Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new FunctionDeclaration given a token and a parent scope
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">Function declaration token</param>
 /// <param name="parentScope">Parent scope of this function</param>
 public FunctionDeclaration(Token t, Scope parentScope)
     : this(parentScope)
     // Initialize private members
     this.t = t;
     this.name = t.val;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new FunctionDeclaration given a parent scope
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parentScope">Parent scope of this function</param>
 private FunctionDeclaration(Scope parentScope)
     // Initialize private members
     localScope = new LocalScope(parentScope);
     arguments = new List<BaseType>();
     returnType = PrimitiveType.VOID;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all of its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this statement</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Statement Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Check if left-side expression is assignable
            if (!(leftSide is AssignableExpression))
                // Issue error
                Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Left side cannot be assigned to");

                return this;

            // Evaluate both expressions
            leftSide = leftSide.Evaluate(scope);
            rightSide = rightSide.Evaluate(scope);

            return this;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Evaluates this node and all children recursively 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scope">The scope of this statement</param>
 /// <returns>Statement object after evaluation</returns>
 public abstract Statement Evaluate(Scope scope);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        public override void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
            // Code generation method is determined depending on type
            switch (((PrimitiveType)returnType).type)
                // Emit code for boolean value
                case Primitive.Bool:
                    if ((bool)value)
                        // If boolean is true, load 1 onto the stack (the CLR doesn't have boolean types)
                        // If boolean is false, load 0 onto the stack

                // Emit code for string
                case Primitive.String:
                    // Load string onto the stack
                    ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, (string)value);

                // Emit code for integer value
                case Primitive.Int:
                    // Cast to int
                    int val = (int)value;

                    // Perform CLR dependent optimiztion - use short form int constant loading
                    switch (val)
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                        case 3:
                        case 4:
                        case 5:
                        case 6:
                        case 7:
                        case 8:
                            // If constant is greater than 8, use normal load instruction
                            ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)value);


                // Emit code for double
                case Primitive.Double:
                    // Load double value onto the stack
                    ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, (double)value);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        public override void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
            // Emit code for operand
            operand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

            // Only typecasts available are between primitive types
            if (returnType is PrimitiveType)
                // Code is emitted depending on cast type
                switch (((PrimitiveType)returnType).type)
                    // Emit code for int cast
                    case Primitive.Int:
                    // Emit code for double cast
                    case Primitive.Double:
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Evaluate all arguments
            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
                arguments[i] = arguments[i].Evaluate(scope);

            // Get signature from symbol table
            Signature sig = scope.GetFunction(this);

            // If no function is retrieved
            if (sig == null)
                // Unknown function error
                Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Unknown function or ambiguos call to " + methodName);
                // Set return type
                this.returnType = sig.returnType;

                // Step through each argument
                for (int i = 0; i < sig.arguments.Count; i++)
                    // If argument expression type is different than expected argument
                    // Arguments are guaranteed to be compatible since a matching signature was found in the symbol table
                    if (!arguments[i].returnType.Equals(sig.arguments[i]))
                        // Create implicit type cast to expected argument
                        Expression expr = arguments[i];
                        arguments[i] = new CastExpression(sig.arguments[i]);
                        (arguments[i] as CastExpression).operand = expr;

            return this;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Evaluate operands
            leftOperand = leftOperand.Evaluate(scope);
            rightOperand = rightOperand.Evaluate(scope);

            // Check if both operands are of the same type
            if (leftOperand.returnType.ToCLRType() != rightOperand.returnType.ToCLRType())
                // If not, check if left operand can be implicitely typecasted to right operand type
                if (leftOperand.returnType.IsCompatible(rightOperand.returnType))
                    // Create implicit cast
                    CastExpression implicitCast = new CastExpression(rightOperand.returnType);
                    implicitCast.operand = leftOperand;

                    // Evaluate typecast for folding
                    this.leftOperand = implicitCast.Evaluate(scope);

                    // Set return type
                    this.returnType = rightOperand.returnType;
                // If not, check if right operand can be implicitely typecasted to left operand type
                else if (rightOperand.returnType.IsCompatible(leftOperand.returnType))
                    // Create implicit cast
                    CastExpression implicitCast = new CastExpression(leftOperand.returnType);
                    implicitCast.operand = rightOperand;

                    // Evaluate for folding
                    this.rightOperand = implicitCast.Evaluate(scope);

