UnitInfo[] GetClosestUnits(Hashtable UnitDefListByDeployedId, Float3 targetpos, int numclosestunits)
            UnitInfo[] closestunits = new UnitInfo[numclosestunits];
            double     worsttopfivesquareddistance = 0; // got to get better than this to enter the list
            int        numclosestunitsfound        = 0;

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in UnitDefListByDeployedId)
                int      deployedid          = (int)de.Key;
                IUnitDef unitdef             = de.Value as IUnitDef;
                Float3   unitpos             = aicallback.GetUnitPos(deployedid);
                double   unitsquareddistance = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(unitpos, targetpos);
                if (numclosestunitsfound < numclosestunits)
                    UnitInfo unitinfo = new UnitInfo(deployedid, unitpos, unitdef, unitsquareddistance);
                    InsertIntoArray(closestunits, unitinfo, numclosestunitsfound);
                    worsttopfivesquareddistance = closestunits[numclosestunitsfound - 1].squareddistance;
                else if (unitsquareddistance < worsttopfivesquareddistance)
                    UnitInfo unitinfo = new UnitInfo(deployedid, unitpos, unitdef, unitsquareddistance);
                    InsertIntoArray(closestunits, unitinfo, numclosestunits);
                    worsttopfivesquareddistance = closestunits[numclosestunits - 1].squareddistance;
        void Recoordinate()
            if (!started)

            // first we scan the list to find the 5 closest units to target, in order
            // next we measure distance of first unit from 5th
            // if distance is less than MaxPackDiameter, we move in
            // otherwise 5th unit holds, and we move units to position of 5th unit
            // pack must have at least 5 units, otherwise we call AttackPackDead event

            if (!CheckIfPackAlive())

            UnitInfo[] closestunits        = GetClosestUnits(UnitDefListByDeployedId, targetpos, 5);
            Float3     packheadpos         = closestunits[0].pos;
            Float3     packtailpos         = closestunits[MinPackSize - 1].pos;
            double     packsquareddiameter = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(packheadpos, packtailpos);

            // logfile.WriteLine( "AttackPackCoordinator packheadpos " + packheadpos.ToString() + " packtailpos " + packtailpos.ToString() + " packsquareddiamter " + packsquareddiameter );
            if (packsquareddiameter < (MaxPackDiameter * MaxPackDiameter))
                Regroup(closestunits[(MinPackSize / 2)].pos);
Exemple #3
        public void Tick()
            double squaredvisibilitydistance = 40 * 40;

            if (itickcount > 30)
                itickcount = 0;
                //logfile.WriteLine("EnemyController running static enemy clean" );
                foreach (DictionaryEntry de in unitcontroller.UnitDefByDeployedId)
                    int          unitid         = (int)de.Key;
                    Float3       thispos        = aicallback.GetUnitPos(unitid);
                    IntArrayList enemiestoclean = new IntArrayList();
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry enemyde in EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId)
                        int    enemyid = (int)enemyde.Key;
                        Float3 pos     = enemyde.Value as Float3;
                        if (Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(pos, thispos) < squaredvisibilitydistance)
                    foreach (int enemyidtoclean in enemiestoclean)
                if (autoshowenemies)
Exemple #4
 public Float3 GetNearestMetalSpot(Float3 mypos)
     if (!isMetalMap)
         double    closestdistancesquared = 1000000000000;
         Float3    bestpos  = null;
         MetalSpot bestspot = null;
         foreach (MetalSpot metalspot in MetalSpots)
             if (!MetalSpotsUsed.Contains(metalspot))
                 if (bestpos == null)
                     bestpos = metalspot.Pos;
                 double thisdistancesquared = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(mypos, metalspot.Pos);
                 //logfile.WriteLine( "thisdistancesquared = " + thisdistancesquared + " closestdistancesquared= " + closestdistancesquared );
                 if (thisdistancesquared < closestdistancesquared)
                     closestdistancesquared = thisdistancesquared;
                     bestpos  = metalspot.Pos;
                     bestspot = metalspot;
         return(mypos); // if metal map just return passed-in pos
Exemple #5
        // cheap hack to respond to enemy shooting us
        void csai_UnitDamagedEvent(int damaged, int attacker, float damage, Float3 dir)
             * if (!EnemyUnitDefByDeployedId.ContainsKey(attacker))
             * {
             *  EnemyUnitDefByDeployedId.Add(attacker, aicallback.GetUnitDef(attacker));
             * }
            //if (!EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId.ContainsKey(attacker))
            Float3 enemypos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(attacker);

