Exemple #1
        private void GenerateMethodBodies()
            ClrCodegen codegen = new ClrCodegen();

            MainFunc = FindMain();
Exemple #2
 private bool EmitBranchable(IRppNode expr, Label targetLabel, bool onTrue)
     ClrCodegen nestedCodegen = new ClrCodegen(_body, targetLabel, onTrue) {ClosureContext = ClosureContext};
     return nestedCodegen.Jumped;
Exemple #3
        public override void Visit(RppClosure node)
            // TODO actually we can use ast classes to create closure, RType with generic types
            // which already has generics manipulation so this is quite bad way of doing it
            TypeBuilder closureClass = _typeBuilder.DefineNestedType("c__Closure" + (_closureId++),
                TypeAttributes.AutoClass | TypeAttributes.AnsiClass | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate);

            var rppGenericParameters = node.ClosureType.GenericParameters.ToArray();
            string[] closureGenericArgumentsNames = rppGenericParameters.Select(arg => "T" + arg.Name).ToArray();
            GenericTypeParameterBuilder[] gpBuilders = {};
            if (closureGenericArgumentsNames.Length > 0)
                gpBuilders = closureClass.DefineGenericParameters(closureGenericArgumentsNames);
                for (int i = 0; i < gpBuilders.Length; i++)

            Type[] argTypes = node.Bindings.Select(p => p.Type.Value.NativeType).ToArray();
            Type parentType = node.Type.Value.NativeType;

            var capturedVars = CreateFieldsForCapturedVars(closureClass, node.CapturedVars);
            var capturedParams = CreateFieldsForCapturedParams(closureClass, node.CapturedParams);
            var capturedThis = node.Context.IsCaptureThis ? CreatedCapturedThis(closureClass) : null;
            Type returnType = node.ReturnType.Value.NativeType;

            // We need to create closure's own generic parameters because we can't reuse function's ones
                def myFunc[A] = {
                    val k = (x : A) = x

                will be expanded into
                class _Closure[_A] extends Function1[_A, _A]
                    def apply(x: _A) = x

                def myFunc[A] = {
                    val k: _Closure[A] = new _Closure[A]()

                So _Closure needs to have it's own generic parameter _A which will be substituted with A

                So we make an array with params:
                [T1, T2, ..., TRes] then find generic params, then define generic params for closure, then
                replace them with [_T1, _T2, ...., _TRes] (excluding non generic params)
            Type[] closureSignature = argTypes.Concat(returnType).ToArray();

            if (closureGenericArgumentsNames.Length > 0)
                var targetSignature = closureSignature.Select(t =>
                        if (t.IsGenericParameter)
                            Type closureGenericArgument = gpBuilders[t.GenericParameterPosition];
                            return closureGenericArgument;
                        return t;

                returnType = targetSignature.Last();
                argTypes = targetSignature.Take(targetSignature.Length - 1).ToArray();

                if (parentType.IsGenericType) // Parent is not generic if it's Action0
                    Type genericTypeDef = parentType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    if (returnType == typeof(void))
                        parentType = genericTypeDef.MakeGenericType(argTypes); // don't include 'void'
                        parentType = genericTypeDef.MakeGenericType(targetSignature);

            MethodBuilder applyMethod = closureClass.DefineMethod("apply",
                MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.Public,


            int index = 1;
            foreach (var param in node.Bindings)
                applyMethod.DefineParameter(index, ParameterAttributes.None, param.Name);
                param.Index = index++;

            ILGenerator body = applyMethod.GetILGenerator();
            ClrClosureContext closureContext = new ClrClosureContext
                CapturedVars = capturedVars,
                CapturedParams = capturedParams,
                CapturedThis = capturedThis
            ClrCodegen codegen = new ClrCodegen(body, closureContext);

            Type[] typeArguments = node.OriginalGenericArguments.Select(arg => arg.Type.NativeType).ToArray();
            Type specializedClosureClass = typeArguments.NonEmpty() ? closureClass.MakeGenericType(typeArguments) : closureClass;
            ConstructorInfo defaultClosureConstructor = closureClass.DefineDefaultConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public);

            if (closureGenericArgumentsNames.Length > 0)
                defaultClosureConstructor = TypeBuilder.GetConstructor(specializedClosureClass, defaultClosureConstructor);

            Debug.Assert(defaultClosureConstructor != null, "defaultClosureConstructor != null");
            _body.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, defaultClosureConstructor);
            LocalBuilder closureClassInstance = _body.DeclareLocal(specializedClosureClass);
            _body.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, closureClassInstance);

            // Initialize captured local vars
            capturedVars.ForEach(pair =>
                    _body.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, closureClassInstance);
                    LocalBuilder capturedVariable = pair.Key;
                    _body.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, capturedVariable);
                    FieldInfo field = pair.Value.Item1;
                    if (specializedClosureClass.IsGenericType)
                        field = TypeBuilder.GetField(specializedClosureClass, field);
                    _body.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, field);

            // Initialize captured this
            if (capturedThis != null)
                _body.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, closureClassInstance);
                _body.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, specializedClosureClass.IsGenericType ? TypeBuilder.GetField(specializedClosureClass, capturedThis) : capturedThis);

            // Initialize captured params
            capturedParams.ForEach(pair =>
                    _body.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, closureClassInstance);
                    int argIndex = pair.Key;
                    FieldInfo capturedParam = pair.Value;

                    capturedParam = specializedClosureClass.IsGenericType ? TypeBuilder.GetField(specializedClosureClass, capturedParam) : capturedParam;
                    _body.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, capturedParam);

            _body.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, closureClassInstance);
Exemple #4
        public override void Visit(RppFuncCall node)
            Console.WriteLine("Generating func call");
            // TODO we should keep references to functions by making another pass of code gen before
            // real code generation
            if (node.Name == "ctor()")
                ConstructorInfo constructor = typeof(object).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                Debug.Assert(constructor != null, "constructor != null");
                _body.Emit(OpCodes.Call, constructor);
                // TODO Probably makes more sense to make RppConstructorCall ast, instead of boolean
                RppMethodInfo rppMethodInfo = node.Function;
                if (node.IsConstructorCall)
                    node.Args.ForEach(arg => arg.Accept(this));
                    var constructor = rppMethodInfo.Native as ConstructorInfo;
                    _body.Emit(OpCodes.Call, constructor);
                    if (!_inSelector)
                        if (rppMethodInfo.IsStatic)
                            var instanceField = rppMethodInfo.DeclaringType.Fields.First(f => f.Name == "_instance");
                            _body.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, instanceField.Native);
                            if (node.IsFromClosure)
                                Debug.Assert(ClosureContext?.CapturedThis != null, "CapturedThis != null");
                                _body.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, ClosureContext.CapturedThis);
                                _body.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // load 'this'

                    // Create own code generator for arguments because they can have RppSelectors which may interfer with already existing RppSelector
                    // myField.CallFunc(anotherInstanceFunc()) would set _inSelector to true and no 'this' will be loaded
                    ClrCodegen codegen = new ClrCodegen(_typeBuilder, _body) {ClosureContext = ClosureContext};
                    node.Args.ForEach(arg => arg.Accept(codegen));

                    MethodInfo method = rppMethodInfo.Native as MethodInfo;

                    if (method == null) // This is a stub, so generate code for it

                    Debug.Assert(method != null, "method != null");

                    if (method.IsGenericMethod)
                        Type[] methodTypeArgs = node.TypeArgs.Select(t => t.Value.NativeType).ToArray();
                        if (methodTypeArgs.Length != 0)
                            method = method.MakeGenericMethod(methodTypeArgs);

                    _body.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, method);