Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a single instance, imported from a given filename.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public bool RunInstance(string fileName)
            ProblemInstance instance;

                instance = ProblemInstance.Import(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\" + fileName);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Skipping bad problem instance {0}. Error: {1}", fileName, e.Message));

            Run runner = new Run();

            if (runner.m_mapFileName == "")
                runner.m_mapFileName = "Grid" + instance.GetMaxX() + "x" + instance.GetMaxY();
            bool resultsFileExisted = File.Exists(RESULTS_FILE_NAME);

            if (resultsFileExisted == false)
            bool success;

            success = runner.SolveGivenProblem(instance);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplest run possible with a randomly generated problem instance.
        /// </summary>
        public void SimpleRun()
            Run runner = new Run();

            ProblemInstance instance = runner.GenerateProblemInstance(10, 3, 10);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a single instance, imported from a given filename.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public void RunInstance(string fileName)
            Run  runner             = new Run();
            bool resultsFileExisted = File.Exists(RESULTS_FILE_NAME);

            if (resultsFileExisted == false)
            ProblemInstance instance = ProblemInstance.Import(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\" + fileName);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a set of experiments.
        /// This function will generate a random instance (or load it from a file if it was already generated)
        /// </summary>
        public void RunExperimentSet(int[] gridSizes, int[] agentListSizes, int[] obstaclesProbs, int instances)
            ProblemInstance instance;
            string          instanceName;
            Run             runner = new Run();

            bool resultsFileExisted = File.Exists(RESULTS_FILE_NAME);

            if (resultsFileExisted == false)

            bool continueFromLastRun = false;

            string[] LastProblemDetails     = null;
            string   currentProblemFileName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\current problem-" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;

            if (File.Exists(currentProblemFileName)) //if we're continuing running from last time
                var lastProblemFile = new StreamReader(currentProblemFileName);
                LastProblemDetails = lastProblemFile.ReadLine().Split(',');  //get the last problem
                continueFromLastRun = true;

            for (int gs = 0; gs < gridSizes.Length; gs++)
                for (int obs = 0; obs < obstaclesProbs.Length; obs++)
                    for (int ag = 0; ag < agentListSizes.Length; ag++)
                        if (gridSizes[gs] * gridSizes[gs] * (1 - obstaclesProbs[obs] / 100) < agentListSizes[ag]) // Probably not enough room for all agents
                        for (int i = 0; i < instances; i++)
                            if (continueFromLastRun)  //set the latest problem
                                gs  = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[0]);
                                obs = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[1]);
                                ag  = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[2]);
                                i   = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[3]);
                                for (int j = 4; j < LastProblemDetails.Length; j++)
                                    runner.outOfTimeCounters[j - 4] = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[j]);
                                continueFromLastRun = false;
                                continue; // "current problem" file describes last solved problem, no need to solve it again
                            if (runner.outOfTimeCounters.Length != 0 &&
                                runner.outOfTimeCounters.Sum() == runner.outOfTimeCounters.Length * Constants.MAX_FAIL_COUNT) // All algs should be skipped
                            instanceName = "Instance-" + gridSizes[gs] + "-" + obstaclesProbs[obs] + "-" + agentListSizes[ag] + "-" + i;
                                instance            = ProblemInstance.Import(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\" + instanceName);
                                instance.instanceId = i;
                            catch (Exception importException)
                                if (onlyReadInstances)
                                    Console.WriteLine("File " + instanceName + "  dosen't exist");

                                instance = runner.GenerateProblemInstance(gridSizes[gs], agentListSizes[ag], obstaclesProbs[obs] * gridSizes[gs] * gridSizes[gs] / 100);
                                instance.instanceId = i;


                            // Save the latest problem
                            if (File.Exists(currentProblemFileName))
                            var lastProblemFile = new StreamWriter(currentProblemFileName);
                            lastProblemFile.Write("{0},{1},{2},{3}", gs, obs, ag, i);
                            for (int j = 0; j < runner.outOfTimeCounters.Length; j++)
                                lastProblemFile.Write("," + runner.outOfTimeCounters[j]);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Dragon Age experiment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numInstances"></param>
        /// <param name="mapFileNames"></param>
        public void RunDragonAgeExperimentSet(int numInstances, string[] mapFileNames)
            ProblemInstance instance;
            string          instanceName;
            Run             runner = new Run();

            bool resultsFileExisted = File.Exists(RESULTS_FILE_NAME);

            if (resultsFileExisted == false)
            // FIXME: Code dup with RunExperimentSet