                    // Set return type
                    this.returnType = leftOperand.returnType;
                    // Types are incompatible - issue error
                    Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Incompatible types");
                    this.returnType = PrimitiveType.UNSUPPORTED;
                    return this;
            // If operands are of the same type
                // Set return type
                this.returnType = leftOperand.returnType;

            // If operand is not arithmetic, overwrite return type
            if ((int)op >= 6)
                this.returnType = PrimitiveType.BOOL;

            // Check if operator and operands are compatible
            switch (op)
                // Addition is accepted for strings and numeric types
                case BinaryOperator.Add:
                    // If type is not string, check if it is numerical
                    if (!leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.STRING))
                        goto case BinaryOperator.Leq;
                // Other arithmetic operators and comparisons (except equals and not equals) are accepted for numeric types
                case BinaryOperator.Sub:
                case BinaryOperator.Mul:
                case BinaryOperator.Div:
                case BinaryOperator.Gt:
                case BinaryOperator.Lt:
                case BinaryOperator.Geq:
                case BinaryOperator.Leq:
                    // Check if type is not integer or double
                    if (!leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.INT) &&
                        // Issue error
                        Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Arithmetic operator can only be applied to numerical types");
                // Modulo operator is accepted only for integer type
                case BinaryOperator.Rem:
                    // Check if type is not integer
                    if (!leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.INT))
                        // Issue error
                        Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Reminder operator can only be applied to integer type");
                // Equality and non equality are accepted for all types
                case BinaryOperator.Eq:
                case BinaryOperator.Neq:

                // Default case stands for logical operators
                    // Check if type is not boolean
                    if (!leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.BOOL))
                        // Issue error
                        Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Logical operator can only be applied to boolean type");

            // If both operands are constant expressions, perform constant folding
            if ((leftOperand is ConstantExpression) && (rightOperand is ConstantExpression))
                // Compile time evaluation of expressions is done based on type and operator
                // If type is boolean
                if (leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.BOOL))
                    switch (op)
                        // Compute equality
                        case BinaryOperator.Eq:
                            // Cast values to bool, compare and create new constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (bool)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value ==
                                (bool)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute non-equality
                        case BinaryOperator.Neq:
                            // Same as exclusive or for boolean values
                            goto case BinaryOperator.Xor;
                        // Compute logical and
                        case BinaryOperator.And:
                            // Cast values to bool, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (bool)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value &&
                                (bool)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute logical or
                        case BinaryOperator.Or:
                            // Cast values to bool, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (bool)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value ||
                                (bool)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute logical exclusive or
                        case BinaryOperator.Xor:
                            // Cast values to bool, apply operation and create constant expression (xor is equivalent to a
                            // non-equality check)
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (bool)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value !=
                                (bool)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                // If type is double
                else if (leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE))
                    switch (op)
                        // Compute equality
                        case BinaryOperator.Eq:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value ==
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute non-equality
                        case BinaryOperator.Neq:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value !=
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute greater than
                        case BinaryOperator.Gt:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value >
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute greater than or equal to
                        case BinaryOperator.Geq:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value >=
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute less than
                        case BinaryOperator.Lt:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value <
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute less than or equal to
                        case BinaryOperator.Leq:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value <=
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);

                        // Compute addition
                        case BinaryOperator.Add:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Double, ((double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value +
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                        // Compute subtraction
                        case BinaryOperator.Sub:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Double, ((double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value -
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                        // Compute multiplication
                        case BinaryOperator.Mul:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Double, ((double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value *
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                        // Compute division
                        case BinaryOperator.Div:
                            // Cast values to double, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Double, ((double)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value /
                                (double)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                // If type is integer
                else if (leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.INT))
                    switch (op)
                        // Compute equality
                        case BinaryOperator.Eq:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value ==
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute non-equality
                        case BinaryOperator.Neq:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value !=
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute greater than
                        case BinaryOperator.Gt:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value >
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute greater than or equal to
                        case BinaryOperator.Geq:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value >=
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute less than
                        case BinaryOperator.Lt:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value <
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);
                        // Compute less than or equal to
                        case BinaryOperator.Leq:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value <=
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value);

