Exemple #1
        public List <DishInfo> Getlist(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "SELECT DishInfo.*,DishTypeInfo.DTitle AS DTypeTitle FROM DishInfo INNER JOIN DishTypeInfo ON DishInfo.DTypeId=DishTypeInfo.DId WHERE DishInfo.DIsDelete = 0";

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in dic)
                    sql = sql + " AND " + item.Key + " LIKE '%" + item.Value + "%'";
            List <DishInfo> list = new List <DishInfo>();
            DataTable       dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new DishInfo()
                    DId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["DId"]),
                    DTitle     = row["DTitle"].ToString(),
                    DChar      = row["DChar"].ToString(),
                    DPrice     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["DPrice"]),
                    DIsDelete  = Convert.ToBoolean(row["DIsDelete"]),
                    DTypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["DTypeId"]),
                    DTypeTitle = row["DTypeTitle"].ToString()
Exemple #2
        public ManagerInfo Login(string name)
            ManagerInfo manager = null;
            string      sql     = "select * from ManagerInfo where MName=@name";

            SQLiteParameter[] param =
                new SQLiteParameter("@name", name)
            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, param);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                manager = new ManagerInfo()
                    MId   = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]),
                    MName = name,
                    MPwd  = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(),
                    MType = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][3])
        /// <summary>
        /// 刷新并返回查询结果
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dic"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <VIPInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "select mi.*,mti.mTitle " +
                         "from MemberInfo as mi " +
                         "inner join MemberTypeInfo as mti " +
                         "on mi.mTypeId=mti.mid " +
                         "where mi.mIsDelete=0 ";
            List <SQLiteParameter> sp = new List <SQLiteParameter>();

            if (dic != null)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    sql += "and " + pair.Key + " like @" + pair.Key;
                    sp.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@" + pair.Key, "%" + pair.Value + "%"));
            DataTable      table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, sp.ToArray());
            var            rows  = table.Rows;
            List <VIPInfo> list  = new List <VIPInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                list.Add(new VIPInfo()
                    MId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["mid"]),
                    MTypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["mtypeid"]),
                    MName      = row["mname"].ToString(),
                    MPhone     = row["mphone"].ToString(),
                    MCount     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["mmoney"]),
                    MTypeTitle = row["mtitle"].ToString()
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据用户名查找对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">string name</param>
        /// <returns>ManagerInfo 返回null为未找到对象</returns>
        public ManagerInfo GetByName(string name)
            ManagerInfo mi = null;
            string          sql = "SELECT * FROM ManagerInfo WHERE MName = @name";
            SQLiteParameter p   = new SQLiteParameter("@name", name);
            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, p);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                mi = new ManagerInfo()
                    MId   = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]),
                    MName = name,
                    MPwd  = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(),
                    MType = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][3])
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve TableInfo DataGridView
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dic"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <TableInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "SELECT ti.TId, ti.TTitle, ti.THallId, ti.TIsFree ,ti.TIsDelete, hi.HTitle FROM TableInfo AS ti INNER JOIN HallInfo AS hi ON ti.THallId = hi.HId WHERE ti.TIsDelete = 1 AND hi.HIsDelete = 1";

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    sql += " AND " + pair.Key + " = '" + pair.Value + "' ";

            DataTable        dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <TableInfo> list = new List <TableInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new TableInfo()
                    TId       = Convert.ToInt32(row["TId"]),
                    TTitle    = row["TTitle"].ToString(),
                    THallId   = Convert.ToInt32(row["THallId"]),
                    TIsFree   = Convert.ToBoolean(row["TIsFree"]),
                    HallTitle = row["HTitle"].ToString(),
                    TIsDelete = Convert.ToBoolean(row["TIsDelete"])
        public List <OrderDetailInfo> GetDetailList(int orderId)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
            string          sql = @"select odi.oid,di.dTitle,di.dPrice,odi.count from dishinfo as di
            inner join orderDetailInfo as odi
            on di.did=odi.dishid
            where odi.orderId=@orderid";
            SQLiteParameter p   = new SQLiteParameter("@orderid", orderId);

