Exemple #1
        private bool readPacket(ref CdgPacket pack)
            if (m_pStream == null || m_pStream.eof() == 1)

            int read = 0;

            read += m_pStream.read(ref pack.command, 1);
            read += m_pStream.read(ref pack.instruction, 1);
            read += m_pStream.read(ref pack.parityQ, 2);
            read += m_pStream.read(ref pack.data, 16);
            read += m_pStream.read(ref pack.parityP, 4);

            return(read == 24);
Exemple #2
        public bool renderAtPosition(long ms)
            CdgPacket pack     = new CdgPacket();
            long      numPacks = 0;
            bool      res      = true;

            if ((m_pStream == null))

            if ((ms < m_positionMs))
                if ((m_pStream.seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) < 0))
                m_positionMs = 0;

            //duration of one packet is 1/300 seconds (4 packets per sector, 75 sectors per second)

            numPacks  = ms - m_positionMs;
            numPacks /= 10;

            m_positionMs += numPacks * 10;
            numPacks     *= 3;

            //TODO: double check logic due to inline while loop fucntionality
            //AndAlso m_pSurface.rgbData Is Nothing
            while (numPacks > 0)
                res = readPacket(ref pack);
                processPacket(ref pack);
                numPacks -= 1;

Exemple #3
        private void borderPreset(ref CdgPacket pack)
            int colour = 0;
            int ri     = 0;
            int ci     = 0;

            colour = pack.data[0] & 0xf;
            m_borderColourIndex = colour;

            //The border area is the area contained with a rectangle
            //defined by (0,0,300,216) minus the interior pixels which are contained
            //within a rectangle defined by (6,12,294,204).

            for (ri = 0; ri <= CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 1; ri++)
                for (ci = 0; ci <= 5; ci++)
                    m_pixelColours[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);

                for (ci = CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 6; ci <= CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 1; ci++)
                    m_pixelColours[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);

            for (ci = 6; ci <= CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 7; ci++)
                for (ri = 0; ri <= 11; ri++)
                    m_pixelColours[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);

                for (ri = CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 12; ri <= CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 1; ri++)
                    m_pixelColours[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);
Exemple #4
        private void memoryPreset(ref CdgPacket pack)
            int colour = 0;
            int ri     = 0;
            int ci     = 0;
            int repeat = 0;

            colour = pack.data[0] & 0xf;
            repeat = pack.data[1] & 0xf;

            //Our new interpretation of CD+G Revealed is that memory preset
            //commands should also change the border
            m_presetColourIndex = colour;
            m_borderColourIndex = colour;

            //we have a reliable data stream, so the repeat command
            //is executed only the first time

            if ((repeat == 0))
                //Note that this may be done before any load colour table
                //commands by some CDGs. So the load colour table itself
                //actual recalculates the RGB values for all pixels when
                //the colour table changes.

                //Set the preset colour for every pixel. Must be stored in
                //the pixel colour table indeces array

                for (ri = 0; ri <= CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 1; ri++)
                    for (ci = 0; ci <= CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 1; ci++)
                        m_pixelColours[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);
Exemple #5
        private void loadColorTable(ref CdgPacket pack, int table)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
                //[---high byte---]   [---low byte----]
                //7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0     7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
                //X X r r r r g g     X X g g b b b b

                byte byte0 = pack.data[2 * i];
                byte byte1 = pack.data[2 * i + 1];
                int  red   = (byte0 & 0x3f) >> 2;
                int  green = ((byte0 & 0x3) << 2) | ((byte1 & 0x3f) >> 4);
                int  blue  = byte1 & 0xf;

                red   *= 17;
                green *= 17;
                blue  *= 17;

                if (m_pSurface != null)
                    m_colourTable[i + table * 8] = m_pSurface.MapRGBColour(red, green, blue);
Exemple #6
        private void scroll(ref CdgPacket pack, bool copy)
            int colour        = 0;
            int hScroll       = 0;
            int vScroll       = 0;
            int hSCmd         = 0;
            int hOffset       = 0;
            int vSCmd         = 0;
            int vOffset       = 0;
            int vScrollPixels = 0;
            int hScrollPixels = 0;

            //Decode the scroll command parameters
            colour  = pack.data[0] & 0xf;
            hScroll = pack.data[1] & 0x3f;
            vScroll = pack.data[2] & 0x3f;

            hSCmd   = (hScroll & 0x30) >> 4;
            hOffset = (hScroll & 0x7);
            vSCmd   = (vScroll & 0x30) >> 4;
            vOffset = (vScroll & 0xf);

            m_hOffset = hOffset < 5 ? hOffset : 5;
            m_vOffset = vOffset < 11 ? vOffset : 11;

            //Scroll Vertical - Calculate number of pixels

            vScrollPixels = 0;
            if ((vSCmd == 2))
                vScrollPixels = -12;
            else if ((vSCmd == 1))
                vScrollPixels = 12;

            //Scroll Horizontal- Calculate number of pixels

            hScrollPixels = 0;
            if ((hSCmd == 2))
                hScrollPixels = -6;
            else if ((hSCmd == 1))
                hScrollPixels = 6;

            if ((hScrollPixels == 0 && vScrollPixels == 0))

