Exemple #1
        private static Function CreateMLPClassifier(DeviceDescriptor device, int numOutputClasses, int hiddenLayerDim, Function input, string classifierName)
            Function dense1           = CNTKHelper.Dense(input, hiddenLayerDim, device, Activation.Sigmoid, "");
            Function classifierOutput = CNTKHelper.Dense(dense1, numOutputClasses, device, Activation.None, classifierName);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create convolution neural network
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="features">input feature variable</param>
        /// <param name="outDims">number of output classes</param>
        /// <param name="device">CPU or GPU device to run the model</param>
        /// <param name="classifierName">name of the classifier</param>
        /// <returns>the convolution neural network classifier</returns>
        static Function CreateConvolutionalNeuralNetwork(Variable features, int inputLayers, int outDims, DeviceDescriptor device, string classifierName)
            // 28x28x1 -> 14x14x4
            int kernelWidth1 = 3, kernelHeight1 = 3, outFeatureMapCount1 = 4;
            int hStride1 = 2, vStride1 = 2;
            int poolingWindowWidth1 = 3, poolingWindowHeight1 = 3;

            Function pooling1 = ConvolutionWithMaxPooling(features, device, kernelWidth1, kernelHeight1,
                                                          inputLayers, outFeatureMapCount1, hStride1, vStride1, poolingWindowWidth1, poolingWindowHeight1);

            // 14x14x4 -> 7x7x8
            int kernelWidth2 = 3, kernelHeight2 = 3, numInputChannels2 = outFeatureMapCount1, outFeatureMapCount2 = 8;
            int hStride2 = 2, vStride2 = 2;
            int poolingWindowWidth2 = 3, poolingWindowHeight2 = 3;

            Function pooling2 = ConvolutionWithMaxPooling(pooling1, device, kernelWidth2, kernelHeight2,
                                                          numInputChannels2, outFeatureMapCount2, hStride2, vStride2, poolingWindowWidth2, poolingWindowHeight2);

            Function denseLayer = CNTKHelper.Dense(pooling2, outDims, device, Activation.None, classifierName);
