Exemple #1
        public List <CatchHitObject> GenerateCatchObjects(Beatmap aBeatmap)
            List <HitObject>      mapObjects = aBeatmap.hitObjects;
            List <CatchHitObject> objects    = new List <CatchHitObject>();

            foreach (Slider mapObject in mapObjects.OfType <Slider>())
                List <CatchHitObject> objectExtras = new List <CatchHitObject>();
                string[] objectCode = String.Copy(mapObject.code).Split(',');

                // Slider ticks
                foreach (double ticktimes in mapObject.sliderTickTimes)
                    objectCode[0] = Math.Round(mapObject.GetPathPosition(ticktimes).X).ToString();
                    objectCode[2] = ticktimes.ToString();
                    string         line = String.Join(",", objectCode);
                    CatchHitObject node = new CatchHitObject(String.Copy(line).Split(','), aBeatmap);

                foreach (double ticktimes in GetEdgeTimes(mapObject))
                    // Slider repeats and tail
                    objectCode[0] = Math.Round(mapObject.GetPathPosition(ticktimes).X).ToString();
                    objectCode[2] = ticktimes.ToString();
                    string         line = String.Join(",", objectCode);
                    CatchHitObject node = new CatchHitObject(String.Copy(line).Split(','), aBeatmap);

                CatchHitObject sliderObject = new CatchHitObject(mapObject.code.Split(','), aBeatmap);
                sliderObject.Extras = objectExtras;

            foreach (HitObject mapObject in mapObjects)
                if (mapObject is Slider)
                    // Skip slider object because we have added it before
                CatchHitObject hitObject = new CatchHitObject(mapObject.code.Split(','), aBeatmap);

            objects.Sort((h1, h2) => h1.time.CompareTo(h2.time));
Exemple #2
        public void initialiseHypers(List <CatchHitObject> mapObjects, Beatmap aBeatmap)
            List <CatchHitObject> objectWithDroplets = new List <CatchHitObject>();

            foreach (var currentObject in mapObjects)
                // Skip spinner because it's just random bananas and no actual Hit Object
                if (currentObject.GetObjectType() == "Spinner")

                // If object isnt Slider, just skip it
                if (currentObject.Extras == null)

                foreach (var sliderNode in currentObject.Extras)
            objectWithDroplets.Sort((h1, h2) => h1.time.CompareTo(h2.time));

            // Taken from Modding Assistant as osu-lazer seems broken
            // https://github.com/rorre/decompiled-MA/blob/master/Modding%20assistant/osu/DiffCalc/BeatmapDifficultyCalculatorFruits.cs
            double adjustDiff       = (aBeatmap.difficultySettings.circleSize - 5.0) / 5.0;
            float  catcherWidth     = (float)(64 * (1.0 - 0.7 * adjustDiff)) / 128f;
            float  num2             = 305f * catcherWidth * 0.7f;
            double halfCatcherWidth = num2 / 2;
            int    lastDirection    = 0;
            double lastExcess       = halfCatcherWidth;

            // https://github.com/ppy/osu/blob/master/osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch/Beatmaps/CatchBeatmapProcessor.cs#L190
            // With modifications taken from Modding Assistant
            for (int i = 0; i < objectWithDroplets.Count - 1; i++)
                CatchHitObject currentObject = objectWithDroplets[i];
                CatchHitObject nextObject    = objectWithDroplets[i + 1];

                int    thisDirection   = nextObject.x > currentObject.x ? 1 : -1;
                double timeToNext      = nextObject.time - currentObject.time - 1000f / 60f / 4; // 1/4th of a frame of grace time, taken from osu-stable
                double distanceToNext  = Math.Abs(nextObject.x - currentObject.x) - (lastDirection == thisDirection ? lastExcess : halfCatcherWidth);
                float  distanceToHyper = (float)(timeToNext - distanceToNext);

                if (distanceToHyper < 0)
                    currentObject.HyperDashTarget = nextObject;
                    lastExcess = halfCatcherWidth;
                    currentObject.DistanceToHyperDash = distanceToHyper;
                    double requiredAbsolute = distanceToHyper + distanceToNext + (lastDirection == thisDirection ? lastExcess : halfCatcherWidth);
                    currentObject.PixelsToHyperDash = requiredAbsolute - Math.Abs(nextObject.x - currentObject.x);
                    lastExcess = Clamp(distanceToHyper, 0, halfCatcherWidth);

                lastDirection = thisDirection;