Exemple #1
        private IAppointment CheckForAppointment(MouseEventArgs e)
            bool         matchFound  = false;
            IAppointment appointment = null;

            if (e.X < ApptOffset ||
                e.X > panelDailyView.ClientRectangle.Size.Width - vScrollBar.Width - ApptOffset)
                // The X co-ordinate is not inside an appointment, so simply exit
            // Determine the row corresponding to the mouse position
            int row = e.Y / PanelRowHeight + vScrollBar.Value;
            // Look through todays appointments to see if we
            // are positioned on any of them
            IEnumerator <IAppointment> enumerator = _TodaysAppointments.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext() && !matchFound)
                int apptRow    = Utility.ConvertTimeToRow(enumerator.Current.Start);
                int apptLength = Utility.ConvertLengthToRows(enumerator.Current.Length);
                if (row >= apptRow &&
                    row <= apptRow + apptLength - 1)
                    matchFound  = true;
                    appointment = enumerator.Current;
Exemple #2
        //This was slightly modified, instead of returning what appointment was on the row, it instead see which appointment the e.x and e.y intersects with (It's rectangle.)
        private IAppointment CheckForAppointment(MouseEventArgs e)
            bool         matchFound  = false;
            IAppointment appointment = null;

            if (e.X < ApptOffset ||
                e.X > panelDailyView.ClientRectangle.Size.Width - vScrollBar.Width - ApptOffset)

            IEnumerator <IAppointment> enumerator = _TodaysAppointments.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext() && !matchFound)
                if (_UiRect.Count() > 0 && _UiRect.ContainsKey(enumerator.Current) && _UiRect[enumerator.Current].Contains(e.Location))
                    matchFound  = true;
                    appointment = enumerator.Current;
