Exemple #1
        public void TakeScreenshotOffscreen(string url, string filename)
            var offscreenBrowser = new CefSharp.OffScreen.ChromiumWebBrowser();

            offscreenBrowser.BrowserInitialized += (o, args) =>
                offscreenBrowser.FrameLoadEnd += async(sender1, eventArgs) =>
                    if (eventArgs.Frame.IsMain)
                        var sizes = await offscreenBrowser.EvaluateScriptAsync(JavascriptQueries.RequestForMaxSize);

                        var widthAndHeight = (List <object>)sizes.Result;

                        var screenshotSize = new System.Drawing.Size((int)widthAndHeight[0], (int)widthAndHeight[1]);
                        offscreenBrowser.Size = screenshotSize;

                        await Task.Delay(500);

                        var bitmap = await offscreenBrowser.ScreenshotAsync(false, PopupBlending.Main);

                        bitmap.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Png);
                        Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
                            UseShellExecute = true,
                            FileName        = filename
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a bitmap of the specified HELM in the specified size
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helm"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public Bitmap GetBitmap(
            string helm,
            Size size)
            Bitmap           Bitmap         = null;
            ManualResetEvent GetBitmapEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);


            if (Debug)
                DebugLog.Message("GetBitmap Entered: " + helm + ", " + size);

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Helm        = helm;
            CurrentSize = size;

            //if (DebugMx.True) return new Bitmap(1,1);

            int initialOnPaintCount = OnPaintCount;             // save current paint count so we can tell when page has been re-rendered with new image

            string script = "";

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(helm))
                script += "jsd.setHelm(\"" + helm + "\");";

            if (!size.IsEmpty)
                script += "jsd.setSize(" + size.Width + "," + size.Height + ");";

            script += "jsd.refresh();";                                                          // redraws the structure

            Task <JavascriptResponse> scriptTask = OffScreenBrowser.EvaluateScriptAsync(script); // start the script async

            // Wait for script completion and then get the screenshot and bitmap

            scriptTask.ContinueWith(t =>
                while (OnPaintCount == initialOnPaintCount)                 // wait until paint event occurs that renders the new bitmap

                //Thread.Sleep(2000); //Give the browser a little time to render

                var task = OffScreenBrowser.ScreenshotAsync(ignoreExistingScreenshot: false);                 // start the screenshot async, should get new bitmap

                // Wait for screenshot completion and get bitmap
                task.ContinueWith(x =>
                    Bitmap resultBitmap = task.Result;

                    if (!size.IsEmpty)
                        Rectangle section = new Rectangle(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
                        section.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height));                         // be sure section not larger than result
                        if (section.Height > 0 && section.Width > 0)
                            Bitmap = resultBitmap.Clone(section, resultBitmap.PixelFormat);
                            Bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);                          // create minimal empty bitmap

                        Bitmap = new Bitmap(resultBitmap);

                    // We no longer need the Bitmap.
                    // Dispose it to avoid keeping the memory alive.  Especially important in 32-bit applications.

                }, TaskScheduler.Default);

            GetBitmapEvent.WaitOne();             // wait for the bitmap to be retrieved


            if (Debug)
                DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("GetBitmap Complete, Time: ", sw);

Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Forces Special Consideration files to download immediately after they open in Adobe's chrome plugin.
 /// Ideally, I would disable the plugin - but for some reason doing this caused CefSharp to stall.
 /// If any CefSharp experts figure out a cleaner way to do this, let me know.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">The browser to inject into</param>
 private void specialConsiderationInject(ChromiumWebBrowser b)
     string code = "document.body.innerHTML = \"<a id='d_link' href='" + current_page + "' download>Clickity</a>\"; document.querySelector('#d_link').click();";
     var task = b.EvaluateScriptAsync(code);
     task.ContinueWith(t => {
         //For debug ouput when testing
         if (!t.IsFaulted) {
             //Console.WriteLine("Special Consideration @ " + current_page);
     }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Exemple #4
 public void LoadPageSkyBet(string Url)
     browser.ConsoleMessage -= BrowserOnConsoleMessage;
     browser.LoadingStateChanged -= BrowserOnLoadingStateChanged;
     browser.BrowserInitialized -= BrowserOnBrowserInitialized;
     browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(Url);
     browser.ConsoleMessage += BrowserOnConsoleMessage;
     browser.LoadingStateChanged += BrowserOnLoadingStateChanged;
     browser.BrowserInitialized += BrowserOnBrowserInitialized;
     isLoad = false;
     //  browser.RegisterAsyncJsObject("Alljs", Properties.Resources.jsAllLoadSkybet);
     var alljs = Properties.Resources.jsAllLoadSkybet;
     var countUpdate = 0;
     while (true)
         if (!browser.IsLoading)
             if (browser.IsBrowserInitialized)
                 var sss = browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(alljs).Result;
                 var result = browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("checkLoad()").Result;
                 if ((result.Result != null) && ((bool) result.Result == true))
                     var ss = browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(alljs).Result;
         if (countUpdate > 30)
             if (browser.IsBrowserInitialized)
             browser = Chrome.InitSkyBet(Url);
             browser.ConsoleMessage += BrowserOnConsoleMessage;
             browser.LoadingStateChanged += BrowserOnLoadingStateChanged;
             browser.BrowserInitialized += BrowserOnBrowserInitialized;
             isLoad = false;
             countUpdate = 0;
    public static int BrowserWidth(ChromiumWebBrowser b)
        // Get Document Height
        var task = b.EvaluateScriptAsync("(function() { var body = document.body, html = document.documentElement; return  Math.max( body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth, html.clientWidth, html.scrollWidth, html.offsetWidth ); })();");

        task.ContinueWith(t =>
            if (!t.IsFaulted)
                var response = t.Result;
                var EvaluateJavaScriptResult = response.Success ? (response.Result ?? "null") : response.Message;

        if (task.Result.Result == null) { return 0; }
        return Convert.ToInt32(task.Result.Result.ToString());
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Injects the Javascript code and processes the result.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">The ChromimumWebBrowser to inject into.</param>
 private void Inject(ChromiumWebBrowser b)
     if (!emergency_stop) {
         //All clear. 99.99% of the time the above doesn't matter.
         var task = b.EvaluateScriptAsync(js_inject);
         task.ContinueWith(t => {
             if (!t.IsFaulted) {
                 var response = t.Result;
                 if (response.Success == true && response.Result != null) {
                     var result = response.Result.ToString();
                     if (result != string.Empty && result != "null" && result != "login successful" && result != "login unsuccessful") {
                         potentialLoginFails = 0; //No need to worry :-)
                         OnLoginSuccess?.Invoke(new object(), new EventArgs()); //Tell the main class it's all good
                         Dictionary<string, string> conversion = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(result);
                         foreach (var pair in conversion) {
                             int dummy = 0;
                             if (int.TryParse(pair.Key, out dummy)) {
                                 urls.Add(new CrawlableURL(current_unitcode, pair.Value));
                                 //Console.WriteLine("[* Discovered] [" + current_unitcode + "] " + pair.Value);
                             else {
                                 string u_code = pair.Key.Substring(0, 6);
                                 urls.Add(new CrawlableURL(u_code, pair.Value));
                                 Unit.EnsureExists(new Unit(u_code, pair.Value));
                                 //Console.WriteLine("[* Discovered] [" + pair.Key.Substring(0, 6) + "] " + pair.Value);
                         if (urls.Count > 0) {
                             if (OnCrawlingEvent != null)
                                 OnCrawlingEvent(new object(), new EventArgs());
                     else if (result == "login successful" || result == "login unsuccessful") {
                         if (potentialLoginFails > potentialLoginFailsThreshold) {
                             //We might have a problem xD
                             emergency_stop = true;
                             b_root.Load("local"); //Park until everything is sorted out.
                             potentialLoginFails = 0;
                             if (OnLoginProblem != null)
                                 OnLoginProblem(new object(), new EventArgs());
         }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());