Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores all of our files in the cache once done.
        /// Called by NetAsyncDownloader on completion.
        /// Called with all nulls on download cancellation.
        /// </summary>
        private void ModuleDownloadsComplete(NetModuleCache cache, Uri[] urls, string[] filenames, Exception[] errors)
            if (filenames != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
                    if (errors[i] == null)
                        // Cache the downloads that succeeded.
                            cache.Store(modules[i], filenames[i], modules[i].StandardName());
                        catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                            log.WarnFormat("cache.Store(): FileNotFoundException: {0}", e.Message);

                // Finally, remove all our temp files.
                // We probably *could* have used Store's integrated move function above, but if we managed
                // to somehow get two URLs the same in our download set, that could cause right troubles!
                foreach (string tmpfile in filenames)
                    log.DebugFormat("Cleaning up {0}", tmpfile);
Exemple #2
        private IEnumerable <ListViewItem> getRecSugRows(
            NetModuleCache cache,
            Dictionary <CkanModule, Tuple <bool, List <string> > > recommendations,
            Dictionary <CkanModule, List <string> > suggestions,
            Dictionary <CkanModule, HashSet <string> > supporters
            foreach (var kvp in recommendations)
                yield return(getRecSugItem(cache, kvp.Key, string.Join(", ", kvp.Value.Item2),
                                           RecommendationsGroup, kvp.Value.Item1));

            foreach (var kvp in suggestions)
                yield return(getRecSugItem(cache, kvp.Key, string.Join(", ", kvp.Value),
                                           SuggestionsGroup, false));

            foreach (var kvp in supporters
                     .ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => string.Join(", ", kvp.Value.OrderBy(s => s)))
                     .OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value)
                yield return(getRecSugItem(cache, kvp.Key, string.Join(", ", kvp.Value),
                                           SupportedByGroup, false));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Import a list of files into the download cache, with progress bar and
        /// interactive prompts for installation and deletion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="files">Set of files to import</param>
        /// <param name="user">Object for user interaction</param>
        /// <param name="installMod">Function to call to mark a mod for installation</param>
        /// <param name="allowDelete">True to ask user whether to delete imported files, false to leave the files as is</param>
        public void ImportFiles(HashSet <FileInfo> files, IUser user, Action <string> installMod, bool allowDelete = true)
            Registry         registry    = registry_manager.registry;
            HashSet <string> installable = new HashSet <string>();
            List <FileInfo>  deletable   = new List <FileInfo>();
            // Get the mapping of known hashes to modules
            Dictionary <string, List <CkanModule> > index = registry.GetSha1Index();
            int i = 0;

            foreach (FileInfo f in files)
                int percent = i * 100 / files.Count;
                user.RaiseProgress($"Importing {f.Name}... ({percent}%)", percent);
                // Calc SHA-1 sum
                string sha1 = NetModuleCache.GetFileHashSha1(f.FullName);
                // Find SHA-1 sum in registry (potentially multiple)
                if (index.ContainsKey(sha1))
                    List <CkanModule> matches = index[sha1];
                    foreach (CkanModule mod in matches)
                        if (mod.IsCompatibleKSP(ksp.VersionCriteria()))
                        if (Cache.IsMaybeCachedZip(mod))
                            user.RaiseMessage("Already cached: {0}", f.Name);
                            user.RaiseMessage($"Importing {mod.identifier} {StripEpoch(mod.version)}...");
                            Cache.Store(mod, f.FullName);
                    user.RaiseMessage("Not found in index: {0}", f.Name);
            if (installable.Count > 0 && user.RaiseYesNoDialog($"Install {installable.Count} compatible imported mods in game instance {ksp.Name} ({ksp.GameDir()})?"))
                // Install the imported mods
                foreach (string identifier in installable)
            if (allowDelete && deletable.Count > 0 && user.RaiseYesNoDialog($"Import complete. Delete {deletable.Count} old files?"))
                // Delete old files
                foreach (FileInfo f in deletable)
Exemple #4
        public void LoadProviders(string requested, List <CkanModule> modules, NetModuleCache cache)
            Util.Invoke(this, () =>
                ChooseProvidedModsLabel.Text = String.Format(

