Exemple #1
  * Adds a leaf node (training constsruction)
 public void addLeaf(ActionNode child)
     ActionNode current = this;
     while (current.children.Count != 0)
         current = current.children[0];
        public CompanionController(PlayerController p)
            // nch, should only be called by CharacterController.construct
            player = p;
            isLearning = false;
            learnedPlan = new ActionNode(ActionNode.EMPTY);
            currentGoal = null;
            currentGoalID = -1;
            walking = false;
            distance = 0;
            walk_dir = 0;
            walk_target = -1;
            interacting = false;
            invalids = new List<int>();

            is_init = false;

            //last_walk_target = -1;

            //learnedPlan.addLeaf(new ActionNode(new Brew(Brew.COLOR_RED, 0)));
Exemple #3
  * Adds a child node
 public void addChild(ActionNode child)
Exemple #4
         * Merge a training session with this
         *@param training the training to merge
        public void merge(ActionNode training)
            ActionNode current = this;
            List<int> visited = new List<int>();
            // somehow... merge
            for (ActionNode i = training; i != null;)
                ActionNode next = findNode(i, visited);
                if (next == null) // add i as child of current, update current to..???
                    next = i.copy();
                bool hasChild = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < current.children.Count; j++)
                    if (next.equals(current.children[j]))
                        hasChild = true;
                if (!hasChild)
                current = next;

                // populate visited list (magically)
                List<ActionNode> ancestors = new List<ActionNode>();
                for (int j = 0; j < ancestors.Count; j++)
                    if (!visited.Contains(ancestors[j].id))
                        //Console.WriteLine("adding " + ancestors[j].id + " to visited");
                        for (int k = 0; k < ancestors[j].parents.Count; k++)
                            //Console.WriteLine("adding " + ancestors[j].parents[k].id + " to ancestors");

                if (i.children.Count != 0)
                    i = i.children[0];
                    i = null;

Exemple #5
  * Finds a node that is yet to be visited and returns it
  *@param node the node to find
  *@param visited nodes that have already been visited
  *@return null if the node doesn't exist, or the node
 public ActionNode findNode(ActionNode node, List<int> visited)
     List<ActionNode> next = new List<ActionNode>();
     for (int i = 0; i < next.Count; i++)
         if (!visited.Contains(next[i].id) && node.equals(next[i]))
             return next[i];
         for (int j = 0; j < next[i].children.Count; j++)
     return null;
Exemple #6
  * Finda a node and returns it
  *@param node the node to find
  *@return null if node doesn't exist, or the node
 public ActionNode findNode(ActionNode node)
     List<ActionNode> next = new List<ActionNode>();
     for (int j = 0; j < children.Count; j++)
     for (int i = 0; i < next.Count; i++)
         if (node.equals(next[i]))
             return next[i];
         for (int j = 0; j < next[i].children.Count; j++)
     return null;
Exemple #7
  * Checks if 2 nodes equal each other
  *@param node the node to compare with this
  *@return true if they are equal, otherwise false
 public bool equals(ActionNode node)
        /// <summary>
        /// Factory method to create CharacterControllers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ci">Information about character apperance and stats</param>
        /// <param name="startpos">Where in the Area the character should be placed</param>
        /// <param name="playerControlled">True if the character should be a PC, false if NPC</param>
        /// <returns>Constructed CharacterController</returns>
        public static CharacterController construct(CharacterInfo ci, Vector2 startpos, Constants.CharType typeOfChar, PlayerController p)
            CharacterController cc;
            cc = new CharacterController();
            cc.m_doodadIndex = 0;
            ColliderType type;
            if (typeOfChar == Constants.CharType.PLAYERCHAR)
                cc = new PlayerController();
                type = ColliderType.PC;

                cc.m_doodadIndex = Constants.PLAYER;
                cc.bouncer = null;
                cc.brew = new Brew(0, 0);

                currPlan = null;// new ActionNode(ActionNode.EMPTY);
            else if (typeOfChar == Constants.CharType.NPCHAR)
                type = ColliderType.NPC;

                cc.bouncer = null;

                cc.brew = null;
                cc = new CompanionController(p);
                type = ColliderType.PC;
                cc.m_doodadIndex = Constants.COMPANION;

                cc.bouncer = null;
                cc.brew = new Brew(0, 0);

            cc.m_position = startpos;

            cc.AnimationController = new AnimationController(ci.animationDataPath, ci.animationTexturePath);
            cc.AnimationController.ActionTriggered += new ActionTriggeredEventHandler(cc.handleAction);
            cc.AnimationController.Scale = ci.scale;

