVal.Start, candleVal.Low, 0.0), mVerticalAxis, false); string Start = StringFromAxisFormat(new DoubleVector3(candleVal.Start, candleVal.Open, 0.0), mHorizontalAxis, true); string Duration = StringFromAxisFormat(new DoubleVector3(candleVal.Duration, candleVal.Open, 0.0), mHorizontalAxis, true); FormatItem(mRealtimeStringBuilder, Open, Close, High, Low, Start, Duration); toSet = mItemLabels.TextFormat.Format(mRealtimeStringBuilder.ToString(), data.Name, ""); categoryObj.mCahced[candleIndex] = toSet; } labelPos -= new Vector3(CanvasFitOffset.x * TotalWidth, CanvasFitOffset.y * TotalHeight, 0f); BillboardText billboard = m.AddText(this, mItemLabels.TextPrefab, transform, mItemLabels.FontSize, mItemLabels.FontSharpness, toSet, labelPos.x, labelPos.y, labelPos.z, 0f, null); TextController.AddText(billboard); AddBillboardText(data.Name, i + refrenceIndex, billboard); } if (realTime) { m.DestoryRecycled(); if (m.TextObjects != null) { foreach (BillboardText text in m.TextObjects) { ((IInternalUse)this).InternalTextController.AddText(text); } } } } }