Exemple #1
        public static void Finalize(Calinfo calinfo, ZonelessEventStore es_zoneless)
            es_zoneless.events = EventStore.UniqueByTitleAndStart(calinfo.id, es_zoneless.events, save_tag_sources: true); // deduplicate

            es_zoneless.ExcludePastEvents();                                                                               // the EventCollector should already have done this, but in case not...

            es_zoneless.SortEventList();                                                                                   // order by dtstart

            Utils.BuildTagStructures(es_zoneless, calinfo);                                                                // build structures used to generate tag picklists

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var evt in es_zoneless.events)
                var str  = evt.dtstart.ToString() + evt.title.ToString() + evt.source.ToString() + evt.url;
                var hash = HttpUtils.GetMd5Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str));
                evt.uid = i;
                evt.hash = hash;

            es_zoneless.PopulateDaysAndCounts();                // do this here for a) renderer efficiency, b) renderer simplification
            // (it only updates these structures for category views)

            es_zoneless.when_finalized = DateTime.UtcNow;

        public EventCollectorTest()
            test_calinfo = new Calinfo(ElmcityUtils.Configurator.azure_compute_account);
            lookup_lat = test_calinfo.lat;
            lookup_lon = test_calinfo.lon;
            radius = Configurator.default_radius;
            test_upcoming_args = string.Format("location={0},{1}&radius={2}&min_date={3}", lookup_lat, lookup_lon, radius, min_date);
            settings = GenUtils.GetSettingsFromAzureTable();
            basic_ics = BlobStorage.MakeDefaultBlobStorage().GetBlob("admin", "basic.ics").HttpResponse.DataAsString();
            bs = BlobStorage.MakeDefaultBlobStorage();
            calinfo_berkeley = new Calinfo(berkeley_test_hub);
            calinfo_keene = new Calinfo(keene_test_hub);
            collector_berkeley = new Collector(calinfo_berkeley, settings);
            collector_keene = new Collector(calinfo_keene,settings);
            foreach (var example in ics_examples)
                UpdateYYYY(example, "ics");

            foreach (var example in eventful_examples)
                UpdateYYYY(example, "xml");

            foreach (var example in upcoming_examples)
                UpdateYYYY(example, "xml");

            foreach (var example in eventbrite_examples)
                UpdateYYYY(example, "xml");
        // used by the service in both WorkerRole and WebRole
        // in WorkerRole: when saving renderings
        // in WebRole: when serving renderings
        public CalendarRenderer(string id)
            this.calinfo = Utils.AcquireCalinfo(id);
            this.cache = null;
            this.es_getter = new EventStoreGetter(GetEventStoreWithCaching);
                this.id = id;

                    this.template_html = HttpUtils.FetchUrl(calinfo.template_url).DataAsString();
                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "CalendarRenderer: cannot fetch template", e.InnerException.Message);
                    throw (e);

                this.xmlfile = this.id + ".xml";
                this.jsonfile = this.id + ".json";
                this.htmlfile = this.id + ".html";

                //  this.ical_sources = Collector.GetIcalSources(this.id);
            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "CalenderRenderer.CalendarRenderer: " + id, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
Exemple #4
        public EventCollectorTest()
            test_calinfo       = new Calinfo(ElmcityUtils.Configurator.azure_compute_account);
            lookup_lat         = test_calinfo.lat;
            lookup_lon         = test_calinfo.lon;
            radius             = Configurator.default_radius;
            test_upcoming_args = string.Format("location={0},{1}&radius={2}&min_date={3}", lookup_lat, lookup_lon, radius, min_date);
            settings           = GenUtils.GetSettingsFromAzureTable();
            basic_ics          = BlobStorage.MakeDefaultBlobStorage().GetBlob("admin", "basic.ics").HttpResponse.DataAsString();
            bs = BlobStorage.MakeDefaultBlobStorage();
            calinfo_berkeley   = new Calinfo(berkeley_test_hub);
            calinfo_keene      = new Calinfo(keene_test_hub);
            collector_berkeley = new Collector(calinfo_berkeley, settings);
            collector_keene    = new Collector(calinfo_keene, settings);
            foreach (var example in ics_examples)
                UpdateYYYY(example, "ics");

            foreach (var example in eventful_examples)
                UpdateYYYY(example, "xml");

            //foreach (var example in upcoming_examples)
            //	UpdateYYYY(example, "xml");

            foreach (var example in eventbrite_examples)
                UpdateYYYY(example, "xml");
Exemple #5
        public static List<TaggableSource> GetEventBriteOrganizers(Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string, string> settings)
            var organizers = new List<TaggableSource>();
            var name_and_pk = "eventbritesources";
            var collector = new Collector(calinfo, settings);
            string method = "event_search";
            string args = collector.MakeEventBriteArgs();
            int page_count = collector.GetEventBritePageCount(method, args);

            var results = from evt in collector.EventBriteIterator(page_count, method, args)
                          select new
                              id = evt.Descendants("organizer").Descendants("id").FirstOrDefault().Value,
                              name = evt.Descendants("organizer").Descendants("name").FirstOrDefault().Value,
                              city = evt.Descendants("venue").Descendants("city").FirstOrDefault().Value.ToLower()

            results = results.Distinct();

            Parallel.ForEach(source: results, body: (id_name_city) =>
                if (id_name_city.city != calinfo.City)
                var organizer_id = id_name_city.id;
                var name = id_name_city.name;
                var home_url = "http://www.eventbrite.com/org/" + organizer_id;
                var escaped_name = Uri.EscapeDataString(name);
                var ical_url = string.Format("http://elmcity.cloudapp.net/ics_from_eventbrite_organizer?organizer={0}&elmcity_id={1}", escaped_name, calinfo.id);
                var taggable = new TaggableSource(name, calinfo.id, home_url, ical_url, id_name_city.city);
                RememberTaggable(name_and_pk, organizer_id, taggable);

            return organizers;
Exemple #6
        public void AdvanceToAnHourAgo(Calinfo calinfo)
            var now_in_tz = Utils.NowInTz(calinfo.tzinfo);                     // advance to an hour ago
            var dtnow     = now_in_tz.LocalTime - TimeSpan.FromHours(1);

            this.events = this.events.FindAll(evt => evt.dtstart >= dtnow);
Exemple #7
 public ZonedEventStore(Calinfo calinfo, SourceType type)
     : base(calinfo)
     // qualifier is "ical" or one of the non-ical types, so for example:
     // http://elmcity.blob.core.windows.net/a2cal/a2cal.ical.zoned.obj
     // http://elmcity.blob.core.windows.net/a2cal/a2cal.eventful.zoned.obj
     this.objfile = this.id + "." + type.ToString() + ".zoned.obj";
     this.uri     = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(this.id, this.objfile, false);
Exemple #8
        public static void StoreTaggables(string id, string location, Dictionary <string, string> settings)
            var calinfo = new Calinfo(id);

