/// <summary>
 /// Update the card controls in the panels
 /// </summary>
 private void panelUpdate()
     CardBox.CardBox aCardBox;
     foreach (Card card in currentGame.Players[0].Hand)
         // Create a new CardBox control based on the card drawn
         aCardBox = new CardBox.CardBox(card)
             FaceUp = false
         aCardBox.FaceUp = true;
         if (toolStripSuggest.SelectedIndex > 0 && card.Playable(currentGame))
             aCardBox.Size = new Size(regularSize.Width + POP, regularSize.Height + POP); // Enlarge the card for visual effect
             aCardBox.Top  = 0;                                                           // move the card to the top edge of the panel.
         // Wire events handlers to the new control:
         aCardBox.Click += CardBox_Click;      // wire CardBox_Click
         pnlPlayerArea.Controls.Add(aCardBox); // Add the new control to the appropriate panel
         RealignCards(pnlPlayerArea);          // Realign the controls in the panel so they appear correctly.
     foreach (Card card in currentGame.Players[1].Hand)
         aCardBox = new CardBox.CardBox(card)
             FaceUp = tscbCheats.SelectedIndex <= 0
         aCardBox.FaceUp = tscbCheats.SelectedIndex > 0; //------change to false for production ------------------------------------------------------------
         pnlComputerArea.Controls.Add(aCardBox);         // Add the new control to the appropriate panel
         RealignCards(pnlComputerArea);                  // Realign the controls in the panel so they appear correctly.
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// DrawCard method,
 /// draw card into player panel and hand
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="panel">panel to draw card into</param>
 private void DrawCard(Panel panel)
     // check which panel to draw card into
     if (panel == pnlHumanHand) // if its human
         // add to human hand
         // create new cardbox object
         CardBox.CardBox aCardBox = new CardBox.CardBox(playDeck.GetCard(currentCard), true);
         // Event for the cardbox
         aCardBox.Click      += CardBox_Click;
         aCardBox.MouseEnter += CardBox_MouseEnter; // wire CardBox_MouseEnter for the "POP" visual effect
         aCardBox.MouseLeave += CardBox_MouseLeave; // wire CardBox_MouseLeave for the regular visual effect
         // add cardbox object to the human panel
         currentCard++;            // increment current hand
     if (panel == pnlComputerHand) // if its computer
         // add to computer hand
         // create new cardbox object
         CardBox.CardBox aCardBox = new CardBox.CardBox(playDeck.GetCard(currentCard), false);
         // add cardbox object to computer panel
         currentCard++; // increment current hand
     // update the card remaining text
     txtDeckCardsRemaining.Text = (playDeck.CardsRemaining - currentCard).ToString();
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// DisplayPlayerTwoCards method,
 /// is to set all card on the pnlComputerHand to face up
 /// *It's for testing purposes
 /// </summary>
 public void DisplayPlayerTwoCards()
     foreach (Control control in pnlComputerHand.Controls)
         CardBox.CardBox card = control as CardBox.CardBox;
         card.FaceUp = true;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// DisplayPlayerOneCards method,
 /// is to set all card on the pnlHumanHand to face up
 /// *It's for testing purposes
 /// </summary>
 public void DisplayPlayerOneCards()
     foreach (Control control in pnlHumanHand.Controls)
         CardBox.CardBox card = control as CardBox.CardBox;
         card.FaceUp = true;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// DisplayDiscardCards method,
 /// is to set all card on the pnlDiscardedCard to face up
 /// *It's for testing purposes
 /// </summary>
 public void DisplayDiscardCards()
     foreach (Control control in pnlDiscardPile.Controls)
         CardBox.CardBox card = control as CardBox.CardBox;
         card.FaceUp = true;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// DisplayRiverCards method,
 /// is to set all card on the flowRiver to face up
 /// *It's for testing purposes
 /// </summary>
 public void DisplayRiverCards()
     foreach (Control control in flowRiver.Controls)
         CardBox.CardBox card = control as CardBox.CardBox;
         card.FaceUp = true;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// ComputerAttack method,
        /// if the deck still has a card remaing the computer will attack with it's lowest card
        /// and if the card is empty the computer will attack with it's highest cards first
        /// or if cards have been played the computer will attack with a valid card
        /// </summary>
        public void ComputerAttack()
            // check if the computer first attack
            if (flowRiver.Controls.Count == 0)
                // check if card remaining is more than 0
                if (playDeck.CardsRemaining > 0)
                    // get the lowest attackCard to initlize the round
                    CardBox.CardBox attackCard = pnlComputerHand.Controls.OfType <CardBox.CardBox>().First();
                    foreach (CardBox.CardBox card in pnlComputerHand.Controls)
                        if (card.Rank < attackCard.Rank)
                            attackCard = card;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Computer Lowest Attack.");
                    // get the highest attackCard to initilize the round
                    CardBox.CardBox attackCard = pnlComputerHand.Controls.OfType <CardBox.CardBox>().First();
                    foreach (CardBox.CardBox card in pnlComputerHand.Controls)
                        if (card.Rank > attackCard.Rank)
                            attackCard = card;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Computer Highest Attack.");
                // continues attack after the first attack
                foreach (CardBox.CardBox fieldCard in flowRiver.Controls)
                    foreach (CardBox.CardBox attackCard in pnlComputerHand.Controls)
                        if (fieldCard.Card.Rank == attackCard.Card.Rank) // validating the attack
                            ComputerPlaysCard(attackCard);               // computer play the card
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Computer Attacked.");

