Exemple #1
        void WriteTextSymDef(TextSymDef symdef)
            OcadTextSymbol symbol = new OcadTextSymbol();
            FillInCommonSymdef(symbol, symdef);

            symbol.Otp = 4;
            symbol.SymTp = 1;

            if (symdef.FontColor != null)
                symbol.FontColor = NumberOfColor(symdef.FontColor);
            symbol.Italic = symdef.Italic;
            if (symdef.Bold)
                symbol.Weight = 700;
                symbol.Weight = 400;
            if (symdef.FontAlignment == TextSymDefAlignment.Justified)
                symbol.Alignment = 3;
            if (symdef.FontAlignment == TextSymDefAlignment.Right)
                symbol.Alignment = 2;
            else if (symdef.FontAlignment == TextSymDefAlignment.Center)
                symbol.Alignment = 1;
            symbol.FontSize = (short) Math.Round(symdef.FontEmHeight / 25.4F * 720F);
            symbol.FontName = symdef.FontName;
            symbol.LineSpace = (short) Math.Round(symdef.LineSpacing * 100F / symdef.FontEmHeight);
            if (symdef.Underline.underlineOn)
                symbol.ParaSpace = (short) ToOcadDimensions(symdef.ParaSpacing - symdef.Underline.underlineDistance - symdef.Underline.underlineWidth);
                symbol.ParaSpace = (short) ToOcadDimensions(symdef.ParaSpacing);
            symbol.IndentFirst = (short) ToOcadDimensions(symdef.FirstIndent);
            symbol.IndentOther = (short) ToOcadDimensions(symdef.RestIndent);
            symbol.CharSpace = (short) Math.Round(symdef.CharSpacing * 100F);
            symbol.WordSpace = (short) Math.Round(symdef.WordSpacing * 100F);

            float[] tabs = symdef.Tabs;
            if (tabs != null && tabs.Length > 0) {
                symbol.nTabs = (short) Math.Min(32, tabs.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < symbol.nTabs; ++i)
                    symbol.Tabs[i] = (short) ToOcadDimensions(tabs[i]);

            WriteFraming(symdef, out symbol.FrMode, out symbol.FrFlags, out symbol.FrName, out symbol.FrColor, out symbol.FrWidth,
                                  out symbol.FrSize, out symbol.FrWeight, out symbol.FrItalic, out symbol.FrOfX, out symbol.FrOfY, out symbol.FrLeft, out symbol.FrTop, out symbol.FrRight, out symbol.FrBottom);

            TextSymDef.Underlining underline = symdef.Underline;
            if (underline.underlineOn) {
                symbol.LBOn = true;
                symbol.LBColor = NumberOfColor(underline.underlineColor);
                symbol.LBDist = (short) ToOcadDimensions(underline.underlineDistance);
                symbol.LBWidth = (short) ToOcadDimensions(underline.underlineWidth);

            symbol.Write(writer, version);
Exemple #2
        SymDef CreateTextSymdef(string name, int ocadID, OcadTextSymbol ocadSym)
            SymColor fontColor;
            bool bold, italic;
            TextSymDef symdef;
            float fontSize;
            float paraSpacing;
            float firstIndent, restIndent;
            float charSpacing, wordSpacing;
            float[] tabs;
            TextSymDefAlignment fontAlign;

            fontColor = GetColor(ocadSym.FontColor);

            italic = ocadSym.Italic;
            bold = (ocadSym.Weight >= 500);

            if (ocadSym.Alignment == 1)
                fontAlign = TextSymDefAlignment.Center;
            else if (ocadSym.Alignment == 2)
                fontAlign = TextSymDefAlignment.Right;
            else if (ocadSym.Alignment == 3)
                fontAlign = TextSymDefAlignment.Justified;
                fontAlign = TextSymDefAlignment.Left;

            // ocadSym.FontSize is in 10ths of a point. Convert to mm.
            fontSize = ocadSym.FontSize / 720F * 25.4F;

            paraSpacing = ToWorldDimensions(ocadSym.ParaSpace);   // paragraph spacing in mm.
            firstIndent = ToWorldDimensions(ocadSym.IndentFirst);       // indent first line in mm.
            restIndent = ToWorldDimensions(ocadSym.IndentOther);    // indent rest lines in mm.
            charSpacing = ocadSym.CharSpace / 100F;
            wordSpacing = ocadSym.WordSpace / 100F;
            if (ocadSym.LBOn) {
                paraSpacing += ToWorldDimensions(ocadSym.LBDist + ocadSym.LBWidth);   // underlining counts in paragraph spacing.