            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, p);
            List <OrderDetailInfo> list = new List <OrderDetailInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new OrderDetailInfo()
                    OId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["oid"]),
                    DTitle = row["dtitle"].ToString(),
                    DPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(row["dprice"]),
                    Count  = Convert.ToInt32(row["count"])

Exemple #7
 public List<MemberInfo> SelectAll(Dictionary<string, string> dic)
     string sql = "select m.*,t.MTitle from MemberInfo m left join memberTypeInfo t on m.Mtypeid=t.mid where m.misdelete=0";
     if (dic.Count > 0)
         foreach (var pair in dic)
             sql += " and " + pair.Key + " like '%" + pair.Value + "%'";
     List<MemberInfo> list = new List<MemberInfo>();
     DataTable table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
     foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
         list.Add(new MemberInfo()
             MId = Convert.ToInt32(row["MId"]),
             MName = row["MName"].ToString(),
             MPhone = row["MPhone"].ToString(),
             MMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(row["MMoney"]),
             MType = row["MTitle"].ToString()
     return list;
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据用户名查找对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ManagerInfo GetByName(string name)
            ManagerInfo mi = null;
            string sql = "select * from ManagerInfo where mname=@name";
            SQLiteParameter p = new SQLiteParameter("@name", name);
            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, p);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                mi = new ManagerInfo()
                    MId   = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]),
                    MName = name,
                    Mpwd  = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(),
                    Mtype = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][3])
        public List <MemberInfo> GetInfo(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "SELECT MemberInfo.*,MemberTypeInfo.MTitle as MTypeTitle FROM MemberInfo inner join MemberTypeInfo on MemberInfo.MTypeID=MemberTypeInfo.MId WHERE MemberInfo.MIsDelete = 0";

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in dic)
                    sql = sql + " and " + item.Key + " like '%" + item.Value + "%'";
            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);

            List <MemberInfo> list = new List <MemberInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new MemberInfo()
                    MId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["MId"]),
                    MTypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["MTypeId"]),
                    MName      = row["MName"].ToString(),
                    MPhone     = row["MPhone"].ToString(),
                    MMoney     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["MMoney"]),
                    MIsdelete  = Convert.ToBoolean(row["MIsdelete"]),
                    MTypeTitle = row["MTypeTitle"].ToString()

Exemple #10
        public List <TableInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = @"select ti.*, hi.HTitle from tableinfo as ti
                        inner join hallinfo as hi
                        on ti.THallId = hi.HId
                        where ti.TIsDelete = 0 and hi.HIsDelete = 0";

            List <SQLiteParameter> listP = new List <SQLiteParameter>();

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    sql += " and " + pair.Key + "=@" + pair.Key;
                    listP.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@" + pair.Key, pair.Value));
            DataTable        dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, listP.ToArray());
            List <TableInfo> list = new List <TableInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new TableInfo()
                    TId       = Convert.ToInt32(row["tid"]),
                    TTitle    = row["ttitle"].ToString(),
                    HallTitle = row["htitle"].ToString(),//datagridview显示厅包项
                    THallId   = Convert.ToInt32(row["thallId"]),
                    TIsFree   = Convert.ToBoolean(row["tIsFree"])
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dic"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <DishInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = @"select di.*,dti.dtitle as dtypetitle from dishinfo as di inner join dishtypeinfo as dti on di.dtypeid=dti.did where di.disdelete=0 and dti.disdelete=0";
            List <SQLiteParameter> sp = new List <SQLiteParameter>();

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    sql += " and di." + pair.Key + " like @" + pair.Key;
                    sp.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@" + pair.Key, "%" + pair.Value + "%"));
            DataTable table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, sp.ToArray());

            List <DishInfo> list = new List <DishInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                list.Add(new DishInfo()
                    DId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["did"]),
                    DTitle     = row["dtitle"].ToString(),
                    DTypeTitle = row["dtypetitle"].ToString(),
                    DPrice     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["dprice"]),
                    DChar      = row["dchar"].ToString()