            StoreFacebookTaggables(id, location, calinfo);
            StoreEventfulTaggables(id, settings, calinfo);
            //		StoreUpcomingTaggables(id, settings, calinfo);
            StoreEventBriteTaggables(id, settings, calinfo);
            StoreMeetupTaggables(id, settings, calinfo);
Exemple #9
        public void RssPlusXcalYieldsIcal()
            var url      = "http://events.pressdemocrat.com/search?city=Santa+Rosa&new=n&rss=1&srad=90&svt=text&swhat=&swhen=&swhere=";
            var calinfo  = new Calinfo("berkeley");
            var ical_str = Utils.IcsFromRssPlusXcal(url, "test source", calinfo);
            var sr       = new StringReader(ical_str);
            var ical     = iCalendar.LoadFromStream(sr).First().Calendar;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, ical.Events.Count);
Exemple #10
        public static ZonelessEventStore ZonedToZoneless(string id, Calinfo calinfo, ZonedEventStore es_zoned)
            var es_zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo);

            foreach (var evt in es_zoned.events)
                es_zoneless.AddEvent(evt.title, evt.url, evt.source, evt.lat, evt.lon, evt.dtstart.LocalTime, evt.dtend.LocalTime, evt.allday, evt.categories, evt.description, evt.location);
            ZonelessEventStore.Finalize(calinfo, es_zoneless);
Exemple #11
 public static void StoreFacebookTaggables(string id, string location, Calinfo calinfo)
         var facebook_taggables = GetFacebookPages(calinfo, location);
         bs.SerializeObjectToAzureBlob(facebook_taggables, id, "facebook.taggables.obj");
     catch (Exception e)
         GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "StoreTaggables: Facebook", e.Message);
        private ZonelessEventStore CreateFilterable(Calinfo calinfo)
            var filterable = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo);

            filterable.AddEvent("e1", "", "s1", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/01 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null);
            filterable.AddEvent("e2", "", "s1", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/02 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null);
            filterable.AddEvent("e3", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/03 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null);
            filterable.AddEvent("e4", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/04 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null);
            filterable.AddEvent("e5", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/05 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, "music", null, null);
            Assert.That(filterable.events.Count == 5);
Exemple #13
        private static List <TaggableSource> InitializeTaggables(Calinfo calinfo, string flavor)
            List <TaggableSource> taggable_sources;

                taggable_sources = (List <TaggableSource>)ObjectUtils.GetTypedObj <List <TaggableSource> >(calinfo.id, flavor + ".taggables.obj");
                taggable_sources = new List <TaggableSource>();
Exemple #14
        public static List <TaggableSource> GetMeetupGroups(Calinfo calinfo, int delay, Dictionary <string, string> settings)
            var meetup_key = settings["meetup_api_key"];
            var template   = "https://api.meetup.com/2/groups?key={0}&lat={1}&lon={2}&radius={3}&page=200";
            var url        = String.Format(template,

            var json = HttpUtils.SlowFetchUrl(new Uri(url), delay).DataAsString();
            var obj  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(json);

            var    taggable_sources = new List <TaggableSource>();
            string name_and_pk      = "meetupsources";

            foreach (var group in ((JArray)obj["results"]).ToList())
                    var name     = (string)group["name"];
                    var urlname  = (string)group["urlname"];
                    var id       = group["id"].ToString();
                    var home_url = "http://www.meetup.com/" + urlname;
                    var ical_url = string.Format("http://www.meetup.com/{0}/events/ical/{1}/",
                    ical_url = ical_url.Replace("%20", "+");              // otherwise meetup weirdly reports a 505 error
                    var taggable = new TaggableSource(

                    RememberTaggable(name_and_pk, id, taggable);
                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "FindMeetupGroups", e.Message + e.StackTrace);
Exemple #15
        public static void CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(string id, Dictionary <string, string> settings)
            var bs      = BlobStorage.MakeDefaultBlobStorage();
            var calinfo = new Calinfo(id);

            var lists_of_zoned_events = new List <List <ZonedEvent> >();

            var ical_uri = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(container: id, name: id + "." + SourceType.ical + ".zoned.obj", use_cdn: false);

            DeserializeZoned(ical_uri, lists_of_zoned_events);

            //if (calinfo.hub_type == HubType.where.ToString())
            if (calinfo.hub_enum == HubType.where)
                Uri non_ical_uri;
                //foreach (var type in non_ical_types)
                foreach (NonIcalType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CalendarAggregator.NonIcalType)))
                    if (Utils.UseNonIcalService(type, settings, calinfo) == false)
                    non_ical_uri = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(container: id, name: id + "." + type + ".zoned.obj", use_cdn: false);
                    if (BlobStorage.ExistsBlob(non_ical_uri))                     // // might not exist, e.g. if facebook=no in hub metadata
                        DeserializeZoned(non_ical_uri, lists_of_zoned_events);

            var es_zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo);

            // combine the various List<ZonedEvent> objects into our new ZonelessEventStore
            // always add the local time
            foreach (var list in lists_of_zoned_events)
                foreach (var evt in list)
                    es_zoneless.AddEvent(evt.title, evt.url, evt.source, evt.lat, evt.lon, evt.dtstart.LocalTime, evt.dtend.LocalTime, evt.allday, evt.categories, evt.description, evt.location);

            ZonelessEventStore.Finalize(calinfo, es_zoneless);
Exemple #16
        public static List <TaggableSource> GetEventfulVenues(Calinfo calinfo, int min_per_venue, Dictionary <string, string> settings)
            var    collector      = new Collector(calinfo, settings);
            string args           = collector.MakeEventfulArgs(calinfo.where, 100, "");
            string method         = "venues/search";
            var    xdoc           = collector.CallEventfulApi(method, args);
            var    str_page_count = XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(xdoc.Root, ElmcityUtils.Configurator.no_ns, "page_count");
            int    page_count     = Convert.ToInt16(str_page_count);

            var ns      = ElmcityUtils.Configurator.no_ns;
            var results = from venue in collector.EventfulIterator(page_count, args, "venues/search", "venue")
                          select new
                id        = venue.Attribute("id").Value,
                name      = XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(venue, ns, "name"),
                city_name = XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(venue, ns, "city_name").ToLower(),
                count     = Convert.ToInt32(XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(venue, ns, "event_count")),
                home_url  = XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(venue, ns, "url")

            var venues      = new List <TaggableSource>();
            var name_and_pk = "eventfulsources";

