public Boolean forwardStockOB(stockobheader sobh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update StockOBHeader set DocumentStatus=" + (sobh.Documentstatus + 1) + ", forwardUser='******'" + " where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + sobh.TemporaryNo + " and FYID='" + sobh.FYID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean deleteStockOBHeader(stockobheader sobh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "delete StockOBHeader where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + sobh.TemporaryNo + " and FYID='" + sobh.FYID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean validateStockOBHeader(stockobheader sobh) { Boolean status = true; try { if (sobh.TemporaryNo == 0) { return(false); } if (sobh.FYID.Trim().Length == 0 || sobh.FYID == null) { return(false); } if (sobh.StoreLocation.Trim().Length == 0 || sobh.StoreLocation == null) { return(false); } } catch (Exception) { } return(status); }
public Boolean updateStockOBHeader(stockobheader sobh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update StockOBHeader set StoreLocation='" + sobh.StoreLocation + "',Remarks='" + sobh.Remarks + "',Value=" + sobh.Value + ", Status=" + sobh.status + ", DocumentStatus=" + sobh.Documentstatus + " where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + sobh.TemporaryNo + " and FYID='" + sobh.FYID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public List <stockobheader> getStockOBHeader() { stockobheader sobh; List <stockobheader> SOBHeaders = new List <stockobheader>(); try { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); string query = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,FYID,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + " DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StoreLocation,StoreLocationName,Value,Status,DocumentStatus," + " CreateUser,ForwardUser,approveUser,CreatorName,ForwarderName,ApproverName,Remarks,TransferStatus " + "from ViewStockOBHeader"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { sobh = new stockobheader(); sobh.RowID = reader.GetInt32(0); sobh.DocumentID = reader.GetString(1); sobh.DocumentName = reader.GetString(2); sobh.FYID = reader.GetString(3); sobh.TemporaryNo = reader.GetInt32(4); sobh.TemporaryDate = reader.GetDateTime(5); sobh.DocumentNo = reader.GetInt32(6); if (!reader.IsDBNull(7)) { sobh.DocumentDate = reader.GetDateTime(7); } sobh.StoreLocation = reader.GetString(8); sobh.StoreLocationName = reader.GetString(9); sobh.Value = reader.GetDouble(10); sobh.status = reader.GetInt32(11); sobh.Documentstatus = reader.GetInt32(12); sobh.CreateUser = reader.GetString(13); sobh.ForwardUser = reader.GetString(14); sobh.ApproveUser = reader.GetString(15); sobh.CreatorName = reader.GetString(16); sobh.ForwarderName = reader.GetString(17); sobh.ApproverName = reader.GetString(18); sobh.Remarks = reader.GetString(19); sobh.Transferstatus = reader.GetInt32(20); SOBHeaders.Add(sobh); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying STOCK-OB Header Details"); } return(SOBHeaders); }
public Boolean updateStockOBDetail(List <stockobdetail> SOBDetails, stockobheader sobh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "Delete from StockOBDetail where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + sobh.TemporaryNo + " and FYID='" + sobh.FYID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; foreach (stockobdetail sobd in SOBDetails) { updateSQL = "insert into StockOBDetail " + "(DocumentID,TemporaryNo,FYID,StockItemID,Quantity,Price,QualityID,AcceptanceStatus) " + "values ('" + sobd.DocumentID + "'," + sobd.TemporaryNo + "," + "'" + sobd.FYID + "'," + "'" + sobd.StockItemID + "'," + sobd.Quantity + "," + sobd.PurchasePrice + "," + sobd.QualityID + "," + sobd.AcceptanceStatus + ")"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean insertStockOBHeader(stockobheader sobh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "insert into StockOBHeader " + "(DocumentID,FYID,TemporaryNo,Value,TemporaryDate,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StoreLocation,Status,DocumentStatus," + "CreateTime,CreateUser,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,Remarks)" + "values (" + "'" + sobh.DocumentID + "'," + "'" + sobh.FYID + "'," + sobh.TemporaryNo + "," + sobh.Value + "," + "GETDATE()" + "," + "0,null," + "'" + sobh.StoreLocation + "'," + sobh.status + "," + sobh.Documentstatus + "," + "GETDATE()" + "," + "'" + Login.userLoggedIn + "'," + "'',''," + "'" + sobh.Remarks + "'" + ")"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public static List <stockobdetail> getStockOBDetail(stockobheader sobh) { stockobdetail sobd; List <stockobdetail> SOBDetail = new List <stockobdetail>(); try { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); string query = "select a.DocumentID,a.TemporaryNo,a.FYID, a.StockItemID,b.Name, a.Quantity,a.Price,a.QualityID,a.AcceptanceStatus " + "from StockOBDetail a, StockItem b where a.StockItemID= b.StockItemID and a.DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + " and a.TemporaryNo=" + sobh.TemporaryNo + " and FYID='" + sobh.FYID + "'" + " order by a. StockItemID"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { sobd = new stockobdetail(); sobd.DocumentID = reader.GetString(0); sobd.TemporaryNo = reader.GetInt32(1); sobd.FYID = reader.GetString(2); sobd.StockItemID = reader.GetString(3); sobd.StockItemName = reader.GetString(4); sobd.Quantity = reader.GetDouble(5); sobd.PurchasePrice = reader.GetDouble(6); sobd.QualityID = reader.GetInt32(7); sobd.AcceptanceStatus = reader.GetInt32(8); SOBDetail.Add(sobd); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying Stock-OB Details"); } return(SOBDetail); }