                        // Compute addition
                        case BinaryOperator.Add:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Int, ((int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value +
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                        // Compute subtraction
                        case BinaryOperator.Sub:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Int, ((int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value -
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                        // Compute multiplication
                        case BinaryOperator.Mul:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Int, ((int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value *
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                        // Compute division
                        case BinaryOperator.Div:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Int, ((int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value /
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                        // Compute modulo
                        case BinaryOperator.Rem:
                            // Cast values to int, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Int, ((int)(leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value %
                                (int)(rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                // If type is string
                else if (leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.STRING))
                    switch (op)
                        // Compute equality
                        case BinaryOperator.Eq:
                            // Convert values to string, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value.ToString() ==
                                (rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value.ToString());
                        // Compute non-equality
                        case BinaryOperator.Neq:
                            // Convert values to string, apply operation and create constant (boolean) expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value.ToString() !=
                                (rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value.ToString());

                        // Compute addition
                        case BinaryOperator.Add:
                            // Convert values to string, apply operation and create constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.String, (leftOperand as ConstantExpression).value.ToString() +
                                (rightOperand as ConstantExpression).value.ToString());

            return this;
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Emits code for this expression
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
 /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
 public override void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
     // Variable references are emitted by the symbol table because different variables are referenced with
     // different instructions and only the symbol table knows how to correctly refer them
     scope.EmitVariableReference(name, ilGen);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Evaluate operand expression
            operand = operand.Evaluate(scope);

            // Save operand return type
            PrimitiveType pType = (PrimitiveType)operand.returnType;

            if (pType == null)
                return null;

            // Processing is done depending on operator
            switch (op)
                // Process unary minus
                case UnaryOperator.UMinus:
                    // If operand is integer or double
                    if (pType.type == Primitive.Int || pType.type == Primitive.Double)
                        // Set return type
                        this.returnType = new PrimitiveType(pType.type);

                        // If operand is constant perform folding
                        if (operand is ConstantExpression)
                            // Fold integer value
                            if (pType.type == Primitive.Int)
                                // Cast value to int, add unary minus and create new constant expression
                                return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Int, (-(int)(operand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString());
                            else if (pType.type == Primitive.Double)
                                // Cast value to double, add unary minus and create new constant expression
                                return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Double, (-(double)(operand as ConstantExpression).value).ToString());
                        // Unary minus cannot be applied on other types
                        this.returnType = PrimitiveType.UNSUPPORTED;

                        // Issue error
                        Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Can only apply '-' to numeric types");
                        return this;

                // Process logical negation
                case UnaryOperator.Not:
                    // If operand is boolean
                    if (pType.type == Primitive.Bool)
                        // Set return type
                        this.returnType = new PrimitiveType(pType.type);

                        // If oprand is constant perform folding
                        if (operand is ConstantExpression)
                            // Cast value to bool, negate and create new constant expression
                            return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Bool, (bool)(operand as ConstantExpression).value ? "false" : "true");
                        // Logical negation cannot be applied on other types
                        this.returnType = PrimitiveType.UNSUPPORTED;

                        // Issue error
                        Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Can only apply '!' to boolean types");
                        return this;

            return this;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new ProgramScope
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentScope">Parent scope (GlobalScope object should be used)</param>
        public ProgramScope(Scope parentScope)
            // Initialize private members
            functions = new List<FunctionDeclaration>();
            variables = new List<VariableDeclaration>();

            this.parentScope = parentScope;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new LocalScope given a parent scope
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentScope">Parent scope</param>
        public LocalScope(Scope parentScope)
            // Initialize private members
            variables = new List<VariableDeclaration>();
            arguments = new List<VariableDeclaration>();

            this.parentScope = parentScope;
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new FunctionDeclaration given a function name and a parent scope
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Function name</param>
 /// <param name="parentScope">Parent scope of this function</param>
 public FunctionDeclaration(string name, Scope parentScope)
     : this(parentScope)
     this.name = name;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all of its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this statement</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Statement Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Evaluate condition
            condition = condition.Evaluate(scope);

            // Evaluate repetitive statement
            body = body.Evaluate(scope);

            // Perform dead code elimination if the value of the condition can be evaluated at compile time
            if (condition is ConstantExpression)
                // If condition is always false, drop statement
                if (!(condition as ConstantExpression).IsTrue())
                    return null;

            return this;
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for this statement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this statement</param>
        public override void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
            // Define labels
            Label loopLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel();
            Label endLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel();

            // Mark the start of the loop

            // Emit code for the condition
            condition.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

            // If the value on top of the stack evaluates to 0, jump to the end of the statement
            ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, endLabel);