            if (enemypos != null &&
                Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(enemypos, new Float3(0, 0, 0)) > 10 * 10)
                logfile.WriteLine("unitdamaged, attacker " + attacker + " pos " + enemypos);
                if (!EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId.ContainsKey(attacker))
                    EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId.Add(attacker, enemypos);
                    EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId[attacker] = enemypos;
                if (NewStaticEnemyAddedEvent != null)
                    NewStaticEnemyAddedEvent(attacker, enemypos, null);
            else // else we guess...
                if (FriendlyUnitPositionObserver.GetInstance().PosById.ContainsKey(damaged))
                    Float3 ourunitpos = FriendlyUnitPositionObserver.GetInstance().PosById[damaged];
                    if (ourunitpos != null)
                        Float3 guessvectortotarget = dir * 300.0;
                        logfile.WriteLine("vectortotarget guess: " + guessvectortotarget.ToString());
                        Float3 possiblepos = ourunitpos + guessvectortotarget;

                        if (!EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId.ContainsKey(attacker))
                            EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId.Add(attacker, possiblepos);
                            EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId[attacker] = possiblepos;

                        if (NewStaticEnemyAddedEvent != null)
                            NewStaticEnemyAddedEvent(attacker, possiblepos, null);
                        logfile.WriteLine("unitdamaged, attacker " + attacker + " our unit pos " + ourunitpos + " dir " + dir.ToString() + " guess: " + possiblepos.ToString());
Exemple #6
        bool DoReclaim(int constructorid)
            if (totalticks == 0) // check ticks first, beacuse metal shows as zero at start
            IUnitDef     unitdef      = UnitDefByUnitId[constructorid] as IUnitDef;
            Float3       mypos        = aicallback.GetUnitPos(constructorid);
            MovementMaps movementmaps = MovementMaps.GetInstance();
            int          currentarea  = movementmaps.GetArea(unitdef, mypos);
            //double nearestreclaimdistancesquared = 1000000;
            //Float3 nearestreclaimpos = null;
            double bestmetaldistanceratio = 0;
            int    bestreclaimid          = 0;
            int    metalspace             = (int)(aicallback.GetMetalStorage() - aicallback.GetMetal());

            logfile.WriteLine("available space in metal storage: " + metalspace);
            int[] nearbyfeatures = aicallback.GetFeatures(mypos, maxreclaimradius);
            bool  reclaimfound   = false;

            foreach (int feature in nearbyfeatures)
                IFeatureDef featuredef = aicallback.GetFeatureDef(feature);
                if (featuredef.metal > 0 && featuredef.metal <= metalspace)
                    Float3 thisfeaturepos         = aicallback.GetFeaturePos(feature);
                    double thisdistance           = Math.Sqrt(Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(thisfeaturepos, mypos));
                    double thismetaldistanceratio = featuredef.metal / thisdistance;
                    if (thismetaldistanceratio > bestmetaldistanceratio && movementmaps.GetArea(unitdef, thisfeaturepos) == currentarea)
                        logfile.WriteLine("Potential reclaim, distance = " + thisdistance + " metal = " + featuredef.metal + " ratio = " + thismetaldistanceratio);
                        bestmetaldistanceratio = thismetaldistanceratio;
                        bestreclaimid          = feature;
                        //         nearestreclaimpo
                        reclaimfound = true;
            if (reclaimfound && (bestmetaldistanceratio > (1.0 / (100 * reclaimradiusperonehundredmetal))))
                Float3 reclaimpos = aicallback.GetFeaturePos(bestreclaimid);
                logfile.WriteLine("Reclaim found, pos " + reclaimpos.ToString());
                if (csai.DebugOn)
                    aicallback.DrawUnit("ARMMEX", reclaimpos, 0.0f, 200, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
                aicallback.GiveOrder(constructorid, new Command(Command.CMD_RECLAIM,
                                                                new double[] { reclaimpos.x, reclaimpos.y, reclaimpos.z, 10 }));
                logfile.WriteLine("No reclaim within parameters");
Exemple #7
 public bool NeedRadarAt(Float3 pos)
     // scan through all radars and check if we are within two thirds of its range or not.  If yes we return false (not need radar)
     // if not , we return true (need radar)
     foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Radars)
         Radar radar = de.Value as Radar;
         if (Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(radar.Pos, pos) < (radar.radius * radar.radius * 4 / 9))
 void csai_UnitCreatedEvent(int deployedunitid, IUnitDef unitdef)
     foreach (Order order in orders)
         if (order.orderedunit.id == unitdef.id)
             Float3 createdunitpos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(deployedunitid);
             if (Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(createdunitpos, order.pos) < maxdistanceconsideredsame * maxdistanceconsideredsame)
                 order.unitdeployedid = deployedunitid;
                 order.factorycontroller.UnitCreated(order, deployedunitid);
Exemple #9
        public void Tick()
            double squaredvisibilitydistance = 40 * 40;

