protected override void RenderModel() { if (VBO.FastRenderPass) { return; } GameClass.NumOfObjects++; GL.Disable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.DepthMask(false); // ei kirjoiteta z-bufferiin GLExt.SetLighting(false); GLExt.PushMatrix(); GLExt.ModelViewMatrix.Row3.X = GLExt.ModelViewMatrix.Row3.Y = GLExt.ModelViewMatrix.Row3.Z = 0; GLExt.Scale(10, 10, 10); for (int q = 0; q < 6; q++) { OgreMesh m = skyboxSides[q]; m.Material.SetMaterial(); m.Vbo.Render(); } GLExt.PopMatrix(); GLExt.SetLighting(true); GL.DepthMask(true); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); }
/// <summary> /// renderoi yhden billboardin. /// </summary> public void RenderBillboard(float x, float y, float z, float zrot, float size, bool blend) { billBoard.Bind(0); GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); if (blend) { GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); } GLExt.PushMatrix(); { GLExt.Translate(x, y, z); size *= 0.1f; GLExt.Scale(size, size, size); GLExt.RotateZ(zrot); Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.Identity; matrix.Row3 = GLExt.ModelViewMatrix.Row3; GLExt.ModelViewMatrix = matrix; GLExt.SetLighting(false); billBoard.Vbo.Render(); GLExt.SetLighting(true); } GLExt.PopMatrix(); if (blend) { GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); } }
/// <summary> /// laskee joka objektin paikan ja ottaa sen talteen joko Matrix tai WMatrix taulukkoon /// </summary> /// <param name="getWMatrix"></param> public void CalcPositions(bool getWMatrix) { GLExt.PushMatrix(); foreach (Node o in Childs) { if (o == this) { continue; } GLExt.PushMatrix(); if (getWMatrix) { o.Translate(o); o.WorldMatrix = GLExt.ModelViewMatrix; } else { o.Translate(null); o.Matrix = GLExt.ModelViewMatrix; } if (o.Childs.Count > 0) { o.CalcPositions(getWMatrix); } GLExt.PopMatrix(); } GLExt.PopMatrix(); }
public void Draw(int x, int y, float z, float rotate, float sx, float sy, bool blend) { if (Vbo == null) { CreateVBO(false); } Bind(0); GLExt.PushMatrix(); { GLExt.Translate(x, y, z); GLExt.RotateZ(rotate); GLExt.Scale(sx, sy, 1); if (blend) { GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); Vbo.Render(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); } else { Vbo.Render(); } } GLExt.PopMatrix(); }
/// <summary> /// lasketaan objektien paikka ja lisätään näkyvät objektit listoihin, sitten renderoidaan näkyvät. /// </summary> public virtual void Render() { Frustum.CalculateFrustum(); visibleObjects.Clear(); transparentObjects.Clear(); GLExt.PushMatrix(); // lasketaan kaikkien objektien paikat valmiiksi. // näkyvät objektit asetetaan visible ja transparent listoihin CalculatePositions(); // renderointi foreach (Renderable o in visibleObjects) { o.RenderModel(); } foreach (SortedList_Model o in transparentObjects) { Model m = o.model; m.RenderModel(); } Texture.UnBind(Settings.COLOR_TEXUNIT); GLExt.PopMatrix(); }
// partikkeliengine kutsuu tätä, asetettu räjähdykseen (halutaan muuttaa sen väriä) void RenderParticleCallback(Particle p) { // nyt voi tehdä joka partikkelille mitä haluaa, esim asettaa alphan lifeksi. float tc = / 2; GLExt.Color4(1f, tc, tc, tc); }
public override void Render() { ang += 1; GL.Clear(ClearFlags); back.DrawFullScreen(0, 0); GLExt.Color4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // images at random z (0.0 - 1.0) for (int q = 0; q < 100; q++) { back.Draw(x[q], y[q], z[q], 0, 0.2f, 0.2f, false); // no blending } GLExt.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1); GLExt.Color4(1, 1, 1, (float)Math.Abs(Math.Sin(ang * 0.01f))); back.Draw(10, 10, 0, 1, 1, false); // no blending back.Draw(Settings.Width / 2 + 10, 10, 0, 1, 1, true); // blending GLExt.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1); // must invert mouse y img.Draw(Mouse.X, Settings.Height - Mouse.Y, mouseZ, ang, 1, 1, true); font.Write("2D-test.", 0, 0); font.Write("\nUse mouse wheel to move mouse pointer at Z-axis.\n\nPress ESC\nto start the next test.", 10, 20); //Console.WriteLine("> " + Mouse.X + " " + Mouse.Y); base.Render(); }
