new public void Insert(int index, DataSource val) {
			if ( this.Contains(val) ) {
			base.Insert(index, val);
		new public int Add(DataSource val) {
			if ( !this.Contains(val) ) {
				return base.Add(val);
			return -1;
		public DbEntitySelector(DataSource dataSource)
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support

			_dataSource = dataSource;
		public DataSourceEditor(DataSource ds) : this() 
			_dataSource = ds;
		private DataView GetDBLinkSchema(DataSource ds) {
			using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(ds.ConnectionString)) {
				try {
					return new DataView(cn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Foreign_Keys, null));
				finally {
		public void RefreshDBLinks(DataSource ds) {
//			DataView schema = GetDBLinkSchema(ds);
//			string[] toManyIndexes = GetFKIndexes(schema);
//			foreach (string index in fkIndexes) {
//				string[] fields = GetFKIndexFields(schema, index);
//				foreach (
//			}
//			string[] pkIndexes = GetPKIndexes(schema);
		private DataView GetDBIndexes(DataSource dataSource) {
			using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(dataSource.ConnectionString)) {
				try {
					return new DataView(cn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Indexes, null));
				finally {
		private void FillIndexes(DataSource dataSource) {
			DataView indexes = GetDBIndexes(dataSource);
			indexes.RowFilter = "TABLE_NAME = '" + DBEntityName + "'";
			indexes.Sort = "INDEX_NAME asc, ORDINAL_POSITION asc";
			foreach (DataRowView row in indexes) {
				Index index = LoadIndexRow(row);
				if (index != null) {
		public void AutoFillLinks(DataSource ds)
			// Create Object's
			Link oLink;
			DataView dbLinkSchemas;
			Entity oTargetEntity = null;
			Index oTargetIndex = null;
			IndexField oTargetIndexField = null;
			LinkField oSourceLinkField = null;
			Boolean bIndexExists = false;

				Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Create Links from Entity \"{0}\"", this.Name));

			// Get Schemas
			dbLinkSchemas = GetDBLinkSchema(ds);

			// Lopping on Fields
			foreach (EntityField tmpField in this.Fields)
				// Clear Flag
				bIndexExists = false;

				if (tmpField.KeyField) // PK
					Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Parsing PK \"{0}\"", tmpField.Name));

					// Filter Indexes
					dbLinkSchemas.RowFilter = String.Format("PK_COLUMN_NAME = '{0}' AND PK_TABLE_NAME = '{1}'", tmpField.DBColumn, this.DBEntityName);

					// Looping on FK's
					foreach (DataRowView tmpDataRowView in dbLinkSchemas)
						Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Parsing FK \"{0}\"", tmpDataRowView["FK_NAME"]));

						// Get Target Entity
						oTargetEntity = Project.CurrentProject.GetEntity(tmpDataRowView["FK_TABLE_NAME"].ToString());

						if (oTargetEntity == null)
							Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Entity for Table \"{0}\" not Found.", tmpDataRowView["FK_TABLE_NAME"]));

						// Check if the Link Alread Exists
						foreach (Link tmpLink in this.Links)
							if (tmpLink.Fields.Count.Equals(1) && tmpLink.Fields[0].Name.Equals(tmpDataRowView["FK_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()))
								Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Link por Field \"{0}\" Alread Exists", tmpField.Name));
								bIndexExists = true;

						if (bIndexExists) { break; }

						// Lopping on TargetEntity to Find the Correct Index
						foreach (Index tmpIndex in oTargetEntity.Indexes)
							if (tmpIndex.Fields.Count.Equals(1) && tmpIndex.Fields[0].Name.EndsWith(tmpDataRowView["FK_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()))
								oTargetIndex = tmpIndex;

						// Check if Exists
						if (oTargetIndex == null)
							Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Creating Target Index for FK \"{0}\"", tmpDataRowView["FK_NAME"]));

							// Create Target Index
							oTargetIndex = new Index();
								oTargetIndex.SelectBy = true;
								oTargetIndex.DeleteBy = false;
								oTargetIndex.Name = tmpDataRowView["FK_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString();
								oTargetIndex.Unique = false;
								oTargetIndex.DBName = tmpDataRowView["FK_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString();
								oTargetIndex.PrimaryKey = false;

							// Create Target Index Field
							oTargetIndexField = new IndexField();
								oTargetIndexField.Name = tmpDataRowView["FK_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString();
								oTargetIndexField.PartialTextMatch = false;

							// Add Target Index Field on Target Index

							// Add Target Index on Target Entity

						// Create Link
						oLink = new Link();
							oLink.TargetEntityName = oTargetEntity.Name;
							oLink.TargetIndexName = oTargetIndex.Name;
							oLink.IsCollection = true;
							oLink.IsProperty = true;
							oLink.ReadOnly = true;

						// Check if the Target Index is Unique
						if (oTargetIndex.Unique) // 1-N Relation
							oLink.Name = oTargetEntity.Name; // N-M Relation
						else { oLink.Name = oTargetEntity.PluralName; }
						// Check Delete Relation Action
						if (tmpDataRowView["DELETE_RULE"].ToString().Equals("NO ACTION"))
							oLink.CascadeDelete = false;
						else { oLink.CascadeUpdate = true; }

						// Check Update Relation Action
						if (tmpDataRowView["UPDATE_RULE"].ToString().Equals("NO ACTION"))
							oLink.CascadeDelete = false;
						else { oLink.CascadeUpdate = true; }

						// Create Link Field
						oSourceLinkField = new LinkField();
							oSourceLinkField.SourceFieldName = this.Fields.GetFieldFromDBColumn(tmpDataRowView["PK_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()).Name;
							oSourceLinkField.TargetFieldName = oTargetEntity.Fields.GetFieldFromDBColumn(tmpDataRowView["FK_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()).Name;

						// Add Link Field on Link

						// Add Link on Entity

					if (bIndexExists) { continue; }
		public void RefreshDBInfo(DataSource dataSource, DatabaseSchema database, TableSchema table) {
			DataSourceName = dataSource.Name;
			DBName = database.Name;
			DBEntityName = table.Name;
			if (Name == string.Empty) {
				Name = table.Name.Replace(" ", "");
		public DataSourceNameChangedEventArgs(DataSource ds, string oldName, string newName)
			this.DataSource = ds;
			this.NewName = newName;
			this.OldName = oldName;
		private void lstDataSources_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
			if (lstDataSources.SelectedItem != null) {
				ds = (DataSource) lstDataSources.SelectedItem;
				lblProvider.Text = ds.Provider;
				lblConnectionString.Text = ds.ConnectionString;
		private void cmdOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
			txtNome_Validated(null, null);
			if (errCount == 0) {
				string connectionString = txtConnectionString.Text;
//				string connectionString = string.Format(
//					new string[] {
//						cmbSqlServer.Text, cmbDatabase.Text, (chkIntegrated.Checked ? "SSPI" : ""),
//						txtUid.Text, txtPassword.Text});
				dataSource = new DataSource(txtNome.Text, connectionString);
			else {
				MessageBox.Show("Há erros que devem ser corrigidos antes de prosseguir.", 
					"Aviso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);