Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string  defaultKey       = File.ReadAllText("appsettings.Debug.JSON");
            JObject jObject          = JObject.Parse(defaultKey);
            JToken  token            = jObject["DefaultConnection"];
            string  connectionString = token.ToString();

            ProductRepo.connString = connectionString;

            ProductRepo repo = new ProductRepo();

            // Create Products
            //Console.WriteLine("Creating Product.......");
            //var newProduct = new Product
            //    Name = "Mikes Product",
            //    Price = 19.99M,
            //    CategoryID = 2,
            //    OnSale = 0

            //Console.WriteLine("Product Created!");

            //Update Products
            //Console.WriteLine("Updating Product.....");
            //var newInfo = new Product { StockLevel = 27, ProductID = 945 };
            //Console.WriteLine("Product Updated!");

            // DELETE by productID
            //Console.WriteLine("Deleting Product.....");
            //Console.WriteLine("Product Deleted!");

            //DELETE by name
            //Console.WriteLine("Deleting Product.....");
            //repo.DeleteProductName("Mikes Product");
            //Console.WriteLine("Product Deleted!");

            //DELETE by name and id
            //Console.WriteLine("Deleting Product.....");
            //repo.DeleteProductNameID("Mikes Product", 947);
            //Console.WriteLine("Product Deleted!");

            //// Read Products

            List <Product> products = repo.GetProducts();

            foreach (var prod in products)
                Console.WriteLine($"{prod.ProductID}  {prod.Name} -------- ${prod.Price}------You have {prod.StockLevel} of these items.");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string  defaultKey       = File.ReadAllText("appsettings.Debug.JSON");
            JObject jObject          = JObject.Parse(defaultKey);
            JToken  token            = jObject["DefaultConnection"];
            string  connectionString = token.ToString();

            ProductRepo.connString = connectionString;

            ProductRepo repo = new ProductRepo();

            //Create Products
            //Console.WriteLine("Creating Product......");
            //var newProduct = new Product { Name = "Jack Hughes Product", Price = 19.99M, CategoryID = 2, OnSale = 0 };
            //Console.WriteLine("Product Created!");

            //Update Product
            //Console.WriteLine("Updating Product....");
            //var newInfo = new Product { StockLevel = 27, ProductID = 944 };
            //Console.WriteLine("Your Product has updated!");

            //Delete Product
            //Console.WriteLine("Deleting Product...");
            //repo.DeleteIdName(946, "HAYS Product");
            //repo.DeleteName("Jays Product");

            //Read Products
            List <Product> products = repo.GetProducts();

            foreach (var prod in products)
                Console.WriteLine($"{prod.ProductID}  {prod.Name} -------- ${prod.Price}-----You have {prod.StockLevel} of these items.");