Exemple #1
        /* Put the autoinscription on an object */
        public static int apply_autoinscription(Object.Object o_ptr)
            string o_name = "";             //80
            string note   = get_autoinscription(o_ptr.kind);

            /* Don't inscribe unaware objects */
            if (note == null || note.Length == 0 || !o_ptr.flavor_is_aware())

            /* Don't re-inscribe if it's already inscribed */
            if (o_ptr.note != null)

            /* Get an object description */
            o_name = o_ptr.object_desc(Object.Object.Detail.PREFIX | Object.Object.Detail.FULL);

            if (note == null)
                o_ptr.note = Quark.Add(note);
                o_ptr.note = null;

            Utilities.msg("You autoinscribe {0}.", o_name);

Exemple #2
        /* Add "unseen" to the end of unaware items in stores */
        static int obj_desc_aware(Object o_ptr, ref string buf, int max, int end)
            if (!o_ptr.flavor_is_aware())
                buf += " {unseen}";

Exemple #3
         * Determines if an object is eligible for squelching.
        public static bool item_ok(Object.Object o_ptr)
            byte type;

            if (Misc.p_ptr.unignoring != 0)

            /* Don't squelch artifacts unless marked to be squelched */
            if (o_ptr.artifact != null || o_ptr.check_for_inscrip("!k") || o_ptr.check_for_inscrip("!*"))

            /* Do squelch individual objects that marked ignore */
            if (o_ptr.ignore)

            /* Auto-squelch dead chests */
            if (o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_CHEST && o_ptr.pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL] == 0)

            /* Do squelching by kind */
            if (o_ptr.flavor_is_aware() ?
                kind_is_squelched_aware(o_ptr.kind) :

            type = (byte)type_of(o_ptr);
            if (type == (int)squelch_type_t.TYPE_MAX)

            /* Squelch items known not to be special */
            if (o_ptr.is_known_not_artifact() && squelch_level[type] == (byte)quality_squelch.SQUELCH_ALL)

            /* Get result based on the feeling and the squelch_level */
            if ((byte)squelch_level_of(o_ptr) <= squelch_level[type])
Exemple #4
        static int obj_desc_charges(Object o_ptr, ref string buf, int max, int end)
            bool aware = o_ptr.flavor_is_aware() || ((o_ptr.ident & Object.IDENT_STORE) != 0);

            /* Wands and Staffs have charges */
            if (aware && (o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_STAFF || o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_WAND))
                buf = buf + " (" + o_ptr.pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL] + " charge" + (o_ptr.pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL] > 1 ? "s":"") + ")";

            /* Charging things */
            else if (o_ptr.timeout > 0)
                if (o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_ROD && o_ptr.number > 1)
                    int power;
                    int time_base = Random.randcalc(o_ptr.kind.time, 0, aspect.MINIMISE);

                    if (time_base == 0)
                        time_base = 1;

                     * Find out how many rods are charging, by dividing
                     * current timeout by each rod's maximum timeout.
                     * Ensure that any remainder is rounded up.  Display
                     * very discharged stacks as merely fully discharged.
                    power = (o_ptr.timeout + (time_base - 1)) / time_base;
                    if (power > o_ptr.number)
                        power = o_ptr.number;

                    /* Display prettily */
                    buf = " (" + power + " charging)";

                /* Artifacts, single rods */
                else if (!(o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_LIGHT && o_ptr.artifact == null))
                    buf = buf + " (charging)";

Exemple #5
         * Format object o_ptr's name into 'buf'.
        static int obj_desc_name(ref string buf, int max, int end, Object o_ptr, bool prefix, Detail mode, bool spoil)
            bool known = o_ptr.is_known() || ((o_ptr.ident & Object.IDENT_STORE) != 0) || spoil;
            bool aware = o_ptr.flavor_is_aware() || ((o_ptr.ident & Object.IDENT_STORE) != 0) || spoil;

            string basename = obj_desc_get_basename(o_ptr, aware);
            string modstr   = obj_desc_get_modstr(o_ptr.kind);

            if (aware && !o_ptr.kind.everseen && !spoil)
                o_ptr.kind.everseen = true;

            if (prefix)
                end = obj_desc_name_prefix(ref buf, max, end, o_ptr, known,
                                           basename, modstr);

            /* Pluralize if (not forced singular) and
             * (not a known/visible artifact) and
             * (not one in stack or forced plural) */
            obj_desc_name_format(ref buf, basename, modstr,
                                 ((mode & Detail.SINGULAR) == 0) &&
                                 !(o_ptr.artifact == null && (o_ptr.name_is_visible() || known)) &&
                                 (o_ptr.number != 1 || ((mode & Detail.PLURAL) != 0)));