/// <summary> /// käytä fps kamerassa /// </summary> public void SetFPSCamera() { GLExt.LoadIdentity(); GLExt.RotateX(-Rotation.X); GLExt.RotateY(-Rotation.Y); GLExt.RotateZ(-Rotation.Z); GLExt.Translate(-Position.X, -Position.Y, -Position.Z); }
/// <summary> /// aseta texturematriisit shadowmapping shaderia varten /// </summary> static void SetTextureMatrix() { Matrix4 projMatrix = GLExt.ProjectionMatrix, modelMatrix = GLExt.ModelViewMatrix; GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Texture); GLExt.LoadIdentity(); GLExt.Translate(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // remap from [-1,1]^2 to [0,1]^2 GLExt.Scale(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); GLExt.MultMatrix(ref projMatrix); GLExt.MultMatrix(ref modelMatrix); GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); }
public override void Render() { GL.Clear(ClearFlags); GLExt.Color4((float)Mouse.X / Settings.Width, (float)Mouse.Y / Settings.Height, 1, 1); back.DrawFullScreen(0, 0); GLExt.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1); base.Render(); }
public static void Set2D(int width, int height) { is3D = false; Settings.Width = width; Settings.Height = height; GLExt.SetProjectionMatrix(Matrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1)); GLExt.LoadIdentity(); GL.Viewport(0, 0, width, height); GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); GLExt.SetLighting(false); }
/// <summary> /// renderoi worldin valosta päin (pelkän depthin) /// </summary> public static void SetupShadows(Renderable world, int lightNo, bool withParticles) { if (UseShadowMapping == false) { return; } if (Light.Lights.Count == 0) { Log.WriteLine("SetupShadows requires at least one light source!", false); return; } GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.ColorMask(false, false, false, false); GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); GL.PolygonOffset(1, 1); GL.Enable(EnableCap.PolygonOffsetFill); fbo.BindDepth(); fbo.BindFBO(); fbo.Clear(); // kuvakulma valosta päin GLExt.LoadMatrix(ref Light.Lights[lightNo].OrigOrientationMatrix); GLExt.Translate(-Light.Lights[lightNo].Position.X, -Light.Lights[lightNo].Position.Y, -Light.Lights[lightNo].Position.Z); SetTextureMatrix(); Frustum.CalculateFrustum(); VBO.FastRenderPass = true; depthShader.UseProgram(); world.Render(); if (withParticles) { depthShaderAlphaTest.UseProgram(); Particles.Render(); GLSLShader.UnBindShader(); } VBO.FastRenderPass = false; fbo.UnBindFBO(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.PolygonOffsetFill); GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); GL.ColorMask(true, true, true, true); GLExt.LoadIdentity(); GameClass.NumOfObjects = 0; ShadowMapping.UnBindLightMask(); }
protected void CalculatePositions() { CalcPositions(false); GLExt.PushMatrix(); GLExt.LoadIdentity(); CalcPositions(true); GLExt.PopMatrix(); MakeLists(); // järjestä läpinäkyvät listassa olevat objektit etäisyyden mukaan, kauimmaiset ekaks transparentObjects.Sort(delegate(SortedList_Model z1, SortedList_Model z2) { return(z2.Len.CompareTo(z1.Len)); }); }
public void DataToVBO(Vertex[] vertices, ushort[] indices, VertexMode mode) { if (numOfIndices > 0) { Dispose(); } int size; vertexFlags = mode; numOfIndices = indices.Length; Vertex.Size = BlittableValueType.StrideOf(vertices); GL.GenBuffers(1, out vertexID); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, vertexID); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(vertices.Length * Vertex.Size), vertices, usage); GL.GetBufferParameter(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, BufferParameterName.BufferSize, out size); if (vertices.Length * BlittableValueType.StrideOf(vertices) != size) { Log.Error("DataToVBO: Vertex data not uploaded correctly"); } GL.GenBuffers(1, out indexID); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, indexID); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(indices.Length * sizeof(ushort)), indices, usage); GL.GetBufferParameter(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, BufferParameterName.BufferSize, out size); if (indices.Length * sizeof(short) != size) { throw new ApplicationException("DataToVBO: Element data not uploaded correctly"); } Shader = GLSLShader.Load(); if (Shader != null) { if (Settings.UseGL3) { GL.GenVertexArrays(1, out vaoID); GL.BindVertexArray(vaoID); } GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, vertexID); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, indexID); Shader.SetAttributes(); if (Settings.UseGL3) { GL.BindVertexArray(0); } } GLExt.CheckGLError("DataToVBO"); }
