/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="SwitchDefaultAttribute"></param> /// <param name="Method"></param> private void BindDefaultMethod(CommandDefaultAttribute SwitchDefaultAttribute, MethodInfo Method) { Getopt.AddDefaultRule(() => { Method.Invoke(this, new object[] { }); }); }
public void AddRule3Test() { var Values = new List<int>(); var Getopt = new Getopt(new string[] { "-i=50", "-i=25" }); Getopt.AddRule("-i", (int Value) => { Values.Add(Value); }); Getopt.Process(); Assert.AreEqual("50,25", Values.ToStringArray()); }
public void AddRule4Test() { int ExecutedCount = 0; var Getopt = new Getopt(new string[] { "-a", "-a" }); Getopt.AddRule("-a", () => { ExecutedCount++; }); Getopt.Process(); Assert.AreEqual(2, ExecutedCount); }
public void AddRuleTest() { bool BooleanValue = false; int IntegerValue = 0; var Getopt = new Getopt(new string[] { "-b", "-i", "50" }); Getopt.AddRule("-b", ref BooleanValue); Getopt.AddRule("-i", ref IntegerValue); Getopt.Process(); Assert.AreEqual(true, BooleanValue); Assert.AreEqual(50, IntegerValue); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="commandEntry"></param> private void BindField(CommandEntry commandEntry) { var field = commandEntry.FieldInfo; Getopt.AddRule(commandEntry.Aliases, () => { if (field.FieldType == typeof(bool)) { field.SetValue(this, true); } else { throw (new NotImplementedException("Not supported field type " + field.FieldType)); } }); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="commandEntry"></param> private void BindMethod(CommandEntry commandEntry) { var method = commandEntry.MethodInfo; Getopt.AddRule(commandEntry.Aliases, () => { var parameters = method.GetParameters(); var parametersData = new List <object>(); foreach (var parameter in parameters) { if (Getopt.HasMore) { var parameterData = Getopt.DequeueNext(); if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(string)) { parametersData.Add(parameterData); } else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(int)) { parametersData.Add(int.Parse(parameterData)); } else { throw new NotImplementedException( "Not supported parameter type " + parameter.ParameterType); } } else { parametersData.Add(null); } } method.Invoke(this, parametersData.ToArray()); }); }
public void AddRule2Test() { bool BooleanValue = false; int IntegerValue = 0; string StringValue = ""; var Getopt = new Getopt(new string[] { "-b", "-i", "50", "-s", "hello_world" }); Getopt.AddRule("-b", (bool _Value) => { BooleanValue = _Value; }); Getopt.AddRule("-i", (int _Value) => { IntegerValue = _Value; }); Getopt.AddRule("-s", (string _Value) => { StringValue = _Value; }); Getopt.Process(); Assert.AreEqual(true, BooleanValue); Assert.AreEqual(50, IntegerValue); Assert.AreEqual("hello_world", StringValue); }
static void Main(string[] Arguments) { // Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event. Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Form1_UIThreadException); // Set the unhandled exception mode to force all Windows Forms errors to go through // our handler. Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); // Add the event handler for handling non-UI thread exceptions to the event. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); /* IntPtr playback_handle = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hw_params = IntPtr.Zero; Alsa.snd_config_t config; int rate = 44100; Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_open(&playback_handle, "default", Alsa.snd_pcm_stream_t.SND_PCM_LB_OPEN_PLAYBACK, 0)); Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_hw_params_malloc(&hw_params)); Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_hw_params_any(playback_handle, hw_params)); Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(playback_handle, hw_params, Alsa.snd_pcm_access.SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED)); Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(playback_handle, hw_params, Alsa.snd_pcm_format.SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE)); Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(playback_handle, hw_params, &rate, null)); Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels (playback_handle, hw_params, 2)); Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_hw_params(playback_handle, hw_params)); Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_hw_params_free(hw_params)); var Data = new byte[16 * 1024]; for (int n = 0; n < Data.Length; n++) { Data[n] = (byte)n; } fixed (byte* DataPtr = Data) { Alsa.snd_pcm_writei(playback_handle, DataPtr, Data.Length / 4); } Thread.Sleep(128); //Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_prepare(playback_handle)); //Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_open_preferred(out AlsaHandle, null, null, (int)Alsa.OpenMode.SND_PCM_LB_OPEN_PLAYBACK)); //Console.WriteLine(Alsa.snd_pcm_close(AlsaHandle)); Environment.Exit(0); return; */ Logger.OnGlobalLog += (LogName, Level, Text, StackFrame) => { if (Level >= Logger.Level.Info) { var Method = StackFrame.GetMethod(); Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1} : {2}.