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// CardBox control shrinks to regular size when the mouse leaves.
        /// </summary>
        void CardBox_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Convert sender to a CardBox
            CardBox.CardBox aCardBox = sender as CardBox.CardBox;

            // If the conversion worked
            if (aCardBox != null)
                aCardBox.Size = regularSize; // resize the card back to regular size
                aCardBox.Top  = POP;         // move the card down to accommodate for the smaller size.
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        ///  CardBox controls grow in size when the mouse is over it.
        /// </summary>
        void CardBox_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Convert sender to a CardBox
            CardBox.CardBox aCardBox = sender as CardBox.CardBox;

            // If the conversion worked
            if (aCardBox != null)
                aCardBox.Size = new Size(regularSize.Width + POP, regularSize.Height + POP); // Enlarge the card for visual effect
                aCardBox.Top  = 0;                                                           // move the card to the top edge of the panel.
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// CardBox Click event,
        /// </summary>
        void CardBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Convert sender to a CardBox
            CardBox.CardBox aCardBox = sender as CardBox.CardBox;
            // If the conversion worked
            if (aCardBox != null)
                // if the card is in the home panel...
                if (aCardBox.Parent == pnlHumanHand)
                    if (HumanPlayer.IsAttacking)
                        if (ValidAttack(aCardBox.Card))             // check if the attack is valid
                            pnlHumanHand.Controls.Remove(aCardBox); // Remove the card from the home panel
                            aCardBox.Enabled = false;               // disable the card box
                            onFieldCards.Add(aCardBox.Card);        // add cardbox to the field
                            flowRiver.Controls.Add(aCardBox);       // Add the control to the play panel
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Human Attacked With " + aCardBox.ToString() + "\n");
                            ComputerDefence(aCardBox);              // call ComputerDefence method
                        btnCeaseAttack.Enabled = true;              // enable btnCeaseAttack
                        if (ValidDefend(aCardBox.Card))             // check if the defend is valid
                            pnlHumanHand.Controls.Remove(aCardBox); // Remove the card from the home panel
                            aCardBox.Enabled = false;               // disable the cardbox
                            onFieldCards.Add(aCardBox.Card);        // add cardbox to the field
                            flowRiver.Controls.Add(aCardBox);       // Add the control to the play panel
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Human Defended With " + aCardBox.ToString() + "\n");
                            ComputerAttack();                       // call ComputerAttack method
                        btnCeaseAttack.Enabled = false;             // disable btnCeaseAttack
                // update river card text counter
                txtRiverCardsRemaning.Text = flowRiver.Controls.Count.ToString();