            Parallel.ForEach(source: results, body: (venue) =>
                //if (venue.city_name != calinfo.City)
                if (!calinfo.City.Contains(venue.city_name))
                if (venue.count < min_per_venue)
                var home_url = Regex.Replace(venue.home_url, "\\?.+", "");
                var ical_url = home_url.Replace("eventful.com/", "eventful.com/ical/");
                var taggable = new TaggableSource(venue.name, calinfo.id, home_url, ical_url, venue.city_name);
                RememberTaggable(name_and_pk, venue.id, taggable);
Exemple #17
        public static TaskType MaybeStartTaskForId(DateTime now, Calinfo calinfo, TaskType type)
            var id = calinfo.id;

            TimeSpan interval = IntervalFromType(type);

            var task = FetchTaskForId(id, type);

            var start = task.start;

            if (now - interval > start)              // interval has expired
                StartTaskForId(id, type);
Exemple #18
        public static List<TaggableSource> GetEventfulVenues(Calinfo calinfo, int min_per_venue, Dictionary<string, string> settings)
            var collector = new Collector(calinfo, settings);
            string args = collector.MakeEventfulArgs(calinfo.where, 100, "");
            string method = "venues/search";
            var xdoc = collector.CallEventfulApi(method, args);
            var str_page_count = XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(xdoc.Root, ElmcityUtils.Configurator.no_ns, "page_count");
            int page_count = Convert.ToInt16(str_page_count);

            var ns = ElmcityUtils.Configurator.no_ns;
            var results = from venue in collector.EventfulIterator(page_count, args, "venues/search", "venue")
                          select new
                              id = venue.Attribute("id").Value,
                              name = XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(venue, ns, "name"),
                              city_name = XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(venue, ns, "city_name").ToLower(),
                              count = Convert.ToInt32(XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(venue, ns, "event_count")),
                              home_url = XmlUtils.GetXeltValue(venue, ns, "url")

            var venues = new List<TaggableSource>();
            var name_and_pk = "eventfulsources";

            Parallel.ForEach(source: results, body: (venue) =>
                //if (venue.city_name != calinfo.City)
                if ( ! calinfo.City.Contains(venue.city_name) )
                if (venue.count < min_per_venue)
                var home_url = Regex.Replace(venue.home_url, "\\?.+", "");
                var ical_url = home_url.Replace("eventful.com/", "eventful.com/ical/");
                var taggable = new TaggableSource(venue.name, calinfo.id, home_url, ical_url, venue.city_name);
                RememberTaggable(name_and_pk, venue.id, taggable);
            return venues;
Exemple #19
        public static List <TaggableSource> GetEventBriteOrganizers(Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary <string, string> settings)
            var    organizers  = new List <TaggableSource>();
            var    name_and_pk = "eventbritesources";
            var    collector   = new Collector(calinfo, settings);
            string method      = "event_search";
            string args        = collector.MakeEventBriteArgs();
            int    page_count  = collector.GetEventBritePageCount(method, args);

            var results = from evt in collector.EventBriteIterator(page_count, method, args)
                          select new
                id   = evt.Descendants("organizer").Descendants("id").FirstOrDefault().Value,
                name = evt.Descendants("organizer").Descendants("name").FirstOrDefault().Value,
                city = evt.Descendants("venue").Descendants("city").FirstOrDefault().Value.ToLower()

            results = results.Distinct();

            Parallel.ForEach(source: results, body: (id_name_city) =>
                if (id_name_city.city != calinfo.City)
                var organizer_id = id_name_city.id;
                var name         = id_name_city.name;
                var home_url     = "http://www.eventbrite.com/org/" + organizer_id;
                var escaped_name = Uri.EscapeDataString(name);
                var ical_url     = string.Format("http://{0}/ics_from_eventbrite_organizer?organizer={1}&elmcity_id={2}", ElmcityUtils.Configurator.appdomain, escaped_name, calinfo.id);
                var taggable     = new TaggableSource(name, calinfo.id, home_url, ical_url, id_name_city.city);
                RememberTaggable(name_and_pk, organizer_id, taggable);

Exemple #20
 public static void StoreFacebookTaggables(string id, string location, Calinfo calinfo)
         var facebook_taggables = GetFacebookPages(calinfo, location);
         bs.SerializeObjectToAzureBlob(facebook_taggables, id, "facebook.taggables.obj");
     catch (Exception e)
         GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "StoreTaggables: Facebook", e.Message);
Exemple #21
 public void RssPlusXcalYieldsIcal()
     var url = "http://events.pressdemocrat.com/search?city=Santa+Rosa&new=n&rss=1&srad=90&svt=text&swhat=&swhen=&swhere=";
     var calinfo = new Calinfo("berkeley");
     var ical_str = Utils.IcsFromRssPlusXcal(url, "test source", calinfo);
     var sr = new StringReader(ical_str);
     var ical = iCalendar.LoadFromStream(sr).First().Calendar;
     Assert.AreNotEqual(0, ical.Events.Count);
Exemple #22
        public static List <TaggableSource> GetFacebookPages(Calinfo calinfo, string location)
            var search_template      = String.Format("site:www.facebook.com/__TARGET__ \"{0}\"", location);
            var search_for_fan_pages = search_template.Replace("__TARGET__", "pages");
            var search_for_groups    = search_template.Replace("__TARGET__", "groups");
            var stats            = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            var fan_page_results = Search.BingSearch(search_for_fan_pages, 1000, stats);
            // var group_results = Search.BingSearch(search_for_groups, 1000, stats); // doesn't work, location string won't usually appear
            var group_results = new List <SearchResult>();                                        // placeholder for now
            var bing_results  = fan_page_results.Concat(group_results).ToList();

            var taggable_sources = InitializeTaggables(calinfo, "facebook");

            var    seen_ids    = new List <string>();
            string name_and_pk = "facebooksources";

            var settings = GenUtils.GetSettingsFromAzureTable();
            var options  = new ParallelOptions();

