Exemple #1
        void Ex01(TestAvaloniaControllers.ITestAvaloniaController controller)
            Given("a data context", () => DataContext   = new object());
            Given("a child element", () => ChildElement = new Button {
                Name = "ChildElement"
            Given("an element that has the child element", () => Element = new TestElement {
                Name = "element", Content = ChildElement, DataContext = DataContext

            When("the controller is added", () => AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).Add(controller));
            When("the controller is attached to the element", () => AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).AttachTo(Element));

            Then("the data context of the controller should be set", () => controller.DataContext == DataContext);
            Then("the element of the controller should be null", () => controller.Element == null);
            Then("the child element of the controller should be null", () => controller.ChildElement == null);

            When("the element is attached to the logical tree", () => Element.AttachToLogicalTree());

            Then("the data context of the controller should be set", () => controller.DataContext == DataContext);
            Then("the element of the controller should be set", () => controller.Element == Element);
            Then("the child element of the controller should be set", () => controller.ChildElement == ChildElement);

            EventHandled = false;
            When("the Click event of the child element is raised", () => ChildElement.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(Button.ClickEvent, ChildElement)));

            Then("the Click event should be handled", () => EventHandled);
 void Ex02(object dataContext, IEnumerable <Type> expectedControllerTypes)
     Given("an element that does not contain the data context", () => Element = new TestElement());
     When("the AvaloniaController is enabled for the element", () => AvaloniaController.SetIsEnabled(Element, true));
     When("a data context of the element is set", () => Element.DataContext = dataContext);
     Then("the controller should be attached to the element", () =>
          AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).Select(controller => controller.GetType()).SequenceEqual(expectedControllerTypes) &&
          AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).OfType <TestAvaloniaControllers.TestController>().All(controller => controller.DataContext == Element.DataContext)
 void Ex03()
     Given("an element that contains the data context", () => Element = new TestElement {
         DataContext = new TestDataContexts.KeyAttachingTestDataContext()
     When("the key of the element is set using the AvaloniaController", () => AvaloniaController.SetKey(Element, "TestElement"));
     Then("the AvaloniaController should be enabled for the element", () => AvaloniaController.GetIsEnabled(Element));
     Then("the controller should be attached to the element", () =>
          AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).Select(controller => controller.GetType()).SequenceEqual(new[] { typeof(TestAvaloniaControllers.KeyTestDataContextController) }) &&
          AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).OfType <TestAvaloniaControllers.TestController>().All(controller => controller.DataContext == Element.DataContext)
Exemple #4
        void Ex01()
            ExceptionHandled = true;

            When("the controller is added", () => AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).Add(Controller));
            When("the controller is attached to the element", () => AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).AttachTo(Element));

            When("the element is attached to the logical tree", () => Element.AttachToLogicalTree());

            When("the Changed event of the element is raised", () => Element.RaiseChanged());
            Then("the unhandled exception should be handled", () => UnhandledException != null);
        void Ex06()
            Given("an element that contains the data context", () => Element = new TestElement {
                Name = "Element", DataContext = new TestDataContexts.TestDataContext()

            When("the AvaloniaController is enabled for the element", () =>
                AvaloniaController.SetIsEnabled(Element, true);
                Controller = Element.GetController <TestAvaloniaControllers.TestAvaloniaController>();
            Then("the data context of the controller should be set", () => Controller.DataContext == Element.DataContext);

            When("the element is attached to the logical tree", () =>
                Controller.AttachedToLogicalTreeAssertionHandler = () => AttachedToLogicalTreeEventHandled = true;
            Then("the element of the controller should be set", () => Controller.Element == Element);
            Then("the AttachedToLogicalTree event should be handled", () => AttachedToLogicalTreeEventHandled);

            When("the Changed event is raised", () =>
                Controller.ChangedAssertionHandler = () => ChangedEventHandled = true;
            Then("the Changed event should be handled", () => ChangedEventHandled);

            When("the element is detached from the logical tree", () => Element.DetachFromLogicalTree());
            When("the AvaloniaController is disabled for the element", () => AvaloniaController.SetIsEnabled(Element, false));
            Then("the controller should be detached", () => !AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).Any());
            Then("the data context of the controller should be null", () => Controller.DataContext == null);
            Then("the element of the controller should be null", () => Controller.Element == null);

            When("the element is attached to the logical tree", () =>
                AttachedToLogicalTreeEventHandled = false;
            Then("the AttachedToLogicalTree event should not be handled", () => !AttachedToLogicalTreeEventHandled);
            Then("the controller should not be attached", () => !AvaloniaController.GetControllers(Element).Any());

            When("the Changed event is raised", () =>
                ChangedEventHandled = false;
            Then("the Changed event should not be handled", () => !ChangedEventHandled);
 public static T GetController <T>(this StyledElement element) => AvaloniaController.GetControllers(element).OfType <T>().FirstOrDefault();