            //Perform the actual scroll.

            byte[,] temp = new byte[CDG_FULL_HEIGHT + 1, CDG_FULL_WIDTH + 1];
            int vInc = vScrollPixels + CDG_FULL_HEIGHT;
            int hInc = hScrollPixels + CDG_FULL_WIDTH;
            int ri   = 0;
            //row index
            int ci = 0;

            //column index

            for (ri = 0; ri <= CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 1; ri++)
                for (ci = 0; ci <= CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 1; ci++)
                    temp[(ri + vInc) % CDG_FULL_HEIGHT, (ci + hInc) % CDG_FULL_WIDTH] = m_pixelColours[ri, ci];

            //if copy is false, we were supposed to fill in the new pixels
            //with a new colour. Go back and do that now.

            if ((copy == false))
                if ((vScrollPixels > 0))
                    for (ci = 0; ci <= CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 1; ci++)
                        for (ri = 0; ri <= vScrollPixels - 1; ri++)
                            temp[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);
                else if ((vScrollPixels < 0))
                    for (ci = 0; ci <= CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 1; ci++)
                        for (ri = CDG_FULL_HEIGHT + vScrollPixels; ri <= CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 1; ri++)
                            temp[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);

                if ((hScrollPixels > 0))
                    for (ci = 0; ci <= hScrollPixels - 1; ci++)
                        for (ri = 0; ri <= CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 1; ri++)
                            temp[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);
                else if ((hScrollPixels < 0))
                    for (ci = CDG_FULL_WIDTH + hScrollPixels; ci <= CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 1; ci++)
                        for (ri = 0; ri <= CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 1; ri++)
                            temp[ri, ci] = Convert.ToByte(colour);

            //Now copy the temporary buffer back to our array

            for (ri = 0; ri <= CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - 1; ri++)
                for (ci = 0; ci <= CDG_FULL_WIDTH - 1; ci++)
                    m_pixelColours[ri, ci] = temp[ri, ci];
Exemple #7
 private void defineTransparentColour(ref CdgPacket pack)
     m_transparentColour = pack.data[0] & 0xf;
Exemple #8
        private void tileBlock(ref CdgPacket pack, bool bXor)
            int colour0            = 0;
            int colour1            = 0;
            int column_index       = 0;
            int row_index          = 0;
            int myByte             = 0;
            int pixel              = 0;
            int xor_col            = 0;
            int currentColourIndex = 0;
            int new_col            = 0;

            colour0      = pack.data[0] & 0xf;
            colour1      = pack.data[1] & 0xf;
            row_index    = ((pack.data[2] & 0x1f) * 12);
            column_index = ((pack.data[3] & 0x3f) * 6);

            if ((row_index > (CDG_FULL_HEIGHT - TILE_HEIGHT)))
            if ((column_index > (CDG_FULL_WIDTH - TILE_WIDTH)))

            //Set the pixel array for each of the pixels in the 12x6 tile.
            //Normal = Set the colour to either colour0 or colour1 depending
            //on whether the pixel value is 0 or 1.
            //XOR = XOR the colour with the colour index currently there.

            for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++)
                myByte = (pack.data[4 + i] & 0x3f);
                for (int j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    pixel = (myByte >> (5 - j)) & 0x1;
                    if ((bXor))
                        //Tile Block XOR
                        if ((pixel == 0))
                            xor_col = colour0;
                            xor_col = colour1;

                        //Get the colour index currently at this location, and xor with it
                        currentColourIndex = m_pixelColours[row_index + i, column_index + j];
                        new_col            = currentColourIndex ^ xor_col;
                        if ((pixel == 0))
                            new_col = colour0;
                            new_col = colour1;

                    //Set the pixel with the new colour. We set both the surfarray
                    //containing actual RGB values, as well as our array containing
                    //the colour indexes into our colour table.
                    m_pixelColours[row_index + i, column_index + j] = Convert.ToByte(new_col);
Exemple #9
        private void processPacket(ref CdgPacket pack)
            int inst_code = 0;

            if (((pack.command[0] & CDG_MASK) == CDG_COMMAND))
                inst_code = (pack.instruction[0] & CDG_MASK);
                switch (inst_code)
                case CDG_INST_MEMORY_PRESET:
                    memoryPreset(ref pack);

                case CDG_INST_BORDER_PRESET:
                    borderPreset(ref pack);

                case CDG_INST_TILE_BLOCK:
                    tileBlock(ref pack, false);

                case CDG_INST_SCROLL_PRESET:
                    scroll(ref pack, false);

                case CDG_INST_SCROLL_COPY:
                    scroll(ref pack, true);

                case CDG_INST_DEF_TRANSP_COL:
                    defineTransparentColour(ref pack);

                case CDG_INST_LOAD_COL_TBL_LO:
                    loadColorTable(ref pack, 0);

                case CDG_INST_LOAD_COL_TBL_HIGH:
                    loadColorTable(ref pack, 1);

                case CDG_INST_TILE_BLOCK_XOR:
                    tileBlock(ref pack, true);

                    //Ignore the unsupported commands