            Parallel.ForEach(source: bing_results, parallelOptions: options, body: (result) =>
                             //foreach (var result in bing_results)
                    var url  = Regex.Replace(result.url, @"\?.+", "");                     // remove query string if any
                    var name = Regex.Match(result.url, "facebook.com/(pages|groups)/([^/]+)").Groups[2].Value;
                    name     = name.Replace('-', ' ');

                    var fb_id = Utils.id_from_fb_fanpage_or_group(url);

                    if (seen_ids.Exists(x => x == fb_id))

                    string slat = null;
                    string slon = null;
                    var ical    = new DDay.iCal.iCalendar();
                    var facebook_access_token = settings["facebook_access_token"];                     // todo: merge with code in collector
                    var j_obj  = Utils.GetFacebookEventsAsJsonObject(fb_id, facebook_access_token);
                    var events = Utils.iCalendarizeJsonObjectFromFacebook(j_obj, calinfo, ical, slat, slon, settings);

                    if (events.Count == 0)                      // no calendar on this page

                    string page;

                    if (FacebookPageMatchesLocation(url, location, settings, out page) == false)

                    string origin_url = "";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(page))
                        origin_url = GetFacebookPageOrGroupOriginUrl(page);

                    var ical_url = string.Format("http://{0}/ics_from_fb_page?fb_id={1}&elmcity_id={2}",

                    var has_future_events = FacebookPageHasFutureEvents(events, calinfo);

                    var taggable = new TaggableSource(name, calinfo.id, url + "?sk=events", ical_url, has_future_events, origin_url);


                    RememberTaggable(name_and_pk, fb_id, taggable);
                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "GetFacebookPages", e.Message + e.StackTrace);

Exemple #23
        private static bool FacebookPageHasFutureEvents(List <DDay.iCal.Event> events, Calinfo calinfo)
                foreach (DDay.iCal.Event evt in events)
                    if (Utils.IsCurrentOrFutureDateTime(evt.Start.Date, calinfo.tzinfo))
            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "FacebookPageHasFutureEvents", e.Message + e.StackTrace);

 private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessIcalExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, FeedRegistry fr, Collector collector)
     var feedurl = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri("admin", example + ".ics", false).ToString();
     fr.AddFeed(feedurl, source);
     var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical);
     collector.CollectIcal(fr, es, false);
     EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(calinfo.id, settings);
     var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize();
     return zes;
Exemple #25
 public static void StoreEventBriteTaggables(string id, Dictionary <string, string> settings, Calinfo calinfo)
         var eventbrite_taggables = GetEventBriteOrganizers(calinfo, settings);
         bs.SerializeObjectToAzureBlob(eventbrite_taggables, id, "eventbrite.taggables.obj");
     catch (Exception e)
         GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "StoreTaggables: EventBrite", e.Message);
        public ActionResult view_calendar(string feedurl, string id)
            var r = new ContentResult();
            r.ContentType = "text/html";

            if (id != String.Empty && Utils.CachedFeedObjExists(id, feedurl))
                return view_cached_calendar(feedurl, id);

            DDay.iCal.iCalendar ical;
            var source = ""; // unneeded for this single-cal purpose
                ical = Utils.iCalFromFeedUrl(feedurl, settings);
            catch (Exception e)
                r.Content = string.Format(@"Sorry, unable to parse {0} as an iCalendar feed. The error was: {1}", feedurl, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                return r;

            var events_to_include = new List<DDay.iCal.Event>();
            var event_recurrence_types = new Dictionary<DDay.iCal.Event, Collector.RecurrenceType>();
            var calinfo = new Calinfo(id);
            var collector = new Collector(calinfo, settings);
                DateTime utc_midnight_in_tz = Utils.MidnightInTz(calinfo.tzinfo).UniversalTime;
                DateTime then = utc_midnight_in_tz.AddDays(calinfo.icalendar_horizon_days);
                collector.FeedGather(utc_midnight_in_tz, then, 0, ical, source, events_to_include, event_recurrence_types, false);
                var es_zoned = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical);
                var fr = new FeedRegistry(id);
                foreach (var evt in events_to_include)
                    collector.AddIcalEvent(evt, fr, es_zoned, feedurl, source);
                var es_zoneless = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo);
                r = view_calendar_helper(id, r, es_zoned, es_zoneless);
            catch (Exception e)
                r.Content = "Unable to view calendar. " + e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                return r;
            return r;
        // render a single event as an xml element
        private string RenderEvtAsXml(ZonelessEvent evt, Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string,object> args)
            var xml = new StringBuilder();
            xml.Append(string.Format("<title>{0}</title>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.title)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<url>{0}</url>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.url)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<source>{0}</source>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.source)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<dtstart>{0}</dtstart>\n", evt.dtstart.ToString(DATETIME_FORMAT_FOR_XML)));
            if (evt.dtend != null)
                xml.Append(string.Format("<dtend>{0}</dtend>\n", evt.dtend.ToString(DATETIME_FORMAT_FOR_XML)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<allday>{0}</allday>\n", evt.allday));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<categories>{0}</categories>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.categories)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<description>{0}</description>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.description)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<location>{0}</location>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.location)));

            //if (this.calinfo.hub_type == HubType.where.ToString())
            if (calinfo.hub_enum == HubType.where)
                var lat = evt.lat != null ? evt.lat : this.calinfo.lat;
                var lon = evt.lon != null ? evt.lon : this.calinfo.lon;
                xml.Append(string.Format("<lat>{0}</lat>\n", lat));
                xml.Append(string.Format("<lon>{0}</lon>\n", lon));
            return xml.ToString();
Exemple #28
        public string RenderEvtAsHtml(ZonelessEvent evt, Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string,object> args)
            if (evt.urls_and_sources == null)
                evt.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { evt.url, evt.source } };

            string dtstart;
             if (evt.allday && evt.dtstart.Hour == 0)
                dtstart = "  ";
                dtstart = evt.dtstart.ToString("ddd hh:mm tt");

            var month_day = evt.dtstart.ToString("M/d");

            string categories = "";
            List<string> catlist_links = new List<string>();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.categories))
                List<string> catlist = Utils.GetTagListFromTagString(evt.categories);
                if (args.ContainsKey("hub_tags") )  // exclude autogenerated hub names
                    var hub_tags = (List<string>)args["hub_tags"];
                    catlist = catlist.FindAll(c => hub_tags.Contains(c) == false);

                // catlist = catlist.FindAll(c => c.Contains("{") == false); // don't show squiggly tags inline?
                // actually leave them in so client can show related images. curator can suppress display if desired using css

                foreach (var cat in catlist)
                    var category_url = string.Format("javascript:show_view('{0}')", cat);
                    catlist_links.Add(string.Format(@"<a title=""open the {1} view"" href=""{0}"">{1}</a>", category_url, cat));
                categories = string.Format(@" <span class=""cat"">{0}</span>", string.Join(", ", catlist_links.ToArray()));