            /** Append extra names of various kinds **/

            if ((o_ptr.name_is_visible() || known) && o_ptr.artifact != null)
                buf = buf + " " + o_ptr.artifact.Name;

            else if ((spoil && o_ptr.ego != null) || o_ptr.ego_is_visible())
                buf = buf + " " + o_ptr.ego.name;

            else if (aware && o_ptr.artifact == null && (o_ptr.kind.flavor != null || o_ptr.kind.tval == TVal.TV_SCROLL))
                buf = buf + " of " + o_ptr.kind.Name;

Exemple #6
        static int obj_desc_inscrip(Object o_ptr, ref string buf, int max, int end)
            string[] u = { "", "", "", "" };
            int      n = 0;

            Object.obj_pseudo_t feel        = o_ptr.pseudo();
            Bitflag             flags_known = new Bitflag(Object_Flag.SIZE);
            Bitflag             f2          = new Bitflag(Object_Flag.SIZE);

            o_ptr.object_flags_known(ref flags_known);

            /* Get inscription */
            if (o_ptr.note != null && o_ptr.note.value != null)
                u[n++] = o_ptr.note.ToString();

            /* Use special inscription, if any */
            if (!o_ptr.is_known() && feel != 0)
                /* cannot tell excellent vs strange vs splendid until wield */
                if (!o_ptr.was_worn() && o_ptr.ego != null)
                    u[n++] = "ego";
                    u[n++] = Misc.inscrip_text[(int)feel];             //I know that feel bro.
            else if (((o_ptr.ident & Object.IDENT_EMPTY) != 0) && !o_ptr.is_known())
                u[n++] = "empty";
            else if (!o_ptr.is_known() && o_ptr.was_worn())
                if (o_ptr.wield_slot() == Misc.INVEN_WIELD || o_ptr.wield_slot() == Misc.INVEN_BOW)
                    u[n++] = "wielded";
                    u[n++] = "worn";
            else if (!o_ptr.is_known() && o_ptr.was_fired())
                u[n++] = "fired";
            else if (!o_ptr.flavor_is_aware() && o_ptr.flavor_was_tried())
                u[n++] = "tried";

            /* Note curses */
            Object_Flag.create_mask(f2, false, Object_Flag.object_flag_type.CURSE);
            if (flags_known.is_inter(f2))
                u[n++] = "cursed";

            /* Note squelch */
            if (Squelch.item_ok(o_ptr))
                u[n++] = "squelch";

            if (n != 0)
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        buf = buf + " {";
                    buf = buf + u[i];
                    if (i < n - 1)
                        buf += ", ";

                buf += "}";

Exemple #7
         * Format object o_ptr's name into 'buf'.
        static int obj_desc_name(ref string buf, int max, int end, Object o_ptr, bool prefix, Detail mode, bool spoil)
            bool known = o_ptr.is_known() || ((o_ptr.ident & Object.IDENT_STORE) != 0) || spoil;
            bool aware = o_ptr.flavor_is_aware() || ((o_ptr.ident & Object.IDENT_STORE) != 0) || spoil;

            string basename = obj_desc_get_basename(o_ptr, aware);
            string modstr = obj_desc_get_modstr(o_ptr.kind);

            if (aware && !o_ptr.kind.everseen && !spoil)
                o_ptr.kind.everseen = true;

            if (prefix)
                end = obj_desc_name_prefix(ref buf, max, end, o_ptr, known,
                        basename, modstr);

            /* Pluralize if (not forced singular) and
             * (not a known/visible artifact) and
             * (not one in stack or forced plural) */
            obj_desc_name_format(ref buf, basename, modstr,
                    ((mode & Detail.SINGULAR) == 0) &&
                    !(o_ptr.artifact == null && (o_ptr.name_is_visible() || known)) &&
                    (o_ptr.number != 1 || ((mode & Detail.PLURAL) != 0)));

            /** Append extra names of various kinds **/

            if((o_ptr.name_is_visible() || known) && o_ptr.artifact != null)
                buf = buf + " " + o_ptr.artifact.Name;

            else if((spoil && o_ptr.ego != null) || o_ptr.ego_is_visible())
                buf = buf + " " + o_ptr.ego.name;

            else if(aware && o_ptr.artifact == null && (o_ptr.kind.flavor != null || o_ptr.kind.tval == TVal.TV_SCROLL))
                buf = buf + " of " + o_ptr.kind.Name;

            return end;
Exemple #8
        static int obj_desc_inscrip(Object o_ptr, ref string buf, int max, int end)
            string[] u = {"", "", "", ""};
            int n = 0;
            Object.obj_pseudo_t feel = o_ptr.pseudo();
            Bitflag flags_known = new Bitflag(Object_Flag.SIZE);
            Bitflag f2 = new Bitflag(Object_Flag.SIZE);

            o_ptr.object_flags_known(ref flags_known);

            /* Get inscription */
            if (o_ptr.note != null && o_ptr.note.value != null)
                u[n++] = o_ptr.note.ToString();