Exemple #12
        public List <DishInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dict)
            string sql = "select di.*,dti.Dtitle as DTypeTitle from DishInfo di inner join DishTypeInfo dti on di.DTypeId=dti.DId " +
                         "  where di.DIsDelete=0 and dti.DIsDelete=0";

            if (dict.Count > 0)
                foreach (var parm in dict)
                    if (parm.Key == "di.Dtitle")
                        sql += " and " + parm.Key + " like '%" + parm.Value + "%' ";
                    if (parm.Key == "di.DTypeId")
                        sql += " and " + parm.Key + "=" + parm.Value;
            DataTable       dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <DishInfo> list = new List <DishInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new DishInfo()
                    DId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["did"]),
                    DChar      = row["dchar"].ToString(),
                    DPrice     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["DPrice"]),
                    DTypeTitle = row["DTypeTitle"].ToString(),
                    DTitle     = row["DTitle"].ToString()
Exemple #13
        //CRUD操作 Create(增加)/Retrieve(取回)/Update(修改)/Delete(删除)
        public List <DishInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "SELECT " +
                         "di.DId, di.DTypeId, di.DTitle, dti.DTitle AS DTypeTitle, di.DChar, di.DPrice, di.DIsDelete " +
                         "FROM DishInfo AS di INNER JOIN DishTypeInfo AS dti ON di.DTypeId = dti.DId " +
                         "WHERE di.DIsDelete = 1 AND dti.DIsDelete =1";

            if (dic.Count != 0)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    sql += " AND di." + pair.Key + " LIKE '%" + pair.Value + "%'";

            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);

            List <DishInfo> list = new List <DishInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new DishInfo()
                    DId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["DId"]),
                    DTypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["DTypeId"]),
                    DTitle     = row["DTitle"].ToString(),
                    DTypeTitle = row["DTypeTitle"].ToString(),
                    DChar      = row["DChar"].ToString(),
                    DPrice     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["DPrice"])

        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化查询数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dic"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <TableInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "select ti.*,hi.htitle from tableinfo as ti inner join hallinfo as hi on ti.thallid=hi.hid where ti.tisdelete=0 and hi.hisdelete=0";
            List <SQLiteParameter> sp = new List <SQLiteParameter>();

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    sql += " and " + pair.Key + "=@" + pair.Key;
                    sp.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@" + pair.Key, pair.Value));

            DataTable        table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, sp.ToArray());
            List <TableInfo> list  = new List <TableInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                list.Add(new TableInfo()
                    TId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["tid"]),
                    TTitle     = row["ttitle"].ToString(),
                    THallId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["thallid"]),
                    TIsFree    = Convert.ToBoolean(row["tisfree"]),
                    THalltitle = row["htitle"].ToString()

Exemple #15
        public List <TableInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "select T.* ,H.HTitle TType from TableInfo T left join HallInfo H on T.THallId==H.Hid where T.TIsDelete=0 and H.HIsDelete=0";

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var key in dic)
                    sql += " and " + key.Key + "=" + key.Value;
            List <TableInfo> list  = new List <TableInfo>();
            DataTable        table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                list.Add(new TableInfo()
                    TId     = Convert.ToInt32(row["TId"]),
                    TTitle  = row["TTitle"].ToString(),
                    TType   = row["TType"].ToString(),
                    TIsFree = Convert.ToBoolean(row["TIsFree"])
        public List <MemberInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "select mi.*, mti.mTitle as MTypeTitle from MemberInfo as mi " +
                         "inner join MemberTypeInfo as mti on mi.mTypeId=mti.mid " +
                         "where mi.mIsDelete=0";

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    sql += " and " + pair.Key + " like '%" + pair.Value + "%'";
            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <MemberInfo> list = new List <MemberInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new MemberInfo()
                    MId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["mid"]),
                    MName      = row["mname"].ToString(),
                    MPhone     = row["mphone"].ToString(),
                    MMoney     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["mmoney"]),
                    MTypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["MTypeId"]),
                    MTypeTitle = row["MTypeTitle"].ToString()
Exemple #17
        public List <MemberInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "SELECT mi.MId, mi.MName, mi.MPhone, mi.MMoney, mi.MTypeId, mti.MDiscount, mi.MIsDelete, mti.MTitle AS MTypeTitle FROM MemberInfo AS mi INNER JOIN MemberTypeInfo AS mti ON mi.MTypeId = mti.MId WHERE mi.MIsDelete = 1";

