// ====================================================================== // SaveSpecial: // (1) try update // (2) insert if a new record // // The record construct is via the 'itemsDBTable' class (itemsDBTable.cs) // ====================================================================== public Task <int> SaveSpecialItemAsync(itemsDBTable item) { if (item.ID != 0) { return(database.UpdateAsync(item)); } else { return(database.InsertAsync(item)); } }
// ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: // Save. Save will display "no input" alert. // // Input via: // Id = ID (auto increment while adding the record) // Run Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"); // goodCPR = goodCPR; // schallowCPR = flatCPR; // deepCPR = deepCPR; // ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: private async void btResults_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strLL; string strMM; string errMSGHeader = AppResources.CPRSimulResultMsg1; // "CPR Simulated Training Result"; inPrinting = true; try { // noActions is on (true), we have NO RESULT(S), don't save // if (noActions) { // strLL = AppResources.CPRSimulResultMsg2; // "\nNo CPR Simulation Result available.\n" //+ "___________________________________\n\n" //+ " Please run a set of simulated CPR's\n" //+ " and try again.\n"; await Gen_Utility_1.DisplaySfPopupAlert(errMSGHeader, strLL, AppResources.CPRSimulGotit, ""); if (Alles.PopupAccepted) { } inPrinting = false; } else { BindingContext = new itemsDBTable(); var sqlitem = (itemsDBTable)BindingContext; sqlitem.datetimeCPR = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"); sqlitem.goodCPR = totalCorrectCPR.ToString(); sqlitem.shallowCPR = totalFlatCPR.ToString(); sqlitem.deepCPR = totalTooDeepCPR.ToString(); // announce, and let user decide if yes/no //////strMM = "\n Adding CPR Simulation Results:\n" ////// + " ______________________________\n\n" //////+ " Good Compressions .. .. .. .. .".PadRight(40) + sqlitem.goodCPR + "\n" //////+ " Compressions too Shallow..".PadRight(37) + sqlitem.shallowCPR + "\n" //////+ " Compressions to Deep .. .. ..".PadRight(40) + sqlitem.deepCPR + "\n\n"; String data11 = String.Format("{0,-40} {1,-10}", AppResources.CPRSimulResultdata11, sqlitem.goodCPR); String data22 = String.Format("{0,-36} {1,-10}", AppResources.CPRSimulResultdata22, sqlitem.shallowCPR); String data33 = String.Format("{0,-38} {1,-10}", AppResources.CPRSimulResultdata33, sqlitem.deepCPR); strMM = AppResources.CPRSimulResultstm // "\n Adding CPR Simulation Results:\n" //+ " ______________________________\n\n" + data11 + "\n" + data22 + "\n" + data33 + "\n\n"; await Gen_Utility_1.DisplaySfPopupAlert(errMSGHeader, strMM, AppResources.CPRSimulResultYes, AppResources.CPRSimulCancel); if (Alles.PopupAccepted) { await App.Database.SaveItemAsync(sqlitem); readyBeep.IsOn = false; // the first hit (false) is needed to set the 'stage' zeroOut(); this.getAccelerometer(); if (Alles.popupmsg_001) _ = popup001(); await this.Navigation.PushAsync(new Results()); } else { inPrinting = false; } } } catch (Exception sqle1) { _ = (sqle1.Message.ToString()); } }
// ====================================================================== // Delete a record // // ====================================================================== public Task <int> DeleteItemAsync(itemsDBTable item) { return(database.DeleteAsync(item)); }