Exemple #1
        private IVendingItem GetItemFromItemPart(char firstCharacter)
            IVendingItem item = null;

            switch (firstCharacter)
            case 'A':
                item = new Chips();

            case 'B':
                item = new Candy();

            case 'C':
                item = new Drink();

            case 'D':
                item = new Gum();

Exemple #2
        // string is going to equal the itemCode
        // VendingItem will equal all the other values

        public Dictionary <string, VendingItem> ImportingVendingItems()
            Dictionary <string, VendingItem> vendingItems = new Dictionary <string, VendingItem>();

            string directory = @"..\..\..\..";
            string fileName  = "vendingmachine.csv";
            string fullPath  = Path.Combine(directory, fileName);

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fullPath))
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        string   line           = sr.ReadLine();
                        string[] itemSection    = line.Split("|");
                        string   itemName       = itemSection[1];
                        decimal  itemPrice      = decimal.Parse(itemSection[2]);
                        int      itemsRemaining = 5;

                        VendingItem itemType;   // call new variable itemType

                        switch (itemSection[3]) // switch out type with all the values
                        case "Beverages":
                            itemType = new Beverages(itemName, itemPrice, itemsRemaining);

                        case "Candy":
                            itemType = new Candy(itemName, itemPrice, itemsRemaining);

                        case "Chips":
                            itemType = new Chips(itemName, itemPrice, itemsRemaining);

                        case "Gum":
                            itemType = new Gum(itemName, itemPrice, itemsRemaining);

                        default:     // don't forget this
                            itemType = new Gum(itemName, itemPrice, itemsRemaining);

                        vendingItems.Add(itemSection[0], value: itemType);
                Console.WriteLine("Can't import CSV.");

            return(vendingItems); // updated dictionary
        public void LoadInventory()
            string sourceFilePath = "vendingmachine.csv";

            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(sourceFilePath))
                sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, sourceFilePath);

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(sourceFilePath))
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        string line      = sr.ReadLine();
                        char[] splitChar = { '|' };

                        string[] itemLoc = line.Split(splitChar);

                        if (itemLoc[3] == Item.Candy)
                            Candy         candy = new Candy(itemLoc[1], double.Parse(itemLoc[2]));
                            InventoryItem item  = new InventoryItem(candy);
                            _inventory.Add(itemLoc[0], item);
                        if (itemLoc[3] == Item.Chips)
                            Chips         chip = new Chips(itemLoc[1], double.Parse(itemLoc[2]));
                            InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(chip);
                            _inventory.Add(itemLoc[0], item);
                        if (itemLoc[3] == Item.Beverage)
                            Beverage      drink = new Beverage(itemLoc[1], double.Parse(itemLoc[2]));
                            InventoryItem item  = new InventoryItem(drink);
                            _inventory.Add(itemLoc[0], item);
                        if (itemLoc[3] == Item.Gum)
                            Gum           gum  = new Gum(itemLoc[1], double.Parse(itemLoc[2]));
                            InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(gum);
                            _inventory.Add(itemLoc[0], item);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(e.Message);
        public VendingMachine()
            Balance    = 0.00M;
            ReadError  = "";
            WriteError = "";

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(filePath, inFile))) // Read input file and stock machine, i.e., populate list(items) with all snacks
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        string   line      = sr.ReadLine();
                        string[] snackData = line.Split('|');

                        if (snackData[0][0] == 'A')
                            Chips chips = new Chips(snackData);
                        else if (snackData[0][0] == 'B')
                            Candy candy = new Candy(snackData);
                        else if (snackData[0][0] == 'C')
                            Drinks drink = new Drinks(snackData);
                        else if (snackData[0][0] == 'D')
                            Gum gum = new Gum(snackData);
            catch (IOException e) // Catch file read error
                ReadError = "Error stocking the vending machine.\n" + e.Message;
Exemple #5
        public VendingMachine()
            string directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            string fileName  = "vendingmachine.csv";
            string fullPath  = Path.Combine(directory, fileName);

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fullPath))
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        string line = sr.ReadLine();

                        string[] itemArray = line.Split('|');

                        if (itemArray[0].StartsWith("A"))
                            vendingDictionary[itemArray[0]] = new Chips(itemArray[1], 5, double.Parse(itemArray[2]));
                        else if (itemArray[0].StartsWith("B"))
                            vendingDictionary[itemArray[0]] = new Candy(itemArray[1], 5, double.Parse(itemArray[2]));
                        else if (itemArray[0].StartsWith("C"))
                            vendingDictionary[itemArray[0]] = new Soda(itemArray[1], 5, double.Parse(itemArray[2]));
                            vendingDictionary[itemArray[0]] = new Gum(itemArray[1], 5, double.Parse(itemArray[2]));
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine("There's an error!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Slot Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawTextLine">String line seperated by pipe (|) characters</param>
        public Slot(string rawTextLine)
            //set quantity to 5
            Quantity = 5;

            //Split raw line text
            char[]   splitPipe      = { '|' };
            string[] slotValueArray = rawTextLine.Split(splitPipe);

            //assign arrays to individual variables for ease of use
            string location = slotValueArray[0];
            string name     = slotValueArray[1];
            double price    = double.Parse(slotValueArray[2]);
            string foodType = slotValueArray[3];

            //determine Food type and build corresponding item
            if (foodType == Food.Chip)
                Chips holderChip = new Chips(location, name, price);
                SlotItem = holderChip;
            else if (foodType == Food.Drink)
                Beverage holderBeverage = new Beverage(location, name, price);
                SlotItem = holderBeverage;
            else if (foodType == Food.Candy)
                Candy holderCandy = new Candy(location, name, price);
                SlotItem = holderCandy;
            else if (foodType == Food.Gum)
                Gum holderGum = new Gum(location, name, price);
                SlotItem = holderGum;
Exemple #7
        //Uploads inventory file into Dictionary where key is the slot location
        public void GetInventoryMethod(string directoryPath, string fileToRead)
            //directoryPath is the new inputFile

            string wholeDocument = File.ReadAllText(fileToRead).Trim();

            string[] eachLineArray = wholeDocument.Split("\r\n");
            for (int i = 0; i < eachLineArray.Length; i++)
                string   currentLine      = eachLineArray[i];
                string[] currentLineArray = currentLine.Split("|");
                Products product          = null;

                if (currentLineArray[3] == "Chip")
                    product = new Chips(currentLineArray[1], Decimal.Parse(currentLineArray[2]), currentLineArray[3], currentLineArray[0], 5);
                else if (currentLineArray[3] == "Candy")
                    product = new Candy(currentLineArray[1], Decimal.Parse(currentLineArray[2]), currentLineArray[3], currentLineArray[0], 5);

                else if (currentLineArray[3] == "Gum")
                    product = new Gum(currentLineArray[1], Decimal.Parse(currentLineArray[2]), currentLineArray[3], currentLineArray[0], 5);

                else if (currentLineArray[3] == "Drink")
                    product = new Drink(currentLineArray[1], Decimal.Parse(currentLineArray[2]), currentLineArray[3], currentLineArray[0], 5);

                inventory.Add(currentLineArray[0].ToString(), product);