            String description = ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.description) || evt.description.Length < 10 ) ? "" : evt.description.UrlsToLinks();

            string dom_id = "e" + evt.uid;

            string expander = "";
            if ( ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(description) && args.HasValue("eventsonly",true) )
                expander = String.Format(@"<span class=""sd""><a title=""show description"" href=""javascript:show_desc('{0}')"">...</a></span>", dom_id);

            string add_to_cal = String.Format(@"<span class=""atc""><a title=""add to calendar"" href=""javascript:add_to_cal('{0}')"">+</a></span>", dom_id);

            if ( args.HasValue("add_to_cal",false) ) // for view_calendar
                add_to_cal = "";

            string visibility = "";
            string more = "";
            string source_key = "";
            //string source_attr = "";  // not needed,
            int sequence_count = 1;
            int sequence_position = 1;
            string show_more_call;

            if (evt.urls_and_sources.Count == 1)
                sequence_count = (int)args["sequence_count"];
                source_key = (string)args["source_key"];
                sequence_position = (int)args["sequence_position"];

            visibility = (sequence_count > 1 && sequence_position > 1) ? @" style=""display:none"" " : "";

            if (sequence_count > 1 && sequence_position == 1)
                show_more_call = "javascript:show_more('" + source_key + "')";
                more = string.Format(@" <span class=""{0}""><a title=""show {2} more from {3}"" href=""{1}"">show {2} more</a></span>",
                    sequence_count - 1,
                more = "";

            var html = string.Format(
            @"<div id=""{0}"" class=""bl {12}"" {13} xmlns:v=""http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/#"" typeof=""v:Event"" >
            <span style=""display:none"" class=""uid"">{15}</span>
            <span style=""display:none"" class=""hash"">{16}</span>
            <span class=""md"">{14}</span>
            <span class=""st"" property=""v:startDate"" content=""{1}"">{2}</span>
            <span href=""{3}"" rel=""v:url""></span>
            <span class=""ttl"">{4}</span>
            <span class=""src"" property=""v:description"">{5}</span> {6}
            dom_id,                                                 // 0
            String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm}", evt.dtstart),     // 1
            dtstart,                                                // 2
            evt.url,                                                // 3
            MakeTitleForRDFa(evt, dom_id, args),                    // 4
            evt.urls_and_sources.Keys.Count == 1 ? evt.source : "", // 5 suppress source if multiple
            categories,                                             // 6
            MakeGeoForRDFa(evt),                                    // 7
            expander,                                               // 8
            add_to_cal,                                             // 9
            "",														// 10 was source_attr, not needed
            more,                                                   // 11
            source_key,                                             // 12
            visibility,                                             // 13
            month_day,												// 14
            evt.uid,												// 15
            evt.hash												// 16

            this.event_counter += 1;
            return html;
Exemple #29
        public CalendarRenderer(string id)
            this.timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            this.calinfo = Utils.AcquireCalinfo(id);
            this.cache = null;
            this.es_getter = new EventStoreGetter(GetEventStoreWithCaching);
            this.category_images = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            this.source_images = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            this.is_region = Utils.IsRegion(id);
            this.default_js_url = "http://elmcity.blob.core.windows.net/admin/elmcity-1.17.js";
            this.default_args = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                this.id = id;

                    var metadict = Metadata.LoadMetadataForIdFromAzureTable(id);
                    if (metadict.ContainsKey("args"))
                        this.default_args_json = metadict["args"];
                        this.default_args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(this.default_args_json);
                        this.default_args = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.LogMsg("exception", "CalendarRenderer: acquiring args", e.Message);

                    this.template_html = HttpUtils.FetchUrl(calinfo.template_url).DataAsString();
                    this.default_template_html = this.template_html;
                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "CalendarRenderer: cannot fetch template", e.Message);
                    throw (e);

                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "CalendarRenderer: loading category images", e.Message);
                    throw (e);

                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "CalendarRenderer: loading source images", e.Message);
                    throw (e);

                var settings = GenUtils.GetSettingsFromAzureTable();
                    this.max_events = Convert.ToInt32(settings["max_html_events_default"]);  // start with service-wide setting

                    if (this.default_args.ContainsKey("max_events"))			 // look for hub setting
                        this.max_events = Convert.ToInt32( default_args["max_events"] );
                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "CalendarRenderer: setting max events", e.Message);
                    this.max_events = 1000;
                    throw (e);
                    settings = null;

            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "CalenderRenderer.CalendarRenderer: " + id, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
        // public methods used by worker to collect events from all source types
        public Collector(Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string, string> settings)
            this.calinfo = calinfo;
            this.settings = settings;

            this.mock_eventful = false;
            this.mock_upcoming = false;
            this.mock_eventbrite = false;

            this.id = calinfo.id;
            this.bs = BlobStorage.MakeDefaultBlobStorage();

            // an instance of a DDay.iCal for each source type, used to collect intermediate ICS
            // results which are saved, then combined to produce a merged ICS, e.g.:
            // http://elmcity.blob.core.windows.net/a2cal/a2cal.ics
            this.ical_ical = NewCalendarWithTimezone();
            this.eventful_ical = NewCalendarWithTimezone();
            this.upcoming_ical = NewCalendarWithTimezone();
            this.eventbrite_ical = NewCalendarWithTimezone();
            this.facebook_ical = NewCalendarWithTimezone();

            this.estats = new NonIcalStats();
            this.estats.blobname = "eventful_stats";
            this.ustats = new NonIcalStats();
            this.ustats.blobname = "upcoming_stats";
            this.ebstats = new NonIcalStats();
            this.ebstats.blobname = "eventbrite_stats";
            this.fbstats = new NonIcalStats();
            this.fbstats.blobname = "facebook_stats";
            this.mustats = new NonIcalStats();
            this.mustats.blobname = "meetup_stats";
Exemple #31
        public static List <TaggableSource> GetMeetupGroups2(Calinfo calinfo, int delay, Dictionary <string, string> settings)
            var meetup_key = settings["meetup_api_key"];
            var template   = "https://api.meetup.com/2/open_events?key={0}&lat={1}&lon={2}&radius={3}";
            var url        = String.Format(template,

            var json = HttpUtils.SlowFetchUrl(new Uri(url), delay).DataAsString();

            var dict           = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <String, object> >(json);
            var results        = (JArray)dict["results"];
            var ids_and_cities = from result in results
                                 select new
                id   = result["group"]["id"].Value <string>(),
                city = GetMeetupCity(result)

            var unique_ids_and_cities = ids_and_cities.Distinct();

            var taggable_sources = new List <TaggableSource>();