{3} : {4}", LogName, Level, Method.DeclaringType.Name, Method.Name, Text); } }; Logger.Info("Running ... plat:{0} ... int*:{1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86", sizeof(int*)); #if false Console.WriteLine(CSPspEmu.Resources.Translations.GetString("extra", "UnknownGame")); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); #endif #if RUN_TESTS TestsAutoProgram.Main(Arguments.Skip(0).ToArray()); Environment.Exit(0); #endif //AppDomain.UnHandledException /* AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) => { try { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.ExceptionObject); } catch { } Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(-1); }; */ //Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.Run(new GameListForm()); Application.Exit(); string FileToLoad = null; var Getopt = new Getopt(Arguments); { Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "/help", "/?", "-h", "--help", "-?" }, () => { Console.WriteLine("Soywiz's Psp Emulator - {0} - r{1} - {2}", PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersion, PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersionNumeric, PspGlobalConfiguration.GitRevision); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Switches:"); Console.WriteLine(" /version - Outputs the program version"); Console.WriteLine(" /version2 - Outputs the program numeric version"); Console.WriteLine(" /decrypt <EBOOT.BIN> - Decrypts an EBOOT.BIN"); Console.WriteLine(" /gitrevision - Outputs the git revision"); Console.WriteLine(" /installat3 - Installs the WavDest filter. Requires be launched with administrative rights."); Console.WriteLine(" /associate - Associates extensions with the program. Requires be launched with administrative rights."); Console.WriteLine(" /tests - Run integration tests."); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Examples:"); Console.WriteLine(" cspspemu.exe <path_to_psp_executable>"); Console.WriteLine(""); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/version", () => { Console.Write("{0}", PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersion); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/version2", () => { Console.Write("{0}", PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersionNumeric); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/decrypt", (string EncryptedFile) => { try { using (var EncryptedStream = File.OpenRead(EncryptedFile)) { /* var Format = new FormatDetector().DetectSubType(EncryptedStream); switch (Format) { case FormatDetector.SubType.Cso: case FormatDetector.SubType.Dax: case FormatDetector.SubType.Iso: break; } */ var DecryptedFile = String.Format("{0}.decrypted", EncryptedFile); Console.Write("'{0}' -> '{1}'...", EncryptedFile, DecryptedFile); var EncryptedData = EncryptedStream.ReadAll(); var DecryptedData = new EncryptedPrx().Decrypt(EncryptedData); File.WriteAllBytes(DecryptedFile, DecryptedData); Console.WriteLine("Ok"); Environment.Exit(0); } } catch (Exception Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception); Environment.Exit(-1); } }); Getopt.AddRule("/gitrevision", () => { Console.Write("{0}", PspGlobalConfiguration.GitRevision); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/installat3", () => { var OutFile = Environment.SystemDirectory + @"\WavDest.dll"; File.WriteAllBytes(OutFile, Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("CSPspEmu.WavDest.dll").ReadAll()); Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("regsvr32", String.Format(@"/s ""{0}"" ", OutFile))).WaitForExit(); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/associate", () => { try { Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".elf").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".pbp").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".cso").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".prx").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".dax").