            tabs = null;
            if (ocadSym.nTabs > 0) {
                tabs = new float[ocadSym.nTabs];
                for (int i = 0; i < ocadSym.nTabs; ++i)
                    tabs[i] = ToWorldDimensions(ocadSym.Tabs[i]);

            symdef = new TextSymDef(name, ocadID);

            symdef.SetFont(ocadSym.FontName, fontSize, bold, italic, fontColor, fontSize * ocadSym.LineSpace / 100F, paraSpacing, firstIndent, restIndent, tabs, charSpacing, wordSpacing, fontAlign);

            // handle framing.
            ReadFraming(ocadSym.FrMode, ocadSym.FrFlags, ocadSym.FrColor, ocadSym.FrWidth, ocadSym.FrSize, ocadSym.FrOfX, ocadSym.FrOfY, ocadSym.FrLeft, ocadSym.FrTop, ocadSym.FrRight, ocadSym.FrBottom, symdef);

            if (ocadSym.LBOn) {
                TextSymDef.Underlining underline = new TextSymDef.Underlining();
                underline.underlineOn = true;
                underline.underlineColor = GetColor(ocadSym.LBColor);
                underline.underlineDistance = ToWorldDimensions(ocadSym.LBDist);
                underline.underlineWidth = ToWorldDimensions(ocadSym.LBWidth);

            return symdef;
Exemple #3
		static public OcadSymbol Read(BinaryReader reader, int version) {

			int Size;
            int Sym = 0;
            short Otp;
            byte SymTp = 0;
            if (version <= 8) {
                Size = reader.ReadInt16();
                Sym = reader.ReadInt16();
                Otp = reader.ReadInt16();
                SymTp = reader.ReadByte();
            else {
                Size = reader.ReadInt32();
                Sym = reader.ReadInt32();
                Otp = reader.ReadByte();

			byte Flags = reader.ReadByte();
			OcadSymbol sym;

            if (Otp == 1) {
                sym = new OcadPointSymbol();
            else if (Otp == 2 && SymTp == 0)
                sym = new OcadLineSymbol();
            else if (Otp == 2 && SymTp == 1)
                sym = new OcadLineTextSymbol();
            else if (Otp == 3)
                sym = new OcadAreaSymbol();
            else if (Otp == 4)
                sym = new OcadTextSymbol();
            else if (Otp == 5 || Otp == 7)
                sym = new OcadRectSymbol();
            else if (Otp == 6)
                sym = new OcadLineTextSymbol();
            else {
                return null;

			sym.Size = Size;
			sym.Sym = Sym;
			sym.Otp = Otp;
			sym.SymTp = SymTp;
			sym.Flags = Flags;
            if (version <= 8)
			    sym.Extent = reader.ReadInt16();
			sym.Selected = (reader.ReadByte() != 0) ? true : false;
			sym.Status = reader.ReadByte();

            if (version <= 8) {
                sym.Tool = reader.ReadInt16();
                sym.FrWidth = reader.ReadInt16();
            else {
                sym.Tool = reader.ReadByte();
                sym.CsMode = reader.ReadByte();
                sym.CsObjType = reader.ReadByte();
                sym.CsCdFlags = reader.ReadByte();
                sym.Extent = reader.ReadInt32();

			sym.FilePos = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (version <= 8) {
                sym.ColorSet = Util.ReadByteArray(reader, 32);
            else {
                sym.Group = reader.ReadInt16();
                sym.nColors = reader.ReadInt16();
                sym.ColorsUsed = new short[sym.nColors];
                for (int i = 0; i < 14; ++i) {
                    short colorId = reader.ReadInt16();
                    if (i < sym.nColors)
                        sym.ColorsUsed[i] = colorId;

			sym.Description = Util.ReadDelphiString(reader, 31);
			sym.IconBits = Util.ReadByteArray(reader, (version <= 8) ? 264 : 484);

			sym.ReadExtra(reader, version);

			return sym;