Exemple #1
        /*Constructor that's called from the Form1 (AddCar) that takes
         * in the car the user has selected, and opens sends it over to
         * this form before opening this form. This constructor will then
         * assign the details of the CarToBeDisplayed Object to the UI
         * objects of this form such as the picture box.*/
        public CarDetails(CarToBeDisplayed display)
            displayed = display;

Exemple #2
        /*Function that's called by The AddCar button which launches
         * the car Details form with all the information from the car.*/
        public void OpenCarDetails(Car car)
            CarToBeDisplayed displayed = detailsToBeDisplayed(car);
            CarDetails       details   = new CarDetails(displayed);

Exemple #3
        /*Function that gets all the details for the car, including the
         * image for the car, and all the cars details.*/
        public CarToBeDisplayed detailsToBeDisplayed(Car car)
            //The information that we will return to the user,
            CarToBeDisplayed displayed = new CarToBeDisplayed();

            //getting the car printer so we can get the cars that need printing.
            CarPrinter printer = new CarPrinter();

            /*Setting the header and details to be the printers equivelent.*/
            displayed.carDetails = printer.printcar(car, Properties.Settings.Default.ImperialOrMetric);
            displayed.carHeader  = printer.carHeader(car);
                //Getting the carbadge class so we send the image url to the class.
                CarBadge badge = new CarBadge();
                displayed.imageURL = badge.getBadge(car.Manufacturer);
            } catch (Exception error)