            Parallel.ForEach(source: unique_ids_and_cities, body: (id_and_city) =>
                if (id_and_city.city != calinfo.City)
                string name_and_pk = "meetupsources";
                    template = "https://api.meetup.com/2/groups?key={0}&group_id={1}";
                    url      = String.Format(template,
                    json         = HttpUtils.SlowFetchUrl(new Uri(url), delay).DataAsString();
                    dict         = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <String, object> >(json);
                    results      = (JArray)dict["results"];
                    var result   = results.First();
                    var name     = result["name"].Value <string>();
                    var urlname  = result["urlname"].Value <string>();
                    var home_url = "http://www.meetup.com/" + urlname;
                    var ical_url = string.Format("http://www.meetup.com/{0}/events/ical/{1}/",
                    ical_url     = ical_url.Replace("%20", "+");                  // otherwise meetup weirdly reports a 505 error
                    var taggable = new TaggableSource(
                    RememberTaggable(name_and_pk, id_and_city.id, taggable);
                catch (Exception e)
                    GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "FindMeetupGroups", e.Message + e.StackTrace);
Exemple #32
        // render a single event as an xml element
        private string RenderEvtAsXml(ZonelessEvent evt, Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string,object> args)
            var xml = new StringBuilder();
            xml.Append(string.Format("<title>{0}</title>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.title)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<url>{0}</url>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.url)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<source>{0}</source>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.source)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<dtstart>{0}</dtstart>\n", evt.dtstart.ToString(DATETIME_FORMAT_FOR_XML)));
            if (evt.dtend != null)
                xml.Append(string.Format("<dtend>{0}</dtend>\n", evt.dtend.ToString(DATETIME_FORMAT_FOR_XML)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<allday>{0}</allday>\n", evt.allday));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<categories>{0}</categories>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.categories)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<description>{0}</description>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.description)));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<location>{0}</location>\n", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(evt.location)));

            var lat = ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.lat) ? evt.lat : "";
            var lon = ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.lon) ? evt.lon : "";
            xml.Append(string.Format("<lat>{0}</lat>\n", lat));
            xml.Append(string.Format("<lon>{0}</lon>\n", lon));

            return xml.ToString();
Exemple #33
 public static void StoreMeetupTaggables(string id, Dictionary<string, string> settings, Calinfo calinfo)
         var meetup_taggables = GetMeetupGroups(calinfo, 1, settings);
         bs.SerializeObjectToAzureBlob(meetup_taggables, id, "meetup.taggables.obj");
     catch (Exception e)
         GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "StoreTaggables: Meetup", e.Message);
Exemple #34
        public string RenderEvtAsCsv(ZonelessEvent evt, Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string, object> args)
            var line = (string) args["csv_fields_template"];

            var date_fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd";
            var time_fmt = "hh:mm:ss";
            line = line.Replace("__title__", evt.title.EscapeValueForCsv());
            line = line.Replace("__start_day__", evt.dtstart.ToString(date_fmt));
            line = line.Replace("__start_time__", evt.dtstart.ToString(time_fmt));
            if (evt.dtend != DateTime.MinValue)
                line = line.Replace("__stop_day__", evt.dtstart.ToString(date_fmt));
                line = line.Replace("__stop_time__", evt.dtstart.ToString(time_fmt));
                line = line.Replace("__stop_day__", "");
                line = line.Replace("__stop_time__", "");
            line = line.Replace("__uid__", evt.hash);
            line = line.Replace("__description__", evt.description.EscapeValueForCsv());
            line = line.Replace("__location__", evt.location.EscapeValueForCsv());
            line = line.Replace("__url__", evt.url.ToString().EscapeValueForCsv());
            line = line.Replace("__categories__", evt.categories.EscapeValueForCsv());

            return line + "\n";
Exemple #35
 public static void StoreTaggables(string id, string location, Dictionary<string, string> settings)
     var calinfo = new Calinfo(id);
     StoreFacebookTaggables(id, location, calinfo);
     StoreEventfulTaggables(id, settings, calinfo);
     //		StoreUpcomingTaggables(id, settings, calinfo);
     StoreEventBriteTaggables(id, settings, calinfo);
     StoreMeetupTaggables(id, settings, calinfo);
Exemple #36
        // render a single event as text
        public string RenderEvtAsText(ZonelessEvent evt, Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string, object> args)
            var text = new StringBuilder();

            var start = evt.dtstart.ToString("M/d/yyyy h:m tt").Replace(":0 ", " ");
            if ( ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.source) )
            if ( ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.location) )
            if ( ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.description) && evt.description != evt.location)

            return text.ToString();
Exemple #37
 public static void StoreUpcomingTaggables(string id, Dictionary<string, string> settings, Calinfo calinfo)
         var upcoming_taggables = GetUpcomingVenues(calinfo, settings);
         bs.SerializeObjectToAzureBlob(upcoming_taggables, id, "upcoming.taggables.obj");
     catch (Exception e)
         GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "StoreTaggables: Upcoming", e.Message);
        public string RenderEvtAsHtml(ZonelessEvent evt, Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string,object> args)
            if (evt.urls_and_sources == null)
                evt.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { evt.url, evt.source } };

            string dtstart;
             if (evt.allday && evt.dtstart.Hour == 0)
                dtstart = "  ";
                dtstart = evt.dtstart.ToString("ddd hh:mm tt");

            var month_day = evt.dtstart.ToString("M/d");

            string categories = "";
            List<string> catlist_links = new List<string>();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.categories))
                List<string> catlist = evt.categories.Split(',').ToList();
                foreach (var cat in catlist)
                    var category_url = string.Format("/{0}/html?view={1}", this.id, cat);
                    catlist_links.Add(string.Format(@"<a title=""open the {1} view"" href=""{0}"">{1}</a>", category_url, cat));
                categories = string.Format(@" <span class=""cat"">{0}</span>", string.Join(", ", catlist_links.ToArray()));

            string label = "e" + this.event_counter.ToString();
            String description = ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.description) || evt.description.Length < 10 ) ? "" : evt.description.UrlsToLinks();
            string show_desc = ( ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ) ? String.Format(@"<span class=""sd""><a title=""show description ({0} chars)"" href=""javascript:show_desc('{1}')"">...</a></span>", description.Length, label) : "";

            if (args.ContainsKey("inline_descriptions") && (bool)args["inline_descriptions"] == true) // for view_calendar
                var location = string.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.location) ? "" : String.Format("{0}<br/><br/>", evt.location);
                show_desc = String.Format(@"<div style=""text-indent:0""><p>{0}</div>", location + description);

            if (args.ContainsKey("show_desc") && (bool)args["show_desc"] == false)  // in case need to suppress, not used yet
                show_desc = "";

            string add_to_cal = String.Format(@"<span class=""atc""><a title=""add to calendar"" href=""javascript:add_to_cal('{0}')"">+</a></span>", label);

