public static bool DescryptFile(string pathFile, string pass, out MemoryStream stream)
            string initVector = INIT_VECTOR_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT;
            RijndaelEnhanced re = new RijndaelEnhanced(pass, initVector);

            if (!File.Exists(pathFile))
                stream = null;
                return false;
                // Reading the content of the file into an array of bytes.
                byte[] content = File.ReadAllBytes(pathFile);
                byte[] DecryptContent = re.DecryptToBytes(content);
                //byte[] buffer = new byte[DecryptContent.Length];
                // File.WriteAllBytes("test.xml", EncryptContent);

                stream = new MemoryStream(DecryptContent);

                // Crazy debug
                // StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream);
                // File.WriteAllText("test1.xml", sr.ReadToEnd());
            catch (Exception ex)
                stream = null;
                return false;

            return true;