            TextWriter output;

            int[] agentListSizes = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 250, 300 };

            bool continueFromLastRun = false;

            string[] lineParts = null;

            string currentProblemFileName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\current problem-" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;

            if (File.Exists(currentProblemFileName)) //if we're continuing running from last time
                TextReader input = new StreamReader(currentProblemFileName);
                lineParts = input.ReadLine().Split(',');  //get the last problem
                continueFromLastRun = true;

            for (int ag = 0; ag < agentListSizes.Length; ag++)
                for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++)
                    for (int map = 0; map < mapFileNames.Length; map++)
                        if (continueFromLastRun) //set the latest problem
                            ag  = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                            i   = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);
                            map = int.Parse(lineParts[2]);
                            for (int j = 3; j < lineParts.Length; j++)
                                runner.outOfTimeCounters[j - 3] = int.Parse(lineParts[j]);
                            continueFromLastRun = false;
                        if (runner.outOfTimeCounters.Sum() == runner.outOfTimeCounters.Length * 20) // All algs should be skipped
                        string mapFileName = mapFileNames[map];
                        instanceName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mapFileName) + "-" + agentListSizes[ag] + "-" + i;
                            instance = ProblemInstance.Import(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\" + instanceName);
                        catch (Exception importException)
                            if (onlyReadInstances)
                                Console.WriteLine("File " + instanceName + "  dosen't exist");

                            instance = runner.GenerateDragonAgeProblemInstance(mapFileName, agentListSizes[ag]);
                            instance.ComputeSingleAgentShortestPaths(); // Consider just importing the generated problem after exporting it to remove the duplication of this line from Import()
                            instance.instanceId = i;


                        //save the latest problem
                        output = new StreamWriter(currentProblemFileName);
                        output.Write("{0},{1},{2}", ag, i, map);
                        for (int j = 0; j < runner.outOfTimeCounters.Length; j++)
                            output.Write("," + runner.outOfTimeCounters[j]);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a set of experiments.
        /// This function will generate a random instance (or load it from a file if it was already generated)
        /// </summary>
        public void RunExperimentSet(int[] gridSizes, int[] agentListSizes, int[] obstaclesProbs, int instances)
            ProblemInstance instance;
            ProblemInstance instanceForFirstAstar;
            ProblemInstance instanceForSecondReverseAstar;

            string instanceName;
            // build the run - with the defined solvers:
            Run runner = new Run();

            bool resultsFileExisted = File.Exists(RESULTS_FILE_NAME);

            if (resultsFileExisted == false)

            bool continueFromLastRun = false;

            string[] LastProblemDetails     = null;
            string   currentProblemFileName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\current problem-" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;

            //# removed the last time check:

             * if (File.Exists(currentProblemFileName)) //if we're continuing running from last time
             * {
             *  var lastProblemFile = new StreamReader(currentProblemFileName);
             *  LastProblemDetails = lastProblemFile.ReadLine().Split(',');  //get the last problem
             *  lastProblemFile.Close();
             *  continueFromLastRun = true;
             * }
            // build the grid map:
            for (int gs = 0; gs < gridSizes.Length; gs++)
                for (int obs = 0; obs < obstaclesProbs.Length; obs++)
                    for (int ag = 0; ag < agentListSizes.Length; ag++)
                        if (gridSizes[gs] * gridSizes[gs] * (1 - obstaclesProbs[obs] / 100) < agentListSizes[ag]) // Probably not enough room for all agents
                        for (int i = 0; i < instances; i++)
                            string allocation = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName.Substring(1);
                            //if (i % 33 != Convert.ToInt32(allocation)) // grids!
                            //    continue;

                            //if (i % 5 != 0) // grids!
                            //    continue;

