/// <summary>
 /// Sets the notification positions. During capture or playback, whenever the read or play cursor reaches one of the specified offsets, the associated event is signaled. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notifies">An array of <see cref="DSBPositionNotify"/> structures.</param>
 /// <returns>DSResult</returns>
 public unsafe DSResult SetNotificationPositionsNative(DSBPositionNotify[] notifies)
     fixed (void* pnotifies = notifies)
         return InteropCalls.CalliMethodPtr(UnsafeBasePtr, notifies.Length, pnotifies, ((void**)(*(void**)UnsafeBasePtr))[3]);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the notification positions. During capture or playback, whenever the read or play cursor reaches one of the specified offsets, the associated event is signaled. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notifies">An array of <see cref="DSBPositionNotify"/> structures.</param>
 public void SetNotificationPositions(DSBPositionNotify[] notifies)
     DirectSoundException.Try(SetNotificationPositionsNative(notifies), "IDirectSoundNotify", "SetNotificationPositions");