private void btnZipRecurse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //Consult the zip32 limits provided in the documentation

            textBox1.Text = string.Empty;
            textBox2.Text = string.Empty;

            //Instantiate the Zip object
            m_ZipObj = new Zip();

            //WORK AROUND:
            //The InfoZip documentation states that the zip32.dll can recurse directories if the -r or -R flag is specified.
            //In code this is specified by setting the fRecurse flag of the ZPOPT structure to 1 (-r) or 2 (-R).
            //However, in my test, when I specified either of the recurse flags I frequently received errors coming
            //back from the ZpArchive function.  My work around is to recurse the specified directories and prepare
            //an array of file names and pass that array to zip32.  Everything seems to work OK if I do this.

            //If you want to try the recurse option, below is an example of how to do it.

            //			string [] files = new string[1];
            //			//NOTE:
            //			//Change this to whatever is appropriate
            //			System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(@"C:\TmpTest");
            //			//Specify the file mask you want to use.  Consult the zip32.dll documentation for the
            //			//-r and -R options
            //			files[0] = @"*.*";
            //			m_ZipObj.FilesToZip = files;
            //			m_ZipObj.Recurse = RecurseEnum.Level2;
            //			m_ZipObj.Verbose = VerboseMessagesEnum.True;
            //			m_ZipObj.Level = CompressionLevelEnum.Level6;
            //			//NOTE:
            //			//File name of the resulting zip file.  Change this as appropriate
            //			m_ZipObj.ZipFileName = @"c:\tmp\zip\";
            //			//Wire the event handlers to receive the events from the Zip class
            //			m_ZipObj.ReceivePrintMessage +=new ZipDLLPrintMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceivePrintMessage);
            //			m_ZipObj.ReceiveServiceMessage +=new ZipDLLServiceMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceiveServiceMessage);
            //			btnStop.Enabled = true;
            //			//Zip the files
            //			int ret = m_ZipObj.ZipFiles();
            //			//Examine the return code
            //			MessageBox.Show("Done. Ret: " + ret.ToString());

            //Prepare an array of all the files in the directory

            //Change this to whatever is appropriate
            string root = @"C:\Tmp\TestZip";

            ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();
            RecurseGetDirsAndFiles(root, fileList);

            //Build the files array.  Practically, the .NET limit here is your RAM
            string [] files = new string[fileList.Count];
            int idx = 0;

            IEnumerator en = fileList.GetEnumerator();
            while ( en.MoveNext() )
                files[idx] = en.Current.ToString();

            //Set the Zip object properties
            m_ZipObj.FilesToZip = files;
            m_ZipObj.Verbose = VerboseMessagesEnum.True;
            m_ZipObj.Level = CompressionLevelEnum.Level6;

            //This is optional.  This is how to add a comment
            m_ZipObj.Comment = "Test Comment";
            m_ZipObj.CommentOption = CommentEnum.True;

            //File name of the resulting zip file.  Change this as appropriate
            m_ZipObj.ZipFileName = @"c:\tmp\zip\";

            //Wire the event handlers to receive the events from the Zip class
            m_ZipObj.ReceivePrintMessage +=new ZipDLLPrintMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceivePrintMessage);
            m_ZipObj.ReceiveServiceMessage +=new ZipDLLServiceMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceiveServiceMessage);

            btnStop.Enabled = true;

            //Zip the files
            int ret = m_ZipObj.ZipFiles();

            //Examine the return code
            MessageBox.Show("Done. Ret: " + ret.ToString());
        private void btnSimpleZip_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            textBox1.Text = string.Empty;
            textBox2.Text = string.Empty;

            //Set up the files array
            string [] files = new string[2];

            //Change these file names to whatever is appropriate
            //on your system
            files[0] = @"c:\tmp\testzipfile1.rtf";
            files[1] = @"c:\tmp\testzipfile2.rtf";

            //Instantiate the Zip object
            m_ZipObj = new Zip();

            //Set the Zip object properties
            m_ZipObj.FilesToZip = files;
            m_ZipObj.Verbose = VerboseMessagesEnum.True;
            m_ZipObj.Level = CompressionLevelEnum.Level6;

