private void parseDocument(Uri tripUri,
                                   Dictionary<string, DocumentContext> contexts,
                                   TypeRegistry typeRegistry)
            if (tripUri == null || !tripUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new ArgumentException("Only absolute URIs can be parsed!");
            if (parentDocuments.Contains(tripUri))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Input {0} recursively includes itself ({1})", tripUri, string.Join(" -> ", parentDocuments) + " -> " + tripUri));

            if (parsedDocuments.Contains(tripUri))
                LOG.Debug(string.Format("Skipping already parsed file {0}...", tripUri));

            LOG.Debug(string.Format("Parsing {0}...", tripUri));

            var tripNamespace = extractLeanNamespace(tripUri);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tripNamespace))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Lean URI {0} can not be translated to a namespace", tripUri));

            var context = new DocumentContext(tripUri, tripNamespace, generatorConfig, typeRegistry);

            var document = context.Document;
            var header = document.Header;

            var javaPackage = context.JavaPackage;

            // Make a note that this document is a parent of all the documents included, directly or recursively

                if (header != null)
                    foreach (var include in header.Includes)
                        Uri includeUri = null;
                        Uri.TryCreate(generatorConfig.InputBase, include, out includeUri);
                            // If the includes should also generate code, pass the list of
                            // contexts down to the include parser, otherwise pass a null in
                                      generatorConfig.GenerateIncludedCode ? contexts : null,
                // Done parsing this document's includes, remove it from the parent chain

            // Make a note that we've already passed this document

            new TypeVisitor(javaPackage, context).Visit(document);

            if (contexts != null)
                if (contexts.ContainsKey(context.Namespace))
                    LOG.Info(string.Format("Lean Namespace {0} included multiple times!", context.Namespace));
                contexts[context.Namespace] = context;
        private void generateFiles(DocumentContext context)
            LOG.Debug(string.Format("Generating code for {0}...", context.Namespace));

            Enforce.IsNotNull(outputFolder, "The output folder was not set!");
            // TODO, check folder valid

            var codeGenerator = new CodeGenerator(templateLoader, context, generatorConfig, outputFolder);