            if (args.ContainsKey("add_to_cal") && (bool)args["add_to_cal"] == false) // for view_calendar
                add_to_cal = "";

            string visibility = "";
            string more = "";
            string source_key = "";
            string source_attr = "";
            int sequence_count = 1;
            int sequence_position = 1;
            string show_more_call;

            if (evt.urls_and_sources.Count == 1)
                source_attr = MakeSourceAttr(evt);
                sequence_count = (int)args["sequence_count"];
                source_key = (string)args["source_key"];
                sequence_position = (int)args["sequence_position"];

            visibility = (sequence_count > 1 && sequence_position > 1) ? @" style=""display:none"" " : "";

            if (sequence_count > 1 && sequence_position == 1)
                show_more_call = "javascript:show_more('" + source_key + "')";
                more = string.Format(@" <span class=""{0}""><a title=""show {2} more from {3}"" href=""{1}"">show {2} more</a></span>",
                    sequence_count - 1,
                more = "";

            var html = string.Format(
            @"<a name=""{0}""></a>
            <div id=""{0}"" class=""bl {10} {12}"" {13} xmlns:v=""http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/#"" typeof=""v:Event"" >
            <span class=""md"">{14}</span>
            <span class=""st"" property=""v:startDate"" content=""{1}"">{2}</span>
            <span href=""{3}"" rel=""v:url""></span>
            <span class=""ttl"">{4}</span>
            <span class=""src"" property=""v:description"">{5}</span> {6}
            label,                                                  // 0
            String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm}", evt.dtstart),     // 1
            dtstart,                                                // 2
            evt.url,                                                // 3
            MakeTitleForRDFa(evt),                                  // 4
            evt.urls_and_sources.Keys.Count == 1 ? evt.source : "", // 5    suppress source if multiple
            categories,                                             // 6
            MakeGeoForRDFa(evt),                                    // 7
            show_desc,                                              // 8
            add_to_cal,                                             // 9
            source_attr,                                            // 10
            more,                                                   // 11
            source_key,                                             // 12
            visibility,                                             // 13
            month_day												// 14

            this.event_counter += 1;
            return html;
Exemple #39
        private static bool FacebookPageHasFutureEvents(List<FacebookEvent> events, Calinfo calinfo)
                foreach (FacebookEvent evt in events)
                    if (Utils.IsCurrentOrFutureDateTime(evt.dt, calinfo.tzinfo))
                        return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "FacebookPageHasFutureEvents", e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                return false;

            return false;
 private ZonelessEventStore CreateFilterable(Calinfo calinfo)
     var filterable = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo);
     filterable.AddEvent("e1", "", "s1", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/01 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null);
     filterable.AddEvent("e2", "", "s1", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/02 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null);
     filterable.AddEvent("e3", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/03 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null);
     filterable.AddEvent("e4", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/04 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, null, null, null);
     filterable.AddEvent("e5", "", "s2", null, null, DateTime.Parse("2013/11/05 8 AM"), DateTime.MinValue, false, "music", null, null);
     Assert.That(filterable.events.Count == 5);
     return filterable;
Exemple #41
 public static void StoreEventfulTaggables(string id, Dictionary <string, string> settings, Calinfo calinfo)
         var eventful_taggables = GetEventfulVenues(calinfo, min_per_venue: 1, settings: settings);
         bs.SerializeObjectToAzureBlob(eventful_taggables, id, "eventful.taggables.obj");
     catch (Exception e)
         GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "StoreTaggables: Eventful", e.Message);
 public static void ClearObjFeedInCache(Calinfo calinfo, string cache_dir, string feedurl)
     var blob_name = Utils.MakeCachedFeedObjName(calinfo.id, feedurl);
     var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical);
     bs.SerializeObjectToAzureBlob(es, cache_dir, blob_name);
Exemple #43
 public static void StoreMeetupTaggables(string id, Dictionary <string, string> settings, Calinfo calinfo)
         var meetup_taggables = GetMeetupGroups(calinfo, 1, settings);
         bs.SerializeObjectToAzureBlob(meetup_taggables, id, "meetup.taggables.obj");
     catch (Exception e)
         GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "StoreTaggables: Meetup", e.Message);
 private static string ClearCachedObj(Calinfo calinfo, string cache_dir, string feedurl)
     ClearObjFeedInCache(calinfo, cache_dir, feedurl);
     var obj_blob_name = Utils.MakeCachedFeedObjName(calinfo.id, feedurl);
     var es = (ZonedEventStore)ObjectUtils.GetTypedObj<ZonedEventStore>(cache_dir, obj_blob_name);
     Assert.That(es.events.Count == 0); // verify empty
     return obj_blob_name;
Exemple #45
        private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessEventBriteExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, Collector collector)
            var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.eventbrite);

            EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(calinfo.id, settings);
            var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize();

 private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessUpcomingExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, Collector collector)
     var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.upcoming);
     collector.CollectUpcoming(es, test: true);
     EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(calinfo.id, settings);
     var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize();
     return zes;
 public static DDay.iCal.Event MakeTmpEvt(Calinfo calinfo, DateTimeWithZone dtstart, DateTimeWithZone dtend, string title, string url, string location, string description, string lat, string lon, bool allday)
     DDay.iCal.Event evt = new DDay.iCal.Event();  // for export to the intermediate ics file
     evt.Summary = title;
     evt.Url = new Uri(url);
     if (location != null)
         evt.Location = location;
     if (description != null)
         evt.Description = description;
         evt.Description = url;
     if ( calinfo == null )
         MakeGeo(calinfo, evt, lat, lon);
         MakeGeo(evt, lat, lon);
     evt.Start = new iCalDateTime(dtstart.LocalTime);               // always local because the final ics file will use vtimezone
     evt.Start.TZID = calinfo.tzinfo.Id;
     if (!dtend.Equals(DateTimeWithZone.MinValue(calinfo.tzinfo)))
         evt.End = new iCalDateTime(dtend.LocalTime);
         evt.End.TZID = calinfo.tzinfo.Id;
     evt.IsAllDay = allday;
     evt.UID = Event.MakeEventUid(evt);
     return evt;
Exemple #48
 public EventStore(Calinfo calinfo)
     this.id     = calinfo.id;
     this.tzinfo = calinfo.tzinfo;
 public static DDay.iCal.Event MakeTmpEvt(TimeZoneInfo tzinfo, DateTimeWithZone dtstart, DateTimeWithZone dtend, string title, string url, string location, string description, string lat, string lon, bool allday)
     var calinfo = new Calinfo(tzinfo);
     return MakeTmpEvt(calinfo, dtstart, dtend, title, url, location, description, lat, lon, allday);
Exemple #50
 private static List<TaggableSource> InitializeTaggables(Calinfo calinfo, string flavor)
     List<TaggableSource> taggable_sources;
         taggable_sources = (List<TaggableSource>)ObjectUtils.GetTypedObj<List<TaggableSource>>(calinfo.id, flavor + ".taggables.obj");
         taggable_sources = new List<TaggableSource>();
     return taggable_sources;
        public static string MassageFeedText(Calinfo calinfo, string feedurl, string feedtext, Dictionary<string,string> settings)
            // for example, RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=-45;BYDAY=2SA occurs in some Google Calendars
            // unable to find a meaning for this in RFC5445, and DDay.iCal rejects it, so I'm removing it for now
            feedtext = Utils.RemoveNegativeCOUNT(feedtext);

