Exemple #1
        public FileInfo MtlFile;                                    // The obj .mtl file that we write.  Should be RootNode.Name + "_mtl.mtl".

        public void GetMtlFileName(CgfData cgfData)                 // Get FileInfo Mtlfile name from the MtlName chunks and read it. Assume pwd if no objectdir.
            Datafile = cgfData;
            DirectoryInfo currentDir = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

            String[] stringSeparators = new string[] { @"\", @"/" };    // to split up the paths
            String[] result;                                            // carries the results of the split

            //Console.WriteLine("*****  In MaterialFile.cs *****");
            MtlFile = new FileInfo(Datafile.RootNode.Name + "_mtl.mtl");
            // Console.WriteLine("Current dir is {0}", currentDir.FullName);
            // Find the number of material chunks.  if 1, then name is the mtl file name.  If many, find type 0x01.
            foreach (CgfData.ChunkMtlName mtlChunk in Datafile.CgfChunks.Where(a => a.chunkType == ChunkType.MtlName))
                // mtlChunk.WriteChunk();
                if (mtlChunk.version == 0x800)
                    // this is a parent material. Should be only one.  Don't care about the rest.
                    if (mtlChunk.MatType == 0x01 || mtlChunk.MatType == 0x10)
                        // parent material.  This is the one we want.
                        //Console.WriteLine("Mat type 0x01 found.");
                        if (mtlChunk.Name.Contains(@"\") || mtlChunk.Name.Contains(@"/"))
                            // I'm a qualified path, but don't know if objectdir exists.  Need to get name+.mtl without the path info.
                            result      = mtlChunk.Name.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            MtlFileName = result[result.Length - 1];        // Last element in mtlChunk.Name
                            //Console.WriteLine("MtlFileName (has slash) is {0}", MtlFileName);
                            if (Datafile.Args.ObjectDir != null)            // Check to see if objectdir was set.  if not, just check local dir
                                if (MtlFileName.EndsWith(".mtl"))
                                    XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(Datafile.Args.ObjectDir + @"\" + mtlChunk.Name);
                                    XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(Datafile.Args.ObjectDir + @"\" + mtlChunk.Name + ".mtl");
                                // No objectdir provided.  Only check current directory.
                                if (MtlFileName.EndsWith(".mtl"))
                                    XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(currentDir + @"\" + MtlFileName);
                                    XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(currentDir + @"\" + MtlFileName + ".mtl");
                            MtlFileName = mtlChunk.Name;                    // will add .mtl later.
                            //Console.WriteLine("MtlFileName (no slash) is {0}", MtlFileName);
                            XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(currentDir + @"\" + MtlFileName + ".mtl");

                        //Console.WriteLine("MtlFile.Fullname is {0}", XmlMtlFile.FullName);

                        if (XmlMtlFile.Exists)
                            //Console.WriteLine("*** Found material file {0}.", XmlMtlFile.FullName);
                            Console.WriteLine("*** 0x800 Unable to find material file {0}.  I'm probably going to not work well.", XmlMtlFile.FullName);
                            // Set up a dummy material and return.
                            MtlFormat material = new MtlFormat();
                            material.MaterialName  = Datafile.RootNode.Name;                // since there is no Name, use the node name.
                            material.Diffuse.Red   = 1;
                            material.Diffuse.Green = 0;
                            material.Diffuse.Blue  = 1;
                            MaterialNameArray = new MtlFormat[Materials.Count];
                            MaterialNameArray = Materials.ToArray();
                    }       // Not a material type 0x01 or 0x10.  Will be a child material.  Continue to next mtlname chunk
                else  // version 0x802 file.  There will be just one, so return after it is found and read
                    // Process version 0x802 files
                    //Console.WriteLine("In 0x802 section");
                    if (mtlChunk.Name.Contains(@"\") || mtlChunk.Name.Contains(@"/"))
                        // I'm a qualified path, but don't know if objectdir exists.  Need to get name+.mtl without the path info.
                        // Several cases here. Sometimes it has the .mtl ending, sometimes it doesn't.  GRRR
                        result      = mtlChunk.Name.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        MtlFileName = result[result.Length - 1];        // Last element in mtlChunk.Name
                        //Console.WriteLine("MtlFileName is {0}", MtlFileName);
                        if (Datafile.Args.ObjectDir != null)
                            if (MtlFileName.EndsWith(".mtl"))
                                XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(Datafile.Args.ObjectDir + @"\" + mtlChunk.Name);
                                XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(Datafile.Args.ObjectDir + @"\" + mtlChunk.Name + ".mtl");
                            // No objectdir provided.  Only check current directory.
                            if (MtlFileName.EndsWith(".mtl"))
                                XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(currentDir + @"\" + MtlFileName);
                                XmlMtlFile = new FileInfo(currentDir + @"\" + MtlFileName + ".mtl");
                        // It's just a file name.  Search only in current directory.
                        MtlFileName = mtlChunk.Name;
                        XmlMtlFile  = new FileInfo(currentDir + @"\" + MtlFileName + ".mtl");
                        //Console.WriteLine("MtlFileName (short version) is {0}", MtlFileName);