                            if (continueFromLastRun)  //set the latest problem
                                gs  = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[0]);
                                obs = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[1]);
                                ag  = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[2]);
                                i   = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[3]);
                                for (int j = 4; j < LastProblemDetails.Length; j++)
                                    runner.outOfTimeCounters[j - 4] = int.Parse(LastProblemDetails[j]);
                                continueFromLastRun = false;
                                continue; // "current problem" file describes last solved problem, no need to solve it again
                            if (runner.outOfTimeCounters.Length != 0 &&
                                runner.outOfTimeCounters.Sum() == runner.outOfTimeCounters.Length * Constants.MAX_FAIL_COUNT) // All algs should be skipped
                            instanceName = "Instance-" + gridSizes[gs] + "-" + obstaclesProbs[obs] + "-" + agentListSizes[ag] + "-" + i;
                                // ******** Some of the project modifications: ********
                                // For building new map everytime - chose the line of "WRONG-PATH"
                                numberOfRun = 1;    // numberOfRun 1 is the first solver of the MAPF problem
                                instance    = ProblemInstance.Import(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\" + instanceName);
                                //instance = ProblemInstance.Import(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\WRONG-PATH-Instances\\" + instanceName);
                                instance.instanceId = i;
                            catch (Exception importException)
                                if (onlyReadInstances)
                                    Console.WriteLine("File " + instanceName + "  dosen't exist");
                                // ubild the problem instance:
                                instance = runner.GenerateProblemInstance(gridSizes[gs], agentListSizes[ag], obstaclesProbs[obs] * gridSizes[gs] * gridSizes[gs] / 100);
                                instance.ComputeSingleAgentShortestPaths(); // REMOVE FOR GENERATOR
                                instance.instanceId = i;
                                // save the problem instance to a local file:

                            // ******** Some of the project modifications: ********
                            int numberOfAgents = instance.m_vAgents.Count();    // the number of agents in the MAPF problem

                            // If you chose to run the automated algorithm to find the middle positions
                            if (sloveWithAutomatedSingleAgentMiddlePosition)
                                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAgents; j++)
                            // Finished solving the separated single agents
                            if (sloveWithAutomatedSingleAgentMiddlePosition)
                                // Printing the new calculated middle positions of our MAPF problem
                                Console.WriteLine("Here are the new caculated middle positions from the separeted single agents solutions:");
                                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAgents; j++)
                                    Console.Write("|({1},{2})", j, middlePosition[j][0], middlePosition[j][1]);
                                Console.WriteLine("Great, you executed the automated middle positions algorithm!");

                            // This is the call for solving the source problem with the regular full Astar solver

                            // Finished the regular full Astar solution and printing the middle positions from the middle of it
                            Console.WriteLine("-----------> Finished the regular A*star solution <-----------\n");
                            Console.WriteLine("The middle stage of the plan from full Astar on all the agents together:\n{0}", positionsOfMiddleStage);

                            numberOfRun = 2;    // numberOfRun 2 is the second run of the solver -> on the first half of the problem (from the start until the middle positions)
                            // Creating new problem instances that will be solve
                            // Load the same MAPF problem map
                            instanceForFirstAstar            = ProblemInstance.Import(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\" + instanceName);
                            instanceForFirstAstar.instanceId = i + 1;
                            instanceForFirstAstar.instanceId = i + numberOfAgents + 1;
                            // If the solver calculated the middle position in the automating method - it will printed it and you can see the differences in the output
                            if (sloveWithAutomatedSingleAgentMiddlePosition)
                                Console.WriteLine("Here are the new caculated middle positions from the separeted single agents solutions:");
                            // Changing the goal states of the new instance, the new goal state will be the middle state from the source problem
                            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAgents; j++)
                                int[] tempPosition = { 0, 0 };
                                tempPosition[0] = instance.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.x;
                                tempPosition[1] = instance.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.y;
                                instanceForFirstAstar.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.x = middlePosition[j][0];
                                instanceForFirstAstar.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.y = middlePosition[j][1];
                                // Printing the middle positions of the new first half problem that is going to be solved
                                Console.WriteLine("Middle position for agent {0}: {1},{2}", j, instanceForFirstAstar.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.x, instanceForFirstAstar.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.y);
                            // Compute the ComputeSingleAgentShortestPaths for the new half instance (required before starting solving the instance)
                            // Solving the new first half problem instance

                            Console.WriteLine("-----------> Finished first half of A*star <-----------\n");

                            // Start building the second half of the MAPF problem
                            instanceForSecondReverseAstar            = ProblemInstance.Import(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Instances\\" + instanceName);
                            instanceForSecondReverseAstar.instanceId = i + numberOfAgents + 2;

                            // Changing the new starting positions to be the middle positions that were calculated before, the goal state is remaining the same as the source problem
                            if (secondPartIsReverse)
                                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAgents; j++)
                                    instanceForSecondReverseAstar.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.x = trueMiddlePosition[j][0];
                                    instanceForSecondReverseAstar.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.y = trueMiddlePosition[j][1];
                                    instanceForSecondReverseAstar.m_vAgents[j].lastMove.x   = realGoals[j][0];
                                    instanceForSecondReverseAstar.m_vAgents[j].lastMove.y   = realGoals[j][1];
                                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAgents; j++)
                                    instanceForSecondReverseAstar.m_vAgents[j].lastMove.x = trueMiddlePosition[j][0];
                                    instanceForSecondReverseAstar.m_vAgents[j].lastMove.y = trueMiddlePosition[j][1];

