// POST api/meeting
        // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/skype/ucwa/scheduleanonlinemeeting
        public async Task <MeetingResponse> Post([FromBody] MeetingRequest mreq)
            dynamic authDetails;

                authDetails = await AuthenticateUCWA();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw CreateAPIError("3", "Could not authenticate to UCWA.");

                MeetingRequestUCWA meeting = new MeetingRequestUCWA();
                meeting.attendees                 = PreprocessAttendeeList(mreq.attendees);
                meeting.accessLevel               = "Invited";
                meeting.subject                   = mreq.subject;
                meeting.description               = mreq.description;
                meeting.expirationTime            = mreq.expirationTime;
                meeting.automaticLeaderAssignment = "SameEnterprise";
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(meeting);

                HttpWebRequest req = CreateRequest(authDetails.onlineMeetingURL, "POST", authDetails.accessToken, "application/json", json);
                string         res = GetResponse(req);////Creates the onlne meeting.

                dynamic jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(res);

                MeetingResponse response = new MeetingResponse();
                response.raw = jsonResponse;

                string     baseUrl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebPortalBaseUrl"];
                UriBuilder uri     = new UriBuilder(baseUrl);

                // Strip 'https://' part out of meeting join URL
                var joinUri           = new Uri(jsonResponse.joinUrl.ToString());
                var joinUrlComponents = joinUri.Host + joinUri.AbsolutePath;

                uri.Path = String.Format("/MeetingPortal/Join/Clinic/{0}", joinUrlComponents);
                response.clinicJoinUri = uri.ToString();

                uri.Path = String.Format("/MeetingPortal/Join/Patient/{0}", joinUrlComponents);
                response.patientJoinUri = uri.ToString();

                uri.Path = String.Format("/MeetingPortal/DeviceTest/{0}", joinUrlComponents);
                response.deviceTestUri = uri.ToString();

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw CreateAPIError("1", "Unexpected error occurred.");
        // PUT api/meeting
        // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/skype/ucwa/updateanonlinemeeting
        public async Task <dynamic> Put([FromBody] MeetingRequest mreq)
            if (mreq.meetingId == null)
                throw CreateAPIError("0", "Request is missing the required field 'meetingId'");

            dynamic authDetails;

                authDetails = await AuthenticateUCWA();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw CreateAPIError("3", "Could not authenticate to UCWA.");
            string meetingManagementURL = authDetails.onlineMeetingURL + "/" + mreq.meetingId;

            // Extract the magic etag value & GUID that need to be passed in PUT operations
            string guid = "";
            string etag = "";

                HttpWebRequest req          = CreateRequest(meetingManagementURL, "GET", authDetails.accessToken);
                string         res          = GetResponse(req);
                dynamic        jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(res);
                etag = jsonResponse.etag.ToString();
                foreach (var x in jsonResponse)
                    if (x.Value.ToString() == ucwaPassMeString)
                        guid = x.Name.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw CreateAPIError("2", "Could not retrieve meeting information from UCWA");

            // Issue the PUT request based on passed values
                MeetingRequestUCWA meeting = new MeetingRequestUCWA();
                meeting.attendees   = PreprocessAttendeeList(mreq.attendees);
                meeting.accessLevel = "Invited";
                meeting.automaticLeaderAssignment = "SameEnterprise";
                meeting.subject        = mreq.subject;
                meeting.description    = mreq.description;
                meeting.expirationTime = mreq.expirationTime;

                JObject o = JObject.FromObject(meeting);
                o.Add("onlineMeetingId", mreq.meetingId);
                o.Add(guid, ucwaPassMeString);
                var json = o.ToString();

                HttpWebRequest req = CreateRequest(meetingManagementURL, "PUT", authDetails.accessToken, "application/json");
                req.Headers.Add("If-Match", '"' + etag + '"');
                SendRequestBody(req, json);

                var res = GetResponse(req);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw CreateAPIError("1", "Unexpected error occurred.");