private void InitializeBrowser(ChromiumWebBrowser webBrowser)
            webBrowser.RequestHandler = this;
            webBrowser.LifeSpanHandler = this;
            webBrowser.RegisterJsObject("callbackObject", this.callback);

            // So. Fun story. From, we need to set the zoom level
            // in the FrameLoadStart event. However, the IWpfWebBrowser's ZoomLevel is a DependencyProperty, and it wraps
            // the SetZoomLevel method on the unmanaged browser (which is exposed directly by ChromiumWebBrowser, but not by IWpfWebBrowser).
            // Now, FrameLoadState and FrameLoadEnd are called on a background thread, and since ZoomLevel is a DP, it can only be changed
            // from the UI thread (it's "helpful" and does a dispatcher check for us). But, if we dispatch back to the UI thread to call
            // ZoomLevel = xxx, then CEF seems to hit threading issues, and can sometimes render things entirely badly (massive icons, no
            // localization, bad spacing, no JavaScript at all, etc).
            // So, in this case, we need to call SetZoomLevel directly, as we can do that from the thread on which FrameLoadStart is called,
            // and everything's happy.
            // However, this means that the DP value isn't updated... Which means we can't use the DP at all. We have to call SetZoomLevel
            // *everywhere*, and that means keeping a local field zoomLevel to track the current zoom level. Such is life

            webBrowser.FrameLoadStart += (o, e) => webBrowser.SetZoomLevel(this.zoomLevel);
            webBrowser.FrameLoadEnd += (o, e) =>
                if (e.IsMainFrame && e.Url != "about:blank")
                    var script = @"$('#folders .panel-footer .pull-right').prepend(" +
                    @"'<button class=""btn btn-sm btn-default"" onclick=""callbackObject.openFolder(angular.element(this).scope()"">" +
                    @"<span class=""fa fa-folder-open""></span>" +
                    @"<span style=""margin-left: 3px"">" +
                    Resources.ViewerView_OpenFolder +
        private void InitializeBrowser(ChromiumWebBrowser webBrowser)
            webBrowser.RequestHandler = this;
            webBrowser.LifeSpanHandler = this;
            // Enable WPF touch scrolling - may cause issues, see
            webBrowser.IsManipulationEnabled = true;
            webBrowser.RegisterJsObject("callbackObject", this.callback);

            // So. Fun story. From, we need to set the zoom level
            // in the FrameLoadStart event. However, the IWpfWebBrowser's ZoomLevel is a DependencyProperty, and it wraps
            // the SetZoomLevel method on the unmanaged browser (which is exposed directly by ChromiumWebBrowser, but not by IWpfWebBrowser).
            // Now, FrameLoadState and FrameLoadEnd are called on a background thread, and since ZoomLevel is a DP, it can only be changed
            // from the UI thread (it's "helpful" and does a dispatcher check for us). But, if we dispatch back to the UI thread to call
            // ZoomLevel = xxx, then CEF seems to hit threading issues, and can sometimes render things entirely badly (massive icons, no
            // localization, bad spacing, no JavaScript at all, etc).
            // So, in this case, we need to call SetZoomLevel directly, as we can do that from the thread on which FrameLoadStart is called,
            // and everything's happy.
            // However, this means that the DP value isn't updated... Which means we can't use the DP at all. We have to call SetZoomLevel
            // *everywhere*, and that means keeping a local field zoomLevel to track the current zoom level. Such is life

            webBrowser.FrameLoadStart += (o, e) => webBrowser.SetZoomLevel(this.zoomLevel);
            webBrowser.FrameLoadEnd += (o, e) =>
                if (e.Frame.IsMain && e.Url != "about:blank")
                    var addOpenFolder =
                    @"$('#folders .panel-footer .pull-right').prepend(" +
                    @"  '<button class=""btn btn-sm btn-default"" onclick=""callbackObject.openFolder(angular.element(this).scope()"">" +
                    @"      <span class=""fa fa-folder-open""></span>" +
                    @"      <span style=""margin-left: 3px"">" + Resources.ViewerView_OpenFolder + @"</span>" +
                    @"  </button>')";

                    var addFolderBrowse = 
                    @"$('#folderPath').wrap($('<div/>').css('display', 'flex'));" +
                    @"$('#folderPath').after(" +
                    @"  $('<button>').attr('id', 'folderPathBrowseButton')" +
                    @"               .addClass('btn btn-sm btn-default')" +           
                    @"               .html('" + Resources.ViewerView_BrowseToFolder + @"')" +
                    @"               .css({'flex-grow': 1, 'margin': '0 0 0 5px'})" +
                    @"               .on('click', function() { callbackObject.browseFolderPath() })" +
                    @");" +
                    @"$('#folderPath').removeAttr('list');" +
                    @"$('#directory-list').remove();" +
                    @"$('#editFolder').on('', function() {" +
                    @"  if ($('#folderPath').is('[readonly]')) {" +
                    @"      $('#folderPathBrowseButton').attr('disabled', 'disabled');" +
                    @"  }" +
                    @"  else {" +
                    @"      $('#folderPathBrowseButton').removeAttr('disabled');" +
                    @"  }" +