            // because not needed, and dday.ical doesn't allow legal (but very old) dates
            // feedtext = GenUtils.RegexReplace(feedtext, "\nCREATED:[^\n]+", "");
            feedtext = Utils.RemoveComponent(feedtext, "CREATED");

            // because DDay.iCal can't parse ATTENDEE
            feedtext = Utils.RemoveComponent(feedtext, "ATTENDEE");

            // because of issue with http://www.brattleborology.com/calendar/
            feedtext = Utils.RemoveComponent(feedtext, "ORGANIZER");

            //feedtext = Utils.RemoveComponent(feedtext, "UID");              // do this in GetFeedText so changes don't invalidate otherwise unchanged cached text
            //feedtext = Utils.RemoveComponent(feedtext, "DTSTAMP");

            // because of this:
            // BEGIN:VEVENT
            // DESCRIPTION            // <- missing colon, iCalcreator 2.4.3 (reported)
            // DTEND:20120508T160000

            feedtext = Utils.AddColonToBarePropnames(feedtext);

            // because of issues with emich.edu/calendar, umma.museum

            feedtext = MaybeFixMiswrappedComponent(feedurl, feedtext, settings, "miswrapped_description", "DESCRIPTION");
            feedtext = MaybeFixMiswrappedComponent(feedurl, feedtext, settings, "miswrapped_summary", "SUMMARY");
            feedtext = MaybeFixMiswrappedComponent(feedurl, feedtext, settings, "miswrapped_location", "LOCATION");

            // because of property-name-folding issue https://github.com/dougrday/icalvalid/issues/10
            feedtext = Unfold(feedtext);

            // strip html from summary, description
            feedtext = Utils.StripTagsFromUnfoldedComponent(feedtext, "SUMMARY");
            feedtext = Utils.StripTagsFromUnfoldedComponent(feedtext, "DESCRIPTION");

            // workaround https://github.com/dougrday/icalvalid/issues/7 and 8
            feedtext = Utils.ChangeDateOnlyUntilToDateTime(feedtext);

            // handle non-standard X_WR_TIMEZONE if usersetting asked
            if (calinfo != null && calinfo.use_x_wr_timezone)   // null if called from ViewCalendar
                feedtext = Utils.Handle_X_WR_TIMEZONE(feedtext);

            feedtext = Utils.AdjustCategories(feedtext); // for now, this only removes unwanted backslashes
            feedtext = Utils.RemoveComponent(feedtext, "UID");           // don't need these
            feedtext = Utils.RemoveComponent(feedtext, "DTSTAMP");

            return feedtext;
Exemple #52
 public ZonelessEventStore(Calinfo calinfo)
     : base(calinfo)
     this.objfile = this.id + ".zoneless.obj";
     this.uri     = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(this.id, this.objfile, false);
        public static string GetFeedTextFromFeedUrl(FeedRegistry fr, Calinfo calinfo, string source, string feedurl, int wait_secs, int max_retries, TimeSpan timeout_secs, Dictionary<string,string> settings, ref bool changed)
            HttpWebRequest request;
                var _feedurl = Utils.MaybeChangeWebcalToHttp(feedurl);               // original is for feed registry and cache
                request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(_feedurl));      // only modify (if necessary) when actually fetching
            catch (Exception e)
                GenUtils.LogMsg("warning", "GetFeedTextFromFeedUrl", "cannot use " + feedurl + " : " + e.Message);
                return String.Empty;

            string feedtext = "";
            string cached_feed_text = Utils.GetCachedFeedText(feedurl);

            var response = HttpUtils.RetryHttpRequestExpectingStatus(request, HttpStatusCode.OK, data: null, wait_secs: wait_secs, max_tries: max_retries, timeout_secs: timeout_secs);
            if (response.status != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                var msg = "could not fetch " + source;
                GenUtils.LogMsg("warning", msg, response.status.ToString());
                feedtext = cached_feed_text;
                feedtext = response.DataAsString();

            if (cached_feed_text.Contains("X-QUOTA-THROTTLED"))
                GenUtils.LogMsg("warning", "GetFeedTextFromFeed", "cached text contains X-QUOTA-THROTTLED");

            if (feedtext != cached_feed_text && feedtext.Contains("X-QUOTA-THROTTLED") == false ) // don't cache if throttled
                changed = true;
                Utils.SaveFeedTextToCache(feedurl, feedtext);

            feedtext = MassageFeedText(calinfo, feedurl, feedtext, settings);

            if (fr != null)
                EnsureProdId(fr, feedurl, feedtext);

            return feedtext;
        public static void MakeGeo(Calinfo calinfo, DDay.iCal.Event evt, string lat, string lon)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lat) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lon))

            if ( calinfo.hub_enum == HubType.where)
                if (evt.GeographicLocation == null)           // override with hub's location
                        if (lat == null)                // e.g., because called from IcsFromRssPlusXcal
                            lat = calinfo.lat;

                        if (lon == null)
                            lon = calinfo.lon;

                        MakeGeo(evt, lat, lon);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "AddIcalEvent: " + calinfo.id + " cannot make evt.Geo", e.Message + evt.Summary.ToString());
Exemple #55
        private static ZonelessEventStore ProcessIcalExample(string example, string source, Calinfo calinfo, FeedRegistry fr, Collector collector, bool purge)
            if (purge)
            var feedurl = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri("admin", example + ".ics", false).ToString();

            fr.AddFeed(feedurl, source);
            var es = new ZonedEventStore(calinfo, SourceType.ical);

            collector.CollectIcal(fr, es, false);
            EventStore.CombineZonedEventStoresToZonelessEventStore(calinfo.id, settings);
            var zes = new ZonelessEventStore(calinfo).Deserialize();
