private void applyItem(Character actingCharacter, Character target)
            /* This is an absolute horrible way to do inventory. There will be an if statement for each type of consumable.
             * Actually design a good inventory system if there's time. R.F. 3/14/2014 */
            if (usedItem.WhichItem == ItemEnum.HEALTHPOTION)
            {/* start if */

                target.restoreHealth((int)((usedItem.BaseDamage/ 100.0) * target.MaximumHealth));

            }/* end if */

            if (usedItem.WhichItem == ItemEnum.MANAPOTION)
            {/* start if */

                target.restoreMana((int)((usedItem.BaseDamage/100.0) * target.MaximumMana));

            }/* end if */

            if(usedItem.WhichItem == ItemEnum.BOMB )
            {/* start if */


            }/* end if */

            battleEvents.Add(new BattleEvent(actingCharacter, this, target));
 private void applyItem(Character actingCharacter, Character target)
     if (usedItem.IsMana)
         target.restoreHealth((100 / usedItem.BaseDamage) * target.MaximumHealth);
     else if (usedItem.IsHealthPotion)
         target.restoreMana((100 / usedItem.BaseDamage) * target.MaximumHealth);
     else /*This assumes that the default/only other consumable item is a bomb. v___v*/
         target.takeDamage((100 / usedItem.BaseDamage) * target.MaximumHealth);
     battleEvents.Add(new BattleEvent(actingCharacter, this, target));