Exemple #1
        void WritePointSymDef(PointSymDef symdef)
            OcadPointSymbol symbol = new OcadPointSymbol();
            FillInCommonSymdef(symbol, symdef);

            symbol.Otp = 1;
            symbol.SymTp = 0;
            symbol.Extent = (short) ToOcadDimensions(symdef.Radius);
            symbol.symbolElts = SymbolEltsFromGlyph(symdef.Glyph, out symbol.DataSize);

            if (symdef.AllowRotation)
                symbol.Flags |= 1;

            symbol.Write(writer, version);
Exemple #2
        PointSymbol CreatePointSymbol(OcadObject obj, PointSymDef symdef)
            if (symdef == null)
                throw new OcadFileFormatException("Object has unknown or inconsistent symbol type {0}", obj.Sym);

            PointF location = PointFromOcadCoord(obj.coords[0]);

            // Determine if there are any circle gaps.
            float[] gaps = null;
            if (obj.coords.Length > 1) {
                // The additional coordinates give circle gaps. They are expressed in pairs of OCAD angles, where the X is the start and
                // the Y is the end.
                gaps = new float[(obj.coords.Length - 1) * 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < obj.coords.Length - 1; ++i) {
                    OcadCoord ocadGap = obj.coords[i + 1];
                    gaps[i * 2] = AngleToDegrees(ocadGap.x);
                    gaps[i * 2 + 1] = AngleToDegrees(ocadGap.y);

            return new PointSymbol(symdef, location, AngleToDegrees(obj.Ang), gaps);
Exemple #3
        float rotation; // angle in dgrees symbol is rotated.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public PointSymbol(PointSymDef def, PointF location, float angle, float[] gaps)
            this.def = def; this.location = location;
            this.rotation = angle;
            this.gaps = gaps;
            boundingBox = def.CalcBounds(location, rotation);