public static Boolean TransferOBToStock(DataGridView grdList, string FYID, String DocumentID) { string utString = ""; Boolean status = true; try { stockobheader sobh = new stockobheader(); List <stockobdetail> SOBDetail = new List <stockobdetail>(); string updateSQL = "Delete from Stock where InwardDocumentID='" + DocumentID + "'" + " and FYID='" + FYID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; for (int i = 0; i < grdList.Rows.Count; i++) { sobh = new stockobheader(); sobh.DocumentID = grdList.Rows[i].Cells["DocumentID"].Value.ToString(); sobh.FYID = grdList.Rows[i].Cells["FYID"].Value.ToString(); sobh.TemporaryNo = Convert.ToInt32(grdList.Rows[i].Cells["TemporaryNo"].Value); sobh.DocumentNo = Convert.ToInt32(grdList.Rows[i].Cells["DocumentNo"].Value); sobh.DocumentDate = DateTime.Parse(grdList.Rows[i].Cells["DocumentDate"].Value.ToString()); sobh.StoreLocation = grdList.Rows[i].Cells["StoreLocationID"].Value.ToString(); SOBDetail = getStockOBDetail(sobh); foreach (stockobdetail sobd in SOBDetail) { updateSQL = "insert into stock (FYID,InwardDocumentID,InwardDocumentNo,InwardDocumentDate," + "StockItemID,InwardQuantity,PresentStock,PurchasePrice,StoreLocation,CreateTime,CreateUser) values (" + "'" + sobd.FYID + "'," + "'" + sobd.DocumentID + "'," + "" + sobh.DocumentNo + "," + "'" + sobh.DocumentDate + "'," + "'" + sobd.StockItemID + "'," + "" + sobd.Quantity + "," + "" + sobd.Quantity + "," + "" + sobd.PurchasePrice + "," + "'" + sobh.StoreLocation + "'," + "GETDATE()" + "," + "'" + Login.userLoggedIn + "')"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } updateSQL = "update StockOBHeader set TransferStatus=1" + " where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + sobh.TemporaryNo + " and FYID='" + sobh.FYID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public List <stockobheader> getFilteredStockOBHeader(string userList, int opt) { stockobheader sobh; string query1 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,FYID,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + " DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StoreLocation,StoreLocationName,Value,Status,DocumentStatus," + " CreateUser,ForwardUser,approveUser,CreatorName,ForwarderName,ApproverName,Remarks,transferStatus " + " from ViewStockOBHeader" + " where ((forwardUser in (" + userList + ") and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98) " + " or (createuser='******' and DocumentStatus=1))"; string query2 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,FYID,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + " DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StoreLocation,StoreLocationName,Value,Status,DocumentStatus," + " CreateUser,ForwardUser,approveUser,CreatorName,ForwarderName,ApproverName,Remarks,transferStatus " + " from ViewStockOBHeader" + " where ((createuser='******' and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98) " + " or (forwardUser='******' and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98))"; string query3 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,FYID,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + " DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StoreLocation,StoreLocationName,Value,Status,DocumentStatus," + " CreateUser,ForwardUser,approveUser,CreatorName,ForwarderName,ApproverName,Remarks,transferStatus " + " from ViewStockOBHeader" + " where ((createuser='******'" + " or forwardUser='******'" + " or approveUser='******')" + " and DocumentStatus = 99) "; List <stockobheader> SOBHeaders = new List <stockobheader>(); try { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); string query = ""; switch (opt) { case 1: query = query1; break; case 2: query = query2; break; case 3: query = query3; break; default: query = ""; break; } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { sobh = new stockobheader(); sobh.RowID = reader.GetInt32(0); sobh.DocumentID = reader.GetString(1); sobh.DocumentName = reader.GetString(2); sobh.FYID = reader.GetString(3); sobh.TemporaryNo = reader.GetInt32(4); sobh.TemporaryDate = reader.GetDateTime(5); sobh.DocumentNo = reader.GetInt32(6); if (!reader.IsDBNull(7)) { sobh.DocumentDate = reader.GetDateTime(7); } sobh.StoreLocation = reader.GetString(8); sobh.StoreLocationName = reader.GetString(9); sobh.Value = reader.GetDouble(10); sobh.status = reader.GetInt32(11); sobh.Documentstatus = reader.GetInt32(12); sobh.CreateUser = reader.GetString(13); sobh.ForwardUser = reader.GetString(14); sobh.ApproveUser = reader.GetString(15); sobh.CreatorName = reader.GetString(16); sobh.ForwarderName = reader.GetString(17); sobh.ApproverName = reader.GetString(18); sobh.Remarks = reader.GetString(19); sobh.Transferstatus = reader.GetInt32(20); SOBHeaders.Add(sobh); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying STOCK-OB Header Details"); } return(SOBHeaders); }