                                                          .Select(module => new ListViewItem(new string[]
                            ? string.Format(Properties.Resources.MainChangesetCached, module.name, module.version)
                            : string.Format(Properties.Resources.MainChangesetHostSize, module.name, module.version, module.download.Host ?? "", CkanModule.FmtSize(module.download_size)),
                    Tag     = module,
                    Checked = false
                ChooseProvidedModsContinueButton.Enabled = false;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the given mod to the cache. Returns the filename it was saved to.
        /// </summary>
        public static string Download(CkanModule module, string filename, NetModuleCache cache)
            log.Info("Downloading " + filename);

            string tmp_file = Net.Download(module.download);

            return(cache.Store(module, tmp_file, filename, true));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a perfectly boring NetAsyncModulesDownloader.
 /// </summary>
 public NetAsyncModulesDownloader(IUser user, NetModuleCache cache)
     modules    = new List <CkanModule>();
     downloader = new NetAsyncDownloader(user)
         // Schedule us to process each module on completion.
         onOneCompleted = ModuleDownloadComplete
     this.cache = cache;
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores all of our files in the cache once done.
        /// Called by NetAsyncDownloader on completion.
        /// Called with all nulls on download cancellation.
        /// </summary>
        private void ModuleDownloadsComplete(NetModuleCache cache, Uri[] urls, string[] filenames, Exception[] errors)
            if (urls != null)
                // spawn up to 3 dialogs
                int errorDialogsLeft = 3;

                for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
                    if (errors[i] != null)
                        if (errorDialogsLeft > 0)
                            User.RaiseError("Failed to download \"{0}\" - error: {1}", urls[i], errors[i].Message);
                        // Even if some of our downloads failed, we want to cache the
                        // ones which succeeded.

                        // This doesn't work :(
                        // for some reason the tmp files get deleted before we get here and we get a nasty exception
                        // not only that but then we try _to install_ the rest of the mods and then CKAN crashes
                        // and the user's registry gets corrupted forever
                        // commenting out until this is resolved
                        // ~ nlight

                            cache.Store(modules[i], filenames[i], modules[i].StandardName());
                        catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                            log.WarnFormat("cache.Store(): FileNotFoundException: {0}", e.Message);

            if (filenames != null)
                // Finally, remove all our temp files.
                // We probably *could* have used Store's integrated move function above, but if we managed
                // to somehow get two URLs the same in our download set, that could cause right troubles!

                foreach (string tmpfile in filenames)
                    log.DebugFormat("Cleaning up {0}", tmpfile);
Exemple #8
 public void LoadRecommendations(
     NetModuleCache cache,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, Tuple <bool, List <string> > > recommendations,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, List <string> > suggestions,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, HashSet <string> > supporters
     RecommendedModsToggleCheckbox.Checked = true;
         getRecSugRows(cache, recommendations, suggestions, supporters).ToArray());
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a KSP object.
 /// Will initialise a CKAN instance in the KSP dir if it does not already exist,
 /// if the directory contains a valid KSP install.
 /// </summary>
 public KSP(string gameDir, string name, IUser user)
     Name = name;
     User = user;
     // Make sure our path is absolute and has normalised slashes.
     this.gameDir = KSPPathUtils.NormalizePath(Path.GetFullPath(gameDir));
     if (Valid)
         Cache = new NetModuleCache(DownloadCacheDir());
Exemple #10
 private ListViewItem getRecSugItem(NetModuleCache cache, CkanModule module, string descrip, ListViewGroup group, bool check)
     return(new ListViewItem(new string[]
             ? string.Format(Properties.Resources.MainChangesetCached, module.name, module.version)
             : string.Format(Properties.Resources.MainChangesetHostSize, module.name, module.version, module.download.Host ?? "", CkanModule.FmtSize(module.download_size)),
         Tag = module,
         Checked = check,
         Group = group
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the path to a cached copy of a module if it exists, or downloads
        /// and returns the downloaded copy otherwise.
        /// If no filename is provided, the module's standard name will be used.
        /// Chcecks provided cache first.
        /// </summary>
        public static string CachedOrDownload(CkanModule module, NetModuleCache cache, string filename = null)
            if (filename == null)
                filename = CkanModule.StandardName(module.identifier, module.version);

            string full_path = cache.GetCachedZip(module);

            if (full_path == null)
                return(Download(module, filename, cache));