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); var Reg = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("cspspemu.executable"); Reg.SetValue(null, "PSP executable file (.elf, .pbp, .cso, .prx, .dax)"); Reg.SetValue("DefaultIcon", @"""" + ApplicationPaths.ExecutablePath + @""",0"); Reg.CreateSubKey("shell").CreateSubKey("open").CreateSubKey("command").SetValue(null, @"""" + ApplicationPaths.ExecutablePath + @""" ""%1"""); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception); Environment.Exit(-1); } }); Getopt.AddRule("/tests", () => { TestsAutoProgram.Main(Arguments.Skip(1).ToArray()); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule((Name) => { FileToLoad = Name; }); } try { Getopt.Process(); } catch (Exception Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception); Environment.Exit(-1); } //new PspAudioOpenalImpl().__TestAudio(); //new PspAudioWaveOutImpl().__TestAudio(); //return; /* var CsoName = "../../../TestInput/test.cso"; var Cso = new Cso(File.OpenRead(CsoName)); var Iso = new IsoFile(); Console.WriteLine("[1]"); Iso.SetStream(new CsoProxyStream(Cso), CsoName); Console.WriteLine("[2]"); foreach (var Node in Iso.Root.Descendency()) { Console.WriteLine(Node); } Console.ReadKey(); return; */ #if !RELEASE try { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Console.SetWindowSize(160, 60); Console.SetBufferSize(160, 2000); } catch { } #endif var PspEmulator = new PspEmulator(); //PspEmulator.UseFastMemory = true; var CodeBase = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var Base = Path.GetDirectoryName(CodeBase) + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CodeBase); foreach (var TryExtension in new[] { "iso", "cso", "elf", "pbp" }) { var TryIsoFile = Base + "." + TryExtension; //Console.WriteLine(TryIsoFile); //Console.ReadKey(); if (File.Exists(TryIsoFile)) { Platform.HideConsole(); PspEmulator.StartAndLoad(TryIsoFile, TraceSyscalls: false, ShowMenus: false); return; } } if (FileToLoad != null) { PspEmulator.StartAndLoad(FileToLoad, TraceSyscalls: false); } else { //StartWithoutArguments(PspEmulator); PspEmulator.Start(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { string Revision = "<Unknown>"; string Datetime = "<Unknown>"; try { Datetime = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("SimpleMassiveRealtimeRankingServer.DATETIME").ReadAllContentsAsString().Trim(); } catch { } try { Revision = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("SimpleMassiveRealtimeRankingServer.ORIG_HEAD").ReadAllContentsAsString().Trim(); } catch { } //FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(myFileVersionInfo); //Console.WriteLine(Datetime); //Console.WriteLine(Version.Build); string BindIp = ""; int BindPort = 9777; int NumberOfThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount; var Getopt = new Getopt(args); Getopt.AddRule("-v", () => { Console.WriteLine(new ServerManager().Version); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("-i", (string Value) => { BindIp = Value; }); Getopt.AddRule("-p", (int Value) => { BindPort = Value; }); Getopt.AddRule("-t", (int Value) => { NumberOfThreads = Value; }); Getopt.AddRule(new string[] { "-h", "-?", "--help" }, () => { Console.WriteLine("Simple Massive Realtime Ranking Server - {0} - Carlos Ballesteros Velasco - 2011-2011", new ServerManager().Version); #if NET_4_5 Console.WriteLine("Compiled with .NET 4.5 Async support."); #else Console.WriteLine("Compiled with old .NET 4.0 (no async support)."); #endif Console.WriteLine("Compiled git Version: {0}", Revision); Console.WriteLine("Build time: {0}", Datetime); Console.WriteLine("Project website: https://github.com/soywiz/smrr-server"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Parameters:"); Console.WriteLine(" -i Sets the binding ip. Example: -i="); Console.WriteLine(" -p Sets the binding port. Example: -p=7777"); Console.WriteLine(" -t Sets the number of partition threads. Example: -t=8"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" -v Shows the version of the server"); Console.WriteLine(" -h Shows this help"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Examples:"); Console.WriteLine(" SimpleMassiveRealtimeRankingServer -i= -p=7777"); Environment.Exit(-1); }); Getopt.Process(); var ServerHandler = new ServerHandler(BindIp, BindPort, NumberOfThreads); #if NET_4_5 ServerHandler.AcceptClientLoopAsync().Wait(); #else ServerHandler.AcceptClientLoop(); #endif } catch (Exception Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception); Environment.Exit(-1); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> public void Run(string[] args) { Getopt = new Getopt(args); CommandEntries = new List <CommandEntry>(); foreach (var member in GetType() .GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)) { var descriptionAttribute = member.GetSingleAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>(); var