/// <exception cref="System.Net.Sockets.SocketException">Throws a SocketException when the connection could not be established with the host</exception>
 /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException" />
 /// <exception cref="UnsupportedProtocolVersionException"></exception>
 private Connection CreateConnection()
     _logger.Info("Creating a new connection to the host " + Host.Address.ToString());
     var c = new Connection(ProtocolVersion, Host.Address, Configuration);
     if (Configuration.PoolingOptions.GetHeartBeatInterval() != null)
         //Heartbeat is enabled, subscribe for possible exceptions
         c.OnIdleRequestException += OnIdleRequestException;   
     return c;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the connection with the minimum number of InFlight requests.
 /// Only checks for index + 1 and index, to avoid a loop of all connections.
 /// </summary>
 public static Connection MinInFlight(Connection[] connections, ref int connectionIndex)
     if (connections.Length == 1)
         return connections[0];
     //It is very likely that the amount of InFlight requests per connection is the same
     //Do round robin between connections, skipping connections that have more in flight requests
     var index = Interlocked.Increment(ref connectionIndex);
     if (index > ConnectionIndexOverflow)
         //Overflow protection, not exactly thread-safe but we can live with it
         Interlocked.Exchange(ref connectionIndex, 0);
     var currentConnection = connections[index % connections.Length];
     var previousConnection = connections[(index - 1)%connections.Length];
     if (previousConnection.InFlight < currentConnection.InFlight)
         return previousConnection;
     return currentConnection;
 public void CheckHealth(Connection c)
     if (c.TimedOutOperations < _config.SocketOptions.DefunctReadTimeoutThreshold)
     //We are in the default thread-pool (non-io thread)
     //Defunct: close it and remove it from the pool
 private void TransitionCreationTask(TaskCompletionSource<Connection[]> tcs, Connection[] result, Exception ex = null)
     if (ex != null)
     else if (result != null)
         tcs.TrySetException(new DriverInternalError("Creation task must transition from a result or an exception"));
     Interlocked.Exchange(ref _creationTcs, null);
 /// <exception cref="System.Net.Sockets.SocketException">Throws a SocketException when the connection could not be established with the host</exception>
 /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException" />
 /// <exception cref="UnsupportedProtocolVersionException"></exception>
 internal virtual Task<Connection> CreateConnection()
     Logger.Info("Creating a new connection to the host " + _host.Address);
     var c = new Connection(_serializer, _host.Address, _config);
     return c.Open().ContinueWith(t =>
         if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
             if (_config.GetPoolingOptions(_serializer.ProtocolVersion).GetHeartBeatInterval() > 0)
                 //Heartbeat is enabled, subscribe for possible exceptions
                 c.OnIdleRequestException += OnIdleRequestException;
             return c;
         Logger.Info("The connection to {0} could not be opened", _host.Address);
         if (t.Exception != null)
             t.Exception.Handle(_ => true);
             throw t.Exception.InnerException;
         throw new TaskCanceledException("The connection creation task was cancelled");
     }, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
 /// <summary> 
 /// Gets the connection with the minimum number of InFlight requests
 /// </summary>
 public Connection MinInFlight(Connection[] connections)
     if (connections.Length == 1)
         return connections[0];
     //It is very likely that the amount of InFlight requests per connection is the same
     //Do round robin between connections
     var list = new LinkedList<Connection>();
     var lastValue = connections[0].InFlight;
     for (var i = 1; i < connections.Length; i++)
         var c = connections[i];
         var inFlight = c.InFlight;
         if (inFlight > lastValue)
         if (inFlight == lastValue)
         lastValue = inFlight;
         list = new LinkedList<Connection>();
     var index = Interlocked.Increment(ref _connectionIndex);
     if (index > ConnectionIndexOverflow)
         //Overflow protection, not exactly thread-safe but we can live with it
         Interlocked.Exchange(ref _connectionIndex, 0);
     return list.Skip(index % list.Count).First();