                    //Console.WriteLine("MtlFile.Fullname is {0}", XmlMtlFile.FullName);

                    if (XmlMtlFile.Exists)
                        Console.WriteLine("*** 0x802 Found material file {0}.", XmlMtlFile.FullName);
                        Console.WriteLine("*** 0x802 Unable to find material file {0}.  I'm probably going to not work well.", XmlMtlFile.FullName);
                        // Set up a dummy material and return.
                        // Console.WriteLine("Unable to find material file {0}.  Using group names.", Materialfile.FullName);
                        MtlFormat material = new MtlFormat();
                        material.MaterialName  = Datafile.RootNode.Name;                // since there is no Name, use the node name.
                        material.Diffuse.Red   = 1;
                        material.Diffuse.Green = 0;
                        material.Diffuse.Blue  = 1;
                        MaterialNameArray = new MtlFormat[Materials.Count];
                        MaterialNameArray = Materials.ToArray();
Exemple #2
        public void ReadMtlFile(FileInfo Materialfile)          // reads the mtl file, so we can populate the MaterialNames array and assign those material names to the meshes
            // MtlFile should be an object to the Material File for the CgfData.  We need to populate the MaterialNameArray array with the objects.
            // If I was smart I'd actually get Blender to add this to /scripts/addons/io_scene_obj/import_obj.py
            // Console.WriteLine("Mtl File name is {0}", Materialfile.FullName);

            XElement materialmap = XElement.Load(Materialfile.FullName);

