protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { if (Module.Section.CacheDuration > 0 && Module.CacheKey != null && !Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && !Page.IsPostBack) { // Get the cached content. Don't use cached output after a postback. if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[Module.CacheKey] != null && !IsPostBack) { // Found cached content. _cachedOutput = HttpContext.Current.Cache[Module.CacheKey].ToString(); } } if (Page is PageEngine) { _pageEngine = (PageEngine)Page; } base.OnInit(e); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (this.Page is PageEngine) { this._page = (PageEngine)this.Page; // Bind level 2 nodes if (this._page.ActiveNode.Level > 0) { this.rptNav2.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(rptNav2_ItemDataBound); this.rptNav2.DataSource = this._page.ActiveNode.NodePath[1].ChildNodes; this.rptNav2.DataBind(); } } } catch (InvalidCastException ex) { throw new Exception("This control requires a Page of the type CMS.Web.UI.Page.", ex); } }