valuesAttribute = member.GetSingleAttribute <ValuesAttribute>(); var commandDefaultAttribute = member.GetSingleAttribute <CommandDefaultAttribute>(); if (commandDefaultAttribute != null) { if (member is MethodInfo) { BindDefaultMethod(commandDefaultAttribute, member as MethodInfo); } } var commandAttribute = member.GetSingleAttribute <CommandAttribute>(); if (commandAttribute == null) { continue; } var commandEntry = new CommandEntry() { Aliases = commandAttribute.Aliases, MemberInfo = member, Examples = member.GetAttribute <ExampleAttribute>().Select(item => item.Example).ToArray(), Description = (descriptionAttribute != null) ? descriptionAttribute.Description : "", Values = (valuesAttribute != null) ? valuesAttribute.Values : new object[0], }; CommandEntries.Add(commandEntry); if (member is MethodInfo) { BindMethod(commandEntry); } else if (member is FieldInfo) { BindField(commandEntry); } else { throw(new NotImplementedException("Don't know how to handle type " + member.GetType())); } } try { Getopt.Process(); } catch (TargetInvocationException targetInvocationException) { Console.Error.WriteLine(targetInvocationException.InnerException); Environment.Exit(-1); } catch (Exception exception) { //Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception.Message); Console.Error.WriteLine(exception); Environment.Exit(-2); } if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Console.ReadKey(); } }
static unsafe void Main(string[] Arguments) { //Console.WriteLine(GL.GetConstantString(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D)); //_MainData(); //_MainData2(); if (!IsNet45OrNewer()) { MessageBox.Show(".NET 4.5 required", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return; } // Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event. Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Form1_UIThreadException); // Set the unhandled exception mode to force all Windows Forms errors to go through // our handler. Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); // Add the event handler for handling non-UI thread exceptions to the event. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Logger.OnGlobalLog += (LogName, Level, Text, StackFrame) => { if (Level >= Logger.Level.Info) { var Method = StackFrame.GetMethod(); Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1} : {2}.{3} : {4}", LogName, Level, (Method.DeclaringType != null) ? Method.DeclaringType.Name : null, Method.Name, Text); } }; #if false Console.WriteLine(CSPspEmu.Resources.Translations.GetString("extra", "UnknownGame")); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); #endif #if RUN_TESTS RunTests(Arguments); #endif string FileToLoad = null; bool RunTestsViewOut = false; int RunTestsTimeout = 60; var Getopt = new Getopt(Arguments); { Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "/help", "/?", "-h", "--help", "-?" }, () => { Console.WriteLine("Soywiz's Psp Emulator - {0} - r{1} - {2}", PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersion, PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersionNumeric, PspGlobalConfiguration.GitRevision); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Switches:"); Console.WriteLine(" /version - Outputs the program version"); Console.WriteLine(" /version2 - Outputs the program numeric version"); Console.WriteLine(" /decrypt <EBOOT.BIN> - Decrypts an EBOOT.BIN"); Console.WriteLine(" /gitrevision - Outputs the git revision"); Console.WriteLine(" /associate - Associates extensions with the program. Requires be launched with administrative rights."); Console.WriteLine(" /viewout /timeout X /tests - Run integration tests."); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" /isolist <pathto.iso|cso|dax> - Lists the content of an iso."); Console.WriteLine(" /isoextract <in.iso> <outfolder> - Extracts the content of an iso."); Console.WriteLine(" /isoconvert <in.xxx> <out.yyy> - Converts a iso/cso/dax file into other format."); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Examples:"); Console.WriteLine(" cspspemu.exe <path_to_psp_executable>"); Console.WriteLine(""); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/version", () => { Console.Write("{0}", PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersion); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/version2", () => { Console.Write("{0}", PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersionNumeric); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/isoconvert", () => { var IsoInPath = Getopt.DequeueNext(); var IsoOutPath = Getopt.DequeueNext(); if (Path.GetExtension(IsoOutPath) != ".iso") { Console.WriteLine("Just