            log.DebugFormat("Using {0} (cached)", filename);
Exemple #12
 public void LoadRecommendations(
     IRegistryQuerier registry, KspVersionCriteria kspVersion, NetModuleCache cache,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, Tuple <bool, List <string> > > recommendations,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, List <string> > suggestions,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, HashSet <string> > supporters
     this.registry   = registry;
     this.kspVersion = kspVersion;
     Util.Invoke(this, () =>
         RecommendedModsToggleCheckbox.Checked = true;
             getRecSugRows(cache, recommendations, suggestions, supporters).ToArray());
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a perfectly boring NetAsyncModulesDownloader.
 /// </summary>
 public NetAsyncModulesDownloader(IUser user, NetModuleCache cache)
     modules    = new List <CkanModule>();
     downloader = new NetAsyncDownloader(user)
         // Schedule us to process each module on completion.
         onOneCompleted = ModuleDownloadComplete
     downloader.Progress += (target, remaining, total) =>
         var mod = modules.FirstOrDefault(m => m.download == target.url);
         if (mod != null && Progress != null)
             Progress(mod, remaining, total);
     this.cache = cache;
 public void LoadRecommendations(
     IRegistryQuerier registry,
     HashSet <CkanModule> toInstall, HashSet <CkanModule> toUninstall,
     GameVersionCriteria GameVersion, NetModuleCache cache,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, Tuple <bool, List <string> > > recommendations,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, List <string> > suggestions,
     Dictionary <CkanModule, HashSet <string> > supporters
     this.registry    = registry;
     this.toInstall   = toInstall;
     this.toUninstall = toUninstall;
     this.GameVersion = GameVersion;
     Util.Invoke(this, () =>
         RecommendedModsToggleCheckbox.Checked = true;
             getRecSugRows(cache, recommendations, suggestions, supporters).ToArray());
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="IDownloader.DownloadModules(NetFileCache, IEnumerable{CkanModule})"/>
        /// </summary>
        public void DownloadModules(NetModuleCache cache, IEnumerable <CkanModule> modules)
            // Walk through all our modules, but only keep the first of each
            // one that has a unique download path.
            Dictionary <Uri, CkanModule> unique_downloads = modules
                                                            .GroupBy(module => module.download)
                                                            .ToDictionary(p => p.First().download, p => p.First());


            // Schedule us to process our modules on completion.
            downloader.onCompleted =
                (_uris, paths, errors) =>
                ModuleDownloadsComplete(cache, _uris, paths, errors);

                // Start the downloads!
                    unique_downloads.Select(item => new Net.DownloadTarget(
                                                // Use a temp file name
                                                // Send the MIME type to use for the Accept header
                                                // The GitHub API requires this to include application/octet-stream
                            ? defaultMimeType
                            : $"{item.Value.download_content_type};q=1.0,{defaultMimeType};q=0.9"
            catch (DownloadErrorsKraken kraken)
                // Associate the errors with the affected modules
                throw new ModuleDownloadErrorsKraken(this.modules, kraken);
        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="IDownloader.DownloadModules(NetFileCache, IEnumerable{CkanModule})"/>
        /// </summary>
        public void DownloadModules(NetModuleCache cache, IEnumerable <CkanModule> modules)
            // Walk through all our modules, but only keep the first of each
            // one that has a unique download path.
            Dictionary <Uri, CkanModule> unique_downloads = modules
                                                            .GroupBy(module => module.download)
                                                            .ToDictionary(p => p.First().download, p => p.First());


            // Schedule us to process our modules on completion.
            downloader.onCompleted =
                (_uris, paths, errors) =>
                ModuleDownloadsComplete(cache, _uris, paths, errors);

            // retrieve the expected download size for each mod
            List <KeyValuePair <Uri, long> > downloads_with_size = unique_downloads
                                                                   .Select(item => new KeyValuePair <Uri, long>(item.Key, item.Value.download_size))

