Exemple #1
        public static void processSnapshot(int snapshotId)
            CcsServerEntities ctx = new CcsServerEntities();

            //Grab docs from context
            var docs = ctx.documents
                       .Where(d => d.snapshot_id == snapshotId);

            Debug.WriteLine("Beginning Pipeline for snapshot id " + snapshotId);
            Console.WriteLine("Beginning Pipeline for snapshot id " + snapshotId);

            var count = 1;

            foreach (var doc in docs)
                //Initialize byte array list
                List <FileBytes> fbList = new List <FileBytes>();

                if (doc.exception_code == null && doc.exclusion_code == null)
                if (doc.exception_code == null && doc.exclusion_code == null)
                if (doc.exception_code == null && doc.exclusion_code == null)
                    Operations.getSbFileType(doc, fbList);

                if (count % 1000 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(count + " Docs processed for snapshot id " + snapshotId);
                    Debug.WriteLine(count + " Docs processed for snapshot id " + snapshotId);

            Console.WriteLine("Pipleine has completed for snapshot id " + snapshotId);
            Debug.WriteLine("Pipleine has completed for snapshot id " + snapshotId);

            Debug.WriteLine("Creating DIP for for snapshot id: " + snapshotId);

            var mappingIndex = getMappingIndex();

            CcsFunctions.createDipFile(ctx, mappingIndex, snapshotId);

            Debug.WriteLine("Done creating DIP file");

Exemple #2
        public static void getSbFileType(document doc, List <FileBytes> fbList)
            var snow = new Snowbnd();

            foreach (var file in doc.files)
                var bytes = CcsFunctions.readFile(file, fbList, doc);

                if (doc.exception_code == null)
                    var sbFileType = snow.CIMGLOW_get_filetype_mem(bytes);

                    CcsServerEntities ctx = new CcsServerEntities();
                    var fileType          = ctx.file_type
                                            .Where(f => f.sb_file_type == sbFileType)

                    file.file_type_id = fileType.id;
                    file.sb_file_type = fileType.sb_file_type;
        private static List <Mappings> getMappingList(CcsServerEntities ctx)
            //Loop through OnBase Key Types and add to a list of the OnBaseKeyType object
            List <OnBaseKeyType> oktList = new List <OnBaseKeyType>();

            foreach (onbase_key_type okt in ctx.onbase_key_type)
                oktList.Add(new OnBaseKeyType {
                    onbaseKeyTypeId = okt.id, onbaseKeyTypeName = okt.name

            List <Mappings> maps = new List <Mappings>();

            //Loop through Doc Type Mapping and add to the object
            foreach (doc_type_mapping dMap in ctx.doc_type_mapping)
                var ktmList = getKeyTypeMapset(dMap.key_type_mapset, oktList);
                maps.Add(new Mappings {
                    onbaseDocType = dMap.onbase_doc_type.name.ToString(), keyTypeMapset = ktmList, lookUp0 = dMap.lookup_000.ToString()
        public static void createDipFile(CcsServerEntities ctx, JObject mappingJsonConfig, int snapShotId)
            //Get docs from the database
            var docs = ctx.documents
                       .Where(d => d.snapshot_id == snapShotId);

            //Initialize list for mappings
            List <Mappings> mappingList = getMappingList(ctx);
            //Get mappings from database
            var mappings = ctx.doc_type_mapping;

            //Parse the mappings.json file
            JArray  mappingIndex         = (JArray)mappingJsonConfig["LookupAssignments"];
            string  conversionIdProperty = (string)mappingJsonConfig["CcsOnBaseDocumentIdKeyTypeName"];
            string  legacyIdProperty     = (string)mappingJsonConfig["LegacyDocumentIdKeyTypeName"];
            JObject staticKeywords       = (JObject)mappingJsonConfig["StaticKeywords"];

            //Initialize a new list for the dipfile entries
            List <string> dipFileList = new List <string>();

            //Loop through the docs and add to dipFileList as it goes
            foreach (document doc in docs)
                if (doc.exception_code == null && doc.exclusion_code == null)
                    //Get the legacy doc type value from metadata
                    var mappingCol    = "col_" + mappingIndex[0].ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
                    var legacyDocType = doc.metadata.GetType().GetProperty(mappingCol).GetValue(doc.metadata, null);

                    //lookup the mapping for the individual doc
                    var mapping = mappingList
                                  .Where(m => m.lookUp0 == legacyDocType.ToString())

                    //Add the appropriate values to the DIP file
                    var onBaseDocType = mapping.onbaseDocType;

                    dipFileList.Add(">>DocTypeName: " + onBaseDocType);
                    dipFileList.Add(">>DocDate: " + "Needs to be added");
                    dipFileList.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", conversionIdProperty, doc.id));
                    dipFileList.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", legacyIdProperty, doc.legacy_id));
                    dipFileList.Add("Legacy Document Type: " + legacyDocType);

                    foreach (var item in staticKeywords)
                        dipFileList.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", item.Key, item.Value));

                    foreach (var map in mapping.keyTypeMapset)
                        var value = doc.metadata.GetType().GetProperty(map.metadataColIndex).GetValue(doc.metadata, null);
                        dipFileList.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", map.onBaseKeywordName, value));

                    foreach (var file in doc.files.OrderBy(f => f.seq))
                        var fileType = file.file_type;
                        if (fileType != null && fileType.hsi_filetypenum.ToString() != null)
                            dipFileList.Add(">>FileTypeNum: " + file.file_type.hsi_filetypenum);
                            dipFileList.Add(">>FullPath: " + file.relative_path);
                            doc.exception_code = 34;

            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\users\kenny\documents\dip_01.txt");

            foreach (string s in dipFileList)