            Rectangle bounds = ci.collisionBox;
            bounds.Offset((int)cc.m_position.X, (int)cc.m_position.Y);
            cc.m_collider = new Collider(cc, bounds, type);

            cc.m_speed =  ci.speed;


            cc.m_previousAngle = (float)Math.PI / 2;

            cc.victim = -1;
            cc.social_game = null;

            cc.walking = false;
            cc.walk_target = -1;
            cc.walk_dir = -1;
            cc.distance = 0;

            return cc;
 public void clearPlan()
     currPlan = null;
     //currPlan = new ActionNode(ActionNode.EMPTY);
 public void addTaskToPlan(PuzzleObject po)
     if (currPlan == null)
         currPlan = new ActionNode(po);
         currPlan.addLeaf(new ActionNode(po));
        private bool executePlan()
            if (!is_init)
                width = (int)m_collider.Bounds.Width;
                height = (int)m_collider.Bounds.Height;
                boundsX = (int)m_collider.Bounds.X;
                boundsY = (int)m_collider.Bounds.Y;
                is_init = true;

            if (Quest.talkedToCompanion)
                //go to first node's location
                if (currentGoal == null)
                { // query the world to find out if there are any interactable objects
                    List<PuzzleObject> objs = GameplayManager.ActiveArea.getPuzzleObjects((int)m_collider.Bounds.Center().X / Area.TILE_WIDTH, (int)m_collider.Bounds.Center().Y / Area.TILE_HEIGHT, (int)m_collider.Bounds.Width, (int)m_collider.Bounds.Height, brew);
                    int priority = 0;

                    // choose highest priority object to interact with
                    for (int i = 0; i < objs.Count; i++)
                        if (!invalids.Contains(objs[i].id))
                            int p = learnedPlan.findNodeDepth(objs[i]);
                            if (p != -1 && (currentGoal == null || p < priority))
                                currentGoal = learnedPlan.findNode(new ActionNode(objs[i]));
                                currentGoalID = objs[i].id;
                                priority = p;
                    if (currentGoal != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("doing: " + currentGoal.id);
                        interacting = true;
                        walk_target = -1;
                if (currentGoal != null)
                    if (interacting)
                        if (!walking)
                            // check if adjacent to goal
                            int x = (int)m_collider.Bounds.Center().X / Area.TILE_WIDTH;
                            int y = (int)m_collider.Bounds.Center().Y / Area.TILE_HEIGHT;
                            if (walk_target == -1)
                                walk_target = GameplayManager.ActiveArea.getObjectLocation(currentGoalID);
                                Console.WriteLine("walk to: " + (walk_target) % Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES + "x" + (walk_target / Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES));
                            int gx = walk_target % Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES;
                            int gy = walk_target / Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES;
                            if (x+y*Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES == walk_target)//(gx - x) * (gx - x) + (gy - y) * (gy - y) <= 1)
                            { // adjacent
                                // interact!
                                GameplayManager.ActiveArea.interact(this, currentGoalID);
                                interacting = false;
                                walk_target = -1;
                                // need to walk to
                                walk_dir = GameplayManager.ActiveArea.startPath(x + y * Area.WIDTH_IN_TILES, walk_target, currentGoal.getData().type, currentGoalID, width, height);
                                //Console.WriteLine("path: " + walk_dir);
                                if (walk_dir == -2)
                                { // bad, but, at location
                                    GameplayManager.ActiveArea.interact(this, currentGoalID);
                                    interacting = false;
                                    walk_target = -1;
                                else if (walk_dir != -1)
                                    walking = true;
                                    // reset to center of square
                                    //m_collider.m_bounds.X = x * Area.TILE_WIDTH + (Area.TILE_WIDTH - width) / 2;
                                    //m_collider.m_bounds.Y = y * Area.TILE_HEIGHT + (Area.TILE_HEIGHT - height) / 2;

                                    //Console.WriteLine(m_collider.m_bounds.X + "x" + m_collider.m_bounds.Y);
                                    //Console.WriteLine((x * Area.TILE_WIDTH + (Area.TILE_WIDTH - width) / 2) + "x" + (3+y * Area.TILE_HEIGHT + (Area.TILE_HEIGHT - height) / 2));

