Exemple #1
        /*function to be called when the settings form that we opened is being closed.
         * This function takes in an init form which we will use to calculate the new total costs.*/
        public void SettingsClosed(Init init)
            ListedToPrint newCars = new ListedToPrint();

            newCars = init.RecalculateMPG(carList, carList.SelectedCar);
            carList = newCars.CarList;
Exemple #2
        /*function that takes in the listed object and alters 2 arrays:
         * 1. the cars from the specific manufacturer e.g. Ford as these are the currently
         *  selected cars that we wish to update
         * 2. All the cars so when the user swithces manufacturers these also show the corrected
         *  fuel costs.
         * the program also requires the selected car, this is so we can update the current selected car.
         * then calculates the new MPGs using the Recalculate function and returns a ListedToPrint, which is
         * a listed object with a printable string*/
        public ListedToPrint RecalculateMPG(Listed cars, Car selectedCar)
            CarPrinter printer = new CarPrinter();

            /*Creating a new ListedToPrint object.*/
            ListedToPrint list = new ListedToPrint();

            /*The current cars we want to recalculate*/
            cars.CurrentCars = RecalculateCarList(cars.CurrentCars);
            cars.Cars        = RecalculateCarList(cars.CurrentCars);

            list.CarList = cars;
            list.ToPrint = "";

                /*Only do the following if the user has selected a car.*/
                if (selectedCar != null)
                    /*Recalculating the cost of a single car.*/
                    selectedCar = RecalculateCar(selectedCar);

                    /*Getting all the cars details into a string*/
                    list.ToPrint = printer.carHeader(selectedCar) + printer.printcar(selectedCar,
            } catch (Exception error)

Exemple #3
        public void SettingsClosed(Init init)
            ListedToPrint newCars1 = new ListedToPrint();

            newCars1 = init.RecalculateMPG(car1List, car1List.SelectedCar);
            car1List = newCars1.CarList;

            ListedToPrint newCars2 = new ListedToPrint();

            newCars2 = init.RecalculateMPG(car2List, car2List.SelectedCar);
            car2List = newCars2.CarList;

                setComparison(car1List.SelectedCar, car2List.SelectedCar);
            } catch (Exception error)