support outputing .iso files"); Environment.Exit(-1); } var IsoInFile = IsoLoader.GetIso(IsoInPath); var Stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch.Start(); Console.Write("{0} -> {1}...", IsoInPath, IsoOutPath); IsoInFile.Stream.Slice().CopyToFile(IsoOutPath); Console.WriteLine("Ok ({0})", Stopwatch.Elapsed); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/isolist", () => { var IsoPath = Getopt.DequeueNext(); var IsoFile = IsoLoader.GetIso(IsoPath); var IsoFileSystem = new HleIoDriverIso(IsoFile); foreach (var FileName in IsoFileSystem.ListDirRecursive("/")) { var Stat = IsoFileSystem.GetStat(FileName); Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", FileName, Stat.Size); } //Console.Write("{0}", PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersionNumeric); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/isoextract", () => { var IsoPath = Getopt.DequeueNext(); var OutputPath = Getopt.DequeueNext(); var IsoFile = IsoLoader.GetIso(IsoPath); var IsoFileSystem = new HleIoDriverIso(IsoFile); foreach (var FileName in IsoFileSystem.ListDirRecursive("/")) { var Stat = IsoFileSystem.GetStat(FileName); var OutputFileName = OutputPath + "/" + FileName; Console.Write("{0} : {1}...", FileName, Stat.Size); if (!Stat.Attributes.HasFlag(Hle.Vfs.IOFileModes.Directory)) { var ParentDirectory = Directory.GetParent(OutputFileName).FullName; //Console.WriteLine(ParentDirectory); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(ParentDirectory); } catch { } using (var InputStream = IsoFileSystem.OpenRead(FileName)) { InputStream.CopyToFile(OutputFileName); } } Console.WriteLine("Ok"); } //Console.Write("{0}", PspGlobalConfiguration.CurrentVersionNumeric); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/decrypt", (string EncryptedFile) => { try { using (var EncryptedStream = File.OpenRead(EncryptedFile)) { var DecryptedFile = String.Format("{0}.decrypted", EncryptedFile); Console.Write("'{0}' -> '{1}'...", EncryptedFile, DecryptedFile); var EncryptedData = EncryptedStream.ReadAll(); var DecryptedData = new EncryptedPrx().Decrypt(EncryptedData); File.WriteAllBytes(DecryptedFile, DecryptedData); Console.WriteLine("Ok"); Environment.Exit(0); } } catch (Exception Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception); Environment.Exit(-1); } }); Getopt.AddRule("/gitrevision", () => { Console.Write("{0}", PspGlobalConfiguration.GitRevision); Environment.Exit(0); }); Getopt.AddRule("/associate", () => { try { Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".pbp").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".elf").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".prx").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".cso").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".dax").SetValue(null, "cspspemu.executable"); var Reg = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("cspspemu.executable"); Reg.SetValue(null, "PSP executable file (.elf, .pbp, .cso, .prx, .dax)"); Reg.SetValue("DefaultIcon", @"""" + ApplicationPaths.ExecutablePath + @""",0"); Reg.CreateSubKey("shell").CreateSubKey("open").CreateSubKey("command").SetValue(null, @"""" + ApplicationPaths.ExecutablePath + @""" ""%1"""); Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception); Environment.Exit(-1); } }); Getopt.AddRule("/viewout", () => { RunTestsViewOut = true; }); Getopt.AddRule("/timeout", (int seconds) => { RunTestsTimeout = seconds; }); Getopt.AddRule("/tests", () => { RunTests(RunTestsViewOut, Getopt.DequeueAllNext(), RunTestsTimeout); }); Getopt.AddRule((Name) => { FileToLoad = Name; }); } try { Getopt.Process(); } catch (Exception Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception); Environment.Exit(-1); } Logger.Info("Running ... plat:{0} ... int*:{1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64bit" : "32bit", sizeof(int*)); { var MonoRuntimeType = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime"); if (MonoRuntimeType != null) { var GetDisplayNameMethod = MonoRuntimeType.GetMethod("GetDisplayName", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (GetDisplayNameMethod != null) Console.WriteLine("Mono: {0}", GetDisplayNameMethod.Invoke(null, null)); } } Console.WriteLine("ImageRuntimeVersion: {0}", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ImageRuntimeVersion); #if !RELEASE try { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Console.SetWindowSize(160, 60); Console.SetBufferSize(160, 2000); } catch { } #endif /* foreach (var NI in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { if (NI.SupportsMulticast && NI.