            if (itickcount > 30)
                itickcount = 0;

                 * foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Float3> kvp in EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId)
                 * {
                 *  int enemyid = kvp.Key;
                 *  Float3 pos = kvp.Value;
                 *  if (aicallback.GetCurrentFrame() - LosMap.GetInstance().LastSeenFrameCount[pos.x / 16, pos.z / 16] < 30)
                 *  {
                 *  }
                 * }
                //logfile.WriteLine("EnemyController running static enemy clean" );
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IUnitDef> keyvaluepair in unitcontroller.UnitDefByDeployedId)
                    int          unitid = keyvaluepair.Key;
                    IUnitDef     thisfriendlyunitdef = keyvaluepair.Value;
                    Float3       thispos             = aicallback.GetUnitPos(unitid);
                    IntArrayList enemiestoclean      = new IntArrayList();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Float3> kvp in EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId)
                        int    enemyid = kvp.Key;
                        Float3 pos     = kvp.Value;
                        if (Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(pos, thispos) < thisfriendlyunitdef.losRadius * thisfriendlyunitdef.losRadius * 16 * 16)
                    foreach (int enemyidtoclean in enemiestoclean)
                if (csai.DebugOn)
        void Recoordinate()
            if (!activated)

            if (restartedfrompause || Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(targetpos, lasttargetpos) > (20 * 20))
                foreach (int deployedid in UnitDefListByDeployedId.Keys)
                    //int deployedid = (int)de.Key;
                    //IUnitDef unitdef = de.Value as IUnitDef;
                lasttargetpos = targetpos;
 void MoveTo(Float3 pos)
     // check whether we really need to do anything or if order is roughly same as last one
     if (csai.DebugOn)
         aicallback.DrawUnit("ARMSOLAR", pos, 0.0f, 50, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
     if (restartedfrompause || Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(pos, lasttargetpos) > (movetothreshold * movetothreshold))
         foreach (DictionaryEntry de in UnitDefListByDeployedId)
             int      deployedid = (int)de.Key;
             IUnitDef unitdef    = de.Value as IUnitDef;
             aicallback.GiveOrder(deployedid, new Command(Command.CMD_MOVE, pos.ToDoubleArray()));
         restartedfrompause = false;
         lasttargetpos      = pos;
Exemple #12
        void DoIncrementalRefreshes()
            //  logfile.WriteLine( "LosMap start incrementalrefreshes" );
            int numupdates = 0;
            int thresholddistancesquared = distancethresholdforunitupdate * distancethresholdforunitupdate;

            foreach (object mobileidobject in friendlyunitpositionobserver.MobileUnitIds)
                int    id              = (int)mobileidobject;
                Float3 currentpos      = friendlyunitpositionobserver.PosById[id] as Float3;
                Float3 lastpos         = PosAtLastRefreshByUnitId[id] as Float3;
                double distancesquared = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(lastpos, currentpos);
                if (distancesquared > thresholddistancesquared)
                    UpdateLosForUnit(id, unitcontroller.UnitDefByDeployedId[id] as IUnitDef);
            //   logfile.WriteLine( "LosMap end incrementalrefreshes, " + numupdates + " units refreshed" );
Exemple #13
        void Recoordinate()
            if (!started)