            if (materialmap.Attribute("MtlFlags").Value == "524288")
                // Short mtl file with just one material.  No name, so set it to the object name.
                //Console.WriteLine("Found material with 524288");
                MtlFormat material = new MtlFormat();
                //Console.WriteLine("Attribute: {0}", Datafile.RootNode.Name);
                material.MaterialName  = Datafile.RootNode.Name;                // since there is no Name, use the node name.
                material.Flags         = materialmap.Attribute("MtlFlags").Value;
                material.Shader        = materialmap.Attribute("Shader").Value;
                material.GenMask       = materialmap.Attribute("GenMask").Value;
                material.StringGenMask = materialmap.Attribute("StringGenMask").Value;
                material.SurfaceType   = materialmap.Attribute("SurfaceType").Value;
                material.MatTemplate   = materialmap.Attribute("MatTemplate").Value;
                String   tmpDiffuse = materialmap.Attribute("Diffuse").Value;
                string[] parse      = tmpDiffuse.Split(',');
                material.Diffuse.Red   = float.Parse(parse[0]);
                material.Diffuse.Green = float.Parse(parse[1]);
                material.Diffuse.Blue  = float.Parse(parse[2]);
                String   tmpSpec   = materialmap.Attribute("Specular").Value;
                string[] parsespec = tmpSpec.Split(',');
                material.Specular.Red   = float.Parse(parsespec[0]);
                material.Specular.Blue  = float.Parse(parsespec[1]);
                material.Specular.Green = float.Parse(parsespec[2]);
                String   tmpEmissive   = materialmap.Attribute("Emissive").Value;
                string[] parseemissive = tmpEmissive.Split(',');
                material.Emissive.Red   = float.Parse(parseemissive[0]);
                material.Emissive.Blue  = float.Parse(parseemissive[1]);
                material.Emissive.Green = float.Parse(parseemissive[2]);
                material.Shininess      = float.Parse(materialmap.Attribute("Shininess").Value);
                material.Opacity        = float.Parse(materialmap.Attribute("Opacity").Value);
                // now loop for all the textures
                int i = 0;
                foreach (XElement tex in materialmap.Descendants("Texture"))
                    Texture temptex = new Texture();
                    temptex.Map  = tex.Attribute("Map").Value;
                    temptex.File = tex.Attribute("File").Value;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Texture File found: {0}", material.Textures[i].File);
            else            // more complicated material file, with Submaterials attribute
                foreach (XElement mat in materialmap.Descendants("SubMaterials"))
                    //var matElement = mat.Element("Material");
                    //Console.WriteLine("SubMat {0}", mat);
                    foreach (XElement submat in mat.Descendants("Material"))
                        MtlFormat material = new MtlFormat();
                        //Console.WriteLine("Attribute: {0}", submat.Attribute("Name"));
                        material.MaterialName  = submat.Attribute("Name").Value;
                        material.Flags         = submat.Attribute("MtlFlags").Value;
                        material.Shader        = submat.Attribute("Shader").Value;
                        material.GenMask       = submat.Attribute("GenMask").Value;
                        material.StringGenMask = submat.Attribute("StringGenMask").Value;
                        material.SurfaceType   = submat.Attribute("SurfaceType").Value;
                        material.MatTemplate   = submat.Attribute("MatTemplate").Value;
                        String   tmpDiffuse = submat.Attribute("Diffuse").Value;
                        string[] parse      = tmpDiffuse.Split(',');
                        material.Diffuse.Red   = float.Parse(parse[0]);
                        material.Diffuse.Green = float.Parse(parse[1]);
                        material.Diffuse.Blue  = float.Parse(parse[2]);
                        String   tmpSpec   = submat.Attribute("Specular").Value;
                        string[] parsespec = tmpSpec.Split(',');
                        material.Specular.Red   = float.Parse(parsespec[0]);
                        material.Specular.Blue  = float.Parse(parsespec[1]);
                        material.Specular.Green = float.Parse(parsespec[2]);
                        String   tmpEmissive   = submat.Attribute("Emissive").Value;
                        string[] parseemissive = tmpEmissive.Split(',');
                        material.Emissive.Red   = float.Parse(parseemissive[0]);
                        material.Emissive.Blue  = float.Parse(parseemissive[1]);
                        material.Emissive.Green = float.Parse(parseemissive[2]);
                        if (submat.Attribute("Shininess") != null)             // default set to 255.
                            material.Shininess = float.Parse(submat.Attribute("Shininess").Value);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Submat: {0}", submat.Attribute("Opacity"));
                        if (submat.Attribute("Opacity") != null)              // Default is set to 1, but if it exists grab the value.
                            material.Opacity = float.Parse(submat.Attribute("Opacity").Value);
                        // now loop for all the textures
                        int i = 0;
                        foreach (XElement tex in submat.Descendants("Texture"))
                            Texture temptex = new Texture();
                            temptex.Map  = tex.Attribute("Map").Value;
                            temptex.File = tex.Attribute("File").Value;
                            //Console.WriteLine("Texture File found: {0}", material.Textures[i].File);

            int length = Materials.Count;

            //Console.WriteLine("{0} Materials found in the material file.", length);
            //foreach (MtlFormat mats in Materials)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Material name is {0}", mats.MaterialName);
            MaterialNameArray = new MtlFormat[Materials.Count];
            MaterialNameArray = Materials.ToArray();