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) { var IPProperties = NI.GetIPProperties(); Console.WriteLine("[A]:{0}", NI.ToStringDefault()); foreach (var Item in IPProperties.DhcpServerAddresses) { Console.WriteLine("[B]:{0},{1}", Item.ToString(), Item.IsIPv6Multicast); } foreach (var Item in IPProperties.AnycastAddresses) { Console.WriteLine("[D]:{0}", Item.Address.ToString()); } foreach (var Item in IPProperties.MulticastAddresses) { Console.WriteLine("[E]:{0}", Item.Address.ToString()); } foreach (var Item in IPProperties.UnicastAddresses) { Console.WriteLine("[F]:{0}", Item.Address.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("[G]:{0}", NI.GetPhysicalAddress()); } else { Console.WriteLine("-"); } } */ using (var PspEmulator = new PspEmulator()) { //PspEmulator.UseFastMemory = true; var CodeBase = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var Base = Path.GetDirectoryName(CodeBase) + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CodeBase); foreach (var TryExtension in new[] { "iso", "cso", "elf", "pbp" }) { var TryIsoFile = Base + "." + TryExtension; //Console.WriteLine(TryIsoFile); //Console.ReadKey(); if (File.Exists(TryIsoFile)) { Platform.HideConsole(); PspEmulator.StartAndLoad(TryIsoFile, TraceSyscalls: false, ShowMenus: false); return; } } if (FileToLoad != null) { PspEmulator.StartAndLoad(FileToLoad, TraceSyscalls: false); } else { //StartWithoutArguments(PspEmulator); PspEmulator.Start(); } } }
public void ProcessArgs(string[] args) { CaptureExceptions(() => { #if false args = new[] { "-t=yaml" }; #endif var FileNames = new List<string>(); var CCompiler = new CCompiler(); CCompiler.SetTarget("cil"); if (args.Length == 0) { ShowHelp(); } var Getopt = new Getopt(args); { Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "--help", "-h", "-?" }, () => { ShowHelp(); }); Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "--target", "-t" }, (string Target) => { CCompiler.SetTarget(Target); }); Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "--version", "-v" }, () => { ShowVersion(); }); Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "-c" }, () => { CCompiler.CompileOnly = true; }); Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "--preprocess", "-E" }, () => { CCompiler.JustPreprocess = true; }); Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "--include_path", "-I" }, (string Path) => { CCompiler.AddIncludePath(Path); }); Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "--show_macros" }, () => { CCompiler.JustShowMacros = true; }); Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "-run" }, (string[] Left) => { CCompiler.ShouldRun = true; CCompiler.RunParameters = Left; }); Getopt.AddRule(new[] { "--show_targets" }, () => { ShowTargets(); }); Getopt.AddRule("", (string Name) => { FileNames.Add(Name); }); } Getopt.Process(); if (FileNames.Count == 0) { ShowHelp(); } CCompiler.CompileFiles(FileNames.ToArray()); }); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> public void Run(string[] args) { Getopt = new Getopt(args); CommandEntries = new List<CommandEntry>(); foreach (var Member in this.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)) { var DescriptionAttribute = Member.GetSingleAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>(); var ValuesAttribute = Member.GetSingleAttribute<ValuesAttribute>(); var CommandDefaultAttribute = Member.GetSingleAttribute<CommandDefaultAttribute>(); if (CommandDefaultAttribute != null) { if (Member is MethodInfo) { BindDefaultMethod(CommandDefaultAttribute, Member as MethodInfo); } } var CommandAttribute = Member.GetSingleAttribute<CommandAttribute>(); if (CommandAttribute != null) { var CommandEntry = new CommandEntry() { Aliases = CommandAttribute.Aliases, MemberInfo = Member, Examples = Member.GetAttribute<ExampleAttribute>().Select(Item => Item.Example).ToArray(), Description = (DescriptionAttribute != null) ? DescriptionAttribute.Description : "", Values = (ValuesAttribute != null) ? ValuesAttribute.Values : new object[0], }; CommandEntries.Add(CommandEntry); if (Member is MethodInfo) { BindMethod(CommandEntry); } else if (Member is FieldInfo) { BindField(CommandEntry); } else { throw(new NotImplementedException("Don't know how to handle type " + Member.GetType())); } } } try { Getopt.Process(); } catch (TargetInvocationException TargetInvocationException) { Console.Error.WriteLine(TargetInvocationException.InnerException); Environment.Exit(-1); } catch (Exception Exception) { //Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception.Message); Console.Error.WriteLine(Exception); Environment.Exit(-2); } if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Console.ReadKey(); } }