            // Emit code for the repetitive statement
            body.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

            // Jump to the beginning of the statement
            ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, loopLabel);

            // Mark end label
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for indexers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        private void EmitIndexers(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
            // Emit code for the variable reference
            operand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

            // Emit code for each indexer
            foreach (Expression indexer in indexers)
                indexer.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        public override void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
            // Emit code for operand
            operand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

            // Emitted code depends on operator
            switch (op)
                // Emit code for unary minus
                case UnaryOperator.UMinus:
                    // Call neg
                // Emit code for logical negation
                case UnaryOperator.Not:
                    // Logical negation is done by comparing value with 0 - opcode not creates a bitwise complement, not a
                    // negation
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Return type is set in constructor

            // No changes needed
            return this;
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for an assignement given the right-side expression of the assignement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <param name="rightSide">Right-side expression</param>
        public override void EmitAssignement(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope, Expression rightSide)
            // Emit code for right side expression
            rightSide.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

            // Use symbol table to emit variable assignement
            scope.EmitVariableAssignement(name, ilGen);
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        public override void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
            // If operator is arithmetical or a comparison (not logical)
            if ((int)op < 12)
                // Emit code for operands
                leftOperand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);
                rightOperand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

                // Code is emitted depending on operation
                switch (op)
                    // Arithmetic operators

                    // Emit addition
                    case BinaryOperator.Add:
                        // Check if type is string
                        if (leftOperand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.STRING))
                            // For strings, call method System.String.Concat(string, string)
                            ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, Type.GetType("System.String").GetMethod("Concat", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }));
                            // For numerical types, emit add
                    // Emit subtraction
                    case BinaryOperator.Sub:
                    // Emit multiplication
                    case BinaryOperator.Mul:
                    // Emit division
                    case BinaryOperator.Div:
                    // Emit modulo
                    case BinaryOperator.Rem:

                    // Comparison operators

                    // Emit equality
                    case BinaryOperator.Eq:
                    // Emit non-equality
                    case BinaryOperator.Neq:
                        // Neq, leg and geq are simulated by negating eq, gt and lt respectively

                        // Emit equality check
                        // Load 0 onto the stack
                        // Check equality
                    // Emit greater than
                    case BinaryOperator.Gt:
                    // Emit less than
                    case BinaryOperator.Lt:
                    // Emit less than or equal to
                    case BinaryOperator.Leq:
                        // Emit greater than check
                        // Load 0 onto the stack
                        // Check equality
                    // Emit greater than or equal to
                    case BinaryOperator.Geq:
                        // Emit less than check
                        // Load 0 onto the stack
                        // Check equality
            // Operator is logical - logical operators are emitted following the rules:
            //      for and: if first operand is false, second operand is not evaluated and expression is considered false
            //      for or: if first operand is true, second operand is not vealuated and expression is considered true
                // Labels needed to skip evaluations if necessary
                Label falseLabel;
                Label trueLabel;
                Label endLabel;

                // Code is emitted depending on operator
                switch (op)
                    // Emit logical and
                    case BinaryOperator.And:
                        // Define labels
                        falseLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel();
                        endLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel();

                        // Emit code for left operand
                        leftOperand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);
                        // Brake to false if first operand is false
                        ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, falseLabel);

                        // Emit code for right operand
                        rightOperand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);
                        // Break to end
                        ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endLabel);

                        // Mark false label
                        // Push 0 onto the stack - brfalse pops value from the stack while br doesn't

                        // Mark end label

                    // Emit logical or
                    case BinaryOperator.Or:
                        // Define labels
                        trueLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel();
                        endLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel();

                        // Emit code for left operand
                        leftOperand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);
                        // Break to true if first operand is true
                        ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, trueLabel);

                        // Emit code for right operand
                        rightOperand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);
                        // Break to end
                        ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endLabel);

                        // Mark true label
                        // Push 1 onto the stack - brtrue pops value from the stack while br doesn't

                        // Mark end label

                    // Emit logical xor
                    case BinaryOperator.Xor:
                        // Emit code for operands
                        leftOperand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);
                        rightOperand.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

                        // Emit xor
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Set return type by getting variable from symbol table
            returnType = scope.GetVariable(name);