                                    m_collider.handleMovement(new Vector2(-(float)m_collider.m_bounds.X + x * Area.TILE_WIDTH + (Area.TILE_WIDTH - width) / 2, 11 - (float)m_collider.m_bounds.Y + y * Area.TILE_HEIGHT + (Area.TILE_HEIGHT - height) / 2));
                                { // need to pick another action / can't reach this one
                                    Console.WriteLine(walk_target + " is impossible to reach");
                                    currentGoal = null;
                                    return false;
                        { // walk torwards this thingy
                            int travel = m_speed;
                            int size = walk_dir < WALK_UP ? Area.TILE_WIDTH : Area.TILE_HEIGHT;
                            int reservation = size;
                            if (distance + travel > size)
                                travel = (walk_dir < WALK_UP ? Area.TILE_WIDTH : Area.TILE_HEIGHT) - distance;
                                distance = 0;
                                walking = false;
                                reservation = 0;

                                boundsX = (int)m_collider.Bounds.X;
                                boundsY = (int)m_collider.Bounds.Y;
                                distance += travel;
                                reservation -= distance;
                            // reserve space
                            /*switch (walk_dir)
                                case WALK_LEFT:
                                    if (reservation != 0)
                                        m_collider.m_bounds.X = boundsX - Area.TILE_WIDTH - travel;
                                    m_collider.m_bounds.Width = width + reservation;
                                case WALK_RIGHT:
                                    m_collider.m_bounds.Width = width + reservation;
                                case WALK_UP:
                                    if (reservation != 0)
                                        m_collider.m_bounds.Y = boundsY - Area.TILE_HEIGHT - travel;
                                    m_collider.m_bounds.Height = height + reservation;
                                case WALK_DOWN:
                                    m_collider.m_bounds.Height = height + reservation;

                            m_collider.handleMovement(new Vector2(walk_dir == WALK_LEFT ? -travel : walk_dir == WALK_RIGHT ? travel : 0, walk_dir == WALK_UP ? -travel : walk_dir == WALK_DOWN ? travel : 0));

                            AnimationController.requestAnimation(walk_dir == WALK_LEFT ? "left" : walk_dir == WALK_RIGHT ? "right" : walk_dir == WALK_UP ? "up" : "down", AnimationController.AnimationCommand.Play);
                    if (!interacting)
                        // find new goal
                        ActionNode next = null;
                        List<PuzzleObject> objs = GameplayManager.ActiveArea.getPuzzleObjects((int)m_collider.Bounds.Center().X / Area.TILE_WIDTH, (int)m_collider.Bounds.Center().Y / Area.TILE_HEIGHT, (int)m_collider.Bounds.Width, (int)m_collider.Bounds.Height, brew);
                        int priority = 0;
                        int nextID = -1;
                        // choose highest priority object to interact with
                        for (int i = 0; i < objs.Count; i++)
                            if (!invalids.Contains(objs[i].id))
                                int p = currentGoal.findNodeDepth(objs[i]);
                                if (p != -1 && (next == null || p < priority))
                                    next = currentGoal.findNode(new ActionNode(objs[i]));
                                    nextID = objs[i].id;
                                    priority = p;
                        /*int next_walk_target = -1;
                        if (nextID != -1)
                            next_walk_target = GameplayManager.ActiveArea.getObjectLocation(nextID);
                        if (next != null)// && last_walk_target != next_walk_target)
                            currentGoal = next;
                            Console.WriteLine("doing: " + currentGoal.id);
                            currentGoalID = nextID;
                            walk_target = -1;
                            interacting = true;

                            //last_walk_target = next_walk_target;
                            // check if this is another step series we can do
                            /*for (int i = 0; i < objs.Count; i++)
                                int p = learnedPlan.findNodeDepth(objs[i], doneGoals);
                                if (p != -1 && (next == null || p < priority))
                                    currentGoal = learnedPlan.findNode(new ActionNode(objs[i]));
                                    nextID = objs[i].id;
                                    priority = p;
                            if (next != null)
                                currentGoal = next;
                                Console.WriteLine("re-doing: " + currentGoal.id);
                                currentGoalID = nextID;
                                walk_target = -1;
                                interacting = true;
                            currentGoal = null;
                            currentGoalID = -1;
            return (currentGoal != null);
 public void toggleLearning()
     isLearning = !isLearning;
 public void learnNewInfo(ActionNode newInfo)
     if (newInfo != null)
     currentGoal = null;
     walk_target = -1;