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    sql += " AND " + pair.Key + " Like '%" + pair.Value + "%'";
            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <MemberInfo> list = new List <MemberInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new MemberInfo()
                    MId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["MId"]),
                    MName      = row["MName"].ToString(),
                    MPhone     = row["MPhone"].ToString(),
                    MMoney     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["MMoney"]),
                    MTypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["MTypeId"]),
                    MTypeTitle = row["MTypeTitle"].ToString(),
                    MDiscount  = Convert.ToDecimal(row["MDiscount"])
Exemple #18
        public List <DishInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            List <DishInfo> list = new List <DishInfo>();
            string          sql  = "select di.*,type.DTitle as DType from DishInfo as di left join DishTypeInfo as type on di.dtypeid=type.did where di.disdelete=0 and type.disdelete=0";

            if (dic != null)
                if (dic.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var pair in dic)
                        sql += " and " + pair.Key + " like '%" + pair.Value + "%'";
            DataTable table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                list.Add(new DishInfo()
                    DId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["DId"]),
                    DTitle = row["DTitle"].ToString(),
                    DType  = row["DType"].ToString(),
                    DPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(row["DPrice"]),
                    DChar  = row["DChar"].ToString()
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询会员信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionary">根据用户名和手机号对会员进行搜索</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <MemberInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dictionary)
            string sql = "select mi.*,mti.MTitle as MTypeTitle " +
                         "from MemberInfo as mi " +
                         "inner join MemberTypeInfo as mti " +
                         "on mi.MTypeId = mti.MId " +
                         "where mi.mIsDelete=0 ";

            if (dictionary.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in dictionary)
                    sql += " and " + pair.Key + " like'%" + pair.Value + "%'";
            DataTable         table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <MemberInfo> list  = new List <MemberInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                list.Add(new MemberInfo()
                    MId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["mid"]),
                    MName      = row["mname"].ToString(),
                    MPhone     = row["mphone"].ToString(),
                    MMoney     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["MMoney"]),
                    MTypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["MTypeId"]),
                    MTypeTitle = row["MTypeTitle"].ToString()
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an user object by a name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ManagerInfo GetByName(string name)
            ManagerInfo mi = null;
            //Construct the sql query statement
            string sql = "select * from managerInfo where mname=@name";
            //Set the parameter for the query
            SQLiteParameter p = new SQLiteParameter("@name", name);
            //Execute the query
            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, p);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                mi = new ManagerInfo()
                    MId   = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]),
                    MName = name,
                    MPwd  = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(),
                    MType = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][3])
                //type = mi.MType;
                Console.WriteLine("The user does not exist");
                //type = 0;

        public List <MemberInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dict)
            string sql = "select mi.*,mti.MTitle as mTypeTitle from memberinfo mi" +
                         " inner join membertypeinfo mti where mi.MTypeId=mti.MId and mi.MIsDelete=0";

            if (dict.Count > 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pari in dict)
                    sql += " and " + pari.Key + " like '%" + pari.Value + "%'";