public static void Set3D(int width, int height, float near, float far) { is3D = true; Settings.Width = width; Settings.Height = height; Near = near; Far = far; GLExt.SetProjectionMatrix(Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Fov), (float)width / (float)height, near, far)); GLExt.LoadIdentity(); GL.Viewport(0, 0, width, height); GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); GLExt.SetLighting(true); }
void Translate(Node node) { Node obj = node; if (node == null) { obj = this; } GLExt.Translate(obj.Position.X, obj.Position.Y, obj.Position.Z); GLExt.RotateZ(Rotation.Z); GLExt.RotateY(Rotation.Y); GLExt.RotateX(Rotation.X); GLExt.MultMatrix(ref OrigOrientationMatrix); GLExt.Scale(obj.Scale.X, obj.Scale.Y, obj.Scale.Z); }
/// <summary> /// renderoidaan näkyvät objektit listoista jotka Render() metodi on luonut. /// </summary> public void RenderAgain() { GLExt.PushMatrix(); // renderointi foreach (Renderable o in visibleObjects) { o.RenderModel(); } foreach (SortedList_Model o in transparentObjects) { Model m = o.model; m.RenderModel(); } Texture.UnBind(Settings.COLOR_TEXUNIT); GLExt.PopMatrix(); }
public void DrawFullScreen(int x, int y) { float sx = (float)Settings.Width / (float)RealWidth; float sy = (float)Settings.Height / (float)RealHeight; if (Vbo == null) { CreateVBO(false); } Bind(0); GLExt.PushMatrix(); { GLExt.Translate(sx * x, Settings.Height + sy * (y - RealHeight), 0); GLExt.Scale(sx, sy, 1); Vbo.Render(); } GLExt.PopMatrix(); }
public void RenderMesh() { if (Vbo == null) { return; } if (DoubleSided) { GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); } if (VBO.FastRenderPass) { if (CastShadow) { Vbo.Render(); } } else { Material.SetMaterial(); if (WorldMatrix != null) { GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Texture); GLExt.PushMatrix(); GLExt.MultMatrix(ref WorldMatrix); GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); } Vbo.Render(); if (WorldMatrix != null) { GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Texture); GLExt.PopMatrix(); GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); } } if (DoubleSided) { GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); } }
// debug public void RenderSkeleton() { if (Settings.UseGL3 == false) { GLSLShader.UnBindShader(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.Disable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GLExt.PushMatrix(); { GL.Translate(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z); GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, 1, 0, 0); GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, 0, 1, 0); GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, 0, 0, 1); GL.Rotate(-90, 1, 0, 0); GL.Scale(Scale.X, Scale.Y, Scale.Z); GL.PointSize(5); GLExt.Color4(1, 0, 0, 1); GL.Begin(BeginMode.Points); for (int q = 0; q < numJoints; q++) { GL.Vertex3(skeleton[q].pos); } GL.End(); GL.PointSize(1); GLExt.Color4(0, 1, 0, 1); GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines); for (int q = 0; q < numJoints; q++) { if (skeleton[q].parent != -1) { GL.Vertex3(skeleton[skeleton[q].parent].pos); GL.Vertex3(skeleton[q].pos); } } GL.End(); } GLExt.PopMatrix(); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GLExt.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1); } }
public void Write(string str, float x, float y) { texture.Bind(0); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GLExt.PushMatrix(); { curX = x; curY = y; GLExt.Translate(x, (float)Settings.Height - y, 0); float xp = 0; for (int q = 0, ch; q < str.Length; q++) { // etsi kirjain for (ch = 0; ch < chars.Length; ch++) { if (str[q] == chars[ch]) { break; } } if (str[q] == '\n') { curY -= charHeight * Size; GLExt.Translate(-xp, -charHeight * Size, 0); xp = 0; continue; } float w = uv[ch].w; float wm = w * Size; xp += wm; DrawChar(ch); GLExt.Translate(wm, 0, 0); } } GLExt.PopMatrix(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); }