            /* Use special inscription, if any */
            if (!o_ptr.is_known() && feel != 0)
                /* cannot tell excellent vs strange vs splendid until wield */
                if (!o_ptr.was_worn() && o_ptr.ego != null)
                    u[n++] = "ego";
                    u[n++] = Misc.inscrip_text[(int)feel]; //I know that feel bro.
            else if (((o_ptr.ident & Object.IDENT_EMPTY) != 0) && !o_ptr.is_known())
                u[n++] = "empty";
            else if (!o_ptr.is_known() && o_ptr.was_worn())
                if (o_ptr.wield_slot() == Misc.INVEN_WIELD || o_ptr.wield_slot() == Misc.INVEN_BOW)
                    u[n++] = "wielded";
                else u[n++] = "worn";
            else if (!o_ptr.is_known() && o_ptr.was_fired())
                u[n++] = "fired";
            else if (!o_ptr.flavor_is_aware() && o_ptr.flavor_was_tried())
                u[n++] = "tried";

            /* Note curses */
            Object_Flag.create_mask(f2, false, Object_Flag.object_flag_type.CURSE);
            if (flags_known.is_inter(f2))
                u[n++] = "cursed";

            /* Note squelch */
            if (Squelch.item_ok(o_ptr))
                u[n++] = "squelch";

            if (n != 0)
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    if(i == 0)
                        buf = buf + " {";
                    buf = buf + u[i];
                    if (i < n-1)
                        buf += ", ";

                buf += "}";

            return end;
Exemple #9
        static int obj_desc_charges(Object o_ptr, ref string buf, int max, int end)
            bool aware = o_ptr.flavor_is_aware() || ((o_ptr.ident & Object.IDENT_STORE) != 0);

            /* Wands and Staffs have charges */
            if (aware && (o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_STAFF || o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_WAND))
                buf = buf + " (" + o_ptr.pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL] + " charge" + (o_ptr.pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL] > 1 ? "s":"") + ")";

            /* Charging things */
            else if (o_ptr.timeout > 0)
                if (o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_ROD && o_ptr.number > 1)
                    int power;
                    int time_base = Random.randcalc(o_ptr.kind.time, 0, aspect.MINIMISE);

                    if (time_base == 0) time_base = 1;

                     * Find out how many rods are charging, by dividing
                     * current timeout by each rod's maximum timeout.
                     * Ensure that any remainder is rounded up.  Display
                     * very discharged stacks as merely fully discharged.
                    power = (o_ptr.timeout + (time_base - 1)) / time_base;
                    if (power > o_ptr.number) power = o_ptr.number;

                    /* Display prettily */
                    buf = " (" + power + " charging)";

                /* Artifacts, single rods */
                else if (!(o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_LIGHT && o_ptr.artifact == null))
                    buf = buf + " (charging)";

            return end;
Exemple #10
        /* Add "unseen" to the end of unaware items in stores */
        static int obj_desc_aware(Object o_ptr, ref string buf, int max, int end)
                buf += " {unseen}";

            return end;
Exemple #11
         * Determines if an object is eligible for squelching.
        public static bool item_ok(Object.Object o_ptr)
            byte type;

            if (Misc.p_ptr.unignoring != 0)
                return false;

            /* Don't squelch artifacts unless marked to be squelched */
            if (o_ptr.artifact != null || o_ptr.check_for_inscrip("!k") || o_ptr.check_for_inscrip("!*"))
                return false;

            /* Do squelch individual objects that marked ignore */
            if (o_ptr.ignore)
                return true;

            /* Auto-squelch dead chests */
            if (o_ptr.tval == TVal.TV_CHEST && o_ptr.pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL] == 0)
                return true;

            /* Do squelching by kind */
            if (o_ptr.flavor_is_aware() ?
                 kind_is_squelched_aware(o_ptr.kind) :
                return true;

            type = (byte)type_of(o_ptr);
            if (type == (int)squelch_type_t.TYPE_MAX)
                return false;

            /* Squelch items known not to be special */
            if (o_ptr.is_known_not_artifact() && squelch_level[type] == (byte)quality_squelch.SQUELCH_ALL)
                return true;

            /* Get result based on the feeling and the squelch_level */
            if ((byte)squelch_level_of(o_ptr) <= squelch_level[type])
                return true;
                return false;
Exemple #12
        /* Put the autoinscription on an object */
        public static int apply_autoinscription(Object.Object o_ptr)
            string o_name = ""; //80
            string note = get_autoinscription(o_ptr.kind);

            /* Don't inscribe unaware objects */
            if (note == null || note.Length == 0 || !o_ptr.flavor_is_aware())
                return 0;

            /* Don't re-inscribe if it's already inscribed */
            if (o_ptr.note != null)
                return 0;

            /* Get an object description */
            o_name = o_ptr.object_desc(Object.Object.Detail.PREFIX | Object.Object.Detail.FULL);

            if(note == null)
                o_ptr.note = Quark.Add(note);
                o_ptr.note = null;

            Utilities.msg("You autoinscribe {0}.", o_name);

            return 1;