public static EndFigure EndFigure(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // END FIGURE: has no parameters
     return(new EndFigure());
 public static NewRegion NewRegion(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // NEW REGION: has no parameters
     return(new NewRegion());
Exemple #3
 public static ApplicationData ApplicationData(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) identifier
     // P2: (data record) application data record; data records are bound as strings in this encoding.
     return(new ApplicationData(reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadString()));
 public static MiterLimit MiterLimit(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (real) mitre limit
     return(new MiterLimit(reader.ReadReal()));
 public static ClipRectangle ClipRectangle(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (point) first corner
     // P2: (point) second corner
     return(new ClipRectangle(reader.ReadPoint(), reader.ReadPoint()));
 public static MetafileDescription MetafileDescription(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (string fixed) metafile description string
     return(new MetafileDescription(reader.ReadString()));
 public static ColorIndexPrecision ColorIndexPrecision(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) Colour index precision: valid values are 8, 16, 24 or 32
     return(new ColorIndexPrecision(reader.ReadInteger()));
 public static BeginCompoundTextPath BeginCompoundTextPath(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // BEGIN COMPOUND TEXT PATH: has no parameters
     return(new BeginCompoundTextPath());
 public static EndCompoundTextPath EndCompoundTextPath(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // END COMPOUND TEXT PATH: has no parameters
     return(new EndCompoundTextPath());
 public static BeginMetafile BeginMetafile(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (string fixed) metafile name
     return(new BeginMetafile(reader.ReadString()));
 public static EndCompoundLine EndCompoundLine(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // END COMPOUND LINE: has no parameters
     return(new EndCompoundLine());
 public static BeginCompoundLine BeginCompoundLine(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // BEGIN COMPOUND LINE: has no parameters
     return(new BeginCompoundLine());
 public static EndProtectionRegion EndProtectionRegion(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // END PROTECTION REGION: has no parameters
     return(new EndProtectionRegion());
 public static BeginProtectionRegion BeginProtectionRegion(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (index) region index
     return(new BeginProtectionRegion(reader.ReadIndex()));
 public static MaximumVdcExtent MaximumVdcExtent(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (point) first corner
     // P2: (point) second corner
     return(new MaximumVdcExtent(reader.ReadPoint(), reader.ReadPoint()));
Exemple #16
        public static CellArray CellArray(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
            // P1: (point) corner point P
            // P2: (point) corner point Q
            // P3: (point) corner point R
            // P4: (integer) nx
            // P5: (integer) ny
            // P6: (integer) local colour precision: valid values are 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32. If the value is zero (the
            //      'default colour precision indicator' value), the COLOUR (INDEX) PRECISION for the picture indicates the
            //      precision with which the colour list is encoded. If the value is non-zero, the precision with which the colour
            //      data is encoded is given by the value.
            // P7: (enumerated) cell representation mode: valid values are
            //      0 run length list mode
            //      1 packed list mode
            // P8: (colour list) array of cell colour values.
            //      If the COLOUR SELECTION MODE is 'direct', the values will be direct colour values. If the COLOUR
            //      SELECTION MODE is 'indexed', the values will be indexes into the COLOUR TABLE.
            //      If the cell representation mode is 'packed list', the colour values are represented by rows of values, each
            //      row starting on a word boundary. If the cell representation mode is 'run length', the colour list values are
            //      represented by rows broken into runs of constant colour; each row starts on a word boundary. Each list
            //      item consists of a cell count (integer) followed by a colour value. With the exception of the first run of a
            //      row, the integer count of each run immediately follows the colour specifier of the preceding run with no
            //      intervening padding.
            var p = reader.ReadPoint();
            var q = reader.ReadPoint();
            var r = reader.ReadPoint();

            int nx = reader.ReadInteger();
            int ny = reader.ReadInteger();

            int localColorPrecision = reader.ReadInteger();

            if (localColorPrecision == 0)
                if (reader.Descriptor.ColorSelectionMode == ColorModeType.Direct)
                    localColorPrecision = reader.Descriptor.ColorPrecision;
                    localColorPrecision = reader.Descriptor.ColorIndexPrecision;
            // might be either 1/2/4 or 8/16/32 here; but we want byte-sizes in ReadColor
            if (localColorPrecision >= 8)
                localColorPrecision /= 8;