            // first we scan the list to find the 5 closest units to target, in order
            // next we measure distance of first unit from 5th
            // if distance is less than MaxPackDiameter, we move in
            // otherwise 5th unit holds, and we move units to position of 5th unit
            // pack must have at least 5 units, otherwise we call AttackPackDead event

            if (!CheckIfPackAlive())

            int packsize = Math.Min(MaxPackToConsider, UnitDefListByDeployedId.Count);

            UnitInfo[] closestunits        = GetClosestUnits(UnitDefListByDeployedId, targetpos, packsize);
            Float3     packheadpos         = closestunits[0].pos;
            Float3     packtailpos         = closestunits[packsize - 1].pos;
            double     packsquareddiameter = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(packheadpos, packtailpos);

            csai.DebugSay("packsize: " + packsize + " packdiameter: " + Math.Sqrt(packsquareddiameter));
            // logfile.WriteLine( "AttackPackCoordinator packheadpos " + packheadpos.ToString() + " packtailpos " + packtailpos.ToString() + " packsquareddiamter " + packsquareddiameter );
            if ((regrouping && (packsquareddiameter < (MaxPackDiameterInnerThreshold * MaxPackDiameterInnerThreshold))) ||
                (!regrouping && (packsquareddiameter < (MaxPackDiameterOuterThreshold * MaxPackDiameterOuterThreshold))))
                regrouping = false;
                regrouping = true;
                Regroup(closestunits[(packsize / 2)].pos);
Exemple #14
 public void UnitAdded(int deployedid, IUnitDef unitdef)
     if (!isMetalMap)
         if (!Extractors.Contains(deployedid) && unitdefhelp.IsMex(unitdef))
             Float3 mexpos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(deployedid);
             logfile.WriteLine("Metal.UnitAdded, pos " + mexpos.ToString());
             Extractors.Add(deployedid, mexpos);
             double squareextractorradius = ExtractorRadius * ExtractorRadius;
             foreach (MetalSpot metalspot in MetalSpots)
                 double thisdistancesquared = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(metalspot.Pos, mexpos);
                 //   logfile.WriteLine( "squareextractorradius: " + squareextractorradius + " thisdistancesquared: " + thisdistancesquared );
                 if (thisdistancesquared <= squareextractorradius)
                     logfile.WriteLine("Marking metal spot used: " + metalspot.Pos.ToString());
Exemple #15
        void OfferAssistance(int constructorid)
            int    bestconstructor     = 0;
            double bestsquareddistance = 1000000000;
            Float3 ourpos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(constructorid);

            foreach (int activeconstructor in ActiveConstructors)
                Float3 constructorpos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(activeconstructor);
                if (constructorpos != null)
                    double thissquareddistance = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(ourpos, constructorpos);
                    if (thissquareddistance < bestsquareddistance)
                        bestconstructor     = activeconstructor;
                        bestsquareddistance = thissquareddistance;
            if (bestconstructor != 0)
                logfile.WriteLine("unit to assist should be " + bestconstructor);
                if (!AssistingConstructors.ContainsKey(constructorid))
                    logfile.WriteLine("assisting " + bestconstructor);
                    GiveOrderWrapper.GetInstance().Guard(constructorid, bestconstructor);
                    AssistingConstructors.Add(constructorid, bestconstructor);
                else if (AssistingConstructors[constructorid] != bestconstructor)
                    logfile.WriteLine("assisting " + bestconstructor);
                    GiveOrderWrapper.GetInstance().Guard(constructorid, bestconstructor);
                    AssistingConstructors[constructorid] = bestconstructor;
Exemple #16
 public void UnitRemoved(int deployedid)
     if (!isMetalMap)
         if (Extractors.Contains(deployedid))
             Float3 mexpos = Extractors[deployedid] as Float3;
             logfile.WriteLine("Metal.UnitRemoved, pos " + mexpos.ToString());
             double squareextractorradius = ExtractorRadius * ExtractorRadius;
             foreach (MetalSpot metalspot in MetalSpots)
                 if (Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(metalspot.Pos, mexpos) < squareextractorradius)
                     if (MetalSpotsUsed.Contains(metalspot))
                         logfile.WriteLine("Marking metal spot free: " + metalspot.Pos.ToString());
        // this is going to have to interact with all sorts of stuff in the future
        // for now keep it simple
        // for now we look for nearby buildings, then nearby enemy units with low speed, then anything
        public Float3 ChooseAttackPoint(Float3 ourpos)
            bool   gotbuilding         = false;
            bool   gotknownunit        = false;
            double BestSquaredDistance = 100000000000;