            //This is optional.  This is how to add a comment
            m_ZipObj.Comment = "Test Comment";
            m_ZipObj.CommentOption = CommentEnum.True;

            //File name of the resulting zip file.  Change this as appropriate
            m_ZipObj.ZipFileName = @"c:\tmp\zip\";

            //Wire the event handlers to receive the events from the Zip class
            m_ZipObj.ReceivePrintMessage +=new ZipDLLPrintMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceivePrintMessage);
            m_ZipObj.ReceiveServiceMessage +=new ZipDLLServiceMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceiveServiceMessage);

            btnStop.Enabled = true;

            //Zip the files
            int ret = m_ZipObj.ZipFiles();

            //Examine the return code
            MessageBox.Show("Done.  Return Code: " + ret.ToString());
Exemple #3
        private void btnZipRecurse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //Consult the zip32 limits provided in the documentation

            textBox1.Text = string.Empty;
            textBox2.Text = string.Empty;

            //Instantiate the Zip object
            m_ZipObj = new Zip();

            //WORK AROUND:
            //The InfoZip documentation states that the zip32.dll can recurse directories if the -r or -R flag is specified.
            //In code this is specified by setting the fRecurse flag of the ZPOPT structure to 1 (-r) or 2 (-R).
            //However, in my test, when I specified either of the recurse flags I frequently received errors coming
            //back from the ZpArchive function.  My work around is to recurse the specified directories and prepare
            //an array of file names and pass that array to zip32.  Everything seems to work OK if I do this.

            //If you want to try the recurse option, below is an example of how to do it.

//			string [] files = new string[1];
//			//NOTE:
//			//Change this to whatever is appropriate
//			System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(@"C:\TmpTest");
//			//Specify the file mask you want to use.  Consult the zip32.dll documentation for the
//			//-r and -R options
//			files[0] = @"*.*";
//			m_ZipObj.FilesToZip = files;
//			m_ZipObj.Recurse = RecurseEnum.Level2;
//			m_ZipObj.Verbose = VerboseMessagesEnum.True;
//			m_ZipObj.Level = CompressionLevelEnum.Level6;
//			//NOTE:
//			//File name of the resulting zip file.  Change this as appropriate
//			m_ZipObj.ZipFileName = @"c:\tmp\zip\";
//			//Wire the event handlers to receive the events from the Zip class
//			m_ZipObj.ReceivePrintMessage +=new ZipDLLPrintMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceivePrintMessage);
//			m_ZipObj.ReceiveServiceMessage +=new ZipDLLServiceMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceiveServiceMessage);
//			btnStop.Enabled = true;
//			//Zip the files
//			int ret = m_ZipObj.ZipFiles();
//			//Examine the return code
//			MessageBox.Show("Done. Ret: " + ret.ToString());

            //Prepare an array of all the files in the directory

            //Change this to whatever is appropriate
            string root = @"C:\Tmp\TestZip";

            ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();

            RecurseGetDirsAndFiles(root, fileList);

            //Build the files array.  Practically, the .NET limit here is your RAM
            string [] files = new string[fileList.Count];
            int       idx   = 0;

            IEnumerator en = fileList.GetEnumerator();

            while (en.MoveNext())
                files[idx] = en.Current.ToString();

            //Set the Zip object properties
            m_ZipObj.FilesToZip = files;
            m_ZipObj.Verbose    = VerboseMessagesEnum.True;
            m_ZipObj.Level      = CompressionLevelEnum.Level6;

            //This is optional.  This is how to add a comment
            m_ZipObj.Comment       = "Test Comment";
            m_ZipObj.CommentOption = CommentEnum.True;

            //File name of the resulting zip file.  Change this as appropriate
            m_ZipObj.ZipFileName = @"c:\tmp\zip\";

            //Wire the event handlers to receive the events from the Zip class
            m_ZipObj.ReceivePrintMessage   += new ZipDLLPrintMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceivePrintMessage);
            m_ZipObj.ReceiveServiceMessage += new ZipDLLServiceMessageEventHandler(zipObj_ReceiveServiceMessage);

            btnStop.Enabled = true;

            //Zip the files
            int ret = m_ZipObj.ZipFiles();

            //Examine the return code
            MessageBox.Show("Done. Ret: " + ret.ToString());