            var cellRepresentationMode = reader.ReadEnum <CellRepresentationMode>();

            int totalCount = nx * ny;
            var colors     = new List <MetafileColor>();

            while (colors.Count < totalCount)
                // chunks are split into rows; each row is word-aligned
                // word-align the next read if necessary
                if (reader.Position % 2 == 1 && reader.HasMoreData())

                int rowCount = nx;
                while (rowCount > 0)
                    if (cellRepresentationMode == CellRepresentationMode.RunLengthList)
                        int cellCount = reader.ReadInteger();
                        rowCount -= cellCount;
                        var cellColor = reader.ReadColor(localColorPrecision);
                        colors.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, cellCount).Select(i => cellColor));
            return(new CellArray(p, q, r, nx, ny, colors.ToArray()));
 public static SegmentPriorityExtent SegmentPriorityExtent(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) minimum segment priority value: valid values are non-negative integers
     // P2: (integer) maximum segment priority value: valid values are non-negative integers
     return(new SegmentPriorityExtent(reader.ReadInteger(), reader.ReadInteger()));
Exemple #18
 public static Circle Circle(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (point) centre of circle
     // P2: (vdc) radius of circle
     return(new Circle(reader.ReadPoint(), reader.ReadVdc()));
 public static IntegerPrecision IntegerPrecision(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) integer precision: valid values are 8, 16, 24 or 32
     return(new IntegerPrecision(reader.ReadInteger()));
Exemple #20
 public static ConnectingEdge ConnectingEdge(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // CONNECTING EDGE: has no parameters
     return(new ConnectingEdge());
 public static MaximumColorIndex MaximumColorIndex(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (colour index) maximum colour index that may be encountered in the metafile
     return(new MaximumColorIndex(reader.ReadColorIndex()));
 private static Command ReadUnsupportedElement(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // no need to seek here anymore; the whole unsupported element has been read into the temporary buffer already anyways
     return(new UnsupportedCommand(commandHeader.ElementClass, commandHeader.ElementId));
 public static AuxiliaryColor AuxiliaryColor(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (colour) auxiliary colour
     return(new AuxiliaryColor(reader.ReadColor()));
Exemple #24
 public static BackgroundColor BackgroundColor(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader header)
     // P1: (direct colour) background colour.
     return(new BackgroundColor(reader.ReadDirectColor()));
 public static VdcIntegerPrecision VdcIntegerPrecision(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) VDC integer precision; legal values are 16, 24 or 32; the value 8 is not permitted.
     return(new VdcIntegerPrecision(reader.ReadInteger()));
Exemple #26
        public static DeviceViewportSpecificationMode DeviceViewportSpecificationMode(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader header)
            // P1: (enumerated) VC specifier: valid values are
            //      0 fraction of drawing surface
            //      1 millimetres with scale factor
            //      2 physical device coordinates
            // P2: (real) metric scale factor, ignored if P1=0 or P1=2
            // This parameter is always encoded as floating point, regardless of the value of the fixed/floating flag of
            // REAL PRECISION. If a REAL PRECISION (floating, n, m) has preceded, then the precision used is n,m.
            // If a REAL PRECISION element for floating point has not preceded, then a default precision of 9,23 (32-bit
            // floating point) is used.
            int numFloatBytes = 32 / 8;

            if (reader.Descriptor.RealPrecision == RealPrecisionSpecification.FloatingPoint64Bit)
                numFloatBytes = 64 / 8;
            return(new DeviceViewportSpecificationMode(reader.ReadEnum <DeviceViewportSpecificationModeType>(), reader.ReadFloatingPoint(numFloatBytes)));
 public static RestorePrimitiveContext RestorePrimitiveContext(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (name) context name
     return(new RestorePrimitiveContext(reader.ReadName()));
 public static MetafileVersion MetafileVersion(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (integer) metafile version number: valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4
     return(new MetafileVersion(reader.ReadInteger()));
Exemple #29
 public static SegmentPickPriority SegmentPickPriority(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // P1: (name) segment identifier
     // P2: (integer) segment pick priority: valid values are non-negative integers
     return(new SegmentPickPriority(reader.ReadName(), reader.ReadInteger()));
 public static BeginFigure BeginFigure(MetafileReader reader, CommandHeader commandHeader)
     // BEGIN FIGURE: has no parameters
     return(new BeginFigure());