                // Realign the cards

            if (!cardRemaining) // check if there is any card remaining to draw
                CheckWinner();  // call CheckWinner method
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// ComputerPlaysCard method,
        /// Takes the attack or defened card the computer has chosen and places it on the river after removing it from the computers hand
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aCardBox"></param>
        public void ComputerPlaysCard(CardBox.CardBox aCardBox)
            pnlComputerHand.Controls.Remove(aCardBox); // remove the card from the panel
            aCardBox.Enabled = false;                  // disable the card
            aCardBox.FaceUp  = true;                   // set the FaceUp property to true
            onFieldCards.Add(aCardBox.Card);           // add the card to on field
            flowRiver.Controls.Add(aCardBox);          // add cardbox to the field
            RealignCards(pnlComputerHand);             // realign computer panel
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Computer Played " + aCardBox.ToString() + " ");

            if (!cardRemaining) // check if there is card remaning
                CheckWinner();  // check the winner
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// DisplayTrumpCards method,
        /// is to draw trump card, set the image of trump card and set it as the last card.
        /// </summary>
        public void DisplayTrumpCards()
            /*The reason of number 12, is because the program is designed to accomodate 2 players.
             *  Which makes the trump card is always been on 12th position.*/

            //create a new cardbox object
            CardBox.CardBox aCardBox = new CardBox.CardBox(playDeck.GetCard(12), true);

            trumpCard = playDeck.GetCard(12);
            // add the cardbox to flowTrumpCard
            // set the trumpSuit to the 12th card suit
            playDeck.GetCard(12).TrumpSuit = playDeck.GetCard(12).Suit;
            // move the 12th card to last card on the deck
            playDeck.ChangePosition(12, playDeck.GetCard(12));
            // set the trump card
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// ComputerDefence method,
        /// Computer checks to see if it has a card that can be used to defend the attack card
        /// and chooses the lowest card possible in the deck to denfend with
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attackCard"></param>
        public void ComputerDefence(CardBox.CardBox attackCard)
            // set valid defend to false
            bool validDefend = false;

            // create cardbox object
            CardBox.CardBox defendCard = new CardBox.CardBox();
            foreach (CardBox.CardBox aCardBox in pnlComputerHand.Controls)
                // check if card suit is the same with attack card suit
                if (aCardBox.Card.Suit == attackCard.Card.Suit)
                    // check if the card rank is higher than attack card suit
                    if (aCardBox.Card.Rank > attackCard.Card.Rank)
                        // if true set the defendCard
                        defendCard = aCardBox;
                        // find the lowest possible defend card
                        if (aCardBox.Rank < defendCard.Rank)
                            // set the defendCard
                            defendCard = aCardBox;
                        // set validDefend to true
                        validDefend = true;
                else if (aCardBox.Card.Suit == trumpCard.Suit && attackCard.Card.Suit != trumpCard.Suit) // check if the defend card suit is trump
                    defendCard  = aCardBox;
                    validDefend = true;
            // check if there is valid defend
            if (validDefend)
                // if true, play the defend card
                // if false, pick up the card on the field
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the Cardboxes for the deck
        /// </summary>
        private void SetDeck()
            //Instantialize the deck and trump cardboxs
            deckBox  = new CardBox.CardBox();
            trumpBox = new CardBox.CardBox(talon.getTrumpCard());

            //Set the orientation of the trump card and make it face up
            trumpBox.CardOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            trumpBox.FaceUp          = true;

            //Set the locations of the cards
            deckBox.Location  = new Point(4, 200);
            trumpBox.Location = new Point(4, 215);

            //Add the controls to the form
        /// <summary>
        /// Update card controls on the form
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateCardsView()
            btnSurrender.Enabled = currentGame.Players[0].Defender;
            btnCease.Enabled     = currentGame.Players[0].Attacker;
            //cbTrump.Visible = currentGame.HandEquilibrium > 0; // TrumpCard CardBox visibility, currently wanted to stay visible

            foreach (Card card in (currentGame as GameLibrary.Durak).PlayArea)
                // Create a new CardBox control based on the card drawn
                CardBox.CardBox areaCardBox = new CardBox.CardBox(card)
                    FaceUp = false
                areaCardBox.FaceUp = true;

                pnlPlayArea.Controls.Add(areaCardBox); // Add the new control to the appropriate panel
            RealignCards(pnlPlayArea);                 // Realign the controls in the panel so they appear correctly.
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a given card into a given panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="card"> The card to add </param>
        /// <param name="addPanel"> The panel to add the card to </param>
        private void InsertCardIntoPanel(Card card, Panel addPanel)
            // Create a new CardBox control based on the card to be inserted
            CardBox.CardBox aCardBox = new CardBox.CardBox(card);

            //Set the new cardbox's size
            aCardBox.Size = regularSize;

            //Determine if the inserted card should be face up
            if (addPanel != pnlCPU)
                aCardBox.FaceUp = true;
                aCardBox.FaceUp = false;