            // Start the download!
        /// <summary>
        /// Switch to using a download cache in a new location
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Location of folder for new cache</param>
        /// <param name="failureReason">Contains a human readable failure message if the setup failed</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if successful, false otherwise
        /// </returns>
        public bool TrySetupCache(string path, out string failureReason)
            string origPath = Configuration.DownloadCacheDir;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    Configuration.DownloadCacheDir = "";
                    Cache = new NetModuleCache(this, Configuration.DownloadCacheDir);
                    Cache = new NetModuleCache(this, path);
                    Configuration.DownloadCacheDir = path;
                failureReason = null;
            catch (DirectoryNotFoundKraken)
                failureReason = $"{path} does not exist";
            catch (PathErrorKraken ex)
                failureReason = ex.Message;
            catch (IOException ex)
                // MoveFrom failed, possibly full disk, so undo the change
                Configuration.DownloadCacheDir = origPath;
                failureReason = ex.Message;
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Download and update the local CKAN meta-info.
        /// Optionally takes a URL to the zipfile repo to download.
        /// Returns the number of unique modules updated.
        /// </summary>
        public static int UpdateAllRepositories(RegistryManager registry_manager, KSP ksp, NetModuleCache cache, IUser user)
            SortedDictionary <string, Repository> sortedRepositories = registry_manager.registry.Repositories;
            List <CkanModule> allAvail = new List <CkanModule>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Repository> repository in sortedRepositories)
                log.InfoFormat("About to update {0}", repository.Value.name);
                SortedDictionary <string, int> downloadCounts;
                List <CkanModule> avail = UpdateRegistry(repository.Value.uri, ksp, user, out downloadCounts);
                if (avail == null)
                    // Report failure if any repo fails, rather than losing half the list.
                    // UpdateRegistry will have alerted the user to specific errors already.
                    log.InfoFormat("Updated {0}", repository.Value.name);
                    // Merge all the lists
            // Save allAvail to the registry if we found anything
            if (allAvail.Count > 0)
                // Save our changes.
                registry_manager.Save(enforce_consistency: false);

                ShowUserInconsistencies(registry_manager.registry, user);

                List <CkanModule> metadataChanges = GetChangedInstalledModules(registry_manager.registry);
                if (metadataChanges.Count > 0)
                    HandleModuleChanges(metadataChanges, user, ksp, cache);

                // Return how many we got!
                // Return failure
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve differences between installed and available metadata for given ModuleInstaller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataChanges">List of modules that changed</param>
        /// <param name="user">Object for user interaction callbacks</param>
        /// <param name="ksp">Game instance</param>
        private static void HandleModuleChanges(List <CkanModule> metadataChanges, IUser user, KSP ksp, NetModuleCache cache)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < metadataChanges.Count; i++)
                CkanModule module = metadataChanges[i];
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("- {0} {1}", module.identifier, module.version));

            if (user.RaiseYesNoDialog(string.Format(@"The following mods have had their metadata changed since last update:

You should reinstall them in order to preserve consistency with the repository.

Do you wish to reinstall now?", sb)))
                ModuleInstaller installer = ModuleInstaller.GetInstance(ksp, cache, new NullUser());
                // New upstream metadata may break the consistency of already installed modules
                // e.g. if user installs modules A and B and then later up A is made to conflict with B
                // This is perfectly normal and shouldn't produce an error, therefore we skip enforcing
                // consistency. However, we will show the user any inconsistencies later on.

                // Use the identifiers so we use the overload that actually resolves relationships
                // Do each changed module one at a time so a failure of one doesn't cause all the others to fail
                foreach (string changedIdentifier in metadataChanges.Select(i => i.identifier))
                            new[] { changedIdentifier },
                            new NetAsyncModulesDownloader(new NullUser()),
                            enforceConsistency: false
                    // Thrown when a dependency couldn't be satisfied
                    catch (ModuleNotFoundKraken)
                        log.WarnFormat("Skipping installation of {0} due to relationship error.", changedIdentifier);
                        user.RaiseMessage("Skipping installation of {0} due to relationship error.", changedIdentifier);
                    // Thrown when a conflicts relationship is violated
                    catch (InconsistentKraken)
                        log.WarnFormat("Skipping installation of {0} due to relationship error.", changedIdentifier);
                        user.RaiseMessage("Skipping installation of {0} due to relationship error.", changedIdentifier);
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Download and update the local CKAN meta-info.
        /// Optionally takes a URL to the zipfile repo to download.
        /// </summary>
        public static RepoUpdateResult UpdateAllRepositories(RegistryManager registry_manager, KSP ksp, NetModuleCache cache, IUser user)
            SortedDictionary <string, Repository> sortedRepositories = registry_manager.registry.Repositories;

            if (sortedRepositories.Values.All(repo => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(repo.last_server_etag) && repo.last_server_etag == Net.CurrentETag(repo.uri)))
                user?.RaiseMessage("No changes since last update");
            List <CkanModule> allAvail = new List <CkanModule>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Repository> repository in sortedRepositories)
                log.InfoFormat("About to update {0}", repository.Value.name);
                SortedDictionary <string, int> downloadCounts;
                string            newETag;
                List <CkanModule> avail = UpdateRegistry(repository.Value.uri, ksp, user, out downloadCounts, out newETag);
                if (avail == null)
                    // Report failure if any repo fails, rather than losing half the list.
                    // UpdateRegistry will have alerted the user to specific errors already.
                    log.InfoFormat("Updated {0}", repository.Value.name);
                    // Merge all the lists
                    repository.Value.last_server_etag = newETag;
            // Save allAvail to the registry if we found anything
            if (allAvail.Count > 0)
                // Save our changes.
                registry_manager.Save(enforce_consistency: false);