void CreateShaders(string shaderFileName, string shaderStr) { int statusCode; string info; string flags = ""; if (shaderFileName.Contains(":")) // jos flagit (esim :TEXTURE) { int start = shaderFileName.IndexOf(':'); flags = shaderFileName.Substring(start, shaderFileName.Length - start); } // jos shader jo ladattu, käytetään sitä if (shaders.ContainsKey(shaderFileName)) { ProgramID = shaders[shaderFileName].ProgramID; vertexObject = shaders[shaderFileName].vertexObject; fragmentObject = shaders[shaderFileName].fragmentObject; return; } Log.WriteLine("Shader: " + shaderFileName); shaders.Add(shaderFileName, this); if (shaderStr.Contains("[SETUP]") == false) { shaderStr = "[SETUP]\n" + shaderStr; } int s = shaderStr.IndexOf("[SETUP]") + 8; int v = shaderStr.IndexOf("[VERTEX]") + 9; int f = shaderStr.IndexOf("[FRAGMENT]") + 11; string set = shaderStr.Substring(s, v - s - 9); string vs = shaderStr.Substring(v, f - v - 11); string fs = shaderStr.Substring(f, shaderStr.Length - f); // käy flagsit läpi, #define flags string[] flag = flags.Split(':'); for (int q = 0; q < flag.Length; q++) { if (flag[q].Length > 0) { set += "\n#define " + flag[q]; } } // käy [SETUP] blokki läpi, aseta oikeat definet string[] setup = set.Split('\n'); for (int q = 0; q < setup.Length; q++) { if (setup[q].StartsWith("//")) { continue; // skippaa kommentit } else if (setup[q].StartsWith("#define")) { vs = setup[q] + "\n" + vs; fs = setup[q] + "\n" + fs; } } // konvaa gl2:n glsl koodit gl3:sen glsl:ksi if (Settings.UseGL3) { string gl3 = @"#version 130 precision highp float; "; vs = gl3 + vs; vs = vs.Replace("attribute ", "in "); vs = vs.Replace("varying ", "out "); fs = gl3 + "out vec4 glFragColor;\n" + fs; fs = fs.Replace("gl_FragColor", "glFragColor"); fs = fs.Replace("varying ", "in "); fs = fs.Replace("texture2D", "texture"); fs = fs.Replace("shadow2DProj", "textureProj"); } #if DEBUG #if SHOWSHADERS System.Console.WriteLine("----VS------"); string[] lines = vs.Split('\n'); for (int q = 0; q < lines.Length; q++) { System.Console.WriteLine("" + (q + 1) + ": " + lines[q]); } System.Console.WriteLine("----FS------"); lines = fs.Split('\n'); for (int q = 0; q < lines.Length; q++) { System.Console.WriteLine("" + (q + 1) + ": " + lines[q]); } System.Console.Write("\n"); #endif #endif vertexObject = GL.CreateShader(ShaderType.VertexShader); fragmentObject = GL.CreateShader(ShaderType.FragmentShader); // Compile vertex shader GL.ShaderSource(vertexObject, vs); GL.CompileShader(vertexObject); GL.GetShaderInfoLog(vertexObject, out info); GL.GetShader(vertexObject, ShaderParameter.CompileStatus, out statusCode); if (statusCode != 1) { Log.Error(shaderFileName + ":\n" + info); } else { Log.WriteLine(info); } if (info.IndexOf('.') > 0) { Log.WriteLine(info.Substring(0, info.IndexOf('.'))); } // Compile fragment shader GL.ShaderSource(fragmentObject, fs); GL.CompileShader(fragmentObject); GL.GetShaderInfoLog(fragmentObject, out info); GL.GetShader(fragmentObject, ShaderParameter.CompileStatus, out statusCode); if (statusCode != 1) { Log.Error(shaderFileName + ":\n" + info); } else { Log.WriteLine(info); } if (info.IndexOf('.') > 0) { Log.WriteLine(info.Substring(0, info.IndexOf('.'))); } ProgramID = GL.CreateProgram(); GL.AttachShader(ProgramID, fragmentObject); GL.AttachShader(ProgramID, vertexObject); GL.LinkProgram(ProgramID); Log.WriteLine(GL.GetProgramInfoLog(ProgramID)); if (GL.GetProgramInfoLog(ProgramID).Contains("error")) { Log.Error("GLSL compiling error."); } GLExt.CheckGLError("GLSL"); }
/// <summary> /// käytä esim jos kamera on pathissa /// </summary> public void SetCameraMatrix() { GLExt.LoadMatrix(ref OrigOrientationMatrix); }