            //Update the card's image

            // Add the new control to the appropriate panel
        /// <summary>
        /// The event that will be wired to playable Cardboxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"> The object that the event is fired from </param>
        /// <param name="e"> The EventArgs object </param>
        private void Cardbox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Initialize the sender as a Cardbox
            CardBox.CardBox box = sender as CardBox.CardBox;

            //If the human player is the attacker
            if (attacker == humanPlayer)
                //Add the card to the river

                //Remove the card from the player's hand

                //If the player's hand is empty and the deck is empty then the human player wins
                if (humanPlayer.GetHand().Count == 0 && talon.Count == 0)
                    //Show the Winner form
                    frmWinner win = new frmWinner();
                        //Draw a card from the computer's hand
                        Card cpuCard = cpuPlayer.selectCard(river);

                        //If the computer's hand is empty and the deck is empty then the human player loses
                        if (defender.GetHand().Count == 0 && talon.Count == 0)
                            //Show the Loser form
                            frmLoser lose = new frmLoser();

                        //Add the computer's card to the river

                        //If the number of cards in the river equals 12
                        if (river.Count == 12)
                            //The defender was successful
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                        //Set the human player as the cardAdder
                        cardAdder = humanPlayer;
                        attacker  = null;

                        //Move the played card to the adder

                        //Set the rank of the adder
                        adderRank = box.Card.rank;

                        //Remove the card from the river
            //If the human player is the defender
            else if (defender == humanPlayer)
                //Add the card to the river

                //Remove the card from the player hand

                //If the human player's hand is empty and the deck is empty then the human player wins
                if (humanPlayer.GetHand().Count == 0 && talon.Count == 0)
                    //Show the Winner form
                    frmWinner win = new frmWinner();

                //if the river count equals 12
                if (river.Count == 12)
                    //The defender was successful
                        //Draw a card from the computer's hand
                        Card cpuCard = cpuPlayer.selectCard(river);

                        //If the computer's hand is empty and the deck is empty then the human player loses
                        if (attacker.GetHand().Count == 0 && talon.Count == 0)
                            //Show the Loser form
                            frmLoser lose = new frmLoser();

                        //Add the computer's card to the river
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
                        //The defender was successful
            //If the human player is the cardAdder
            else if (cardAdder == humanPlayer)
                //Add the card to the adder

                //Remove the card from the player hand

                //If the human player's hand is empty and the deck is empty then the human player wins
                if (humanPlayer.GetHand().Count == 0 && talon.Count == 0)
                    //Show the Winner form
                    frmWinner win = new frmWinner();

                //If the human player has played 6 cards
                if (river.Count / 2 + adder.Count == 6)
                    //The attacker was successful

            //Redraw the form
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// PickUpRiver method,
        /// is to move every card on the field into hand
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panel"></param>
        public void PickUpRiver(Panel panel)
            // Check if the defense is sucessful by getting the control count modulus by 2
            // since the card come in pair (1 attack, 1 defense), if the result is 0 meaning the attack is repelled
            if (flowRiver.Controls.Count % 2 != 0)
                successfulDefense = false; // set successfulDefense to false
                successfulDefense = true; // set successfulDefense to true

            for (int i = flowRiver.Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CardBox.CardBox card = flowRiver.Controls[i] as CardBox.CardBox;
                // move the card to the panel
                // remove from the field
                if (panel == pnlComputerHand)
                    card.FaceUp  = false; // set FaceUp property to false
                    card.Enabled = false; // disable card
                if (panel == pnlHumanHand)
                    // wire the event to the card box
                    card.Enabled     = true;
                    card.Click      += CardBox_Click;
                    card.MouseEnter += CardBox_MouseEnter;
                    card.MouseLeave += CardBox_MouseLeave;
                // remove the card
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(panel.Name + " Picked Up " + card.ToString() + "\n");
            //realign both panel

            if (successfulDefense) // check if its a successful defense
                EndTurn();         // call EndTurn method
                roundNumber++; // increment roundNumber

                // update text
                txtRoundNumber.Text        = roundNumber.ToString();
                txtRiverCardsRemaning.Text = flowRiver.Controls.Count.ToString();

                DealHands(cardRemaining);     // deal hand
                RemoveRiverCard();            // remove river card

                if (!HumanPlayer.IsAttacking) // check who's turn to attack