                ShowUserInconsistencies(registry_manager.registry, user);

                List <CkanModule> metadataChanges = GetChangedInstalledModules(registry_manager.registry);
                if (metadataChanges.Count > 0)
                    HandleModuleChanges(metadataChanges, user, ksp, cache, registry_manager);

                // Registry.CompatibleModules is slow, just return success,
                // caller can check it if it's really needed
                // Return failure
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve differences between installed and available metadata for given ModuleInstaller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataChanges">List of modules that changed</param>
        /// <param name="user">Object for user interaction callbacks</param>
        /// <param name="ksp">Game instance</param>
        /// <param name="cache">Cacne object for mod downloads</param>
        /// <param name="registry_manager">Manager that holds our game instances</param>
        private static void HandleModuleChanges(List <CkanModule> metadataChanges, IUser user, GameInstance ksp, NetModuleCache cache, RegistryManager registry_manager)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < metadataChanges.Count; i++)
                CkanModule module = metadataChanges[i];
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("- {0} {1}", module.identifier, module.version));

            if (user.RaiseYesNoDialog(string.Format(@"The following mods have had their metadata changed since last update:

You should reinstall them in order to preserve consistency with the repository.

Do you wish to reinstall now?", sb)))
                throw new ReinstallModuleKraken(metadataChanges);
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a perfectly boring NetAsyncModulesDownloader.
 /// </summary>
 public NetAsyncModulesDownloader(IUser user, NetModuleCache cache)
     modules    = new List <CkanModule>();
     downloader = new NetAsyncDownloader(user);
     this.cache = cache;
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Download and update the local CKAN meta-info.
        /// Optionally takes a URL to the zipfile repo to download.
        /// </summary>
        public static RepoUpdateResult UpdateAllRepositories(RegistryManager registry_manager, GameInstance ksp, NetModuleCache cache, IUser user)
            SortedDictionary <string, Repository> sortedRepositories = registry_manager.registry.Repositories;

            user.RaiseProgress("Checking for updates", 0);
            if (sortedRepositories.Values.All(repo => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(repo.last_server_etag) && repo.last_server_etag == Net.CurrentETag(repo.uri)))
                user.RaiseProgress("Already up to date", 100);
                user.RaiseMessage("No changes since last update");
            List <CkanModule> allAvail = new List <CkanModule>();
            int index = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Repository> repository in sortedRepositories)
                user.RaiseProgress($"Updating {repository.Value.name}",
                                   10 + 80 * index / sortedRepositories.Count);
                SortedDictionary <string, int> downloadCounts;
                string            newETag;
                List <CkanModule> avail = UpdateRegistry(repository.Value.uri, ksp, user, out downloadCounts, out newETag);
                if (avail == null)
                    // Report failure if any repo fails, rather than losing half the list.
                    // UpdateRegistry will have alerted the user to specific errors already.
                    // Merge all the lists
                    repository.Value.last_server_etag = newETag;
                    user.RaiseMessage("Updated {0} ({1} modules)",
                                      repository.Value.name, avail.Count);
            // Save allAvail to the registry if we found anything
            if (allAvail.Count > 0)
                user.RaiseProgress("Saving modules to registry", 90);
                using (var transaction = CkanTransaction.CreateTransactionScope())
                    // Save our changes.
                    registry_manager.Save(enforce_consistency: false);

                ShowUserInconsistencies(registry_manager.registry, user);

                List <CkanModule> metadataChanges = GetChangedInstalledModules(registry_manager.registry);
                if (metadataChanges.Count > 0)
                    HandleModuleChanges(metadataChanges, user, ksp, cache, registry_manager);

                // Registry.CompatibleModules is slow, just return success,
                // caller can check it if it's really needed
                user.RaiseProgress("Registry saved", 100);
                user.RaiseMessage("Repositories updated");
                // Return failure
                user.RaiseMessage("No modules found!");