public void Enumerable()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.AddFirst( "third" );
			list.AddFirst( "second" );
			list.AddFirst( "first" );

			int index = 0;

			foreach(String value in list)
					case 0:
						Assert.AreEqual( "first", value );
					case 1:
						Assert.AreEqual( "second", value );
					case 2:
						Assert.AreEqual( "third", value );
		private static void Visit(IVertex node, ColorsSet colors,
								  TimestampSet discovery, TimestampSet finish, LinkedList<IVertex> list, ref int time)
			colors.Set(node, VertexColor.Gray);

			discovery.Register(node, time++);

			foreach(IVertex child in node.Adjacencies)
				if (colors.ColorOf(child) == VertexColor.White)
					Visit(child, colors, discovery, finish, list, ref time);

			finish.Register(node, time++);

			Debug.Assert(discovery.TimeOf(node) < finish.TimeOf(node));


			colors.Set(node, VertexColor.Black);
		public void AddFirst()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.AddFirst( "third" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "third", list.Head );
			Assert.AreEqual( 1, list.Count );

			list.AddFirst( "second" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "second", list.Head );
			Assert.AreEqual( 2, list.Count );

			list.AddFirst( "first" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "first", list.Head );
			Assert.AreEqual( 3, list.Count );
		public void Add()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "1" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "1", list.Head );
			Assert.AreEqual( 1, list.Count );

			list.Add( "2" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "1", list.Head );
			Assert.AreEqual( 2, list.Count );

			list.Add( "3" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "1", list.Head );
			Assert.AreEqual( 3, list.Count );
		public static IVertex[] Sort(IVertex[] graphNodes)
			ColorsSet colors = new ColorsSet(graphNodes);
			TimestampSet discovery = new TimestampSet();
			TimestampSet finish = new TimestampSet();
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

			int time = 0;

			foreach(IVertex node in graphNodes)
				if (colors.ColorOf(node) == VertexColor.White)
					Visit(node, colors, discovery, finish, list, ref time);

			return (IVertex[]) list.ToArray(typeof(IVertex));
		public static IVertex[] Sort(IVertex[] graphNodes)
			ColorsSet colors = new ColorsSet(graphNodes);
			TimestampSet discovery = new TimestampSet();
			TimestampSet finish = new TimestampSet();
			LinkedList<IVertex> list = new LinkedList<IVertex>();

			int time = 0;

			foreach(IVertex node in graphNodes)
				if (colors.ColorOf(node) == VertexColor.White)
					Visit(node, colors, discovery, finish, list, ref time);

			IVertex[] vertices = new IVertex[list.Count];
			list.CopyTo(vertices, 0);
			return vertices;
		public void ToArray()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.AddFirst( "third" );
			list.AddFirst( "second" );
			list.AddFirst( "first" );

			String[] values = (String[]) list.ToArray( typeof(String) );
			Assert.AreEqual( "first", values[0] );
			Assert.AreEqual( "second", values[1] );
			Assert.AreEqual( "third", values[2] );
		public void Replace4()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "0" );
			list.Add( "1" );
			list.Add( "2" );
			list.Add( "3" );
			Assert.IsTrue( list.Replace("2", "x") ); 

			Assert.AreEqual( 4, list.Count );
			String[] array = (String[]) list.ToArray( typeof(String) );
			Assert.AreEqual( "0,1,x,3", String.Join(",", array) );
		public void Replace3()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "0" );
			list.Add( "1" );
			Assert.IsFalse( list.Replace("11", "x") ); 

			Assert.AreEqual( 2, list.Count );
			String[] array = (String[]) list.ToArray( typeof(String) );
			Assert.AreEqual( "0,1", String.Join(",", array) );
		public void Insert2bis()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "0" );
			list.Add( "1" );
			list.Add( "2" );
			list.Add( "3" );
			list.Add( "4" );
			list.Add( "5" );
			list.Insert(2, "x");

			Assert.AreEqual( 7, list.Count );
			String[] array = (String[]) list.ToArray( typeof(String) );
			Assert.AreEqual( "0,1,x,2,3,4,5", String.Join(",", array) );
		public void Replace3()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "0" );
			list.Add( "1" );
			Assert.IsFalse( list.Replace("11", "x"), "Successfully replaced 11 with x when it should have failed." ); 

			Assert.AreEqual( 2, list.Count );
			String[] array = (String[]) list.ToArray( typeof(String) );
			Assert.AreEqual( "0,1", String.Join(",", array) );
		public void IndexOf2()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "1" );
			list.Add( "2" );
			list.Add( "3" );
			list.Add( "4" );
			list.Add( "5" );

			Assert.AreEqual( 4, list.IndexOf("5") );
			Assert.AreEqual( -1, list.IndexOf("10") );
		public void RemoveMiddle2()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "1" );
			list.Add( "2" );
			list.Add( "3" );
			list.Add( "4" );
			list.Add( "5" );

			list.Remove( "3" );

			Assert.AreEqual( "1", list.Head );
			Assert.AreEqual( 4, list.Count );
			String[] array = (String[]) list.ToArray( typeof(String) );
			Assert.AreEqual( "1,2,4,5", String.Join(",", array) );
        private static LinkedList<int> IdentifyBlockBoundaries(string inputString)
            var blockBoundaries = new LinkedList<int>();
            var previousLine = string.Empty;
            var currentLine = 0;

            foreach (var line in new LineReader(() => new StringReader(inputString)))
                var trimmedLine = line.TrimStart(' ').TrimEnd(' ');
                if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("Show") || trimmedLine.StartsWith("Hide") ||
                    trimmedLine.StartsWith("# Section:"))
                    // If the line previous to the Show or Hide line is a comment then we should include that in the block
                    // as it represents the block description.
                    // currentLine > 2 caters for an edge case where the script description is a single line and the first
                    // block has no description. This prevents the script description from being assigned to the first block's description.
                    blockBoundaries.AddLast(previousLine.StartsWith("#") && !previousLine.StartsWith("# Section:") &&
                                            currentLine > 2
                        ? currentLine - 2
                        : currentLine - 1);
                previousLine = line;

            return blockBoundaries;
		public void Insert2()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "1" );
			list.Add( "2" );
			list.Add( "3" );
			list.Insert(2, "x");

			Assert.AreEqual( 4, list.Count );
			String[] array = (String[]) list.ToArray( typeof(String) );
			Assert.AreEqual( "1,2,x,3", String.Join(",", array) );
		public void RemoveBoundary1()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
			list.Add( "1" );

			list.Add( "2" );

			list.Add( "3" );

			list.Remove( "1" );

			Assert.AreEqual( "2", list.Head );
			Assert.AreEqual( 2, list.Count );

			String[] array = (String[]) list.ToArray( typeof(String) );
			Assert.AreEqual( "2,3", String.Join(",", array) );
		public void Insert1_AfterReplacingHeadWithAddFirst()
			LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

			list.Insert(1, "x");

			Assert.AreEqual(3, list.Count);

			String[] array = (String[])list.ToArray(typeof(String));
			Assert.AreEqual("1,x,2", String.Join(",", array));