            // Check if no type was returned
            if (returnType == null)
                // Issue error
                Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Unknown variable reference");

            return this;
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Emits code for this expression
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
 /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
 public abstract void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope);
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        public override void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
            // Emit code for all arguments
            foreach (Expression expr in arguments)
                expr.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

            // Get metadata token for method from symbol table and emit call
            ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, scope.GetMethodInfo(this));
Exemple #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Evaluates this node and all its children
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract Expression Evaluate(Scope scope);
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Emits code for an assignement given the right-side expression of the assignement
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
 /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
 /// <param name="rightSide">Right-side expression</param>
 public abstract void EmitAssignement(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope, Expression rightSide);
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for assignement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <param name="rightSide">Right-side expression</param>
        public override void EmitAssignement(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope, Expression rightSide)
            // Emit code to index array
            EmitIndexers(ilGen, scope);

            // Emit code for right-side expression
            rightSide.EmitCode(ilGen, scope);

            // Call Set to store value at indexed position
            ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ((ArrayType)operand.returnType).ToCLRType().GetMethod("Set"));
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Evaluate operand
            operand = operand.Evaluate(scope);

            // If types are actually equal
            if (operand.returnType.Equals(this.returnType))
                // Issue warning
                Compiler.Compiler.errors.Warning(t.line, t.col, "Typecast to the same type");

                // Drop the typecast expression
                return operand;

            // If an implicit type cast exists, no need to evaluate further
            if (operand.returnType.IsCompatible(this.returnType))
                if (returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE))
                    // If operand is constant, fold typecast
                    if (operand is ConstantExpression)
                        // Cast value to int, convert to double and create new constant expression
                        return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Double, Convert.ToDouble((int)(operand as ConstantExpression).value));

                    return this;

            // Only explicit typecast implemented is from Double to Int
            if (operand.returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE))
                if (returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.INT))
                    // If operand is constant, fold typecast
                    if (operand is ConstantExpression)
                        // Cast value to double, convert to int and create new constant expression
                        return new ConstantExpression(Primitive.Int, Convert.ToInt32((double)(operand as ConstantExpression).value));

                    return this;

            // Execution shouldn't reach this line if cast is correct - issue error
            Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Invalid typecast");
            return this;
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits code for this expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ilGen">IL generator object</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        public override void EmitCode(ILGenerator ilGen, Scope scope)
            // Emit code to index array
            EmitIndexers(ilGen, scope);

            // Call Get to retrieve value at indexed position
            ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ((ArrayType)operand.returnType).ToCLRType().GetMethod("Get"));
Exemple #29
        void FunctionDeclaration(out FunctionDeclaration decl, Scope parentScope)
            Statement stmt;
            BaseType type;
            VariableDeclarationList decls;

            decl = new FunctionDeclaration(t, parentScope);
            if (StartOf(1)) {
            Type(out type);
            decl.AddArgument(t, type);
            while (la.kind == 31) {
                Type(out type);
                decl.AddArgument(t, type);
            if (la.kind == 30) {
            Type(out type);
            decl.returnType = type;
            while (la.kind == 14) {
            VariableDeclarations(out decls);
            BlockStatement(out stmt);
            decl.body = stmt as BlockStatement;
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates this node and all its children
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of this expression</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression Evaluate(Scope scope)
            // Iterate through indexers
            for (int i = 0; i < indexers.Count; i++)
                // Evaluate indexer
                indexers[i] = indexers[i].Evaluate(scope);

                // Check if indexer is of integer type
                if (!indexers[i].returnType.Equals(PrimitiveType.INT))
                    // Ilegal indexer type - issue error
                    Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Indexers must be of integer type");
                    return this;

            // Evaluate operand expression
            operand = operand.Evaluate(scope);

            if (operand is IndexerExpression)
                Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(operand.t.line, operand.t.col, "Cannot apply multiple indexers on array. Use [,] instead of [][]");
                return this;

            // Try to cast operand return type to ArrayType
            ArrayType refType = operand.returnType as ArrayType;

            // Check if cast was successful
            if (refType == null)
                // Indexers can only be applied to array types - issue error
                Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Cannot apply indexers to non-array type");
                return this;

            // Check if the dimension of the array is equal to the number of indexers
            if (refType.dimensions != indexers.Count)
                // Cannot assign to arrays, only to values - issue error
                Compiler.Compiler.errors.SemErr(t.line, t.col, "Invalid number of indexers");
                return this;

            // Set return type
            this.returnType = refType.type;

            return this;