public void RenderMesh() { if (DoubleSided) { GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); } if (VBO.FastRenderPass == false) { Material.SetMaterial(); GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Texture); GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0 + Settings.SHADOW_TEXUNIT); GLExt.PushMatrix(); if (WorldMatrix != null) { GLExt.MultMatrix(ref WorldMatrix); } GLExt.RotateX(-90); GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); } if (VBO.FastRenderPass == false || CastShadow == true) { GLExt.RotateX(-90); for (int i = 0; i < model.Length; i++) { if (model[i].vbo == null) { continue; } if (VBO.FastRenderPass == false) { model[i].texture.Bind(0); } // lasketaanko uusi asento (jos ei olla laskettu jo shadowpassis) if (animCalculated == false) { // Interpolate skeletons between two frames InterpolateSkeletons(ref curAnim.skelFrames, curAnim.curFrame, curAnim.nextFrame, curAnim.numJoints, curAnim.lastTime * curAnim.frameRate); PrepareMesh(); animCalculated = true; } model[i].vbo.Render(); } if (VBO.FastRenderPass == false) { GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Texture); GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0 + Settings.SHADOW_TEXUNIT); GLExt.PopMatrix(); GLExt.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); animCalculated = false; } } if (DoubleSided) { GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); } }
protected override void RenderModel() { GLExt.LoadMatrix(ref Matrix); RenderMesh(); }
/// <summary> /// renderoi partikkelit, sorttaa läpinäkyvät. /// </summary> public static new void Render() { GLExt.Color4(1f, 1, 1, 1f); GLExt.PushMatrix(); GLExt.SetLighting(false); List <SortedList_Particles> slist = new List <SortedList_Particles>(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace); int c = 0; // järjestetään taulukko kauimmaisesta lähimpään. pitää rendata siinä järjestyksessä. // vain läpikuultavat pitää järjestää. täysin näkyvät renderoidaan samantien. for (int q = 0; q < ParticleGroups.Count; q++) { Particles curpar = ParticleGroups[q]; if (curpar.particles.Count <= 0) { continue; } if (VBO.FastRenderPass == true) { if (curpar.CastShadow == false) { continue; } } curpar.particles[0].partTex.Bind(0); GLExt.PushMatrix(); GLExt.MultMatrix(ref curpar.WorldMatrix); for (int w = 0; w < curpar.NumOfParticles; w++) { Particle p = curpar.particles[w]; GLExt.PushMatrix(); GLExt.Translate(p.pos.X, p.pos.Y, p.pos.Z); Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.Identity; matrix.Row3 = GLExt.ModelViewMatrix.Row3; GLExt.ModelViewMatrix = matrix; Vector3 v = curpar.WorldMatrix.Row3.Xyz + curpar.Position + p.pos; if (Frustum.SphereInFrustum(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, 10) != 0) { if (VBO.FastRenderPass == true) // renderoi partikkeli depthbufferiin (varjostusta varten) { GLExt.Scale(p.size, p.size, p.size); GLExt.RotateZ(p.zrot); p.partTex.RenderBillboard(); } else { c++; if (p.isTransparent == true) // listaan renderoitavaks myöhemmin { float len = ( - matrix.Row3.Xyz).LengthSquared; slist.Add(new SortedList_Particles(len, p, matrix)); } else // rendataan se nyt, ei lisätä sortattavaks { GLExt.Scale(p.size, p.size, p.size); GLExt.RotateZ(p.zrot); GLExt.Color4(p.color.X, p.color.Y, p.color.Z, p.color.W);; if (p.callBack != null) { p.callBack(p); } p.partTex.RenderBillboard(); } } } GLExt.PopMatrix(); } GLExt.PopMatrix(); } if (VBO.FastRenderPass == false) { slist.Sort(delegate(SortedList_Particles z1, SortedList_Particles z2) { return(z2.Len.CompareTo(z1.Len)); }); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.One); // rendataan läpikuultavat GL.DepthMask(false); // ei kirjoiteta zbufferiin for (int q = 0; q < slist.Count; q++) { Particle p = slist[q].Part; if (VBO.FastRenderPass == false) { p.partTex.Bind(0); GLExt.Color4(p.color.X, p.color.Y, p.color.Z, p.color.W); if (p.callBack != null) { p.callBack(p); } } GLExt.LoadMatrix(ref slist[q].Matrix); GLExt.Scale(p.size, p.size, p.size); GLExt.RotateZ(p.zrot); p.partTex.RenderBillboard(); } GL.DepthMask(true); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); } GLExt.PopMatrix(); GL.Enable(EnableCap.CullFace); GLExt.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1); GLExt.SetLighting(true); GameClass.NumOfObjects += c; }