            int      bestid       = 0;
            IUnitDef defforbestid = null;
            Float3   posforbestid = null;

            //   logfile.WriteLine( "EnemySelector: checking mobile... " );
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IUnitDef> kvp in enemycontroller.EnemyUnitDefByDeployedId)
                int      thisenemyid = kvp.Key;
                IUnitDef unitdef     = kvp.Value;
                Float3   enemypos    = aicallback.GetUnitPos(thisenemyid);
                //Float3 enemypos = EnemyMap.GetInstance().
                // logfile.WriteLine( "Found building " +
                if (MovementMaps.GetInstance().GetArea(typicalunitdef, enemypos) == startarea)
                    if (Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(new Float3(0, 0, 0), enemypos) > 1)
                        double thissquareddistance = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(ourpos, enemypos);
                        //   logfile.WriteLine( "EnemySelector: Potential enemy at " + enemypos.ToString() + " squareddistance: " + thissquareddistance );
                        if (unitdef != null)
                            //   logfile.WriteLine( "unitdef not null " + unitdef.humanName + " ismobile: " + unitdefhelp.IsMobile( unitdef ).ToString() );
                            //   logfile.WriteLine( "gotbuilding = " + gotbuilding.ToString() );
                            if (gotbuilding)
                                if (!unitdefhelp.IsMobile(unitdef))
                                    if (thissquareddistance < BestSquaredDistance)
                                        //  logfile.WriteLine( "best building so far" );
                                        bestid              = thisenemyid;
                                        gotbuilding         = true;
                                        gotknownunit        = true;
                                        posforbestid        = enemypos;
                                        defforbestid        = unitdef;
                                        BestSquaredDistance = thissquareddistance;
                                if (unitdef.speed < maxenemyspeed) // if we already have building we dont care
                                    if (thissquareddistance < BestSquaredDistance)
                                        //    logfile.WriteLine( "best known so far" );
                                        bestid              = thisenemyid;
                                        gotknownunit        = true;
                                        posforbestid        = enemypos;
                                        defforbestid        = unitdef;
                                        BestSquaredDistance = thissquareddistance;
                        else // if unitdef unknown
                            //  logfile.WriteLine( "gotknownunit = " + gotknownunit.ToString() );
                            if (!gotknownunit) // otherwise just ignore unknown units
                                if (thissquareddistance < BestSquaredDistance)
                                    //    logfile.WriteLine( "best unknown so far" );
                                    bestid              = thisenemyid;
                                    posforbestid        = enemypos;
                                    defforbestid        = unitdef;
                                    BestSquaredDistance = thissquareddistance;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Float3> kvp in enemycontroller.EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId)
                //  logfile.WriteLine( "EnemySelector: checking static... " );
                int    thisenemyid         = kvp.Key;
                Float3 enemypos            = kvp.Value;
                double thissquareddistance = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(ourpos, enemypos);
                //  logfile.WriteLine( "EnemySelector: Potential enemy at " + enemypos.ToString() + " squareddistance: " + thissquareddistance );
                if (thissquareddistance < BestSquaredDistance)
                    //   logfile.WriteLine( "EnemySelector: best distance so far" );
                    bestid       = thisenemyid;
                    gotbuilding  = true;
                    gotknownunit = true;
                    posforbestid = enemypos;
                    //defforbestid = unitdef;