            List <MemberInfo> list = new List <MemberInfo>();
            DataTable         dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                MemberInfo mi = new MemberInfo()
                    MId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["mid"]),
                    MMoney     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["mmoney"]),
                    MName      = row["mname"].ToString(),
                    MPhone     = row["mphone"].ToString(),
                    MTypeTitle = row["mTypeTitle"].ToString()
Exemple #22
        public List <DishTypeInfo> GetList()
            string              sql   = "select * from DishTypeInfo where dIsDelete=0";
            DataTable           table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <DishTypeInfo> list  = new List <DishTypeInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                list.Add(new DishTypeInfo()
                    DId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["did"]),
                    DTitle = row["dtitle"].ToString()
Exemple #23
        public List <HallInfo> GetList()
            string          sql  = "select * from HallInfo where HisDelete=0";
            DataTable       dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <HallInfo> list = new List <HallInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new HallInfo()
                    HId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["hid"]),
                    HTitle = row["htitle"].ToString()
        public List <ManagerInfo> selectAllManagerInfo()
            string             sql  = "select * from ManagerInfo";
            DataTable          dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <ManagerInfo> list = new List <ManagerInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new ManagerInfo {
                    MId   = Convert.ToInt32(row["mid"]),
                    MName = row["mname"].ToString(),
                    MPwd  = row["mpwd"].ToString(),
                    MType = Convert.ToInt32(row["mtype"])
Exemple #25
        public List <RemoveInfo> GetList()
            List <RemoveInfo> list  = new List <RemoveInfo>();
            string            sql   = "select * from RemoveInfo";
            DataTable         table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                list.Add(new RemoveInfo()
                    RId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["RId"]),
                    RName  = row["RName"].ToString(),
                    RTable = row["RTable"].ToString()
Exemple #26
        public List <DishTypeInfo> GetList()
            string    sql = "SELECT DId, DTitle, DIsDelete FROM DishTypeInfo WHERE DIsDelete = 1";
            DataTable dt  = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <DishTypeInfo> list = new List <DishTypeInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new DishTypeInfo()
                    DId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["DId"]),
                    DTitle = row["DTitle"].ToString()
Exemple #27
        public List <MemberTypeInfo> GetList()
            string sql = "select * from MemberTypeInfo where MIsDelete=0";
            List <MemberTypeInfo> list  = new List <MemberTypeInfo>();
            DataTable             table = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                list.Add(new MemberTypeInfo()
                    MId       = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]),
                    MTitle    = row[1].ToString(),
                    MDiscount = Convert.ToDecimal(row[2])
Exemple #28
        public List <MemberTypeInfo> GetList()
            string                sql  = "select * from membertypeinfo where mIsDelete= 0";
            DataTable             dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <MemberTypeInfo> list = new List <MemberTypeInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new MemberTypeInfo()
                    MId       = Convert.ToInt32(row["mid"]),
                    MTitle    = row["mtitle"].ToString(),
                    MDiscount = Convert.ToDecimal(row["mdiscount"])
Exemple #29
        public List <MemberInfo> GetList(Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            string sql = "select mi.*,mti.mTitle as MTypeTitle,mti.mDiscount " +
                         "from MemberInfo as mi " +
                         "inner join MemberTypeInfo as mti " +
                         "on mi.mTypeId=mti.mid " +
                         "where mi.mIsDelete=0 and mti.mIsDelete=0";
            // +"and mname like '%sadf%'";

            List <SQLiteParameter> listP = new List <SQLiteParameter>();

            if (dic.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in dic)
                    //" and mname like @mname"
                    sql += " and mi." + pair.Key + " like @" + pair.Key;
                    listP.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@" + pair.Key, "%" + pair.Value + "%"));

            DataTable dt = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql, listP.ToArray());
            List <MemberInfo> list = new List <MemberInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new MemberInfo()
                    MId        = Convert.ToInt32(row["mid"]),
                    MName      = row["mname"].ToString(),
                    MPhone     = row["mphone"].ToString(),
                    MMoney     = Convert.ToDecimal(row["mmoney"]),
                    MTypeId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["MTypeId"]),
                    MTypeTitle = row["MTypeTitle"].ToString(),
                    MDiscount  = Convert.ToDecimal(row["mDiscount"])

        public List <ManagerInfo> GetList()
            string             sql  = "select * from ManagerInfo";
            DataTable          dt   = SqliteHelper.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <ManagerInfo> list = new List <ManagerInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                list.Add(new ManagerInfo()
                    Mid   = Convert.ToInt32(row["Mid"]),
                    MName = (row["MName"]).ToString(),
                    MPwd  = (row["MPwd"]).ToString(),
                    MType = Convert.ToInt32(row["MType"]),