                            // NumberOfRun 3 is the third run of the solver -> on the second half of the problem (from the end goal state backward to the middle positions state)
                            numberOfRun = 3;
                            // Compute the ComputeSingleAgentShortestPaths for the new half instance (required before starting solving the instance)
                            // Solving the new second half problem instance

                            if (secondPartIsReverse)
                                Console.WriteLine("-----------> Finished the second reverse A*star <-----------\n");
                                Console.WriteLine("You solved the problem using Bi-Directional algorithm - with Forward and Reverse solvers");
                                Console.WriteLine("-----------> Finished the second forward A*star <-----------\n");
                                Console.WriteLine("You solved the problem using the splitted Forward-Forward algorithm - both of the parts were solved using forward search solver");

                            // Here all the three main solvers (the regular full Astar and the two halves) were finished
                            // Starting to print the final results

                            // Printing the middle positions that were used by the algorithm to solve the MAPF problem
                            Console.WriteLine("The middle position of the plan from full Astar on all the agents together:\n{0}", positionsOfMiddleStage);
                            if (sloveWithAutomatedSingleAgentMiddlePosition)
                                Console.WriteLine("Here are the new caculated middle positions from the separeted single agents solutions:");
                                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAgents; j++)
                                    Console.Write("|({1},{2})", j, instanceForFirstAstar.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.x, instanceForFirstAstar.m_vAgents[j].agent.Goal.y);
                                Console.WriteLine("Great, you executed the automated middle positions algorithm!!");
                                Console.WriteLine("The solution was made using this middle positions from the true middle of the real full Astar solver");

                            // Writing the final results - with all the sum-up statistics
                            Console.WriteLine("                Final Results!:\n" +
                            Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------\n" +
                                              "Total cost full regular A*star = {0}\n" +
                                              "Total cost Bi - Directional A* star = {1}\n" +
                                              "Bi - Directional details:\n" +
                                              "Total cost starting half A* star = {2}\n" +
                                              "Total cost reverse half A* star = {3}", costFullAstar, costBiDirectionalAstar, costStartingAstar, costReverseAstar);
                            Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------\n" +
                                              "Total time full regular A*star = {0}\n" +
                                              "Total time Bi - Directional A* star = {1}\n" +
                                              "Bi - Directional details:\n" +
                                              "Total time starting half A* star = {2}\n" +
                                              "Total time reverse half A* star = {3}", timeFullAstar, timeBiDirectionalAstar, timeStartingAstar, timeReverseAstar);

                            /*Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------\n" +
                             * "Total expanded nodes full regular A* star = {0}\n" +
                             * "Total expanded nodes Bi-Directional A* star = {1}\n" +
                             * "Bi - Directional details:\n" +
                             * "Total expanded nodes starting half A*star = {2}\n" +
                             * "Total expanded nodes reverse half A*star = {3}", expandedNodesFullAstar, expandedNodesBiDirectionalAstar, expandedNodesStartingAstar, expandedNodesReverseAstar);
                             */Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------\n" +
                                              "Total generated nodes full regular A*star = {0}\n" +
                                              "Total generated nodes Bi-Directional A* star = {1}\n" +
                                              "Bi - Directional details:\n" +
                                              "Total generated nodes starting half A*star = {2}\n" +
                                              "Total generated nodes reverse half A*star = {3}\n" +
                                              "--------------------------------------------------", generatedNodesFullAstar, generatedNodesBiDirectionalAstar, generatedNodesStartingAstar, generatedNodesReverseAstar);
                            Console.WriteLine("Total opened nodes full regular A*star = {0}\n" +
                                              "Total opened nodes Bi-Directional A* star = {1}\n" +
                                              "Bi - Directional details:\n" +
                                              "Total opened nodes starting half A*star = {2}\n" +
                                              "Total opened nodes reverse half A*star = {3}\n" +
                                              "--------------------------------------------------", numberOpenNodesFullAstar, numberOpenNodesBiDirectionalAstar, numberOpenNodesStartingAstar, numberOpenNodesReverseAstar);

                            // Save the latest problem
                            if (File.Exists(currentProblemFileName))
                            var lastProblemFile = new StreamWriter(currentProblemFileName);
                            lastProblemFile.Write("{0},{1},{2},{3}", gs, obs, ag, i);
                            for (int j = 0; j < runner.outOfTimeCounters.Length; j++)
                                lastProblemFile.Write("," + runner.outOfTimeCounters[j]);
            // end of building the grid map