            //if( enemycontroller.EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId.Contains( bestid ) )
            // {
            //     enemycontroller.EnemyStaticPosByDeployedId.Remove( bestid );
            // }

Exemple #18
        void Reappraise()
            //  logfile.WriteLine("reappraise>>>");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IUnitDef> scoutkvp in ScoutUnitDefsById)
                int    scoutdeployedid = scoutkvp.Key;
                Float3 scoutpos        = aicallback.GetUnitPos(scoutdeployedid);

                Float3 nearestpos          = null;
                double bestsquareddistance = 100000000;
                int    targetid            = 0;
                // need to add index by position for this, to speed things up
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IUnitDef> enemykvp in EnemyController.GetInstance().EnemyUnitDefByDeployedId)
                    int      deployedid = enemykvp.Key;
                    IUnitDef unitdef    = enemykvp.Value;
                    if (unitdef != null)
                        if (IsPriorityTarget(unitdef))
                            logfile.WriteLine("considering unit " + deployedid + " " + unitdef.name);
                            Float3 thispos             = aicallback.GetUnitPos(deployedid);
                            double thissquareddistance = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(scoutpos, thispos);
                            if (thissquareddistance < bestsquareddistance)
                                bool nolasertowersnear = true;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IUnitDef> attackerkvp in EnemyController.GetInstance().EnemyUnitDefByDeployedId)
                                    int      attackerid      = attackerkvp.Key;
                                    IUnitDef attackerunitdef = attackerkvp.Value;
                                    if (attackerunitdef != null)
                                        if (IsLaserTower(attackerunitdef))
                                            Float3 attackerpos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(attackerid);
                                            if (Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(attackerpos, thispos) < nearbyforenemiesmeans * nearbyforenemiesmeans)
                                                nolasertowersnear = false;
                                if (nolasertowersnear)
                                    nearestpos          = thispos;
                                    bestsquareddistance = thissquareddistance;
                                    targetid            = deployedid;
                if (nearestpos != null)
                    GiveOrderWrapper.GetInstance().Attack(scoutdeployedid, targetid);
                    if (!attackingscouts.Contains(scoutdeployedid))
                    if (attackingscouts.Contains(scoutdeployedid))
            //     logfile.WriteLine("reappraise<<<");
Exemple #19
        void Reappraise()
            foreach (DictionaryEntry scoutde in ScoutUnitDefsById)
                int    scoutdeployedid = (int)scoutde.Key;
                Float3 scoutpos        = aicallback.GetUnitPos(scoutdeployedid);

                Float3 nearestpos          = null;
                double bestsquareddistance = 100000000;
                int    targetid            = 0;
                // need to add index by position for this, to speed things up
                foreach (DictionaryEntry de in EnemyController.GetInstance().EnemyUnitDefByDeployedId)
                    int      deployedid = (int)de.Key;
                    IUnitDef unitdef    = de.Value as IUnitDef;
                    if (unitdef != null)
                        Float3 thispos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(deployedid);
                        if (IsPriorityTarget(unitdef))
                            double thissquareddistance = Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(scoutpos, thispos);
                            if (thissquareddistance < bestsquareddistance)
                                bool nolasertowersnear = true;
                                foreach (DictionaryEntry attackerde in EnemyController.GetInstance().EnemyUnitDefByDeployedId)
                                    int      attackerid      = (int)attackerde.Key;
                                    IUnitDef attackerunitdef = attackerde.Value as IUnitDef;
                                    if (attackerunitdef != null)
                                        if (IsLaserTower(attackerunitdef))
                                            Float3 attackerpos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(attackerid);
                                            if (Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(attackerpos, thispos) < nearbyforenemiesmeans * nearbyforenemiesmeans)
                                                nolasertowersnear = false;
                                if (nolasertowersnear)
                                    nearestpos          = thispos;
                                    bestsquareddistance = thissquareddistance;
                                    targetid            = deployedid;
                if (nearestpos != null)
                    aicallback.GiveOrder(scoutdeployedid, new Command(Command.CMD_ATTACK, new double[] { targetid }));
                    if (!attackingscouts.Contains(scoutdeployedid))
                    if (attackingscouts.Contains(scoutdeployedid))